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Oracle® Communications Services Gatekeeper RESTful Application Developer's Guide
Release 5.0

Part Number E16621-02
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3 Third Party Call

This chapter describes the operations in the Third Party Call interface of the RESTful Web Services provided in Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.

About RESTful Third Party Call Interface

Applications use the RESTful Third Party Call interface in Services Gatekeeper to set up a call, get information on that call, cancel the call request before it is successfully completed, or end a call that has been successfully set up.

Additionally, applications use this interface to specify the data required for the billing operation associated with the calls.

REST Service Descriptions Available at Run-time

When the Administration Server for your Services Gatekeeper domain is in the running state, the REST service descriptions of these operations can be found at


where host and port are the host name and port of the machine on which Services Gatekeeper is installed.

Make Call

The Make Call operation sets up a call between two parties referred to as the calling party and the called party.

To set up a call, provide the SIP-formatted URI of the calling party and the called party in the body of the request for the Make Call operation. Optionally, the request can also indicate any cost-charging parameters to be applied to the call.

If the Make Call operation is successful, the response header will contain the URI of the newly created resource as the value of the Location header field. Additionally, the response body will contain the call identifier for the newly created call object. Use this call identifier to reference the call for later.



HTTP Method




where host and port are the host name and port of the machine on which Services Gatekeeper is installed.

Request Header

The MIME-type for the Content-Type header field is application/json.

Request Body

The request body for the Make Call operation accepts the following parameters:

The request body for this operation is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of each name/value pair indicates its data type:

  "calledParty": "URI",
  "callingParty": "URI",
  "charging": {
    "description": "String",
    "amount": "BigDecimal",
    "code": "String",
    "currency": "String"

Response Header

The value in the Location header field is a single absolute URI in the following format:


where ${result} is a String-formatted call identifier for the newly-created call. See Example 3-2.

If the request fails, the Status-Line header field will contain the status code and the reason for the failure. See "Errors and Exceptions".

Response Body

The response body for the Make Call operation contains the call identifier returned in the Location header field. The call identifier is the value for the result term in the response body represented by the following name/value pair structure:

{"result": "String"}

See Example 3-2.


Example 3-1 Make Call Request

POST /rest/third_party_call/calls HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app: -1780934689905632396
Authorization: Basic ZG9tY1uX3VzZXI6ZG9tYWluX3VzZXI=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0
Host: localhost:8001
Content-Length: 105
Content-Type: application/json


Example 3-2 Make Call Response

HTTP:/1.1 201 Created
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 06:58:06 GMT
Location: http://local:host:8001/rest/third_party_call/call/app-1q39oi07wpvjl|e9674e8214447c1663a016d434c@|-50d94925ab34bf0
Content-Length: 96
Content-Type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1


Get Call Information

The Get Call Information operation retrieves the information on a previously-established call.

To retrieve the information on such a call, provide the appropriate call identifier in the GET request for this operation. This identifier should have been obtained by the initial set up request for the call.

If the operation is successful, the response body will contain the time the call started and the current status of the call. Additionally, if the call was terminated, the response body will indicate the total duration of the call and the reason for its termination.



HTTP Method





Request Header

The MIME-type for the Content-Type header field is application/json.

Request Body

There is no request body.

Response Header

Standard header fields. If the request fails, the Status-Line header field will contain the status code and the reason for the failure. See "Errors and Exceptions".

Response Body

When the Get Call Information operation is successful, the response body contains the appropriate values for the following parameters that describe the call:

These values are placed in a data structure as the value for result in the following JSON structure, where the value part of each name/value pair indicates its data type:

{"result": {
  "callStatus": "CallInitial|CallConnected|CallTerminated",
  "duration": "Integer",
  "startTime": "Calendar",   "terminationCause":"CallingPartyNoAnswer|CalledPartyNoAnswer|CallingPartyBusy|CalledPartyBusy|CallingPartyNotReachable|CalledPartyNotReachable|CallHangUp|CallAborted"


Example 3-3 Get Call Information Request

The GET command to get information on the call contains the call identifier.

GET /rest/third_party_call/call/app-1q39oi07wpvjl|e9674e8214447c1663a016d434c@|-50d94925ab34bf0 HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app: -123456789012346789
Authorization: Basic ZG9tY1uX3VzZXI6ZG9tYWluX3VzZXI=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0
Host: localhost:8001

Example 3-4 Get Call Information Response

HTTP:/1.1 201 Created
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 06:58:06 GMT
Content-Length: 124
Content-Type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1


Cancel Call Request

The Cancel Call Request operation cancels a previously-requested call that is in its initial state and not yet active. This operation will have no effect if the call is already established.

To cancel a call, provide the appropriate call identifier in the Request-URI for this operation. This identifier should have been obtained by the initial setup request for the call.

There is no request or response body for the Cancel Call operation. If the request fails, the body of the error response will contain the call identifier and the type of exception.



HTTP Method





Request Header

The MIME-type for the Content-Type header field is application/json.

Request Body

There is no request body.

Response Header

Standard header fields. If the request fails, the Status-Line header field will contain the status code and the reason for the failure. See "Errors and Exceptions".

Response Body

There is no response body.


Example 3-5 Cancel Call Request

The POST command to cancel the call contains the required call identifier.

POST /rest/third_party_call/cancel-call/app-1q39oi07wpvjl|e9674e8214447c1663a016d434c@|-50d94925ab34bf0 HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app: -123456789012346789
Authorization: Basic ZG9tY1uX3VzZXI6ZG9tYWluX3VzZXI=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0
Host: localhost:8001
Content-length: 0

Example 3-6 Cancel Call Response

If the Cancel Call Request operation succeeds, you will see a response similar to the following:

HTTP:/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 07:48:14 GMT
Content-Length: 0
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

Example 3-7 Error Response Example

If the Cancel Call Request operation fails, you will see an error response similar to the following. The error body will contain the call identifier as the value for the correlator attribute.

HTTP:/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 07:48:26 GMT
Content-Length: 261
Content-Type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

{"error" :
   {"message":"Invalid input value for message part Could not find a plugin for this message: correlator: app-1q39oi07wpvjl|e9674e8214447c1663a016d434c@|-50d94925ab34bf0",

End Call

The End Call operation ends a call that is active.

To end a call, provide the appropriate call identifier in the Request-URI for this operation. This identifier should have been obtained by the initial setup request for the call.

There is no request or response body for this operation. If the request fails, the body of the error response will contain the call identifier and the type of exception.



HTTP Method





Request Header

The MIME-type for the Content-Type header field is application/json.

Request Body

There is no request body.

Response Header

Standard header fields. If the request fails, the Status-Line header field will contain the status code and the reason for the failure. See "Errors and Exceptions".

Response Body

There is no response body.


Example 3-8 End Call Request

POST /rest/third_party_call/end-call/app-1q39oi07wpvjl|e9674e8214447c1663a016d434c@|-50d94925ab34bf0 HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app: -123456789012346789
Authorization: Basic ZG9tY1uX3VzZXI6ZG9tYWluX3VzZXI=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0
Host: localhost:8001
Content-length: 0

Example 3-9 End Call Response

If the End Call operation succeeds, you will see a response similar to the following:

HTTP:/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 07:48:14 GMT
Content-Length: 0
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1