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Oracle® Communications Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide
Release 5.0

Part Number E16623-02
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8 Managing and Configuring EDRs, CDRs and Alarms

This chapter describes how to manage and configure Event Data Records (EDRs), Charging Data Records (CDRs), and alarms in Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.

About EDRs, CDRs, and Alarms

Event Data Records (EDRs), are generated in the following ways:

EDR categories and XML markup

EDRs are the base component of both CDRs and alarms.

In order to categorize the objects in the EDR flow as either pure EDRs, alarms or CDRs, the EDR service uses an EDR configuration file:


The configuration file contains a set of sections:

  • <edr-config> contains descriptors that describe pure EDRs.

  • <alarm-config> contains descriptors that describe EDRs that should be considered alarms.

  • <cdr-config> contains descriptors that describe EDRs that should be considered CDRs.

The default Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper installation comes with a set of predefined descriptors. Changing and adapting the descriptors is done as a part of an integration project.

The XML configuration file can be edited and reloaded using the EDR Configuration pane: see "Managing EDR, CDR, and alarms configuration files using the EDR Configuration Pane".

Example 8-1 illustrates the structure of wlng-edr.xml. See “Creating an EDR Listener and Generating SNMP MIBs” in Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Platform Development Studio Developer's Guide for more information.

Example 8-1 structure of wlng-edr.xml

<edr-config xsi:schemaLocation=" edr-config.xsd">
<edr id="ID" description="description">
<name>message response message</name>
<class>fully qualified class name</class>

EDR format

The following values are always available in an EDR when it is generated in the standard way:

  • Class name

  • Method name

  • Direction (application-facing, network-facing), if the request is travelling from Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper to the network or from the network to Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.

  • Position (before, after), if the EDR was emitted before or after the method was invoked or the exception was thrown

  • Interface (application-facing or network-facing), if the EDR was emitted from the application-facing interface or from the network-facing interface of the plug-in

  • Source (method, exception), if the EDR is related to a method invocation or to an exception

In addition to these values, the EDR may also contain values relevant to the context of the request.

Figure 8-1 Applicaton Tier and Network Tier EDR Generation

Surrounding text describes Figure 8-1 .

Table 8-1 describes the contents of an EDR. Individual value fields in an EDR are retrieved by name using a key in a name/value pair.

Table 8-1 Contents of an EDR

String value of name (key) in name/ value pair Description


Defined in wlng-edr.xml.


The name or type of the service


Name of server where the EDR was generated


The time at which the EDR was triggered

Milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC


WebLogic Server transaction ID (if available)


Name of the class that logged the EDR


Name of the method that logged the EDR


Direction of the request


The type of source that logged the EDR


Position of the EDR relative to the method that logged the EDR


Interface where the EDR is logged


Name of the exception that triggered the EDR


Session ID


Service provider account ID


Application account ID


Application instance ID


The originating address with scheme included. For example: tel:1212771234


The destination address, or addresses, with scheme included.

May contain multiple addresses.


Any additional context-specific information


All EDRs are passed through the EDRService. All EDRs are dispatched to a JMS- distributed topic so external clients can receive them over JMS.

EDRs are not persisted in the database.


Alarms are EDRs that are mapped to alarms using the alarm.xml configuration file: see "EDR categories and XML markup".

Alarms can be configured to be persisted: see "Attribute: StoreAlarms".


CDRs are EDRs that are mapped to CDRs using the wlng-edr.xml configuration file, see "EDR categories and XML markup".

CDRs can be configured to be persisted, see "Attribute: StoreCDRs".

External EDR listeners

External EDR listeners are JMS topic subscribers. See “Creating an EDR Listener and Generating SNMP MIBs” in Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Platform Development Studio Developer's Guide for information on how to create a EDR listeners.


The following section describes the EDRService.

Configuration of the EDRService

To configure the behavior of the EDRService, in the EdrService managed object:

  1. Specify Attribute: PublishToJMS.

  2. Specify Attribute: StoreAlarms.

  3. Specify Attribute: StoreCDRs.

Management of the EDRService

The following section describes how to manage the EDRService.

Defining batch attributes

To configure the maximum number of EDRs sent in a batch to a JMS EDR listener and the maximum time to wait before the EDRs in the buffer are sent to listeners:

  1. Specify Attribute: BatchTimeout.

  2. Specify Attribute: BatchSize.

Reference: Attributes and Operations for EDRService

Managed object: Container Services−>EdrService


Following is a list of attributes and operations for configuration and maintenance.

Attribute: BatchTimeout

Scope: Cluster

Format: int

Unit: milliseconds

Specifies the timeout value for a JMS batch.

Attribute: StatisticsEnabled

Scope: Cluster

Format: boolean

Specifies if statistics is enabled for EDRService. Must be enabled for Operation: displayStatistics to be relevant.

Attribute: BatchSize

Scope: Cluster

Format: int

Unit: number of EDRs

Specifies the size of the JMS batch.

Attribute: PublishToJMS

Scope: Cluster

Format: Boolean

Specifies if EDRs shall be published in the JMS topic or not. Needs to be true if external EDR listeners are used.

Attribute: StoreAlarms

Scope: Cluster

Format: boolean

Specifies if alarms shall be stored in the database or not.

Attribute: StoreCDRs

Scope: Cluster

Format: boolean

Specifies if CDRs shall be stored in the database or not.

Operation: displayStatistics

Scope: Cluster

Displays a snapshot of the current statistics for EDRService. Attribute: StatisticsEnabled must be true for this operation to be relevant.

The following information is displayed:

  • Number of EDRs

  • Smallest EDR message size in bytes

  • Biggest EDR message size in bytes

  • Average EDR message size in bytes



Operation: resetStatistics

Scope: Cluster

Resets the statistics for the EDRService.



Managing EDR, CDR, and alarms configuration files using the EDR Configuration Pane

The Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper EDR Configuration pane allows the administrator to load new EDR, CDR, and alarm configuration files.

Open the pane by selecting OCSG > Server Name > EDR Configuration from the Domain Structure in the Administration Console.


Lock and Edit must be used.

Table 8-2 describes the inputs for the entry fields in the configuration pane.

Table 8-2 Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper EDR Configuration pane

Entry field Input

EDR descriptor

The EDR configuration file, see "EDR categories and XML markup".

CDR descriptor

The CDR configuration file: see "EDR categories and XML markup".

Alarm descriptor

The alarms configuration file: see "EDR categories and XML markup".