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Oracle® Communications Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide
Release 5.0

Part Number E16623-02
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25 Managing OSA/Parlay Gateway Connections using Parlay_Access

This chapter describes Open Services Architecture (OSA)/Parlay Gateways and explains how to connect them to OCSG.

Understanding OSA/Parlay Gateway and account mappings

This section describes the general model OCSG uses to deal with OSA/Parlay gateways.

Connection model

Services Gatekeeper communication services use an internal service, Parlay Access, to manage all connections with OSA/Parlay Gateways. A plug-in that connects to an OSA/Parlay Service Capability Server (SCS) asks the OSA Access service for a connection, and the service handles all of the details of authentication, service discovery, and load management towards the OSA/Parlay framework before returning the handle for the SCS to the plug-in.

The following concepts relate to a plug-in connected to an OSA/Parlay Gateway:

  • An OSA/Parlay Gateway, identified by a gatewayId, which represents the actual OSA/Parlay Gateway. Each OSA Gateway that is used is registered in Services Gatekeeper. Any certificate to be used when authenticating with the OSA/Parlay framework is associated with the gatewayId.

  • Each OSA/Parlay Gateway has one or more OSA/Parlay Gateway Connections, identified by a connectionID. Multiple connections are used if the actual OSA/Parlay Gateway contains more than one Framework. The link between the OSA Gateway and the OSA Gateway connection is the gatewayID/gwID.

  • An OSA/Parlay client represents the account in the OSA/Parlay Gateway. An OSA client has the following attributes:

    • OSA client application ID, made up of the Enterprise Operator ID and the Application ID as provisioned in the OSA/Parlay Gateway,

    • Depending on the authentication method used, a private key (with associated password and keystore password) and public certificate to be used when authenticating.

  • An OSA/Parlay client mapping maps an OSA/Parlay client with OSA/Parlay SCSes. There must be at least one OSA/Parlay client mapping per OSA SCS being used. If the communication service uses n OSA/Parlay SCSes, n client mappings must be defined. Three different models are possible for the OSA/Parlay client mapping:

    • The client mapping can use wild cards for both the service provider and the application level, so all applications from all service providers are mapped to a single Client. In this case, transactions in the OSA/Gateway are traceable only to Services Gatekeeper because Services Gatekeeper, from the OSA/Parlay Gateway's viewpoint, acts as one single application.

    • The client mapping can use a wildcard for the application level and specify the service provider, so multiple Services Gatekeeper applications that originate from a common service provider are mapped to a single OSA client. In this case, the transactions in the OSA/Gateway are traceable only to the service provider because Services Gatekeeper, from the OSA/Parlay Gateway's viewpoint, acts as one application per service provider.

    • The mapping may be set up per application level, so there is a one-to-one mapping between an Services Gatekeeper service provider and application account combination and the equivalent client. This means that every transaction originating from a specific application results in a transaction in the OSA/Parlay Gateway that is traceable to that specific application because Services Gatekeeper, from the OSA/Parlay Gateway's viewpoint, acts as one application per service provider and application combination.


      Combinations of the above are not allowed. The Services Gatekeeper administrator must choose one of these connection modes and use the same mode for all Services Gatekeeper applications. In the first case, the connection is a system-wide configuration. In the other two cases, the connection is set up as a part of the provisioning chain for Services Gatekeeper service providers and their applications.

    Defining the OSA/Parlay client mapping is a part of the provisioning chain in when setting up service provider and application accounts if the client mapping is of type b. or type c.

    Each OSA/Parlay Client mapping has a state:

    • Active, which means that the connection between Services Gatekeeper and a specific SCS in the OSA/Parlay Gateway is active and functional.

    • Inactive, which means that there is no active connection. This may be because the client mapping is not configured to be initialized at startup and no requests have yet been passed to it. It may also indicate that there is a problem with the connection.

Information and Certificate Exchange with OSA/Parlay Gateway Administrator

The OSA/Parlay Gateway administrator must provide the following information with regard to the OSA/Parlay Gateway account and OSA/Parlay Framework:

  • The entOpId (Enterprise Operator ID): Depending on how the OSA/Parlay operator administers applications (OSA/Parlay clients), the entOpId can be valid for:

    • All applications registered in Services Gatekeeper

    • All applications connected to a service provider account

    • A single application account

  • The appId (Application ID) to be used for the application account; used in conjunction with the entOpId in clientAppId parameters to various operations

  • The OSA/Parlay service types for the OSA/Parlay SCSes to which the application is to be mapped

  • The encryption method used

  • The signing algorithm used

  • Connection information for the OSA/Parlay Framework, either:

    • name service reference file to the OSA/Parlay Gateway Framework's Parlay IpInitial object.

    • name of the initial object in the name service and the file containing the Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) to the IpInitial object.

  • If the authentication method towards the OSA/Parlay Framework requires a certificate, the Services Gatekeeper administrator must generate one and distribute it to the OSA/Parlay Gateway administrator. The associated key must be stored in the Services Gatekeeper keystore. This is done when the OSA client is created: see "Creating an OSA client".

    For non-production environments, the WebLogic Server CertGen utility can be used to create certificates and keys.

Overall workflow when connecting to an OSA Gateway

Follow the steps below to connect an application account to an OSA/Parlay Gateway:

  1. Create a logical representation of the OSA/Parlay Gateways to connect to: see "Adding an OSA/Parlay Gateway".

  2. For each Framework in the OSA/Parlay Gateway, create a logical representation of the Framework: see "Adding an OSA Gateway Connection".

  3. Define how Services Gatekeeper connects to the OSA/Parlay Gateway.

    • If Services Gatekeeper connects to the OSA/Parlay Gateway as one single user, register this user: see "Creating an OSA client".

    • If Services Gatekeeper connects to the OSA/Parlay Gateway as several users, the registration of users is a part of the provisioning flow for service providers and applications.

  4. The registration of which SCSes to use in the OSA/Parlay Gateway is done either as a part of the configuration flow for the communication services or as a part of the provisioning flow for service providers and application. The procedure is described in "Mapping the OSA client to an OSA Gateway and an OSA/Parlay SCS", and the data to be used is described in the configuration section for each communication service.

Adding an OSA/Parlay Gateway

An OSA/Parlay Gateway connection is the entity representing an OSA/Parlay Gateway. One or more OSA Gateway Connections can be associated with the OSA Gateway.

  1. If authenticating using certificates, get the certificate for the OSA/Parlay Gateway from the administrator of the OSA/Parlay Gateway and store it on the local file system of the Services Gatekeeper administration server.

  2. Starting in the configuration and operations page for Plugin_Parlay_Access_communication service, select addGw from the Select An Operation list.

    The parameters for the operation are displayed.

  3. Enter the information specified in "Operation: addGw"

  4. Click Invoke.

    The OSA Gateway is created. An ID for the OSA Gateway is returned.

Adding an OSA Gateway Connection

An OSA Gateway connection is the entity representing an individual Framework in an OSA/Parlay Gateway.

  1. Get information about how to obtain a reference to the OSA/Parlay Framework from the administrator of the OSA/Parlay Gateway. These options are possible:

    • The name service reference file. Store the file on the local file system of the Services Gatekeeper administration server.

    • The name of the initial object in the name service and the file containing the IOR to the Parlay initial object. Store the file on the local file system of the Services Gatekeeper administration server.

    • The IOR is provided as a String.

  2. Starting in the configuration and operations page for Plugin_Parlay_Access_communication service:

    If the IOR is provided as a file: use Operation: addConnection

    If the IOR is provided as a String: use Operation: addConnectionIOR

  3. Click Invoke.

    The OSA Gateway Connection is created. An ID for the OSA Gateway Connection is returned.

Creating an OSA client

The OSA client is the entity being used when creating the OSA client mapping.

  1. If you are authenticating using certificates, create, or get from a Certificate Authority, the private key and certificate for the client and store them on the local file system of the Services Gatekeeper administration server.

  2. Starting in the configuration and operations page for Plugin_Parlay_Access_communication service, select addClient from the Select An Operation list.

    The parameters for the operation are displayed.

  3. Enter the information specified in Operation: addClient

  4. Click Invoke.

    The OSA client is created.

Mapping the OSA client to an OSA Gateway and an OSA/Parlay SCS

The mapping may be applied on service provider account, application account, or Services Gatekeeper level.


One mapping must be created for each OSA/Parlay SCS (network service) the Services Gatekeeper application is using in the OSA/Parlay Gateway.
  1. Starting in the configuration and operations page for Plugin_Parlay_Access_communication service, select addMapping from the Select An Operation list.

    The parameters for the operation are displayed.

  2. Enter the information specified in Operation: addMapping

  3. Click Invoke.

    The OSA client mapping is created.

Reference: Attributes and Operations for Parlay_Access

Managed object: Container Services−>Parlay_Access_Communication Service

Where Communication Service is one of:

MBean: com.bea.wlcp.wlng.parlay.access.ParlayAccessMBean

Following is a list of attributes and operations for configuration and maintenance:

Attribute: EricssonAuthentication

Scope: Cluster

Unit: Not applicable

Format: Boolean

Set to:

  • true if connecting to an Ericsson OSA/Parlay Gateway

  • false if connecting to other gateways.

Operation: activateMapping

Scope: Cluster

Activates an existing mapping.


activateMapping(id: String)

Table 25-1 activateMapping

Parameter Description


ID of the OSA/Parlay client mapping to activate. See "Operation: listMappings".

Operation: addClient

Scope: Cluster

Adds an OSA/Parlay Client.


addClient(osaClientAppId: String, clientKeyFile: String, clientCertFile: String, clientKeyPwd: String, keystorePwd: String)

Table 25-2 addClient

Parameter Description


The Enterprise Operator ID and Application ID registered for the OSA/Parlay Client in the OSA/Parlay Gateway. This value must be unique. The format is:

<Enterprise Operator>\<Application ID>




The directory path (including file name) to the private key for the OSA Client.

Note: This path is on the file system of the Services Gatekeeper Network Tier server.

Leave empty if not authenticating using certificates.


The directory path (including file name) to the certificate for the OSA Client. The certificate is provided to verify the private key is correct.

Note: This path is on the file system of the Services Gatekeeper Network Tier server.

Leave empty if not authenticating using certificates.


The password for the private key.

Leave empty if not authenticating using certificates.


The keystore's password as defined when configuring the Services Gatekeeper: see "Operation: setKeyStorePassword".

Operation: addConnection

Scope: Cluster

Adds a connection to a Framework in the OSA/Parlay Gateway using a file that contains the name service IOR.


addConnection(gwId: int, nsRef: String, nsName: String, initialRef: String, priority: int)

Table 25-3 addConnection

Parameter Description


The ID of the OSA/Parlay Gateway, as returned when the OSA Gateway was created. See "Operation: addGw". Also see "Operation: listGw".


The directory path (including file name) for the file containing the name service IOR.

Leave blank if initialRef is specified.


The name of the initial object in the name service. For example:


Use path syntax to specify recursive naming contexts. For example: /parlay/fw/parlay_inital

Leave blank if initialRef is specified.


The directory path, including file name, for the file containing the IOR to the Parlay initial object.

Leave blank if nsRef and nsName is specified.


Priority of this connection. Should be unique across all connections. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Operation: addConnectionIOR

Scope: Cluster

Adds a connection to a Framework in the OSA/Parlay Gateway using an IOR string.


addConnectionIOR(gwId: int, ior: String, ns: String, priority: int)

Table 25-4 addConnectionIOR

Parameter Description


The ID of the OSA/Parlay Gateway, as returned when the OSA Gateway was created. See "Operation: addGw". Also see "Operation: listGw".


IOR string of either the NS or the initial object.


The name of the initial object in the name service. For example:


Use path syntax to specify recursive naming contexts. For example: /parlay/fw/parlay_inital

Leave blank if IOR to the initial object is specified.


Priority of this connection. Should be unique across all connections. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Operation: addGw

Scope: Cluster

Adds an OSA/Parlay Gateway to be used by the OSA/Parlay type plug-ins. More than one Gateway can be added.


addGw(name: String, osaFwCert: String, reAuthWaitTime: int, keystorePwd: String)

Returns the ID for the OSA Gateway. This ID is used to create an OSA/Parlay Gateway Connection: see "Operation: addConnection" and to create an OSA/Parlay client mapping: see "Operation: addMapping".

Table 25-5 addGw

Parameters Description


Descriptive name of the OSA Gateway.


The certificate to use when connecting to the OSA Gateway's Framework. The certificate is supplied by the OSA Gateway administrator.

Leave empty if not authenticating using certificates.


The time to wait before reattempting to authenticate and obtain OSA Service Managers if all connections to the OSA Gateway are lost. Given in seconds


The password for the Services Gatekeeper keystore.

Operation: addMapping

Scope: Cluster

Adds an OSA client mapping.


addMapping(serviceProviderID: String, applicationID: String, serviceType: String, osaClientAppId: String, properties: String, authType: String, encryptionMethod: String, signingAlgorithm: String, gatewayId: int, initConnection: boolean)

Table 25-6 addMapping

Parameter Description


ID of the service provider account the application is associated with.

Note: If left empty, the mapping will not be appliedon the service provider account and application account levels.


ID of the application account.

Note: If left empty, the mapping will not be applied on the application account level.


OSA/Parlay service type name (TpServiceTypeName) of the OSA/Parlay SCS to which the OSA Client is to be mapped.

See the specification for the OSA/Parlay Framework for a list of recommended service type names.


The OSA/Parlay account's clientAppID, a string consisting of the entOpId followed by \, followed by the appId. For example: sp1\app1.

The entOpId and appId are provided by the OSA Gateway administrator.


OSA/Parlay service properties to be used in the lookup (service discovery) phase when requesting a service (OSA/Parlay SCS) from the OSA/Parlay Gateway.

The properties are specified as a space-separated list in the following way: propname1 propval1 propname2 propval2

The properties vary between OSA/Parlay Gateway implementations.


Authentication type to be used. The type is defined according to the OSA/Parlay standard. P_AUTHENTICATION is the only supported value.

Note: When P_AUTHENTICATION is used, no encryption or signing algorithm will be used and the encryptionMethod and signingAlgorithm parameters can be left empty.


Method used for encryption. The type is defined according to OSA/Parlay standard. If the type is not specified, enter P_RSA_1024.


Signing algorithm. The type is defined according to OSA/Parlay standard.

If the type is not specified, enter P_MD5_RSA_1024.


OSA/Parlay Gateway ID. This ID was generated when the OSA/Parlay Gateway was created: see "Operation: addGw" and "Operation: listGw".


Indicating if the connection to OSA/Parlay Gateway should be initialized immediately. That is, if authentication should performed when the "Operation: addClient" operation is invoked.

Operation: listActiveMappings

Scope: Cluster

Lists the IDs for active OSA/Parlay client mappings.



Returns a list of IDs for active mappings.

Table 25-7 listActiveMappings

Parameter Description

Not applicable

Not applicable

Operation: listActiveMappingsForGw

Scope: Cluster

Lists the IDs of all active OSA/Parlay client mappings for a specific OSA/Parlay Gateway.


listActiveMappingsForGw(gwId: int)
Returns a list of IDs for active mappings for the Gateway.

Table 25-8 listActiveMappingsForGw

Parameter Description


The ID of the OSA Gateway.

Operation: listGw

Scope: Cluster

Lists the IDs of all registered OSA/Parlay Gateways.



Operation: listMappings

Scope: Cluster

Lists the configured OSA/Parlay client mappings.



Operation: removeClient

Scope: Cluster

Removes an OSA/Parlay client.


removeClient(osaClientAppId: String, keystorePwd: String)

Table 25-9 removeClient

Parameter Description


The OSA/Parlay client application ID (and alias in keystore). See "Operation: addClient".


The Services Gatekeeper keystore password.

Operation: removeConnection

Scope: Cluster

Removes an OSA/Parlay Gateway connection.


removeConnection(gatewayId: int, connectionId: int)

Table 25-10 removeConnection

Parameter Description


The ID of the OSA/Parlay Gateway.


The ID of the connection. The ID was returned when the connection was set up. See:

Operation: removeGw

Scope: Cluster

Removes an OSA/Parlay Gateway.


removeGw(id: int, keystorePwd: String)

Table 25-11 removeGw

Parameter Description


The ID of the OSA/Parlay Gateway to remove. The ID returned when the OSA Gateway was created, see


The Services Gatekeeper keystore password.

Operation: removeMapping

Scope: Cluster

Removes an OSA/Parlay client mapping.


removeMapping(id: int)

Table 25-12 removeMapping

Parameter Description


ID of the OSA/Parlay client mapping to remove.

Operation: setKeyStorePassword

Scope: Cluster

Sets the password that protects the keystore.


setKeyStorePassword(newPassword: String, oldPassword: String)

Table 25-13 setKeyStorePassword

Parameter Description


The new password for the keystore.


The old password for the keystore.

Operation: viewActiveMappingState

Scope: Cluster

Displays the state of an active mapping OSA/Parlay client mapping.


viewActiveMappingState(mappingId: int)

Table 25-14 viewActiveMappingState

Parameter Description


The ID of the OSA client mapping.