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Oracle® Communications Services Gatekeeper Communication Service Guide
Release 5.0

Part Number E21362-01
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19 Native MM7

This chapter describes the Native MM7 communication service in detail.

Overview of the Native MM7 Communication Service

The Native MM7 communication service exposes the 3GPP MM7 standard interfaces.

From the point of view of an application, the communication service acts as an MMS relay server. From the point of view of the network, it acts as an MMS VAS application.

For the exact version of the standards that the communication service supports for the application-facing interfaces and the network protocols, see the appendix on standards and specifications in Concepts Guide.

Using the Native MM7 communication service, an application can:

Requests can flow in two directions using the Native MM7 communication service: from the application to the network and from the network to the application.

Status Reports

There are two types of status reports that can be returned to the application from the network via Services Gatekeeper. Both are returned asynchronously, using callback information provided when the notification is set up. If the network sends a report but no notification has been set up, Services Gatekeeper sends the network an error code indicating permanent failure.

Delivery Reports

Delivery reports are acknowledgements that the network node has handled the message from the application that was submitted. The report indicates the status of the message: for example, Forwarded, Expired, or Rejected. There is one delivery report per destination address. If a connection error occurs within Services Gatekeeper or between Services Gatekeeper and the application, an error code is returned to the network, which resends the message.

Read-Reply Report

Read-reply reports contain the final delivery status of the multimedia message. The final delivery status reports whether the message has actually been delivered by the network to the mobile terminal. It also includes the status of the message at that terminal; for example, Read or Deleted without being read.

Because a recipient can request that read-reply reports not be generated, lack of a read-reply report does not necessarily mean that the message has not been rendered on the recipient's terminal.

There is one read-reply report per destination address. If a connection error occurs within Services Gatekeeper or between Services Gatekeeper and the application, an error code is returned to the network, which resends the message.

Network-triggered Multimedia Messages

For an application to receive multimedia messages from the network, it must register its interest in these messages by setting up a subscription. A subscription, or notification, is defined by a destination address. For the message to be accepted by Services Gatekeeper, the destination address must match the subscription. Each registered subscription must be unique, and subscription attempts with overlapping criteria are rejected. If a message with several destination addresses arrives, Services Gatekeeper iterates through the list until it reaches a match or until the list is exhausted.

Application Interfaces

For information about the application interface for the Native MM7 communication service, see the discussion of Native Interfaces in Application Developer's Guide.

Events and Statistics

The Native MM7 communication service generates Event Data Records (EDRs), Charging Data Records (CDRs), alarms, and statistics to assist system administrators and developers in monitoring the service

For general information, see Appendix A, "Events, Alarms, and Charging."

Event Data Records

Table 19-1 lists the IDs of the EDRs created by the Native MM7 communication service.

Table 19-1 Event Types Generated by Native MM7

EDR ID Description


An application-initiated message has entered the plug-in.


An application-initiated message has exited the plug-in.


A network-triggered message sent via v.1.0 has entered the plug-in.


A network-triggered message has exited the plug-in. It is formatted according to v. 1.2.


A delivery report using v. 1.0 has entered the plug-in.


A delivery report has exited the plug-in. It is formatted according to v 1.2


A read-reply report using v. 1.0 has entered the plug-in.


A read-reply report has exited the plug-in. It is formatted according to v. 1.2

Charging Data Records

Native MM7 -specific CDRs are generated under the following conditions:

  • After an MMS message has been successfully sent from the application to the network.

  • After an MMS message has been successfully sent from the network to the application.

  • After a delivery report has been successfully delivered to the application.

  • After a read-reply report has been successfully delivered to the application.


Table 19-2 maps methods invoked from either the application or the network to the transaction types collected by the Services Gatekeeper statistics counters.

Table 19-2 Methods and Transaction Types for Native MM7

Method Transaction type






For the list of alarms, see Alarm Handling Guide.

Managing Native MM7

This section describes the properties and workflow for the Native MM7 communication service.

Properties for Native MM7

Table 19-3 lists the technical specifications for the communication service.

Table 19-3 Properties for Native MM7

Property Description

Managed object in Administration Console

domain_name > OCSG > server_name > Communication Services > plugin_instance_id




InstanceName=same as the network protocol instance_id assigned when the plug-in instance is created

Network protocol plug-in service ID


Network protocol plug-in instance ID

The ID is assigned when the plug-in instance is created. See "Managing and Configuring the Plug-in Manager" in System Administrator's Guide.

Supported Address Scheme

tel, mailto, short

Application-facing interfaces



Service type


Exposes to the service communication layer a Java representation of:

3GPP TS 23.140 V5.3.0 (REL-5-MM7-1-2.xsd)

Interfaces with the network nodes using:

MM7 (REL-5-MM7-1-0 or REL-5-MM7-1-2)

Deployment artifacts

Plugin_multimedia_messaging_mm7.jar, mm7_service.jar, 1_0_mm7_vasp.war, 1_2_mm7_vasp.war packaged in wlng_nt_multimedia_messaging_mm7.ear

mm7.war, mm7_callback_client.jar, packaged in wlng_at_multimedia_messaging_mm7.ear

Configuration Workflow for Native MM7

Following is an outline for configuring the plug-in using the Administration Console or an MBean browser.

  1. Create one or more instances of the plug-in service. See "Managing and Configuring the Plug-in Manager" in System Administrator's Guide. Use the plug-in service ID as listed in the "Properties for Native MM7" section.

  2. Using the Administration Console or an MBean browser, select the MBean for the plug-in instance. The MBean display name is the same as the plug-in instance ID assigned when the plug-in instance was created.

  3. Configure the behavior of the plug-in instance:

  4. Specify heartbeat behavior. See "Configuring Heartbeats" in System Administrator's Guide.

  5. Set up the routing rules to the plug-in instance. See "Managing and Configuring the Plug-in Manager" in System Administrator's Guide. Use the plug-in instance ID and address schemes listed in the "Properties for Native MM7" section.

  6. Provide the administrator of the MM7 server with the URL to which the MM7 server should deliver mobile-originated messages and delivery reports:

    • For REL-5-MM7-1-0 the default URL is:

      http://IP_Address_of_NT_ Server:port/1_0_mm7_vasp/mms_vasp
    • For REL-5-MM7-1-2 the default URL is:

      http://IP_Address_of_NT Server:port/1_2_mm7_vasp/mms_vasp
  7. If required, create and load a node SLA. For details see "Defining Global Node and Service Provider Group Node SLAs" and "Managing SLAs" in the Accounts and SLAs Guide.

  8. Provision the service provider accounts and application accounts. For information, see Accounts and SLAs Guide.

Provisioning Workflow for Native MM7

Following is an outline for provisioning Native MM7.

  1. Register offline notifications. This means that mobile-originated messages should not result in notifications to an application, but instead be stored in Services Gatekeeper for polling. Use "Operation: addVASPIDMapping" to register offline notifications. Use the following operations to manage the offline registrations:

  2. Register online notifications. This means that registrations for mobile-originated messages are managed on behalf of an application. Use "Operation: listVASIDMapping" to register online notifications. Use the following operations to manage the online registrations:

Reference: Attributes and Operations for Native MM7

This section describes the attributes and operations for configuration and maintenance:

Attribute: HTTPBasicAuthentication

Scope: Cluster

Unit: Not applicable

Format: Boolean

Specifies if HTTP basic authentication shall be used for authentication with the MM7 server.

Set to true if HTTP basic authentication shall be used, otherwise false.

If true, "Attribute: HTTPBasicAuthenticationUsername" and "Attribute: HTTPBasicAuthenticationPassword" must be specified.

Attribute: HTTPBasicAuthenticationUsername

Scope: Cluster

Unit: Not applicable

Format: String

The user name to use for HTTP basic authentication towards the MM7 server. This is equivalent to the Application Instance ID.

Attribute: HTTPBasicAuthenticationPassword

Scope: Cluster

Unit: Not applicable

Format: String

The password to use for HTTP basic authentication towards the MM7 server.

Attribute: Mm7RelayServerAddress

Scope: Cluster

Unit: Not applicable

Format: String

Specifies the address of the MM7 Relay Server. The address is an HTTP URL.

Attribute: XSDVersion

Scope: Cluster

Unit: Not applicable

Format: String [REL-5-MM7-1-0, REL-5-MM7-1-2]

Specifies the xsd version that should be used for requests towards the MMSC.

Enter one of the following:

  • REL-5-MM7-1-0 to use an altered version of the REL-5-MM7-1-0.xsd. The altered version allows the use of delivery notifications when the MMC-S requires this version of the xsd. This is a requirement when connecting to, among others, Comverse MMSCs.

  • REL-5-MM7-1-2 to use REL-5-MM7-1-2.xsd.

Operation: addVASIDMapping

Scope: Cluster

Adds the service provider VAS ID and the Services Gatekeeper VAS ID mapping for use with the submit request.


addVASIDMapping(spVasID: String, wlngVasID: String)

Table 19-4 addVASIDMapping Parameters

Parameter Description


The service provider's VAS ID.


The VAS ID that is to be sent to the MMSC.

Operation: addVASPIDMapping

Scope: Cluster

Adds the service provider VASP ID and the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper VASP ID mapping for use with the SubmitReq operation.


addVASPIDMapping(spVaspID: String, wlngVaspID: String)

Table 19-5 addVASPIDMapping Parameters

Parameter Description


The service provider's VASP ID.


The VASP ID that is to be sent to the MMSC.

Operation: enableReceiveMmsNotification

Scope: Cluster

Sets up delivery notification for network-triggered message delivery. Messages matching this configuration result in a callback to the application by the DeliverReq operation.


enableReceiveMmsNotification(Address: String, appInstGroupID: String, applicationURI: String)

Table 19-6 enableReceiveMmsNotification Parameters

Parameter Description


The destination address of the MMS message


The application instance group ID associated with this notification


The URI where the application can be reached

Operation: enableStatusReporting

Scope: Cluster

Sets up status report notification for delivery status and read-reply status for application-initiated messages.


enableStatusReporting(appInstGroupID: String, applicationURI: String)

Table 19-7 enableStatusReporting Parameters

Parameter Description


The application instance group ID associated with this notification


The URI where the application can be reached

Operation: getReceiveMmsNotificationForAddress

Scope: Cluster

Checks to see if a notification is already set up for this exact address. If no entry is returned, the address can be used to set up a new notification


getReceiveMmsNotificationForAddress(Address: String)

Table 19-8 getReceiveMmsNotificationForAddress Parameters

Parameter Description


The destination address of the MMS message

Operation: getReceiveMmsNotificationMatches

Scope: Cluster

Searches existing configurations for Receive Mms notifications for an address pattern, using regular expressions. If there are no matching configurations, null is returned. This can be used to find out which application is registered for notifications for a specific address.

This operation returns at most 1 match. If there are multiple entries, only the first will be returned, although in normal operation overlapping entries should not be possible


getReceiveMmsNotificationMatches(Address: String)

Table 19-9 getReceiveMmsNotificationMatches Parameters

Parameter Description


The destination address pattern of the MMS: for example, 1234 or

Operation: listAllVASIDMapping

Scope: Cluster

Lists all VAS ID mappings



Operation: listAllVASPIDMapping

Scope: Cluster

Lists all VASP ID mappings



Operation: listReceiveMmsNotifications

Scope: Cluster

Lists all established delivery notifications



Operation: listStatusReportingNotifications

Scope: Cluster

Lists all established status report notifications



Operation: listVASIDMapping

Scope: Cluster

Lists the VAS ID mapping that corresponds to the specified spVasID


listVASIDMapping(spVasID: String)

Table 19-10 listVASIDMapping Parameters

Parameter Description


The service provider VAS ID to be matched.

Operation: listVASPIDMapping

Scope: Cluster

Lists the VASP ID mapping that corresponds to the specified spVaspID


listVASPIDMapping(spVaspID: String)

Table 19-11 listVASPIDMapping Parameters

Parameter Description


The service provider VASP ID to be matched.

Operation: removeReceiveMmsNotification

Scope: Cluster

Removes an existing delivery notification


removeReceiveMmsNotification(address: String)

Table 19-12 removeReceiveMmsNotification Parameters

Parameter Description


The destination address of the MMS message

Operation: removeStatusReporting

Scope: Cluster

Removes an existing status report notification.


removeStatusReporting(applicationInstanceGroupID: String)

Table 19-13 removeStatusReporting Parameters

Parameter Description


The application instance group ID associated with the notification.

Operation: removeVASIDMapping

Scope: Cluster

Removes an established VAS ID mapping.


removeVASIDMapping(spVasID: String)

Table 19-14 removeVASIDMapping Parameters

Parameter Description


The service provider VAS ID whose mapping is to be removed

Operation: removeVASPIDMapping

Scope: Cluster

Removes an established VASP ID mapping.


removeVASIPDMapping(spVasID: String)

Table 19-15 removeVASPIDMapping Parameters

Parameter Description


The service provider VASP ID whose mapping is to be removed