The graphic shows a large box on the left representing the SMPP Service, inside a larger box representing a single server in a Services Gatekeeper cluster. Near the top inside this box is a smaller box representing SMPP Service North. Arrows point north from the SMPP Service North box to two boxes outside Services Gatekeeper respresenting application instances. Near the bottom inside the SMPP Service box is a smaller box representing SMPP Server South. Arrows point south from the SMPP Service South box to two boxes outside Services Gatekeeper respresenting SMSCs. On the right side inside the SMPP Service box is a long box representing the SMPP API.

To the right of the SMPP Service box are four boxes. The top box represents the SMPP Plug-in North implementation,. The lower bix represnets the SMPP Plug-in South implementation. Between these two boxes are squares representing two SMPP plug-in instances. Arrows indicate two-way flow between both plug-in instances through the SMPP Plugin North and Plugin South boxes and the SMPP API.