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Oracle® Beehive Installation Guide
Release 2 ( for Linux x86

Part Number E16641-07
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16 Oracle Beehive Database Post-Installation Procedures

This chapter covers the following topic:

Modifying Database Connect String, Schema Name, or Credentials

Perform the following steps to modify the database connect string, schema name, or credentials of Oracle Beehive:

  1. From your Oracle Beehive home, run the following command to specify the new connect string of the central configuration repository (which is also known as the bootstrap database):

    beectl modify_bootstrap_configuration --connect_string <new connectstring>


    The database connect string cannot contain any new line characters (\n, \r, or \n\r); the connect string must be a single-line value.

    Run the following command to specify the new schema name:

    beectl modify_bootstrap_configuration --schema_name <new schema name>

    Run the following command to specify the new schema password:

    beectl modify_bootstrap_configuration --schema_name <obfuscated new password> --obfuscated

    To obfuscate a password, use the beectl obfuscate command:

    beectl obfuscate
      --expiration_time_in_minutes 0
    Enter value for password:
    Successfully obfuscated the string.

    Alternatively, you may run beectl in shell mode and specify the password in plain text.

  2. Activate the configuration:

    beectl activate_configuration
  3. Modify local configuration files:

    beectl modify_local_configuration_files
  4. From your Oracle Beekeeper home, run the Perl script <Oracle Beekeeper home>/beehive/seed/clientconfig/ The following table describes the options for this script:

    Table 16-1 Options for

    Option Mandatory/Optional Description



    Oracle home path for Oracle Beekeeper instance

    --connect_string <new connect string>


    New connection string.

    Note: The database connect string cannot contain any new line characters (\n, \r, or \n\r); the connect string must be a single-line value.

    --schema_name <new schema name>


    New schema name



    New schema password for the given schema name.

    Note: Do not specify the schema password with this option. The script will prompt you for the password.



    Outputs a help message describing this script's options

    --log_level <log level>


    Sets the log level for this script. Valid values are ERROR, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, and FINER.

    For example, if you are changing the connect string, call the script as follows:

    perl <Oracle Beekeeper home>/beehive/seed/clientconfig/ --oracle_home <Oracle Beekeeper home full path name> --connect_string <new connect string>

    If you are changing the schema password, call the script as follows:

    perl <Oracle Beekeeper home>/beehive/seed/clientconfig/ --oracle_home <Oracle Beekeeper home full path name> --schema_name <new schema name --schema_password

    The script will prompt you for the password.


    The Perl executable is located in <Oracle Beekeeper home>/oracle/home/perl/bin.
  5. Perform steps 1 to 3 for all your non-Oracle Beekeeper and non-DMZ instances.