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Oracle® Beehive Installation Guide
Release 2 ( for Linux x86

Part Number E16641-07
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26 Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer.

Oracle recommends that you install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer using Oracle Beehive's Device Management Service (DMS). This installation method is recommended for almost all desktops with standard environments and administrative privileges. A desktop based, non-DMS installation method is available for custom environments with limited administrative privileges.

It covers the following topics:

System Requirements

This section describes the software and hardware requirements for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer. For updated list of certified hardware platforms and operating system version, review the certification matrix on the My Oracle Support Web site at the following URL:

Operating System

  • Microsoft Windows XP: Home or Professional

  • Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit edition) - Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate or Enterprise

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2


You need administrative privileges to install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008.

You must install Windows XP Service Pack 2 on Windows XP computers if you intend to use non-English locales with Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer. Attempting to run Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer with a non-English locale on a computer with Windows XP Service Pack 1 (or earlier) may result in the computer failing to operate normally.

Disk Space

  • 100 MB minimum

  • Hard disk usage varies according to configuration. Custom installation options may require more or less hard disk space. The amount of online data the user accesses may also affect the disk space requirement.

Device Management Service (DMS) Based Installation

Oracle recommends that you install and deploy Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer using Oracle Beehive's Device Management Service (DMS). This installation method is recommended for almost all desktops with standard environments and administrative privileges. It is designed for centralized installation and management of auto-updates.

This section covers the following topics:

Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer Using Remote Downloader

You may install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer by distributing a remote downloader to end users. The remote downloader enables end users to download and install the provisioned Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer application from the Device Management Service (DMS) repository. By default, the DMS contains a pre-seeded Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer application that is provisioned for all end users.

For more information on how to provision applications for specific users or groups of users, refer to "Managing the Device Management Service" in Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide.

Obtaining Remote Downloader

Obtain the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer remote downloader, explorer_extensions_downloader.exe in the directory <Oracle Beehive home>/beehive/bootstrap/obee/downloader.

You may also obtain the remote downloader from Oracle Beehive Central, a Web-based client that provides users a central location to download supported clients and set their preferences for Oracle Beehive functionality.

Pre-Seeding Server Name in Remote Downloader

The remote downloader prompts the end user to provide a server name, account name, and password to initiate download and installation. If you want to pre-seed a server name to prevent end users from having to specify a server name on their own, rename the remote downloader to <fully qualified server name>.exe. For example, if your server name is, your remote downloader name would be

Pre-Seeding Port Number

You may pre-seed the port number that Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook uses to connect to the server.

For example, if your remote downloader name is and you want to pre-seed the port number in the downloader, rename the file to,443.exe, where 443 is your port number.


The pre-seeded port number is the port number of the DMS on the server that is used to obtain the settings for direct and HTTPS connections.

Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer Using Remote Downloader Using Silent Mode

This option is available for Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

You may also use the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer downloader to provide a full, non-interactive deployment option. To do so, use the silent switch, /s.

Specify the required connection parameters through the command line or in an initialization file.

Specifying Connection Parameters Through Command Line

The following is an example of specifying connection parameters through the command line (line breaks have been added for clarity):

  /user OracleBeehiveUserName
  /direct port=5224 secure=true
  /https port=443 secure=true
  /s UI=1

The following table describes the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer downloader's command line options:

Table 26-1 Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer Downloader Options

Option Description


Oracle Beehive server address


Oracle Beehive user account


User's password

Note: It is recommended that you use the option /s UI=1 instead of the /pass option. With the /s UI=1 option, the connection dialog is presented in which all the controls are disabled and only the password field is enabled.

/direct port=<port number> secure=<true/false>

Specifies the following for direct connection:

  • port: Valid port number to be used to establish a direct connection

  • secure: Boolean value; if true, then use a secure connection

/https port=<port number> secure=<true/false>

Specifies the following for HTTPS connection:

  • port: Valid port number to be used to establish an HTTPS connection

  • secure: Boolean value; if true, then use a secure connection


Determines if an Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer profile should be created on the user's computer during installation. This parameter may be assigned one of the following values:

  • 0: Do not create a profile

  • 1: Always create a profile (either for a new install or an upgrade)

  • 2: Only create a profile for a new install (default value)

  • 3: Only create a profile if there is no profile with the exact name that exists on the user's computer (either for a new install or upgrade)

/discover port=<port number>

Specifies the port number of the DMS on the server to obtain the settings for direct and HTTPS connections.By using this option, you do not need to specify either the /direct or /https options.


Changes the name of the profile created during installation of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook. The default profile name is Beehive.


Downloads and reinstalls the MSI package from the DMS if the installed version on the user's computer is the same version as the MSI package.

If /create_profile option has a value of 1 or 3, then the /repair option is used even if it is not specified.


Determines if Windows Explorer is launched after Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer is installed. This parameter may be assigned one of the following values:

  • 0: Do not launch Windows Explorer

  • 1: Launch Windows Explorer (default value)


Use silent mode

Specifying Connection Parameters in Initialization File

Specify the full path of the initialization file you want to use as follows. In this example, C:\testSilentDownloader.ini is the full path of the initialization file:

explorer_extensions_downloader.exe /s C:\testSilentDownloader.ini

If you use the silent switch with a UI=1 parameter, the connection dialog will be presented in which all the controls are disabled and only the password field is enabled:

explorer_extensions_downloader.exe /s UI=1 C:\testSilentDownloader.ini

The downloader will return a value of 1 or 0, which indicates whether the operations performed by it failed (1) or were successful (0). You may use this returned value in a script to determine whether or not the remote downloader was successful.

Use the following template to create a silent initialization file:

Example 26-1 Template for Silent Initialization File


The following table describes the silent initialization file's parameters:

Table 26-2 Initialization File Parameters

Initialization File Parameter Description


Changes the name of the profile created during installation of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook. The default profile name is Beehive.


Oracle Beehive server address


Oracle Beehive user account


User's password

Note: It is recommended that you use the option /s UI=1 instead of specifying the password with this parameter. With the /s UI=1 option, the connection dialog is presented in which all the controls are disabled and only the password field is enabled.


Valid port number to be used to establish a direct connection


Boolean value; specifies whether to use a direct connection (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Boolean value; specifies whether to enable the direct connection (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Valid port number used to connect to the DMS on the server to obtain the settings for direct and HTTPS connections

By using this parameter, you do not need to specify any of the following parameters: Direct_Port, Direct_Secure, HTTPS_PORT, and HTTPS_Secure.


Valid port number to be used to establish an HTTPS connection


Boolean value; specifies whether to use an HTTPS connection (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Manual proxy configuration (for example,


Specifies the proxy type. It may have a value of 0, 1, or 2:

  • 0: Automatic proxy setting

  • 1: Use Web browser's proxy settings

  • 2: Manual proxy configuration as specified in the Proxy parameter


Manual proxy configuration (for example,


Boolean value:

  • TRUE: Existing account is re-configured based on new settings. Workspace favorites are not reset. No new account is created.

  • FALSE: Existing account is not re-configured. New account is created based on new settings.

  • If no value is specified, existing account is not re-configured. No new account is created.


Boolean value: Specifies whether the created profile should be the default profile (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Timeout duration, in milliseconds, before reporting failure to connect

Update Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer Through DMS

You may update the version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer in the DMS repository. Afterwards, if Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer is running on an end user's computer, it will automatically prompt the end user to download and install updates from the DMS repository.

In addition, end users may also manually search for updates by selecting About Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer from the Beehive menu and clicking Check for Updates.

The following topics are covered in this section:

Updating Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer in DMS Repository

Follow these steps to update the version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer in the DMS repository:

  1. Ensure the application package for the updated version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer is accessible to the Oracle Beehive server.

  2. Upload the updated version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer to the DMS repository by running the following command:

    beectl upload_client_application
      --file <Path to Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer zip file>


    This command will upload the new version of the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer application to the DMS repository and will make it available for those who are already provisioned to it.

    If you have not provisioned Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer, run the provisioning commands (such as beectl add_client_application_provisioning). Refer to "Managing the Device Management Service" in Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide for more information.

If Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer is running on an end user's computer, it will automatically prompt the end user to download and install updates from the DMS repository. End users may also manually search for updates by selecting About Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer from the Beehive menu and clicking Check for Updates.

Updating Language Pack for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer

You may localize the user interface of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer to match Windows Explorer languages by updating the language pack with the one found at <Oracle Beehive home>/beehive/bootstrap/obee/languagepack. The following languages are currently supported in the language pack:

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Spanish

  • Brazilian Portuguese

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Simplified Chinese

  • Traditional Chinese

To update the language pack for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer, upload it to the DMS repository using the beectl upload_client_application command. By default, the language pack is uploaded and provisioned to all users. Follow these steps to update the language pack:

  1. Ensure the language pack for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer is accessible to the Oracle Beehive server.

  2. Upload the language pack for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer to the DMS repository by running the following command:

    beectl upload_client_application
      --file <Path to Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer language pack>

If Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer is running on an end user's computer, it will automatically prompt the end user to download and install updates (including language packs) from the DMS repository. End users also may manually search for updates by selecting About Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer from the Beehive menu and clicking Check for Updates.


The language installed by the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer language pack will automatically match Windows Explorer, provided that Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer supports the language. If the end user has Windows Explorer in an unsupported language, Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer will default to English.

Uninstalling and Downgrading Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer (DMS Process)

Use the following methods to uninstall or downgrade Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer.

Uninstalling Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer

End users may remove Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer from their computers by selecting Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel, selecting Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer from the list, and clicking Remove.

Downgrading Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer

By default, Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer will only detect updates if the server version is newer than the currently installed version. If you want to allow end users to install downgraded versions of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer as updates, set the value of the INSTALL:AllowDowngrade Property node to TRUE in your provisioning file.

Desktop Based Installation (Non-DMS Process)

It is recommended to install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer using Oracle's Device Management Service (DMS). However, custom environments with limited administrative privileges may require a desktop based method of installation that is non-DMS based.

This section covers the following topics:

Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer Using Executable File

You may give end users direct access to the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer installer. End users install the product by double-clicking the installer and following the on-screen instructions.

Retrieve the installer explorer_extensions_setup.exe from <Oracle Beehive home>/beehive/bootstrap/obee/setup.

Configuring Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer Using MSI Package

This option is available for Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

The following table describes the public properties you may specify:

Table 26-3 MSI Package Public Properties

Property Description


Determines if an Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer profile should be created on the user's computer during installation. This parameter may be assigned one of the following values:

  • 0: Do not create a profile

  • 1: Always create a profile (either for a new install or an upgrade)

  • 2: Only create a profile for a new install (default value)

  • 3: Only create a profile if there is no profile with the exact name that exists on the user's computer (either for a new install or upgrade)


Boolean value:

  • TRUE: Existing account is re-configured based on new settings. Workspace favorites must not be reset. No new account is created.

  • FALSE: Existing account must not be re-configured. New account is created based on new settings.

  • If no value is specified, existing account must not be re-configured. No new account is created.

If CREATE_PROFILE=2, EXISTING_PROFILE_OPTION is not used, and the Use_Existing option in the configuration file is not used, then the value of this property is TRUE.


Changes the name of the profile created during installation of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook. The default profile name is Beehive.


Determines if Windows Explorer is launched after Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer is installed. This parameter may be assigned one of the following values:

  • 0: Do not launch Windows Explorer

  • 1: Launch Windows Explorer (default value)

Custom MSI-based Deployment and Configuration

This section describes how to deploy custom OBEE MSI package.Create a silent obeeconfig.ini file and specify the required connection parameters in the initialization file.

Use the following template to create a silent initialization file:

Example 26-2 Template for Silent Initialization File


For information on the description of initialization file's parameters, refer Table 26-2, "Initialization File Parameters".

To configure OBEE, after installing as an admin user, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer by running the following command. This requires admin privilege.

    msiexec.exe -i "C:\testObeeMsi\explorer_extensions_application.msi"

  2. Place the obeeconfig.ini file in the installation directory, or in a network location where users have access. You do not need to make the ini file read-only.

  3. Configure the OBEE profile according to the settings in the ini file. This step does not require admin privilege and will repeat for each user.

    1. Copy the obeeconfig.ini file to a temp location of the logged in user (You do not need to make the ini file read-only).

    2. Add a new String value called ConfigPath and populate it with the full path to the obeeconfig.ini file under the following registry path:

      HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle\Explorer Extensions

      For example:

      ConfigPath C:\testObeeMsi\obeeconfig.ini

    3. Insert the username in the ini file from the temp location.


    As part of the post installation/setup cleanup process, the deployed ini file will be consumed and removed when OBEE is first launched on your machines. As the process works with a copy from the temp location, the ini file does not have to be read-only and can be invoked for the user name insertion process and configuration.

Upgrading Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer Installation

When you provision a new version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer in the DMS repository, end users will be notified about the new update and will be able to download and install it.

If administrators prefer to upgrade to a newer version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer on end users' systems without relying on the DMS upgrade process, then they need to deploy the new version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer before performing any server updates.

Alternatively, you may remove any Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer packages from the DMS repository so that end users are never prompted to upgrade to newer versions. Perform the following steps to remove Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer packages:

  1. Run the following command:

    beectl list_client_applications
  2. The previous command will return a list of the applications installed in the DMS repository and their identifiers. Find the listings pertaining to OBEE, you may see any of the following Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer application packages and their identifiers:

    • Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer

    • Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer Downloader

    • Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer Language Pack

    Remove any of these client applications found by running the following command (for each application):

    beectl delete_client_application
      --application <identifier of client application>

Updating Language Pack for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer (Non-DMS)

The default localization of the user interface of OBEE can be changed according to the user preference. This can be done by supplying newer xliff files for the preferred languages that would contain the required changes. If the default language pack is satisfactory, however, then no change will be required and hence no updating of the language pack will be necessary.

Follow the steps below to update the modified language packs:

  1. Obtain the default language pack from the following location:

    <Oracle Beehivehome>/beehive/bootstrap/obee/languagepack

  2. Unzip the package.

  3. Find the corresponding xliff file of the language that needs to be modified and make the changes.

  4. Place the changed file in a folder.

    For example: c:\lab\Updates (This would be the path to xliff chm files)

  5. These modified files can be deployed on the users' machines using one of the following commands:

    • explorer_extension_setup.exe /package_langpack {path_to_a_folder_of_xliff_chm_files}

      This command generates a newer installation package with the updated xliff files packaged inside it. This full installation package is generated in the same folder of the original installation package. It can then be executed normally by the users to install and update their deployed language pack in the deployed location (usually C:\Program Files\Oracle\Explorer Extensions\languages\Updates).

    • explorer_extension_setup.exe /install_langpack {path_to_a_folder_of_xliff_chm_files}

      This command does not generate a new installation package. Instead, it copies the modified files directly to its deployed location. It can be used by the user to update the deployed language pack, provided that the user running the installation has access to the folder where the updated files are located (this can be a network location) during the installation time.

Uninstalling and Downgrading Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer (Non-DMS Process)

Use the following methods to uninstall or downgrade Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer.

Uninstalling Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer

End users may remove Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer from their computers by selecting Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel, selecting Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer from the list, and clicking Remove.

Downgrading Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer

If you want to install downgraded versions of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer on end users' systems, then simply run the installer older Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer version.