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Oracle® Beehive Installation Guide
Release 2 ( for Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-Bit)

Part Number E16643-07
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33 Installing Oracle Beehive in High Availability Environment

Installing Oracle Beehive in a high availability environment involves installing a third-party load balancer or an Oracle Beehive DMZ instance (or both) and configuring the virtual server of each Oracle Beehive (non-DMZ) instance. Configuring the virtual server ensures that there is a single point of access to your Oracle Beehive instances.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Configuring High Availability Environment with Load Balancer

The following diagram illustrates multiple Oracle Beehive instances and a load balancer in a high availability environment:

Figure 33-1 Multiple Instances in High Availability Environment

Description of Figure 33-1 follows
Description of "Figure 33-1 Multiple Instances in High Availability Environment"

Follow these steps to install and configure more than one Oracle Beehive instance with a load balancer:

  1. Install an Oracle Beehive instance.

  2. Change the ServerName property of the Oracle Beehive virtual server to the load balancer server name. In the following example, is the server name of the load balancer:

    beectl modify_property --component _VIRTUAL_SERVER
      --name ServerName
  3. If the HttpPort property value of the Oracle Beehive virtual server and the HTTP port of the load balancer are different, then change the HttpPort property value of the virtual server to the HTTP port of the load balancer. In the following example, the HTTP port of the load balancer is 80:

    beectl list_properties --component _VIRTUAL_SERVER
    | Property Name        | Property Value       |
    | ServerName           |          |
    | ImapPort             | 143                  |
    | SmtpPort             | 25                   |
    | XmppPort             | 5222                 |
    | IPAddress            |                      |
    | HttpPort             | 7777                 |
    | HttpSslPort          | 4443                 |
    | HttpSslEnabled       | true                 |
    | FtpPort              | 2121                 |
    | BtiClientPort        | 21401                |
    | BtiSecureClientPort  | 21451                |
    | Alias                | _VIRTUAL_SERVER      |
    beectl modify_property --component _VIRTUAL_SERVER
      --name HttpPort
      --value 80
  4. Commit configuration changes:

    beectl activate_configuration
    beectl modify_local_configuration_files


    The beectl modify_local_configuration_files command will ask you to run this command on all your other Oracle Beehive instances. Do not run this command on all your other instances at this time.
  5. Ensure that the changes you made in steps 2 and 3 appear in the file <Oracle home>/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf.

  6. Install another Oracle Beehive instance.

    Oracle Beehive will apply these changes to any subsequent Oracle Beehive installation, so you do not have to run beectl modify_local_configuration_files on these new instances.


    If you are making these changes after installing two or more Oracle Beehive instances, then follow steps 1-5 on the first instance. Afterwards, only run beectl modify_local_configuration_files on the other (previously installed) instances.

Configuring High Availability Environment with a DMZ Instance

If you do not have a load balancer, you may use an Oracle Beehive DMZ instance as a load balancer and the single point of access to your Oracle Beehive (non-DMZ) instances. The configuration of this high availability environment is similar to configuring one for a load balancer:

  1. Configure one Oracle Beehive DMZ instance as described in "Configuring Oracle Beehive Demilitarized Zone Instances".

  2. Perform the steps described in "Configuring High Availability Environment with Load Balancer" for your Oracle Beehive (non-DMZ) instances. This involves configuring the virtual server with the load balancer for each Oracle Beehive instance. However, set the ServerName property to the server name of your Oracle Beehive DMZ instance and the HttpPort property to the HTTP port of your Oracle Beehive DMZ instance.


    If you are performing these steps after you have installed all your Oracle Beehive instances, run beectl modify_local_configuration_files only after configuring the virtual server for all your Oracle Beehive instances.

Configuring High Availability Environment with DMZ Instances and Load Balancer


If you are planning to install Oracle Beekeeper in a DMZ-based environment, then install Oracle Beekeeper in an Oracle Beehive application tier in a new Oracle home.

Oracle Beekeeper cannot be accessed from a DMZ instance. It should only be accessed from the computer in which you installed Oracle Beekeeper.

You may have a high availability environment with both a load balancer and DMZ instances. In this case, your Oracle Beehive instances will be load balanced on multiple levels.

The following diagram illustrates multiple DMZ instances and a load balancer in a high availability environment:

Figure 33-2 Multiple DMZ Instances in High Availability Environment

Description of Figure 33-2 follows
Description of "Figure 33-2 Multiple DMZ Instances in High Availability Environment"

Follow these steps to configure a high availability environment with a load balancer and multiple Oracle Beehive DMZ instances:

  1. Perform the steps described in "Configuring High Availability Environment with Load Balancer" for your Oracle Beehive (non-DMZ) instances. This involves configuring the virtual server with the load balancer for each Oracle Beehive instance.


    If you are performing these steps after you have installed all your Oracle Beehive instances, run beectl modify_local_configuration_files only after configuring the virtual server for all your Oracle Beehive instances.
  2. Edit the following directives in the file <Oracle Beehive DMZ home>/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf:

    ServerName <Domain name server (DNS) of the load balancer>
    Port <HTTP port of the load balancer>

    For example, if is the load balancer's DNS, and 80 is its HTTP port number, then edit the httpd.conf file as follows:

    Port 80
  3. Perform this step only if you need to configure your DMZ instance with SSL.

    Retrieve the location of the file ssl.conf from the file <Oracle home>/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf. Edit the following directives in the ssl.conf file:

    ServerName <Domain name server (DNS) of the load balancer>
    Port <HTTPS port of the load balancer>

    For example, if is the load balancer's DNS, and 4443 is its HTTP port number, then edit the ssl.conf file as follows:

    Port 4443
  4. Restart the Oracle Beehive DMZ instance.

  5. Repeat steps 2-3 for each of your Oracle Beehive DMZ instances.

Configuring SSL Termination at Load Balancer

If your load balancer supports SSL termination or offloading, you may offload SSL processing to your load balancer so that your Oracle Beehive instances do not have to decrypt SSL-encrypted data, thereby reducing the load of your Oracle Beehive instances.

You may offload SSL processing to your load balancer for any protocol supported by your load balancer, except if you wish to use the ability of BTP clients, such as Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook, to tunnel its connections through HTTPS. In that case, you cannot offload SSL for HTTPS to your load balancer, but you could offload any other protocol.


Tunneling is the encapsulation of one protocol with another different protocol. This is useful if you are using a BTP client behind a firewall that does not allow BTP(s) connections. In particular, tunneling allows Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook to connect through this firewall; Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook can encapsulate its BTP(s) session so that it appears to the firewall to be a regular HTTPS session.

After configuring your load balancer with your Oracle Beehive deployment, follow these steps to configure Oracle Beehive for SSL termination:

  1. Set the SslTerminatedByLoadBalancer property of the HttpServerCluster component to true:

    beectl modify_property
      --component _current_site:HttpServerCluster
      --name SslTerminatedByLoadBalancer
      --value true
  2. Commit changes made to the configuration:

    beectl modify_local_configuration_files

If your Oracle Beehive deployment is configured with SSL Termination at the load balancer, follow the steps below to enable HTTPS tunneling:

  1. Register a new hostname (for example,

  2. Generate a Certificate Request to include the new hostname in the Beehive certificates. Refer "Configuring SSL" for more information on certificates.


    It is recommended that the primary common name on the certificate must match the primary client-facing server name. The certificate must match both the primary and MX tunneling hostnames. For example and The certificates must use the Subject Alternative Name field and specify both hostnames.
  3. Configure the load balancer to not SSL Terminate the traffic to port 443 of, instead redirect the traffic to the https port of the Beehive DMZ instance(s).

  4. Adjust properties MxTunnelPort and MxTunnelHostName to point to the new hostname:

    beectl modify_property 
        --component  _VIRTUAL_SERVER  
        --name MxTunnelHostname 
        --value      beectl modify_property 
        --component  _VIRTUAL_SERVER 
        --name MxTunnelPort 
        --value 443 beectl activate_configuration