This figure shows a logical representation of Oracle Beehive and Oracle Database deployed on a single computer. In the upper left-most corner of this figure is an icon representing one or more end users sitting at their computers. An arrow begins at the End User icon and points to a box that represents the Oracle Beehive server, signifying the connection between these components. The Oracle Beehive Server box includes several boxes within it that represent Oracle Beehive services, namely the User Directory Service and the Client Management Service. To the right of the Oracle Beehive Server box is another box that represents Oracle Database. The Oracle Beehive and Oracle Database boxes are connected by a two-way arrow, which signifies a connection between these components. Directly beneath these boxes is an image of a computer, which represents the single computer on which these components reside. Finally, below this there is an image of three computers, which represents corporate directories that may optionally be deployed separately and integrated with the Oracle Beehive instance. An arrow begins at the Corporate Directories image and points to the User Directory Service in the Oracle Beehive box, or the location where this optional connection would logically terminate.