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Part Number E16648-07
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10 Managing Oracle Beehive Time Management

This module includes information about various administration tasks relating to Oracle Beehive Time Management services.

It includes the following topics:


Managing Holidays

Oracle Beehive provides a special type of calendar event called a holiday. Holidays are day events which are optimal for informing the user community of enterprise-wide events, such as public holidays not worked. Typically, an administrator creates a holiday calendar in a team workspace, broadcasts its availability to users, and users can then control whether or not the event will appear in their personal calendars.


Holiday events do not expose the attendee list to users who view the event.

You can use the beectl import_icalendar command to import holiday events to a team workspace. You can import one or multiple holidays from one iCalendar file. Holidays must last for one full day. This type of operation is typically performed either by the Oracle Beehive administrator, or by a user who administers holidays for your organization.


Meetings created in a team workspace with a "Holiday" or "Holidays" category using a CalDAV client (such as Mozilla Lightning) will be automatically converted to holidays.

This section includes the following topics:

Creating an iCalendar File

Before importing holidays, you will need to create an iCalendar file with one or more holiday events.

Oracle Beehive will only successfully import iCalendar files that have been formatted according to the Official Internet Protocol Standards for iCalendar.

See Also:

For information about iCalendar standards, including formatting and representing iCalendar objects, refer to RFC5545, Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar) document available from the Internet Engineering Task Force:

You can use the following text as a template for creating your iCalendar holiday file:

PRODID:-//ORACLE//NONSGML Beehive Time Management - //EN

Where <holiday1>, <holiday2>, and <holidayN> represent different holidays that you want to import.


The <holiday1>, <holiday2>, and <holidayN> entries in the template must be replaced by VEVENT-type entries. For samples of VEVENT holidays that can be imported to Oracle Beehive refer to "Sample Holiday Entries".

Sample Holiday Entries

This section includes samples of VEVENT-type entries representing holidays that can be placed into a properly formatted iCalendar file. For information about creating an iCalendar file refer to "Creating an iCalendar File".

Example 10-1 Sample Holiday Event Recurring on a Fixed Date

SUMMARY:Canada Day

In Example 10-1, the VEVENT representing the holiday has an initial occurrence on July 1, 2008. The title of the holiday is "Canada Day", and has a yearly recurrence rule denoted by the RRULE parameter: the holiday occurs every July 1st.

Example 10-2 Sample Holiday Event Recurring on a Variable Date

SUMMARY:Spring Bank Holiday

In Example 10-2, the VEVENT representing the holiday has an initial occurrence on May 26, 2008. The title of the holiday is "Spring Bank Holiday", and has a yearly recurrence rule denoted by the RRULE parameter: the holiday occurs on the fourth Monday, every month of May.

Importing Holiday iCalendar Files

Once you have created an iCalendar file and populated it with VEVENT-type holiday entries, use the beectl import_icalendar command to import the holiday events in Oracle Beehive.

For information about creating an iCalendar file, or sample VEVENT-type entries, refer to "Creating an iCalendar File", and "Sample Holiday Entries".

Follow these steps to import holidays from an iCalendar file:

  1. Save the iCalendar file with the holiday entries in an accessible location on the computer running Oracle Beehive.

  2. Find the team workspace calendar into which the holidays should be imported by using the beectl list_calendars command:

    beectl> list_calendars --select_by_address
  3. Run the beectl import_icalendar command to import your iCalendar file:

    beectl> import_icalendar --file <icalendar_file> --do_as_authuser <user id> --calendar <calendar> --holiday

    Where <icalendar_file> represents the absolute path to the iCalendar file saved in Step 1, <calendar> represents the calendar identifier you located in Step 2, and <user id> is the user identifier (a principal or the login ID) of the user importing the holiday entries.

Example 10-3 Importing Holiday Events

beectl>list_calendars --select_by_address

Calendar                                               | IsDefault    | Name
                                                       |              |
clnd=MyCalendar,wksp=test_team_workspace,enpr=ent1     | Yes          | Calendar

beectl> import_icalendar --file /tmp/holiday.ics --do_as_authuser user=jsmith --calendar "clnd=MyCalendar,wksp=test_team_workspace,enpr=ent1" --holiday
Imported invitation series, unique identifier=3449:5915:ocrs:A6E2F29FEB7A49DB9F27C0C3E3226413000000000002, iCalendar
Imported invitation series, unique identifier=3449:5915:ocrs:A6E2F29FEB7A49DB9F27C0C3E3226413000000000006, iCalendar

In Example 10-3, a file named holiday.ics is being imported from the /tmp directory. The events will be imported as user jsmith in a team worskpace default calendar with the email address, and the --holiday option denotes that the events within the file are holiday-type entries. The resulting output on the command line indicates the two unique invitation series have been imported.

Modifying User Time Management Preferences

This section contains information related to changing specific user preferences related to Oracle Beehive Time Management services, and includes the following topics:

Changing a User's Time Zone Preference

When a user temporarily or permanently changes geographic locations, their preferred time zone may change. This section includes information about changing a user's time zone, including determining available time zone identifiers.

Once a user's time zone preference has been changed, events will appear in the user's calendar -- offset by the appropriate number of hours -- relative to their new geographic location.

To change a user's defined time zone preference:

  1. Determine the time zone identifier of the time zone that you want to assign to a user. Use the beectl list_timezones command to obtain a list of available time zones and their associated identifiers:

    beectl> list_timezones


    To list all available time zones on your Oracle Beehive deployment specify the --all option. When the --all option is not specified only common time zones will be returned.
  2. Run the beectl modify_user command to assign a new time zone for the specified user:

    beectl> modify_user --email <address> --timezone <ID>

    Where <address> represents the e-mail address of the user, and <ID> represents the identifier of the time zone.


    You can use the --user option instead of the --email option to identify the user. For more information, refer to modify_user, in the Oracle Beehive Administrator's Reference Guide.

Example 10-4 Changing a User's Time Zone

beectl> modify_user --email --timezone tmzn=Europe/Berlin
Successfully modified user:

In Example 10-4, the user with e-mail address had their time zone preference changed to Europe/Berlin. The resulting output on the command-line indicates the modification was successful.

Changing a User's Defined Working Hours

Working hours are set in a user's property preference profile, and can be changed using the beectl add_preference_property command.

The values set for a user's working hours helps other users determine when the person is most likely to be available for meetings. By default, a user's working hours are set to begin at 9:00 AM, and end at 6:00 PM, in the user's defined time zone.


When an administrator changes a user's working hours, it can take up to 24 hours for the information to take effect across the system.

To change a user's defined working hours:

  1. Use the beectl list_preference_profiles command to list the user's preference properties:

    beectl> list_preference_profiles --consumer <userid>

    Where <userid> represents the identifier of the user.

  2. Using the output returned from Step 1, locate the TimeManagement section. Within the section, locate the working_hours preference property, then locate the text below the value field. Copy the entire XML code block, within and including the XML declaration element (for example, <?xml> ). The string will resemble the following text:

    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?><WeekBusinessHours xmlns=""><WeekShift StartDay="MONDAY" StartTime="09:00:00" EndDay="MONDAY" EndTime="18:00:00" Type="REGULAR"/><WeekShift StartDay="TUESDAY" StartTime="09:00:00" EndDay="TUESDAY" EndTime="18:00:00" Type="REGULAR"/><WeekShift StartDay="WEDNESDAY" StartTime="09:00:00" EndDay="WEDNESDAY" EndTime="18:00:00" Type="REGULAR"/><WeekShift StartDay="THURSDAY" StartTime="09:00:00" EndDay="THURSDAY" EndTime="18:00:00" Type="REGULAR"/><WeekShift StartDay="FRIDAY" StartTime="09:00:00" EndDay="FRIDAY" EndTime="18:00:00"Type="REGULAR"/></WeekBusinessHours>
  3. Paste the text copied in Step 2 into a text editor. Modify the StartTime and EndTime values of each work day to reflect the new working hours for the user.

  4. Save the file you created in Step 3.

  5. Use the beectl add_preference_property command with the --file option to import the new working hours for the user:

    beectl> add_preference_property --set prfs=TimeManagement,<userID> --name working_hours --type BUSINESS_HOURS --file <filename>

    Where <userID> represents the user identifier of the user, and <filename> represents the text file you created in Step 4.

Example 10-5 Changing a User's Working Hours

beectl> add_preference_property --set prfs=TimeManagement,user=jsmith --name working_hours --type BUSINESS_HOURS --file new_business_hours.xml

In Example 10-5, the working hours for the user with user identifier user=jsmith was modified based on the contents of the new_business_hours.xml file.

Managing Calendars and Task Lists

Users, resources, and workspaces can all own calendars and task lists. Users can create calendars and task lists using various Oracle Beehive clients, and users can modify calendars and task lists they own or have permission to manage using those clients as well.

As an administrator, you can also modify calendars and task lists using beectl commands. In addition to changing calendar and task lists attributes (such as name, permissions, time zone, and so forth), you can also modify who is permitted to access a calendar or task list, and who is enrolled with a given calendar.

This section contains the following topics:

Managing Calendar and Task List Attributes

Calendars and task lists are usually created when user accounts and workspaces are created, and as users perform their work, using the various Oracle Beehive clients. You can modify the attributes of an existing calendar or task list using beectl.

Using the beectl modify_calendar and beectl modify_tasklist commands, you can modify the attributes of calendars. Table 10-1, "Oracle Beehive Calendar Attributes" and Table 10-2, "Oracle Beehive Task List Attributes" lists the attributes you can modify with each command.

These commands provide similar options for selecting the specific calendar or task list you want to modify:

  • --calendar or --tasklist: Use this option to select a calendar or task list explicitly by using its unique Identifier.

  • --calendarowner or --tasklistowner: Use this option to select a calendar or task list using its owner's unique Identifier.

  • --select_by_<owner>: Use one of the 'select by' options to select a calendar or task list based on its owner's name (a user, resource, or workspace) or its unique URI.


When you use one of these command options and Oracle Beehive finds more than one calendar or task list based on your query, the default calendar or task list will be modified.

Table 10-1 Oracle Beehive Calendar Attributes

Option Description Accepted Values


Specifies the display name for the calendar.

An alphanumeric string


Specifies the primary time zone for this calendar.

A valid time zone string


Specifies the booking behavior of the resource calendar; either open or first-come-first-served. The value is not case-sensitive.

This option applies to Resource calendars only.

O (for open)

F (for first-come-first-served)


Specifies whether this calendar is used when determining the owner's free/busy data. The value is not case-sensitive.

Y (to include in free/busy)

N (to not include in free/busy)


Specifies the default priority of the calendar (the priority that, by default, is assigned to new calendar entries). The value is not case-sensitive.






Specifies the default sensitivity of the calendar. The value is not case-sensitive.







Specifies the enrollment type of the team workspace calendar. The value is not case-sensitive.

This option applies to team workspace calendars only.




Specifies a team workspace's permission for self-enrollment in the calendar. The value is not case-sensitive.

When set to OPEN, any Oracle Beehive user can enroll in the team workspace calendar.




Specifies the CalDAV resource name of the calendar.

A string


Specifies whether the calendar will derive its time zone from the calendar owner's configuration.

Y (to derive time zone from the owner)



Specifies whether the calendar will derive its available hours from the calendar owner's configuration.

Y (to derive available hours from the owner)



Specifies whether the calendar is enabled for presence integration with Oracle Beehive's presence services. This option is not valid for team workspace calendars.

Y (to enable presence integration)



Specifies whether the members of a team workspace are automatically enrolled in this calendar or not. This option is only valid for team workspace calendars.

Y (to automatically enroll members)


Table 10-2 Oracle Beehive Task List Attributes

Option Description Accepted Values


Specifies the display name for the task list.

An alphanumeric string


Specifies the primary time zone for this task list.

A valid time zone string


Specifies the default priority of the task list (the priority that, by default, is assigned to new task lists). The value is not case-sensitive.






Specifies the default sensitivity of the task list. The value is not case-sensitive.







Specifies the CalDAV resource name of the task list.

A string


Specifies whether the task list will derive its time zone from the task list owner's configuration.

Y (to derive time zone from the owner)


Managing Calendar and Task List Permissions

Oracle Beehive provides the ability for one user to delegate to other users the ability to manage their calendar or task list. You can list, modify, and clear these permissions lists.

To list the permissions list for a calendar or task list, use the beectl list_calendar_permissions or beectl list_tasklist_permissions commands:

beectl> list_calendar_permissions [...]
beectl> list_tasklist_permissions [...]

These commands provide similar options for selecting the specific calendar or task list you want to review:

  • --calendar or --tasklist: Use this option to select a calendar or task list explicitly by using its unique Identifier.

  • --calendarowner or --tasklistowner: Use this option to select a calendar or task list using its owner's unique Identifier.

  • --select_by_<owner>: use one of the 'select by' options to select a calendar based on its owner's name (a user, resource, or workspace) or its unique URI.


When you use one of these command options and Oracle Beehive finds more than one calendar or task list based on your query, the default calendar or task list will be listed.

To add or remove users to a calendar or task list's permissions list, use the beectl modify_calendar_permissions or beectl modify_tasklist_permissions commands:

beectl modify_calendar_permissions [...] --user <userid> | --group <groupid> [--user_principal | --delegated_principal]  [--can_invite | --cannot_invite] [--manage <sensitivity>] [--read <sensitivity>] [--discover <sensitivity>] [--deny <sensitivity>]


In this example, the options for selecting a calendar or task list to modify have been omitted. They are the same as those described for listing calendar and task list permissions.

You must combine an option to select a calendar or task list, an option to specify a user or group to apply permissions to, and what is granted and on which sensitivities (manage, read, discover, or deny).

For a given calendar or task list combined with a given grantee, the rights specified in the command add to any pre-existing or previously set rights for that grantee on that artifact.

For example, suppose you run the beectl modify_calendar_permissions command and specify a calendar --calendar C, a user --user user=john.doe, and rights --read CONFIDENTIAL.

Later, you run the beectl modify_calendar_permissions command again, specifying the same calendar --calendar C and the same user --user user=john.doe, with the new rights --read NORMAL.

After running the second command, the user will have Read rights on both the NORMAL sensitivity and the CONFIDENTIAL sensitivity.

To grant the same right on multiple sensitivities to a user for a calendar or task list, you can also specify all of the rights you want to grant in a single command:

beectl> modify_calendar_permissions [...] --calendar C --user user=john.doe --read CONFIDENTIAL --read NORMAL

Table 10-3 lists the options for allowing and denying various types of access to users and groups, for calendars and task lists.

Table 10-3 Oracle Beehive Calendar and Task List Permissions Options

Option Description Accepted Values


A single user which you want to add, modify, or remove from the calendar or task list's permissions.

A valid Oracle Beehive user identifier


An Oracle Beehive UDS group whose members you want to add, modify, or remove from the calendar or task list's permissions. Group members will automatically inherit these permissions.

A valid Oracle Beehive group identifier


Specifies that you want to modify a calendar or task list's owner's permissions only (Oracle Beehive will not modify any access given to this user as a delegate).



Specifies that you want to modify a calendar or task list's delegated principal only (Oracle Beehive will not modify the access given to this user directly).



Specifies the user or group may invite this calendar. (This option is not available for task lists.)



Specifies the user or group may not invite this calendar. (This option is not available for task lists.)



Specifies the user or group may assign this task list. (This option is not available for calendars.)



Specifies the user or group may not assign this task list. (This option is not available for calendars.)



Grants manage access (delegate) to the grantee (user only) on specified sensitivities of this calendar or task list. You can provide multiple values by using the --manage option multiple times. The value is not case-sensitive.







Grants read access to the grantee (user or group) on specified sensitivities of this calendar or task list. You can provide multiple values by using the --read option multiple times. The value is not case-sensitive.







Grants discover access to the grantee (user or group) on specified sensitivities of this calendar. You can provide multiple values by using the --discover option multiple times. (This option is not available for task lists.) The value is not case-sensitive.







Denies access of the grantee (user or group) to content with the specified sensitivities in this calendar or task list. You can provide multiple values by using the --deny option multiple times. The value is not case-sensitive.






You can clear the list of permissions for a calendar or task list by using the beectl clear_calendar_permissions or beectl clear_tasklist_permissions commands:

beectl> clear_calendar_permissions [...]
beectl clear_tasklist_permissions [...]

Refer to Table 10-1, "Oracle Beehive Calendar Attributes", Table 10-2, "Oracle Beehive Task List Attributes" and Table 10-3, "Oracle Beehive Calendar and Task List Permissions Options" for explanations of the various options for these commands.

Managing Calendar Enrollments

The Beehive server offers flexibility with calendaring and scheduling operations, particularly in the context of team workspace environments. Team workspace calendars support the following features:

  • Appointments, without any attendees to the event

  • Traditional invitations in which attendees are explicitly listed

  • Enrollment invitations, in which a team workspace is invited to an event, automatically inviting users who are enrolled

The various Oracle Beehive clients each present calendaring operations in different ways; not all of these functions are supported in every client. Enrollments apply to team workspaces only. By default all team workspace members are enrolled in the team workspace calendar. They can modify this behavior in some of the Oracle Beehive clients.


Enrollments apply to the team workspace, not individual calendars. When multiple calendars exist in a workspace, only the default team workspace calendar is affected by the workspace enrollment list.

Team workspace members can also 'unenroll' from the workspace. Unenrolled users will not receive invitations when the workspace is invited to meetings or when meetings are created in the team workspace.

For example, you could create a public team workspace about local sports events, with 'SelfEnrollment=OPEN'. You can populate the workspace calendar with the dates and times of sports events. Users who want to attend such events can self-enroll in the calendar, and the events will appear in their personal calendars.

As another example, an executive might be interested in accessing documents stored in a team workspace, but does not want to be included in the team workspace's calendar events. The executive can join the team workspace but unenroll in its calendar.

You can list the users that are directly enrolled or unenrolled in a team workspace calendar by using the beectl list_calendar_enrollments command:

beectl> list_calendar_enrollments { --calendar <calendarid> | --calendarowner <unique_identifier> | --select_by_address <uri> | --select_by_workspace_name <workspace_name> }

The options for this command provide you with a variety of ways to specify a calendar.

To enroll or unenroll users from a team workspace calendar, use the beectl modify_calendar_enrollments command:

beectl> modify_calendar_enrollments { --calendar <calendarid> | --calendarowner <unique_identifier> | --select_by_address <uri> | --select_by_workspace_name <workspace_name> } { --enroll <loginid> | --unenroll <loginid>}

Specify the calendar you want to modify using one of the options within the first set of curly-braces {}, and then specify either --enroll or --unenroll with the identifier of the user you want to enroll or unenroll in the calendar.

Managing Oracle Beehive Time Zone Definitions

This section includes information about time zone definitions, obtaining new time zone packages, and importing new time zone files into Oracle Beehive. This section contains the following topics:


Every installation of Oracle Beehive includes a set of time zones with associated rules. As time zones change as a result of political decisions, Oracle Beehive time zones will be updated as part of the regular upgrade process, or by applying a more recent Oracle Beehive Time Zones Package.

The contents of the Oracle Beehive Time Zones Package is based on the time zone definitions provided by the Public-Domain Time Zone Database Web site maintained at the National Institute of Health. For more information, consult the external Web site at the following address:

Managing Common Time Zones

Oracle Beehive uses a list of "common" time zones, which are those most frequently used by various clients as the preferred time zone choices to offer to users. In addition, Oracle Beehive supports a comprehensive list of time zones, from which the common time zones are drawn.

By default, Oracle Beehive provides over 400 time zone definitions, of which about 75 are designated as common.

When you use the beectl list_timezones command without the --all option, only the common time zones are listed. When you use the command with the --all option, all time zones are listed.

You can manage which time zones are included in the common time zone list, by using the beectl modify_timezones command with the --common option. For example, to set the Africa/Kigali time zone to common:

beectl> modify_timezones select_by_name Africa/Kigali --common

You can reset the common time zone list to the default settings (as provided by a fresh Oracle Beehive installation) by using the beectl modify_timezones command with the --reset_to_default option:

beectl modify_timezones --reset_to_default

Obtaining a New Oracle Beehive Time Zone Package

The most recent Oracle Beehive Time Zone Package is usually included with the most recent Oracle Beehive patch.

Consult Oracle Support for information about obtaining time zone packages that are made available between Oracle Beehive releases.


You can find the version of the Oracle Beehive Time Zone Package currently on your system by looking at the first few lines of the beectl list_timezones command.

Refreshing the Oracle Beehive Time Zone Package

Once you have obtained the newest time zone package, you will need to import the file using the beectl import_timezones command.

To import a time zone package:

  1. Save the time zone package XML file in an accessible location on the computer running Oracle Beehive.

  2. Run the beectl import_timezones command to import the Oracle Beehive Time Zone Package file:

    beectl> import_timezones --file <timezone_package>

    Where <timezone_package> represents the absolute path to the time zone package file saved in Step 1.

Example 10-6 Importing a Time Zone Definition Package

beectl> import_timezones --file /tmp/timezones/tzdata2008a-085.xml
Time zones are successfully imported to database.

In Example 10-6, the time zone definition package file named tzdata2008a-085.xml is being imported from the /tmp/timezones directory. A line is returned to the command-line indicating that the time zones were successfully imported.

Enabling Cross-Scheduling Between Oracle Beehive Deployments with iSchedule

Oracle Beehive supports the Internet Calendar Scheduling Protocol (iSchedule). iSchedule enables interoperability between different calendaring and scheduling systems. With iSchedule, users in connected systems can perform common calendaring and scheduling tasks, such as scheduling and rescheduling meetings, responding to meeting requests, and searching for free-busy time of other users, regardless of which system a user resides. Oracle Beehive 2.0 supports iSchedule interoperability between Oracle Beehive deployments only.

To enable cross-scheduling between two different Oracle Beehive deployments, perform the following steps:

  1. Verify that the Oracle Beehive deployments are capable of sending and receiving HTTPS requests to and from each other. In some deployment scenarios, Oracle Beehive servers are deployed behind a firewall that prevents HTTPS requests to be sent.

  2. On the first Oracle Beehive instance, use beectl to configure the iSchedule server to point to that of the second Oracle Beehive instance.

    For example, in a scenario where the first Oracle Beehive instance is called "" and the second instance is called "", run the following commands on

    % beectl
           beectl> add_ischedule_server --name BEEHIVE-INSTANCE2-COM \
                --domain_regexp ".*@instance2\.com$" \ 
                --outgoing_url "" \ 
                --outgoing_auth_id ischedule \ 
                --outgoing_auth_key Welcome123 \ 
                --incoming_auth_id ischedule \ 
                --incoming_auth_key Beehive123 \
  3. On the second Oracle Beehive instance, use beectl to configure the iSchedule server to point to that of the first Oracle Beehive instance.

    For example, using the above scenario, run the following commands on

    beectl> add_ischedule_server --name BEEHIVE-INSTANCE1-NET \
                --domain_regexp ".*@instance1\.net$" \ 
                --outgoing_url "" \ 
                --outgoing_auth_id ischedule \ 
                --outgoing_auth_key Beehive123 \ 
                --incoming_auth_id ischedule \ 
                --incoming_auth_key Welcome123 \


    If the add_ischedule_server command is executed directly on the command line, that is, not in the beectl shell, the value of the --outgoing_auth_key and --incoming_auth_key options will first need to be obfuscated using the beectl obfuscate command.