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Part Number E16651-04
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3 Managing Enterprises

This module contains describes how to manage Oracle Beehive enterprises using Oracle Beekeeper, and includes the following sections:

About Entities, Actors, and Artifacts

  • An entity is an object in Oracle Beehive, such as a service, user, workspace, or artifact. In essence, every object in Oracle Beehive is an entity.

  • An actor is an entity, such as a user, group, or service, that acts upon other entities.

  • An artifact is a type of entity that users can view, create, modify, or delete. Artifacts are the results of communications and other collaborative activities, and include e-mail messages, meeting entries, online discussions, and documents.

Managing Workspace Quotas

You can control the maximum disk space allowed for workspaces in your enterprise.

To manage workspace quotas for your entire enterprise:

  1. From the Enterprises panel, click Manage Enterprises.

  2. In the Manage Enterprises window, select your enterprise.

  3. Click the Quota Settings tab.

  4. Set specific quota limits for each type of quota. By default, each quota type is set to Unlimited.

    • Hard Quota: Set the total disk space allocated to your enterprise.

    • Sub-Organizations Hard Quota: Set the default disk space allocated to each sub-organization within your enterprise.

    • Team Workspace Hard Quota: Set the default disk space allocated to each team workspace within your enterprise.

    • Personal Workspace Hard Quota: Set the default disk space allocated to each personal workspace within your enterprise.

    • Team Workspace Soft Quota: Set the default quota level at which a warning event is created for each team workspace within your enterprise.

    • Personal Workspace Soft Quota: Set the default quota level at which a warning event is created for each personal workspace within your enterprise.

  5. Click Apply to save your changes to the quota settings. Alternatively, click Reset to discard your changes.

To manage quota for a single workspace:

  1. From the Enterprises panel, click the name of your enterprise.

  2. In the Manage Enterprises window, select a workspace.

  3. Click the Quota Settings tab.

  4. Set specific limits for hard and soft quotas. By default, each quota type is set to Unlimited.

  5. Click Apply to save your changes to the quota settings. Alternatively, click Reset to discard your changes.

Searching in Oracle Beekeeper

You can enter search strings in the Search field in the top-right corner of the main window to search for entities in Oracle Beekeeper. Alternatively, you can use the Advanced Search dialog box to perform searches.

Searches in Oracle Beekeeper are not case-sensitive.

Performing Simple Searches

In its most basic form, a search consists of an attribute, a keyword, and a match operator. An attribute is the criterion by which you intend to search for one or more Oracle Beehive entities. A keyword is the value for which you want to search. Generally, the match operator is :, which instructs Oracle Beekeeper to return all results for the searched attribute containing the given keyword.

You perform a simple search by entering search strings in the Search field and clicking the Search icon to begin your search.


To perform a search for all users with the word 'developer' in their job titles, you would enter title:developer in the Search field. Alternatively, to search for all members of the accounting department, you would enter department:accounting in the Search field.

Complex Search Syntax

Oracle Beekeeper supports boolean expressions, nested predicates with parentheses, and the predefined attributes ANY and ALL.

  • Using the ANY attribute matches the keyword or keyphrase against any of the relevant search attributes.

  • Using the ALL attribute matches the keyword or keyphrase against all of the relevant search attributes.

If you want to specify multiple keywords for a given search, you must enclose them in double quotation marks. Multiple keywords in double quotation marks constitute a keyphrase.

Boolean Operator Oracle Beekeeper Symbol
contains :
AND &&
OR ||

Example 3-1 Complex Syntax

In the Search field, enter the following text:

(givenname:john && familyname:coetzee) || (givenname:jamaica && familyname:kincaid)

Your search would return the following results:

  • Any user whose given name was John and whose family name was Coetzee

  • Any user whose given name was Jamaica and whose family name was Kincaid

Performing Advanced Searches

To perform an advanced search:

  1. Click the Advanced Search icon to launch the Advanced Search dialog box.

  2. From the Add pull-down menu, select an attribute and click +.

  3. Enter a word or part of a word in the field provided. To search for entities with an attribute containing the word you entered, select contains from the attribute's pull-down menu. Alternatively, to search for entities with an attribute that does not contain the word you entered, select does not contain from the attribute's pull-down menu.

  4. Optionally, repeat steps 2 and 3 to search for entities using more than one attribute.

  5. If you are searching using multiple attributes, select All to ensure that your search returns only entities that match all the attributes by which you are searching. Alternatively, select Any to ensure that your search returns entities that match any of the attributes by which you are searching.

  6. If you want to delete any attribute search you have created, click x next to the attribute field.

  7. Click Search. Your results are displayed in the main window behind the Advanced Search dialog box.

  8. Click Close to return to the main window.

Managing Users

A user, also referred to as an actor, is an entity that can act on other entities. Users can be assigned to groups, provisioned for services, and authorized to perform tasks and services.

All users are part of the enterprise directory, which is managed by the User Directory Service (UDS).


If you have configured Oracle Beehive to use an external directory server, you cannot create or modify users using Oracle Beekeeper.

Creating Users

To create a user:

  1. In the Enterprises panel, expand the Manage Enterprises navigation tree.

  2. Click Users.

  3. From the menu bar, click New.

  4. Click one of the tabs and enter user information:

    • General: Enter basic information such as first name and family name, time zone, user name, and password. You must provide a family name and a user name for the user.

    • Business: Enter official information such as company, organization, department, job title, and manager.

    • Contact Info: Enter contact information such as e-mail, phone, fax, and instant message address. You can also add or remove entries for each type of contact information using the + and x buttons. You can also select a primary entry from among the multiple entries for each contact information field, and categorize each contact information field under the Business, Personal, or Other category.

    • Groups: Lists the group or groups to which a user belongs. To add the user to a group, click Add, enter a name or part of a name in the Search field, and click the search icon to return a list of groups. Select a group from the list and click Add. Alternatively, hold down Ctrl to select multiple groups, and click Add. For more information, see Managing Groups.

    • Roles: Lists the role or roles assigned to the user. To assign a role to the user, click Add. Select a role from the list and click Add. Alternatively, hold down Ctrl to select multiple roles, and click Add. For more information, see Managing Roles.

  5. Click Save & Close to create the user and close the New User dialog box. Alternatively, click Apply to create the user without closing the dialog box.

Modifying Users

To modify information about a user:

  1. In the Enterprises panel, expand the Manage Enterprises navigation tree.

  2. Click Users.

  3. From the displayed list of users, select the user you want to modify.

  4. From the menu bar, select Actions, then Open.

  5. Update any or all user information. For more information, see Creating Users.

  6. Click Save & Close to save your changes and close the dialog box. Alternatively, click Apply to save your changes without closing the dialog box.

Disabling User Subscription Notifications

You can disable all subscription notifications for a user using Oracle Beekeeper.


Users can enable and disable their own notifications (including after you disable them) using Oracle Beehive Central.

To disable notifications for one or more users:

  1. In the Enterprises panel, expand the Manage Enterprises navigation tree.

  2. Click Users.

  3. From the displayed list of users, select the user you want to modify.

  4. From the menu bar, select Actions, then Disable subscriptions. After you confirm the action, all notifications for that user will be disabled.

Deleting Users

To delete a user:

  1. In the Enterprises panel, expand the Manage Enterprises navigation tree.

  2. Click Users.

  3. From the displayed list of users, select the user you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Searching for Users

To search for one or more users:

  1. In the Users pane, enter the search string in the Search field. You can perform a search using one or more of the following attributes:

    • Status

    • FamilyName

    • GivenName

    • MiddleName

    • Nickname

    • Email

    • Title

    • Office

    • Department

    • Company

    • Profession

    • Manager

    • Organization

    • TimeZone

    For more information, see Performing Simple Searches.

  2. Click the Search icon.

  3. Click x to reset the Users pane and repeat the search with a new string.

Alternatively, perform an advanced search by following the steps described in Performing Advanced Searches.

Managing Groups

An Oracle Beehive group is a defined collection of users or resources (or some combination thereof) that are related based on a line of business, a project, or another common association.

About Groups

Oracle Beehive provides the following group types:

  • Static groups have explicit member lists. You must manually add and remove members from static groups.

  • Dynamic groups have memberships defined by a query, so that users fitting whatever criteria is being queried are automatically made members. Dynamic group queries are based on any combination of user attributes, properties, or addresses.


    All users with a particular manager could belong to a dynamic group defined by a query against the Manager attribute of user accounts. Whenever a user's manager attribute is changed to that particular manager, that user is automatically added to the group. Likewise, whenever a user's manager attribute changes (the user switches to a different manager), that user is automatically removed from the group.

Creating Static Groups

To create a static group:

  1. From the New pull-down menu, select Static Group. The New Static Group pop-up will open in a separate window.

  2. On the General tab, enter a unique name for the group. Optionally, enter a brief group description.

  3. Optionally, click the Contact Info tab and provide contact information for the group.

  4. Click the Members tab.

  5. Click +.

  6. Enter a name or part of a name in the Search field and click the search icon to return a list of results.

  7. Select a user from the list and click Add. Alternatively, hold down Ctrl to select multiple users, and click Add.

  8. Click Save & Close to create the static group.

Creating Dynamic Groups

To create a dynamic group:

  1. From the New pull-down menu, select Dynamic Group. The New Dynamic Group pop-up will open in a separate window.

  2. On the General tab, enter a unique name for the group. Optionally, enter a brief group description.

  3. In the Query section, select one or more attributes to define your membership, and provide a value and operator for each attribute you choose. You can add members using any of the following attributes:

    • Family name

    • Given name

    • Middle name

    • Nickname

    • E-mail address

    • Title

    • Office

    • Department

    • Company

    • Profession

    • Manager

    • Type (Enterprise or Extended Enterprise)


    You create a dynamic group intended to comprise only the accountants in your Montreal office. From the Add pull-down menu, you select Office and click +. Leaving the operator at contains, you enter Montreal in the edit box. From the Add pull-down menu, you select Profession and click +. Leaving the operator at contains, you enter accountant in the edit box. You click the All radio button to ensure that your group only contains users who meet both your search criteria.
  4. Click Preview to verify that your query has generated the desired membership for this group.

  5. Optionally, click the Contact Info tab and provide contact information for the group.

  6. Optionally, you can manually add members to a dynamic group by performing the following steps:

    1. Click the Include tab.

    2. Click Add.

    3. Enter a name or part of a name in the Search field and click the search icon to return a list of results.

    4. Select a user from the list and click Add. Alternatively, hold down Ctrl to select multiple users, and click Add.

  7. Optionally, you can make specific roles available to group members by performing the following steps:

    1. Click the Roles tab.

    2. Click Add.

    3. Leave the Search field blank and click the search icon to return a list of all available roles.

    4. Select a role from the list and click Add. Alternatively, hold down Ctrl to select multiple roles, and click Add.

  8. Click Save & Close to create the dynamic group.

Searching for Groups

To search for one or more groups:

  1. In the Groups pane, enter the search string in the Search field. You can perform a search using one or more of the following attributes:

    • Name

    • Description

    • Status

    For more information, see Performing Simple Searches.

  2. Click the Search icon.

  3. Click x to reset the Groups pane and repeat the search with a new string.

Alternatively, perform an advanced search by following the steps described in Performing Advanced Searches.

Changing Group Ownership

To change the owner of a group:

  1. In the Groups pane, select the group you want to modify. You can edit the group in the lower pane, or click Open from the Action menu to open the group in a separate window.

  2. On the General tab, next to the name of the Owner, click the Pick User icon to pick a new user to be the owner of the group, or, click the Pick Group icon to pick a new group to be the owner of this group. Use the picker to select a new owner.

  3. From the lower pane, click Apply to apply your changes to the group. If you are modifying the group from a separate window, click Apply to apply your changes without closing the window, or click Save & Close to apply your changes and close the window.

Managing Resources

A resource is an entity that users can search for, reserve, and use for a specified period of time, such as a conference room or a projector.

Creating Resources

To create a resource:

  1. From the New menu, click Bookable Resource or External Resource.

  2. On the General tab:

    • Enter a unique Name for the resource.

    • Optionally, specify a Capacity for the resource. For example, a small conference room could have a capacity of 10.

    • By default, the scope for the resource is your enterprise. Click the Pick a scope icon to select a different scope for the resource.

    • Select a Type for the resource: Room, Equipment, or Other.

    • In the Email field, an e-mail address is suggested based on the name entered in the Name field. Optionally, edit the value to a different e-mail address.

    • Optionally, enter a location, description, phone number, fax number, and URL for the resource.

    • Optionally, for bookable resources, click the Select a category icon to pick a Category for the resource. Check the Require external processing check box if the resource requires processing outside Oracle Beehive to book.

    • Optionally, click the Select a Time Zone icon to pick a Time Zone for the resource

    • Optionally, provide any special information related to booking this resource in the Booking Info field.

  3. Optionally, assign individual approvers to a bookable resource by performing the following steps:

    1. Click the Approvers tab.

    2. Click Add to add an approver. Enter the full name or part of the name of an Oracle Beehive user in the field and click the magnifying glass to obtain a list of results.

    3. Select a one or more users, and click the plus icon. The users now appear in the Approvers list.

  4. Optionally, select working hours for a bookable resource by performing the following steps:

    1. Click the Working Hours tab.

    2. Click Add to add a schedule. Select a Start Day and Start Time, and an End Day and End time, for the resource to be available. Select a Type, either Regular or Extended.

    3. In the Schedule drop down, you can select Alternating Weeks to create a schedule that alternates from one week to the next.

  5. Optionally, set up access control for a bookable resource, to allow or prevent some users from seeing the resource, by performing the following steps:

    1. Click the Access Control tab. By default, the Everyone group has Allowed access.

    2. Click Add to add a user or group to the list. Search for and select one or more users and groups, and click the plus icon to add them to the list.

    3. Use the drop down list to select Allowed or Denied to allow or deny access to the resource for that user or group.

  6. Click Apply to apply your changes without closing the window, or click Save & Close to apply your changes and close the window.

Searching for Resources

To search for one or more resources:

  1. In the Resources pane, enter the search string in the Search field. You can perform a search using one or more of the following attributes:

    • Name

    • ID

    • Capacity

    • Email

    • Type

    • Is External

    • Modified On

    For more information, see Performing Simple Searches.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Click Clear to reset the Resources pane and repeat the search with a new string.

Alternatively, perform an advanced search by following the steps described in Performing Advanced Searches.

Managing Devices

Uploading Device Profiles

See Also:

For more information about uploading device profiles, see "Uploading a Device Profile File" in Chapter 7, "Managing Oracle Beehive Mobility Services," in the Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide.

To upload a new device profile to Oracle Beehive:

  1. From the Actions menu, select Upload Profile.

  2. Click Browse.

  3. Select a valid device profile in XML format and click Open.

  4. Click Upload.

  5. Click Close to exit the Upload File dialog box.

Viewing, Modifying, and Deleting Device Profiles

To modify a device profile:

  1. From the Actions menu, select Open.

  2. Click + next to any of the sections.

  3. To modify a parameter, edit the value in the appropriate Value box.

  4. Click Apply to apply your changes, or Reset to erase your changes.


    The device capabilities that appear when you click the Capabilities tab are read-only and cannot be modified.

To delete a device profile:

  1. Select a profile.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Delete.


    You can only delete profiles without associated device types.

Filtering Profiles

You can filter the list of device profiles displayed in the main window by entering filter criteria in the Filter by field and clicking the magnifying glass. You can filter profiles by name or by the Modified On date. Clicking X next to the Filter by field resets the filter criteria and reloads the profile window with no filter criteria.

Viewing Device Types for a Profile

To view all associated device types for a profile:

  1. Select a profile.

  2. From the View menu, select Types.

Listing Devices Types

Click the Types tab to list all available device types in the system and display associated information for each device type:

  • Name

  • Manufacturer

  • Model

  • Dev Inf DTD Version: Displays the Document Type Definition (DTD) version used to exchange information between the device and the Oracle Beehive server.

  • Software Version: Lists the device's OS version.

  • Device Class: Lists the class of the device. Device classes include PDA, pager, and mobile.

  • OS: Lists the operating system that can run on the device.

  • Processor

Creating a Device Type

To create a device type:

  1. Click New to bring up the New Device Type window.

  2. Select a profile from the Device Profile pull-down menu.

  3. Enter a manufacturer, model, device class, OS, and processor for the device type. If you specify a manufacturer and model, you do not need to provide the device class, OS, and processor. If you provide the device class, OS, and processor, you do not need to specify the manufacturer and model.

  4. Optionally, enter the software version and DTD version for the device type. For more information, see Listing Devices Types.

  5. Click Save & Close to create the device type and close the New Device Type window. Alternatively, click Apply to create the device type without closing the window.

Viewing and Modifying Device Types

To view a device type, select it in the main window. Details are displayed in a pane below the main window.

To modify a device type:

  1. Click the Types tab.

  2. Select a device type.

  3. Modify any of the properties for the device type.

  4. Click Apply to save your changes to the device type. Alternatively, click Reset to discard your changes.

Deleting Device Types

To delete a device type, select one or more device types and select Delete from the Actions menu. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion or deletions.

Searching for Device Types

You can search the system for device types.

To search for device types:

  1. In the Devices pane, click the Types tab. For more information, see Listing Devices Types.

  2. Enter a search string in the Search field. For more information, see Performing Simple Searches.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Click Clear to reset the Devices pane and repeat the search with a new string.

Alternatively, perform an advanced search by following the steps described in Performing Advanced Searches.

Listing Devices

To list all devices registered in Oracle Beehive:

  1. From the Manage Enterprises section in the left-hand pane, click Devices.

  2. Click the Devices tab. To view details for a device, select it. Information for the selected device appears in the details pane.

Queuing Device Commands

You can queue different device commands to be performed at a later date.

To queue a command for a device:

  1. From the Manage Enterprises section in the left-hand pane, click Devices.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

  3. Click the Commands tab.

  4. Select the device.

  5. From the Actions menu, select one of the following commands:

    • Check for Updates: Use this command to query the server for any application updates.

    • Upload Log: Use this command to upload device logs created by the installed applications to the server.

    • Upload Config: Use this command to upload an inventory of all installed applications and their respective configurations to the server.

    • Wipeout: Use this command to erase all applications and data from the selected device.

Deleting Device Commands

You can delete device commands from the queue at any time. You may want to delete device commands for one of the following reasons:

  • The device is not available.

  • The user is not currently accepting the queued command.

  • You have queued another command with the Wipeout command pending and no longer want the command to be executed.

To delete a device command from the queue:

  1. From the Manage Enterprises section in the left-hand pane, click Devices.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

  3. Click the Commands tab.

  4. Select the device.

  5. Select the queued command and click Delete.

Managing Policies

Policies establish rules for how the system should behave when certain events occur, based on evaluating the truth of a set of conditions, and then allowing or disallowing a resulting action.

Each policy is triggered by events.

A policy has one or more rules, each of which is triggered by one event.

Each rule contains one or more conditions, which are evaluated as true or false.

Each rule may activate an action, depending on the results of the evaluated conditions.

For more detailed information about policies, see the "Managing Oracle Beehive Events, and Policies" module of the Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide.

To access the main Policies view, click Policies in the Enterprise panel.

Listing Existing Policies

You can list the existing policies by clicking the Policies tab in the main Policies view. Each policy is listed by name, along with a description and an indication of whether the policy is currently enabled.

You can sort the list of policies by name.

You can restrict the view to one type of policy. From the Type drop down:

  • Select All to show all policies

  • Select General to show all non-record, non-audit policies

  • Select Record to show only record management policies

  • Select Audit to show only audit policies


If you do not have sufficient privileges, you cannot view audit policies.

Viewing Details of an Existing Policy

You can review the details of an existing policy. Click a policy from the list of existing policies. Details of the policy are shown in the lower pane.

The following information is shown on the General tab:

  • The Name of the policy

  • If a Template was used when creating this policy, that template's name is shown

  • If the policy is currently enabled, the Enabled check box is checked

  • A Description of the policy

  • The date and actor associated with the policy creation, and the date and actor associated with the last modification of the policy

To view the rules included in the policy, click the Rules tab.

Click a rule to view information about that rule. The following information is shown:

  • On the General tab:

    • The Name of the rule

    • The rule's Priority; rules are evaluated from lowest to highest integer value of priority

    • The Event which triggers this rule

    • The Action to be performed if the event occurs

    • A Description of the rule

  • On the Conditions tab:

    • One or more conditions may be shown. If there are conditions, the conditions must be met for the action shown on the General tab to be triggered

  • On the Attributes tab:

    • One or more attributes may be shown. Each attribute has a name and value

  • On the Action Parameters tab:

    • One or more Action Parameters may be listed. Each Action Parameter has a name and description

Creating a New Policy

To create a policy from a template:

  1. From the main Policy view, click the New button

  2. From the drop down, select Policy From Template

  3. In the New Policy window, enter a name and description for the new policy.

    You must also select a template on which to base this policy; click a template from the list, and its name will be added to the Template field.

    Click Next to continue

  4. Pick one or more rule templates and add them to the Rules column. Click Next to continue

  5. Optionally, enter attribute values for each rule you added to the policy. You can use the search tool to pick from users, groups, or containers. Click Finish to create the policy.

To create a policy without using a template:

  1. From the main Policy view, click the New button

  2. From the drop down, select Policy

  3. In the New Policy window, enter a name and description for the new policy.

    You can choose a Type: use Audit for audit policies, Record for records management policies, and General for all other types of policies.

    Click Next to continue

  4. Click the Rules tab

  5. You must add one or more rules to a policy. Click the Add button to add a new rule. For each new rule, on the New Rule General tab:

    • Enter a Name and (optionally) a Description for the rule

    • Select a Priority for the rule. Rules will be evaluated in order of priority, from the lowest to the highest.

    • Select an Event which will trigger this rule, by clicking the search icon and picking an event from the list

    • Select an Action to be triggered when the Event occurs, by clicking the search icon and picking an action from the list

    For each new rule, on the New Rule Conditions tab, you may optionally add one or more conditions to the rule:

    1. Click Add to add a new condition

    2. Select whether the condition on the left side of the function will be a Function or an Attribute from the first drop-down box

    3. Enter a value on the left side of the equation, or click the list icon to select an attribute from a list

    4. Select an operator from the center drop-down list

    5. Select whether the condition on the right side of the function will be a Function or an Attribute from the second drop-down box

    6. Enter a value on the right side of the equation, or click the list icon to select an attribute from a list

    7. Click View to review the condition. While viewing, click Edit to edit the condition.

    8. Click the AND or OR icons to create a compound condition

    9. Click the Delete icon next to any condition row to delete that row. If there is only one condition row, click Remove to delete the entire condition

    For each new rule, on the New Rule Action Parameters tab, you may optionally add one or more action parameters to the rule:

    1. Click Add to add a new action parameter

    2. Enter a name and a value for the new action parameter

  6. Click Apply to save your policy but keep the window open for further changes, or click Save and Close to save your policy and close the New Policy window

Modifying a Policy

To modify a policy:

  1. From the Policies pane, click a policy in the list


    You can edit an existing policy in the lower pane, or, if you prefer, select the policy and choose Open from the Action drop-down list to edit the policy in a separate window.
  2. On the General tab, you can change the name and description of the policy, and you can enable or disable the policy by clicking the Enabled check box

  3. On the Rules tab, you can edit existing rules. Click the rule, and then make changes to it. Click the Add button to add a new rule. For each rule, on the Rule General tab:

    • Enter or modify the Name and Description for the rule

    • Select or modify the Priority for the rule. Rules will be evaluated in order of priority, from the lowest to the highest.

    For each new or existing rule, on the Rule Conditions tab, you may add or modify conditions for the rule:

    1. Click Add to add a new condition, or click Edit to edit the existing condition

    2. Select whether the condition on the left side of the function will be a Function or an Attribute from the first drop-down box

    3. Enter a value on the left side of the equation, or click the list icon to select an attribute from a list

    4. Select an operator from the center drop-down list

    5. Select whether the condition on the right side of the function will be a Function or an Attribute from the second drop-down box

    6. Enter a value on the right side of the equation, or click the list icon to select an attribute from a list

    7. Click View to review the condition. While viewing, click Edit to edit the condition.

    8. Click the AND or OR icons to create a compound condition

    9. Click the Delete icon next to any condition row to delete that row. If there is only one condition row, click Remove to delete the entire condition

    For each new or existing rule, on the Rule Action Parameters tab, you may add or modify one or more action parameters to the rule:

    1. Click Add to add a new action parameter, or click an existing action parameter to select it

    2. Enter or modify a name and a value for each new or existing action parameter

  4. Click Apply to save the changes you have made to the existing policy, or click Reset to revert to the previously saved version of the policy. Clicking Reset will remove any changes you have made so far to the policy

Deleting Policies


You should not delete the default policies, as they are required for various Oracle Beehive functions to work properly. The default policies include the Audit Records Management policy, the Validate Password policy, the User Provisioning policy, and the User Deprovisioning policy. If you need to disable any of these policies, you can edit the policy, and de-select the Enabled check box.

To delete an existing policy:

  1. From the Policies pane, click an existing policy

  2. Click Delete or choose Delete from the Action drop-down list to delete the policy

  3. On the confirmation dialog box, click OK to confirm deletion of the policy

Viewing Policy Templates

You can use policy templates when creating new policies to conveniently select from events related to a particular subject. To review the available policy templates, from the Policies pane, click the Templates tab. Each policy template is listed, along with a description.

Click a policy template to display information about that policy template. In the lower pane, the general and rule templates information is available.

With a policy template selected, you can click Policy From Template from the New drop down to create a new policy based on that template. Then, follow the steps described in "Creating a New Policy".

Creating New Policy Templates

You can create a new policy template, based on a policy schema. Oracle Beehive comes with two default schemas: the Audit schema and the Records Management schema.

  1. From the Policies pane, click the Templates tab, and then select Template From Schema from the New drop down. Or, from the Policies pane, click the Schemas tab, select a schema, and then click Template From Schema.

  2. In the New Template dialog box, enter a name and (optionally) a description for the new policy template. If you started from the Templates tab, also pick a schema on which to base this template. Click Next.

  3. Select one or more Rule Definitions from which rule templates should be created, by moving them into the Rule Templates column. Click Next.

  4. For each rule definition, you can edit the attribute template. You can set attributes to be editable or non-editable, mandatory or optional, and whether to prompt users for a value. You can enter a default value, create a list of one or more allowed values, and (for some attributes) indicate that the attribute can have more than one value.

    When you are finished editing attribute templates, click Finish to create the new policy template.

Viewing Policy Schemas

You can use policy schemas when creating new policy templates to make use of pre-defined rule and attribute definitions. To review the available policy schemas, from the Policies pane, click the Schemas tab. Each policy schema is listed, along with a description.

Click a policy schema to display information about that policy schema. In the lower pane, the general and rule definitions information is available.

With a policy schema selected, you can click Template From Schema from the New drop down to create a new policy template based on that schema. Then, follow the steps described in "Creating New Policy Templates".

Creating New Policy Schemas

To create a new policy schema, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Policies pane, click the Schemas tab. Then, click New, and select Schema.

  2. In the New Schema window, enter a Name and (optionally) a Description for the new schema. From the Type drop down, pick Audit to create a new audit schema, Record to create a new record management schema, or General for all other schema types.

    By default, a new default policy template will be created from your new policy schema. Uncheck the box to disable this behavior.

  3. Click the Rule Definitions tab to create one or more rule definitions for this schema. Click Add. Then, in the New Rule Definition section, enter information about your new rule. On the General tab, give the rule a Name and (optionally) a Description. Select an Event using the event picker, and then an Action for that event using the action picker.

  4. For each new rule, on the Rule Conditions tab, you may add conditions for the rule:

    1. Click Add to add a new condition, or click Edit to edit an existing condition

    2. Select whether the condition on the left side of the function will be a Function or an Attribute from the first drop-down box

    3. Enter a value on the left side of the equation, or click the list icon to select an attribute from a list

    4. Select an operator from the center drop-down list

    5. Select whether the condition on the right side of the function will be a Function or an Attribute from the second drop-down box

    6. Enter a value on the right side of the equation, or click the list icon to select an attribute from a list

    7. Click View to review the condition. While viewing, click Edit to edit the condition.

    8. Click the AND or OR icons to create a compound condition

    9. Click the Delete icon next to any condition row to delete that row. If there is only one condition row, click Remove to delete the entire condition

  5. For each rule, on the rule Attribute Definitions tab, you may add or modify one or more attribute definitions to the rule:

    1. Click Add to add a new attribute definition, or click an existing attribute definition to select it and then click Edit

    2. In the Attribute Definition dialog box, pick an attribute type from the drop down, and enter a Name and (optionally) a Description for the attribute.

    3. You can set one or more default values for the attribute in the Default Values section. To set more than one default value, you must select the Can have more than one value check box. (This check box is only visible for data types that support multiple values.)

    4. For some data types, you can set a minimum value, maximum value, or both. Enter these in the Minimum Value and Maximum Value sections.

    5. For some data types, you can set one or more allowed values. Set these in the Allowed Values section.

    6. When you have finished setting the parameters of the new attribute definition, click OK. The new attribute definition is shown in the list on the Attribute Definitions tab.

  6. For each rule, on the Rule Action Parameters tab, you may add or modify one or more action parameters to the rule:

    1. Click Add to add a new action parameter, or click an existing action parameter to select it

    2. Enter or modify a name and a value for each new or existing action parameter

  7. When you are finished creating the new schema, click Apply to create it without closing the New Schema window, or click Save and Close to create the schema and close the window. Your new schema is listed on the Schemas tab of the Policies pane.

Viewing Action Definitions

Policies invoke actions based on events and conditions. When you create or edit a rule, you must use one of these actions to define what Oracle Beehive should do when the rule event, and all conditions, are met. You can review the list of default actions.

To view the default action definitions, from the Policies pane, click the Action Definitions tab. Each action definition is listed, along with a description.

Click an action definition to display information about that action definition. In the lower pane, the Name, Description, Type, and Action string are displayed.

Managing Roles

A role is tied to a role definition and can be used to assign a set of privileges to multiple users. Though Oracle Beehive comes with a predefined set of roles and role definitions, you can create your own roles and role definitions to suit the needs of your enterprise.

Creating Role Definitions

A role definition is an Oracle Beehive entity that comprises access types and privileges for a given scope (enterprise, organization, team workspace, or personal workspace).

To create a role definition:

  1. From the Enterprises panel, click Roles.

  2. If the scope for the role definition is your entire enterprise, proceed to step 3. If the scope for the role definition is an organization, team workspace, or personal workspace within your enterprise, perform the following steps:

    1. Click the Search icon next to the Scope field.

    2. Click the View Organizations icon to view a list of organizations within your enterprise. Alternatively, click the View Workspaces icon to view a list of team workspaces and personal workspaces within your enterprise.

    3. Select an item from the list and click Add.


      A scope is a section of the Oracle Beehive system such as an enterprise, organization, personal workspace, or team workspace. When you create a role definition, you define its scope, which determines the availability and access of the role definition. For example, a role definition created within the scope of a specific team workspace is only valid in that workspace.
  3. Click the Definitions tab.

  4. From the New menu, select Definitions.

  5. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the role definition. In the Description field, enter a brief description for the role definition.

  6. Select the always enabled check box to ensure that all roles referencing this role definition are enabled by default. If the always enabled check box is deselected, roles referencing this role definition are disabled by default, and must be enabled individually.

  7. Using the options in the Access types section, select the operations that can be performed on Oracle Beehive entities in this role definition. You can grant access, deny access, or leave access undefined for each access type:

    • All sets every access type to Granted for the role definition.

    • Read allows the user to view or open an artifact.

    • Write allows the user to alter an artifact.

    • Delete allows the user to delete an artifact.

    • Execute allows the user to run executable artifacts, such as installers and applications.

    • Discover only allows the user to discover the existence of an artifact in searches, lists, and directories. It does not let the user view the contents of an artifact.


    For more information, see About Entities, Actors, and Artifacts.
  8. Click the Privileges tab.

  9. Click Add.

  10. Select a privilege from the list and click Add. Alternatively, hold down Ctrl to select multiple privileges, and click Add.


    A privilege is the authority to perform a set of operations within the Oracle Beehive system. Some privileges apply only to specific services, while others apply to all services. For example, the Calendar User privilege allows the user to use the calendaring functionality in Oracle Beehive, while the Login privilege allows the user to sign in to Oracle Beehive.
  11. Click Save & Close to create the role definition and close the New Definition window. Alternatively, click Apply to create the role definition without closing the window.

Conceptualizing Role Definitions

When you decide to create a role definition, determine the needs you want fulfilled through the role definition in relation to your user base:

  1. Where in your enterprise is this role definition valid? A role definition can be valid in a team workspace, in a personal workspace, in an organization, or across your entire enterprise. The logical area of effect for this role definition constitutes its scope.

  2. What services should be available for this role definition? The type and number of accessible services constitute the privileges for the role definition.

  3. What operations can be performed on Oracle Beehive entities via this role definition? The selected operations constitute the available access types for the role definition.


A role definition remains inactive until you associate it with a role.

Creating Roles

To create a role:

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter a unique name for the role.

  3. Click the search icon to access a list of role definitions. Select a role definition from the list. The selected role definition now appears in the Definitions field.

  4. Optionally, enter a role description in the Description field.

  5. Optionally, you can grant users, groups, or resources automatic access to this role by performing the following steps:

    1. Depending on the type of entity to be granted access to the role, click the Groups tab, the Users tab, or the Resources tab.

    2. Click Add.

    3. Enter the full name or part of the name of a user, group, or resource in the Search field and click the magnifying glass to obtain a list of results.

    4. Select an item from the list and click Add. Alternatively, hold down Ctrl to select multiple items, and click Add.

  6. Click Save & Close.

Modifying Roles

To modify a role:

  1. Select the role.

  2. Modify the role as described in steps 2 through 5 of Creating Roles.

  3. Click Apply to save your changes.

Managing Categories

Categories are a hierarchical structure of designations that may be applied to entities, including all of the artifacts stored in a workspace. Categories always exist at the enterprise scope.

Managing Audit

Auditing is the act of capturing and evaluating historical records of system events to assess system performance, track user activities, and identify issues, among other goals. The results of effective auditing include timely and informed decisions and actions, especially when resolving security threats or preventing them from occurring. For more detailed information, see "Managing Auditing Policies" in the "Managing Oracle Beehive Events, and Policies" module of the Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide.

To access the main Audit view, click Audit in the Enterprises panel.

On the Audit pane, the three primary tabs are Repository, Trails, and Policies. The primary tabs are rendered depending on the role(s) granted to the user that is signed in. The Policies tab is rendered only if the signed in user has the 'Audit Administrator' role. Similarly, the Repository and Trails tabs are shown only if the signed in user has the 'Auditor' role. A user with both roles, or a user with full administrator privileges, will see all three tabs.

Listing Audit Policies

You can list available audit policies by clicking the Policies tab in the main Audit view. (If you cannot see the Policies tab, you do not have sufficient privileges to manage audit policies.)

To search for audit policies:

  1. Click the Policies tab.

  2. Enter a search string in the Search field. For more information, see Performing Simple Searches.

  3. Click the Search button.

  4. Click the Clear button to reset the pane and repeat the search with a new string.

Alternatively, perform an advanced search by following the steps described in Performing Advanced Searches.

Creating Audit Policies

Creating an audit policy is exactly the same as creating any other policy. From the Audit pane, click the Policies tab. Then, follow the instructions found in Creating a New Policy.

Modifying Audit Policies

To modify any audit policy you have created, click the audit policy in the main Audit view. You can either edit the details of the policy in the lower pane, or from the Action menu, click Open to edit the audit policy in a new window. Follow the steps described in Modifying a Policy to modify the various audit policy details.


Once an audit policy has been created with one or more Rules, you cannot change the base template on which the policy was created. If you want to make a policy using a different base template, you must create a new audit policy.

Deleting Audit Policies

You can delete any audit policy you have created by selecting the audit policy in the main Audit view and clicking Delete from the menu bar. To delete multiple audit policies at once, hold down Ctrl while making your selections. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion or deletions.

Searching the Audit Repository

The Audit Repository contains all audited events. Auditors can search the repository for specific records and create audit trails from the search results. For more information, see Creating Audit Trails.

To search the audit repository for records:

  1. In the main Audit view, click the Repository tab.

  2. Enter a search string in the Search field. For more information, see Performing Simple Searches. The following attributes are available for searching:

    Table 3-1 Audit Record Search Attributes

    Search Attribute Match Type Description



    The identifier of the actor (user) that caused the audit event(s)



    The name of the actor that caused the audited event(s)



    The audit event name


    between start and end dates

    The date range in which the audited event(s) occurred



    The identifier of the audited entity's parent container. For example, the workspace in which a document is stored. If Scope is not specified, the search defaults to the Enterprise container

    Audited Entity ID


    The CollabId of the audited entity. You must enter the complete CollabId string

    Client IP Address


    The IP address of the client that triggered the audit event

    Client Name


    The client application name that triggered the audit event

    Client Type


    The client type that triggered the audit event

  3. Click the Search button. Your search results appear in the main window.

  4. Click the Clear button to reset the pane and repeat the search with a new string.

Alternatively, perform an advanced search by following the steps described in Performing Advanced Searches.

Listing Audit Records

When you click the Repository tab in the main Audit view, you will see a list of audit records. Clicking an audit record brings up information about the record in the Details pane. Because audit records cannot be modified, they appear as read-only in the display.

Listing Audit Trails

When you click the Trails tab in the main Audit view, you will see a list of audit trails. The attributes for each audit trail are listed in the appropriate column:

  • Name (name)

  • Description (description)

  • Record Count: Lists the number of records in the audit trail.

  • Modified On: Lists a date/time stamp indicating when the trail was last updated.

  • Index: An integer is assigned to each audit trail in order, for your convenience. (This column is not shown by default.)


Each parenthetical value represents the equivalent search attribute for the associated audit trail attribute. For more information, see Searching for Audit Trails and Performing Simple Searches.

Creating Audit Trails

To create an audit trail:

  1. From the Trails tab of the Audit pane, click New. The New Audit Trail window opens.

  2. Enter a Name and, optionally, a Description for the new audit trail.

  3. You can add one or more audit records. Click the Audit Records tab. Click Add. The Audit Record Picker opens:

    1. Scroll down the list of audit records, or use the search function to find audit records.

    2. Select one or more records and click Add to add them. The Audit Record Picker closes, and your chosen records are added to the Audit Records list.

  4. Click Save & Close to create your audit trail.

Modifying Audit Trails

You can modify any audit trail you have created by selecting the audit trail in the main Audit view. The audit trail details are shown in the lower pane. Make your desired changes and click Apply to apply them to the existing audit trail.

Alternatively, you can select an audit trail and click Open from the Actions menu, to edit the audit trail in a separate window. Then, follow the procedure in Creating Audit Trails.

Deleting Audit Trails

You can delete any audit trail you have created by selecting the audit trail in the main Audit view and clicking Delete from the menu bar. To delete multiple audit trails at once, hold down Ctrl while making your selections. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion or deletions.

Exporting Audit Trails

You can export an audit trail in XML format by selecting the audit trail in the main Audit view and clicking Export from the menu bar. You will be prompted to provide a file name and a directory path for the export.

Searching for Audit Trails

You can search the system for audit trails.

To search the system for audit trails:

  1. In the main Audit view, click the Trails tab.

  2. Enter a search string in the Search field. For more information, see Performing Simple Searches.

  3. Click the Search button.

  4. Click the Clear button to reset the pane and repeat the search with a new string.

Alternatively, perform an advanced search by following the steps described in Performing Advanced Searches.

Managing Remote Repositories

Oracle Beehive allows you to grant access to remote content repositories using Oracle Universal Content Repository (UCM). You can add and configure UCM repositories using Oracle Beekeeper.

To manage remote repositories, from the Enterprises menu, click Remote Repositories.

Remote repositories are created at some level of scope within your enterprise. Click the Scope icon above the remote repositories menu, and select a level of scope to view remote repositories for that level of scope.

Creating and Modifying Remote Repositories

  1. To create a new remote repository, from the Remote Repositories pane, make sure you are at the desired level of scope, and then click New.

    To modify an existing remote repository, select the remote repository from the list. You can modify the remote repository's attributes in the lower pane, or, from the Action menu click Open to open it for editing in a new window.

  2. From the General tab, enter a Name and, optionally, a Description for the remote repository. From the Type drop down, select Oracle UCM.

    If you are creating a new remote repository, click Next. If you are modifying an existing remote repository, click the Attribute Templates tab.

  3. The Attribute Templates shows the attributes used to connect to your remote repository. Make sure the attribute values are set to the correct parameters to connect to your Oracle UCM instance. To modify an attribute, select its row in the table and click Edit:

    1. The Cannot be changed, Mandatory, and Prompt users for a value selections are not applicable for remote repository attributes; do not make changes to these check boxes.

    2. Set a value for the attribute in the Default Values section. Do not select the Can have more than one value check box. (This check box is only visible for data types that support multiple values.)

    3. Do not make changes to the Minimum Value and Maximum Value sections, if shown.

    4. Do not make changes to the Allowed Values section, if shown.

    5. When you have finished setting the value for the attribute, click OK. The new attribute value is shown in the Attribute Templates list.

  4. If you are modifying the remote repository configuration in the lower pane, click Apply to apply your changes. If you are creating a new remote repository, or modifying an existing remote repository configuration in a separate window, click Apply to apply your changes without closing the window, or click Save & Close to apply your changes and close the window.

Deleting Remote Repositories

To delete a remote repository, from the Remote Repositories pane, make sure you are at the desired level of scope. Select the remote repository in the list, and click Delete.