Oracle Beehive
  Oracle® Beehive RESTful Web Services API Reference
  Release 2 (


The Workspaces and Folders category enables you to control Oracle Beehive's Workspace Service. This service is responsible for consolidating and exposing, in a single location, the collaborative functionality provided by the other Oracle Beehive services.

Refer to the module "Oracle Beehive Workspace Concepts" in Oracle Beehive Concepts in Oracle Beehive Documentation Library for more information.

Oracle Beehive has two kinds of workspaces: team workspaces and personal workspaces. A personal workspace contains a user's own resources such as his or her calendar and inbox. A personal workspace exists for each user. Unlike a team workspace, it cannot be created or deleted outside user creation or deletion.

Workspaces and Folders Programming Tips

The following topics are covered:

Listing Team Workspaces

Because team workspaces are usually the key starting point for Oracle Beehive RESTful Web Services operations, it is generally useful to implement a way to list them in your Oracle Beehive RESTful Web Services client.

Use the POST method /wstm/list to obtain a list of team workspaces for the current logged in user. You have the several options when retrieving a user's team workspaces:

Logo URI

The workspace object contains the URI of the workspace's logo, logoURI, which you may set through Oracle Beehive RESTful Web Services and other Oracle Beehive user interfaces. If the logo is stored as a workspace artifact, the URI is a URN with the identifier of the logo artifact (for example, urn:120E:486C:adoc:2BA76E50A4FC4974E040578CBC010F900000000000EF). The URN is a reference to an artifact of type Document. To retrieve this document, call the adoc resource with this identifier without the urn prefix. This document is stored in the public folder of the team workspace. This enables other team workspaces whose directorylisted flag set to y to display the logo to non-participants.

If the logo is stored outside the Oracle Beehive system, the URI is a regular URL that refers to an image (for example,

Adding Participants to Team Workspace

To add participants to a team workspace, including during creation of a team workspace, specify the participants in the participants member (of type workspaceParticipantListUpdater) in teamWorkspaceUpdater.

Simple Workspace Client

The following steps outline how to program a simple workspace Oracle Beehive RESTful Web Services client that can create a team workspace:

Step 1: Client Initialization
  1. Login the user to Oracle Beehive RESTful Web services.
  2. Retrieve the user's personal workspace with /my/workspace.
  3. Retrieve the user's team workspaces as described in "Listing Team Workspaces"
  4. Display the user's workspaces in a table.
Step 2: Team Workspace Creation
  1. Retrieve the scope for which the workspace templates have been created. (The workspace templates are in the enterprise scope after installation.)
    1. Retrieve the object representing the logged in user with /my/user.
    2. Retrieve the parent from the user object.
  2. Retrieve the list of available team workspace templates with a POST call to the method /ttws/list/?parent=<EID of parent of the user object>.
  3. Create a TeamWorkspaceCreator (either in JSON or XML format):
    1. Specify the name property.
    2. Specify the team workspace template you want to use in the templateInstantiator property.

      Note: If you do not specify a template, a team workspace is created with the default template.

  4. Create a TeamWorkspaceUpdater and attach it to your TeamWorkspaceCreator. Optionally set the Description property in the TeamWorkspaceUpdater.
  5. Post the TeamWorkspaceCreator JSON or XML to /wstm.
