Oracle Beehive
  Oracle® Beehive RESTful Web Services API Reference
  Release 2 (



This provides tremendous control over how searches are performed. It allows a number of search parameters to be defined, including:

Any parameters supplied will override the default search algorithms. Defaults will be used for parameters not specified.


Name Type Required Description



Maximum number of words the text can contain to be considered a Boolean search expression. The default value is 20.



The type of search input allowed. Set to UNDEFINED to allow all search types; The appropriate search type will be determined based on the text supplied. If to anything but UNDEFINED, the search string must be valid the desired type. That is, if BOOLEXPR, a valid Boolean expression must be supplied. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown when the search is attempted. Valid values are:
PHRASE (1) Restricts input to "quoted phrases".
BOOLEXPR (2) Restricts input to Boolean search expressions.
DOCUMENT (3)Allows a body of text to be submitted. A Context Search is performed using Phrase-match, Associated Word and Single Word clauses extracted from the text. See for details on these clause types.
WORDEXPR (4)Allows a block of text to be submitted; common words such as "is", "the" etc. are discarded, and the remaining words are "OR'd" together into a Boolean search expression. Boolean expressions and "quoted phrases" are also allowed.
UNDEFINED (0) Allows any type of search input to be submitted. The search type is determined from the text supplied and performs the search using the SearchClauses extracted from the text. This is the default parameter.



Maximum number of terms to extract from the text



Maximum number of words to use in the search if searchType set to WORDEXPR. After "common" words such as "the" or "is" are discarded, the first N usable words found in the submitted text will be used; the remaining words will also be discarded.

Refer to for more information



Maximum length allowed for search text



Below are examples in JSON and XML formats. All examples are shown with all inherited members. Quoting when required is part of the examples, but you must obviously populate with your own data.

XML Example

(show inherited members)

<obh:expertiseTextProcessingSpec xsi:type="obh:expertiseTextProcessingSpec" xmlns:obh="" xmlns:xsi="">

JSON Example

(show inherited members)

        "desiredSearchType":{ your_{}desiredSearchType_as_expertiseTextProcessingSearchType0 },

XML Schema

<xs:complexType name="expertiseTextProcessingSpec">
        <xs:element name="boolexprMaxWords" type="xs:int"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="desiredSearchType" type="tns:expertiseTextProcessingSearchType"/>
        <xs:element name="extractMaxTerms" type="xs:int"/>
        <xs:element name="maxSearchWords" type="xs:int"/>
        <xs:element name="textMaxChars" type="xs:int"/>



The following data represents the references to expertiseTextProcessingSpec

Referenced By Resources

Not Referenced Directly by Resources

Referenced By Representaions