7 General Ledger Utilities

This chapter provides reference information for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) General Ledger utilities.


Use this utility to load general ledger (G/L) report configuration parameters into the /config/export_gl object in the BRM database. You define the configuration parameters in the BRM_Home/sys/data/config/pin_config_export_gl.xml file. See "Configuring G/L Reports for Export" for more information.


The format of the XML file is specified in the pin_config_export_gl.xsd schema file in the BRM_Home/xsd directory.

The pin_ledger_report utility uses this information to generate GL reports and export them to XML files.


This utility overwrites all existing configuration data in the /config/export_gl object. When updating the data, you cannot load new data only. You must load all G/L configuration parameters every time you run the utility.


To connect to the BRM database, this utility needs a configuration file in the directory from which you run the utility. For information about creating configuration files for BRM utilities, see "Creating Configuration Files for BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.




load_pin_config_export_gl pin_config_export_gl.xml [-d] [-v] [-h]



The name of the G/L report configuration file that is being loaded into the BRM database.

If you copy the pin_config_export_gl.xml file to the same directory from which you run the load_pin_config_export_gl utility, you do not have to specify either the path or the file name.

If you run the command in a different directory from where the pin_config_export_gl.xml file is located, you must include the entire path for the file.


Creates a log file for debugging purposes. Use this parameter for debugging when the utility appears to have run with no errors but the G/L export configuration parameters have not been loaded into the database.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


The load_pin_config_export_gl utility notifies you only if it encounters errors.


Use this utility to load an external chart of accounts (COA) into the config/glchartaccts storable object in the BRM database.

See "About the Chart of Accounts" for information.


You cannot load separate /config/gl_chartaccts objects for each brand. All brands use the same object.




load_pin_glchartaccts [-d] [-t] [-v] [-h] pin_glchartaccts_file



Creates a log file for debugging purposes. Use this parameter for debugging when the utility appears to have run with no errors, but the usage maps do not appear in the database.


Runs the load_pin_glchartaccts utility in test mode. If you run the command with this option, the COA is not loaded into the database.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


The name of the COA file that is being loaded into the BRM database.

If you copy the pin_glchartaccts file to the same directory from which you run the load_pin_glchartaccts utility, you do not have to specify either the path or the file name.

If you run the command in a different directory from where the pin_glchartaccts file is located, you must include the entire path for the file.


The load_pin_glchartaccts utility notifies you only if it encounters errors.


Use this utility to load G/L IDs into the BRM database. You define the G/L IDs in the BRM_Home/sys/data/pricing/example/pin_glid file.

See "About Collecting General Ledger Data" for information about defining G/L IDs.


You cannot load separate /config/gl_segment objects for each brand. All brands use the same object.


When you run the load_pin_glid utility, it overwrites the existing G/L IDs. If you are updating a set of G/L IDs, you cannot load new G/L IDs only. You must load a complete set of G/L IDs each time you run the load_pin_glid utility.


To connect to the BRM database, the load_pin_glid utility needs a configuration file in the same directory from which you run the utility. For information about creating configuration files for BRM utilities, see "Creating Configuration Files for BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.




load_pin_glid [-d] [-t] [-v] pin_glid_file |[-h]



Creates a log file for debugging purposes. Use this parameter for debugging when the utility appears to have run with no errors, but the usage maps do not appear in the database.


Runs the load_pin_glid utility in test mode. If you run the command with this option, the pin_glid file is not loaded into the database.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


The name and location of the file that defines the G/L IDs. The default pin_glid file is in BRM_Home/sys/data/pricing/example.

If you copy the pin_glid file to the same directory from which you run the load_pin_glid utility, you do not have to specify either the path or the file name.

If you run the command in a different directory from where the pin_glid file is located, you must include the entire path for the file.


The load_pin_glid utility notifies you when it successfully creates the G/L IDs.

If the utility displays an error message, look in the utility log file (default.pinlog) to find any errors. The log file is either in the directory from which the utility was started, or in a directory specified in the configuration file.


You must restart the Connection Manager (CM) for any changes to take effect. See the discussion of starting and stopping BRM in BRM System Administrator's Guide.


Use this utility to collect BRM general ledger (G/L) information, generate G/L reports, and export the reports to XML files. By default, it reports on currency resources only.

For more information, see the following:



Syntax Overview

You can use the -mode parameter to run this utility in these modes:

run_report Mode Syntax

pin_ledger_report -mode run_report
                  -start start_date
                 [-end end_date]
                 [-segment gl_segment]
                 [-type billed | unbilled 
                        billed_earned | billed_unearned |
                        unbilled_earned | unbilled_unearned |
                 [-report file_name]
                 [-summary | -detail]
                 [-noncurrency | -all_resource]

run_report Mode Parameters

-start mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy

-end mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy

The start and end dates for revenue to be included in the report. The value you supply for the start date is inclusive, but the value you supply for the end date is noninclusive and defaults to the current date.


Billing cycles and G/L reporting cycles are not always aligned. Therefore, the revenue from multiple events that occur in different billing cycles can be included in the same G/L report.
  • To create a report for a period between two specific dates, use the -start and -end parameters.

  • To create a report for a period between a past date and the current date, use only the -start parameter.

The following example includes 05/25/07 00:00:00 through 05/31/07 23:59:59:

pin_ledger_report -mode run_report -start 05/25/07 -end 06/01/07

-segment gl_segment

Creates a report for a specific G/L segment. gl_segment is the name you assigned to a G/L segment or brand when you created G/L IDs for that segment or brand. The default is the root segment.

-type billed | unbilled | billed_earned | billed_unearned | unbilled_earned | unbilled_unearned | prev_billed_earned

Creates a report for the type of revenue you specify. The default is billed. See "About Revenue Recognition".

-report file_name

Displays the output of the utility. Use the -report parameter with the -test parameter to display the report without creating the /ledger_report object.

-summary | detail

Creates a detailed report or a summary report. By default, summary customer G/L reports are created.

-noncurrency | -all_resource

Reports G/L data for non-currency resources only or for both currency and non-currency resources. If you do not use either of these parameters, the utility reports currency only.


Runs the utility in calculation mode only.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


Posts the report using the value in the -end_date parameter as the post date.


If you use the -post parameter, it must be the last parameter on the command line.

post_only Mode Syntax

pin_ledger_report -mode post_only
                  [-segment gl_segment] 
                  [-posted posted_date | -unpost]

post_only Mode Parameters

-segment gl_segment

Posts the G/L report for a specific G/L segment or brand. See "About Collecting General Ledger Data".


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.

-posted posted_date | -unpost

Posts or unposts the specified ledger report. You specify the report by entering the post date. To display a list of previously run reports, see "list_previous Mode Syntax".

If you unpost, the last posted date is changed to the date of the previous post. You can only unpost the last previous post. For example, if you post on January 1 and February 1, you can unpost the February 1 post, but not the January 1 post.


If you use the -post parameter, it must be the last parameter on the command line.

list_previous Mode Syntax

pin_ledger_report -mode list_previous 
                  -start start_date 
                  [-end end_date]
                  [-segment gl_segment] 
                  [-type billed | unbilled 
                         billed_earned | billed_unearned |
                         unbilled_earned | unbilled_unearned |

list_previous Mode Parameters

-start start_date
-end end_date

The start and end times for listing the reports. The default for the end date is the current date. The following example includes 05/25/07 00:00:00 through 05/31/07 23:59:59:

pin_ledger_report -mode list_previous -start 05/25/07 -end 05/31/07
-segment gl_segment

Shows the report for a specific G/L segment or brand. The default is to list reports for all segments.

-type billed | unbilled | billed_earned | billed_unearned | unbilled_earned | unbilled_unearned | prev_billed_earned

Lists reports for a specified type of revenue. By default, the utility lists all types.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.

export Mode Syntax

pin_ledger_report  -mode export 
                   [-segment gl_segment]
                   [-resend ReportId] 
                   [-regenerate ReportId] 


Reports are always posted when export mode is used.

export Mode Parameters

-segment gl_segment

Exports XML reports for the G/L segment specified. The default is to generate and export reports for all segments.

gl_segment is the name you assigned to a G/L segment or brand when you created G/L IDs for that segment or brand. The value(s) must be defined in the G/L report configuration file. See "Configuring G/L Reports for Export".


To process reports for two or more G/L segments at the same time, run multiple instances of the utility. For more information, see "Example: Exporting G/L Reports in Parallel".
-resend ReportID

Re-creates the XML files for the specified reports without re-creating the /ledger_report object. Use this parameter to re-create one or more export XML files.

ReportId is a combination of the database number, the POID of the /process_audit/export_gl object containing the G/L reports, and the G/L report number. These values are separated by a hyphen. For example, if the database number is, the POID is 123456, and the report number is 1, ReportId is If ReportId is not specified, all reports listed in the /process_audit/export_gl object are re-exported.


The G/L export configuration file is used only to retrieve the file name prefix (if defined) and the output directory location. All other parameters are the same as those used for the report exported originally.
-regenerate ReportId

Re-creates the /ledger_report storable object and the XML report. Use this parameter when the G/L data in the BRM database changes after the G/L reports have been exported into XML files.

ReportId is a combination of the database number, the POID of the /process_audit/export_gl object containing the G/L reports, and the G/L report number. These values are separated by a hyphen. For example, if the database number is, the POID is 123456, and the report number is 1, ReportId is If ReportId is not specified, all reports listed in the /process_audit/export_gl object are re-exported.


If you regenerate a G/L report for a period after which subsequent G/L reports have been generated, you must regenerate all subsequent reports. For example, if you generated monthly reports from January through April, and the February report must be regenerated, you must also regenerate the March and April reports.


The G/L export configuration file is used only to retrieve the file name prefix (if defined) and the output directory location. All other parameters are the same as those used for the report exported originally.

Cleans up a previous abnormal run and finishes processing successfully.

When the pin_ledger_report utility runs in export mode, it creates a process audit object and sets the object's status to IN_PROGRESS to lock the object. When it finishes processing successfully, it sets the status to COMPLETED. If the utility exits abnormally before resetting the status, subsequent runs will not work as a means to prevent erroneous G/L reporting. Use the -restart parameter in such cases to enable the utility to clean up the previous run and to finish processing successfully.

The utility continues processing from the point at which it left off when it stopped; therefore, no duplicate reports are generated.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


If the utility displays an error message, check the utility log file to determine the source of the error and correct it.

If the utility encounters an error in -export mode, either rerun the pin_ledger_report utility in -export mode or allow the next scheduled run of the utility to continue processing the remaining reports. The pin_ledger_report utility will correctly process the remaining reports.

If the utility encounters an error during -export mode when the -resend or -regenerate parameter was used, run the utility again after correcting the errors based on the log file messages. If some of the reports were successfully re-exported or regenerated, run the utility again for the failed reports.