4 JCA Resource Adapter Utilities

This chapter provides reference information for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) JCA Resource Adapter and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Web Services Manager utilities.


Use the pin_dd_to_schema utility to generate the XSD schema for your storable classes and subclasses.

For more information, see "Generating the Schema for Your Storable Classes and Subclasses".


To connect to the BRM database, the pin_dd_to_schema utility needs a configuration file in the directory from which you run the utility. See "Creating Configuration Files for BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.




pin_dd_to_schema  -e config_file | -r storable_class | -h


-e config_file

Generates the schema for all storable classes listed in the configuration file and their subclasses. For example, if the configuration file lists the /service/telco/gsm class, the utility generates the schema for /service/telco/gsm, /service/telco/gsm/telephony, /service/telco/gsm/sms, and any other /service/telco/gsm subclasses in your system.


You must specify both the name and path of the configuration file.
-r storable_class

Generates the schema for the specified storable class and all of its subclasses. For example:

pin_dd_to_schema -r /service/telco/gsm


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


The pin_dd_to_schema utility generates the output files in the directory from which it was run.

The utility notifies you only if it encounters errors. For errors, look in the default.pinlog file, which is created in the directory from which the utility was run.


If you receive the following error when running pin_dd_to_schema on Linux systems, set the LC_ALL environment variable to C (setenv LC_ALL C) and then rerun the utility.
Malformed UTF-8 character
(unexpected continuation byte 0xac, with no preceding start byte)
in bitwise and (&) at BRM_Home/lib/5.8.0/Switch.pm line 251.
Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected continuation byte 0xab, with
no preceding start byte) in bitwise and (&).


Use the pin_opspec_to_schema utility to generate XSD schema files for opcodes.

For more information, see "Generating the Schema for Your Opcodes".




pin_opspec_to_schema -i input_file [-o output_file] [-h] 


-i input_file

Specifies the name and location of the opcode XML flist specification file to convert into XSD schema. If you do not specify the absolute path to the file, the utility looks in the current directory.

-o output_file

Creates the XSD schema output file using the name and location you specify. By default, the utility generates an output file named opcodename.xsd in the directory from which you run the utility.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


The pin_opspec_to_schema utility notifies you when it successfully generates schema files. Any errors are displayed on the console.


Use the pin_opspec_to_schema_v2 utility to generate XSD schema files for opcodes that take payload as XML element.

For more information, see "Generating the Schema for Your Opcodes".




pin_opspec_to_schema_v2 -i input_file > output_file



Specifies the name and location of the opcode XML flist specification file to convert into XSD schema. If you do not specify the absolute path to the file, the utility looks in the current directory.


Creates the XSD schema output file using the name and location you specify. By default, the utility generates an output file named opcodename.xsd in the directory from which you run the utility.


The pin_opspec_to_schema_v2 utility notifies you when it successfully generates schema files. Any errors are displayed on the console.


Use the pin_wsdl_generator utility to generate WSDL files for Web services.

For more information, see "Generating WSDL Files for Web Services".




pin_wsdl_generator [-c config_file] [-j | -s] [-s XML] [-d] [-h] 


-c config_file

Specifies the name and location of the XML configuration file that describes how to group opcodes into Web services. By default, the utility uses the BRM_Home/apps/brm_integrations/config/pin_wsdl_generator.xml file. See "Defining a Web Service".

-j | -s

Specifies whether to create WSDL files with JCA (-j) or SOAP (-s) bindings.

The default is to generate WSDL files with JCA bindings.

-s XML

Creates WSDL files for Web services that take payload as XML element. For example:

pin_wsdl_generator -c pin_wsdl_generator.xml -s XML

Runs in debug mode and displays more detailed messages.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


The pin_wsdl_generator utility generates the output WSDL files in the directory from which it was run.

The utility notifies you when it successfully generates WSDL files. Any errors are displayed on the console.


Use the pin_wsgen utility to generate web service classes for the custom service.

For more information, see "Creating a Custom Web Service" in BRM Web Services Manager.




pin_wsgen [-s directory] [-d directory] -p com.portal.jax.* wsdl_filename 


-s directory

Specifies the location of the source files.

-d directory

Specifies the location of the generated output files.

-p com.portal.jax.*

Specifies the target package, where the asterisk (*) represents each web service category.

For example, com.portal.jax.custom.


Specifies the input WSDL file name for generating web service classes.


The utility notifies you when it successfully generates the web service classes for the custom service. Any errors are displayed on the console.