This figure shows how standard recycling fits into your BRM system. Call records (CDRs) first enter standard recycling through the preprocessing pipeline. The preprocessing pipeline converts CDRs to EDRs used by BRM. FCT_DuplicateCheck and FCT_CallAssembling go through the pipeline. The rating pipeline is a normal rating pipeline. If calls ”fail” in this pipeline, they are sent to a Suspended Event Loader (SE Loader). SE Loader converts the failed calls to /suspended_usage objects in the BRM database. Suspended calls that you delete are deleted and suspended calls that you recycle or test recycle are processed by the pre-recycle pipeline before they go through the rating pipeline again. The pre-recycle pipeline converts the suspended call objects back into files that the pipeline can process, and routes the suspended call records back through their original pipeline for recycling. If you are test recycling calls, the pipeline tries to rate the calls, but does not make any changes to the database.