35 Number Manager Utilities

This chapter provides reference information for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Number Manager utilities.


Use this Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) utility to change the default telephone number quarantine period. You can use different default quarantine periods for each brand.

For more information, see:




load_pin_num_config [-d] [-v] filename



Enables debugging mode.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


This parameter is always used in conjunction with other parameters and commands. It is not position dependent. For example, you can enter -v at the beginning or end of a command to initiate the verbose parameter. To redirect the output to a log file, use the following syntax with the verbose parameter. Replace filename.log with the name of the log file:

pin_change_num_quarantine other_parameter –v > filename.log


The file (pin_num_config) that includes the value to use for the default quarantine period.


Reports success or displays an error.


Use this Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) utility to make telephone numbers available for unquarantine before the default quarantine period is over.

For more information, see:




pin_change_num_quarantine [-d] [v] [l] [a] Quantity_of_numbers



Enables debugging mode.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


This parameter is always used in conjunction with other parameters and commands. It is not position dependent. For example, you can enter -v at the beginning or end of a command to initiate the verbose parameter. To redirect the output to a log file, use the following syntax with the verbose parameter. Replace filename.log with the name of the log file:

pin_change_num_quarantine other_parameter –v > filename.log


Displays the results, but does not change the quarantine.


Includes all numbers, even those that are ready for unquarantine. For example, you might want to unquarantine 50 numbers, but you have 30 numbers ready for unquarantine already.

If you use the -a parameter, the utility affects only 20 numbers, because 30 are ready to be unquarantined already. You total quantity is 50.

If you do not use the -a parameter, the utility unquarantines 50 numbers in addition to the 30 that are already available for unquarantine. Your total quantity is 80.

For more information, see "Examples".


The quantity of numbers that you want to make available for unquarantine. You can also use this number in combination with the -l parameter to find out how many numbers are available for quarantine.


To find out how many numbers are available for unquarantine, enter a very large number.


The utility makes the specified quantity of numbers available, or reports how many numbers are available.

If there are fewer numbers available than specified, this utility displays a warning.


  • Listing the available quantity of numbers that can be unquarantined


    pin_change_num_quarantine -l 100


    100 number(s) available for premature unquarantining
  • Listing the available quantity of numbers that can be unquarantined, including numbers that are already available for unquarantine


    pin_change_num_quarantine -la 100


    40 number(s) found ready to be unquarantined
    60 number(s) available for premature unquarantining
  • Make 100 numbers available for unquarantine, in addition to any numbers already available for unquarantine


    pin_change_num_quarantine 100


    100 number(s) updated successfully
  • Make 100 numbers available for unquarantine, taking into account numbers that are already available


    pin_change_num_quarantine -a 100


    40 number(s) found ready to be unquarantined
    60 number(s) updated successfully