24 Services Framework AAA Utilities

This chapter provides reference information for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Services Framework AAA utilities.


Use this utility to specify the default authorization and reauthorization values for a telco service type. This utility loads information from an input file into a service-specific /config/reserve object in the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) database.

For more information about using the load_config_reservation_aaa_prefs utility, see "Specifying default authorization and reauthorization values".


This utility is brand-aware. You can load separate /config/reserve/gprs objects for each brand.


To connect to the BRM database, this utility needs a configuration file in the directory from which it is run. See "Creating Configuration Files for BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.




load_config_reservation_aaa_prefs [-d] [-v] [-h] reservation_prefs



Creates a log file for debugging purposes. Use this parameter for debugging when the utility appears to have run with no errors, but the reservation preferences have not been loaded into the database.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


This parameter is always used in conjunction with other parameters and commands. It is not position dependent. For example, you can enter -v at the beginning or end of a command to initiate the verbose parameter. To redirect the output to a log file, use the following syntax with the verbose parameter. Replace filename.log with the name of the log file:

load_config_reservation_aaa_prefs any_other_parameter –v > filename.log


Displays help information for using this utility.


The name and location of the file that defines your preferences. The default input file is BRM_Home/sys/data/config/pin_config_reservation_aaa_prefs.

If you run the command in a different directory from where the reservation_prefs file is located, you must include the entire path for the file.


The load_config_reservation_aaa_prefs utility returns the following message if the /config/reserve object is successfully updated:

load_config_reservation_aaa_prefs: Successfully updated the object /config/reserve.

The utility returns an error if:

  • The specified input file does not exist or cannot be parsed by the utility.

  • The utility cannot connect to the BRM server or write to the database.

  • Any of the field names in the input file are not in the BRM system.


Use this utility to:

  • Load new or updated opcode mappings from a text file into the /config/opcodemap/tcf object in the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) database.

  • Export opcode mappings from the /config/opcodemap/tcf object into a text file.

For more information, see "Configuring Services Framework to Call Helper Opcodes".


You cannot load separate /config/opcodemap/tcf objects for each brand. All brands use the same object.


To connect to the BRM database, this utility requires a configuration file in the directory from which you run it. See "Using Configuration Files to Connect and Configure Components" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.




load_aaa_config_opcodemap_tcf  -i | -f | -r [pin_config_opcodemap_tcf] [-d] [-v]



Specifies to append information from the opcodemap file to the existing /config/opcodemap/tcf object.


Specifies to overwrite the existing /config/opcodemap/tcf object with information from the opcodemap file.


Specifies to export data from the /config/opcodemap/tcf object into a text file.


Specifies the name and location of the opcodemap file. The default opcodemap files are:

  • For importing: BRM_Home/sys/data/config/pin_config_opcodemap_tcf.

  • For exporting: BRM_Home/sys/data/config/pin_config_opcodemap_tcf.out


Creates a log file for debugging purposes. Use this parameter for debugging when the utility appears to have run with no errors, but the file has not been loaded into the database.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


This parameter is always used in conjunction with other parameters and commands. It is not position dependent. For example, you can enter -v at the beginning or end of a command to initiate the verbose parameter. To redirect the output to a log file, use the following syntax with the verbose parameter. Replace filename.log with the name of the log file:

load_aaa_config_opcodemap_tcf any_other_parameter –v > filename.log

Error Types

This utility returns an error if:

  • You use more than one of the three usage options.

  • When using the -f or -i option:

    • The specified input file does not exist.

    • The utility cannot parse the input file.

  • When using the -r option, the specified export file already exists.

  • The utility cannot connect to the BRM server or write to the database.

  • Any opcodes specified in the input file are not in the BRM system.


The load_aaa_config_opcodemap_tcf utility notifies you only if it encounters errors.


Use the load_pin_telco_aaa_params utility to load configuration information for prepaid sessions into the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) database's /config/aaa object. You define the parameters in the BRM_Home/sys/data/config/pin_telco_aaa_params.xml file.

For more information, see "Configuring How Services Framework AAA Manages Session Objects".


This utility is brand-aware. You can load separate /config/aaa objects for each brand.


The load_pin_telco_aaa_params utility overwrites existing data. If you are updating the session parameters, you cannot load new data only. You must load complete sets of data each time you run the utility.


To connect to the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) database, the load_pin_telco_aaa_params utility needs a pin.conf configuration file in the directory from which you run the utility. See "Creating Configuration Files for BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.




load_pin_telco_aaa_params [-d] [-v] [-f pin_telco_aaa_params_file]



Creates a log file for debugging purposes. Use this parameter for debugging when the utility appears to have run with no errors, but the data has not been loaded into the database.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.

-f  pin_telco_aaa_params_file

The name and location of the file that defines how to manage session objects. The default pin_telco_aaa_params.xml file is in BRM_Home/sys/data/config.

If you do not run the utility from the directory in which the file is located, you must include the complete path to the file, for example:

load_pin_telco_aaa_params -f BRM_Home/sys/data/config/pin_telco_aaa_params.xml


If you copy the pin_telco_aaa_params.xml file to the directory from which you run the load_pin_telco_aaa_params utility, you do not need to specify the path or file name. The file must be named pin_telco_aaa_params.xml.


If the utility does not notify you that it was successful, look in the default.pinlog file to find any errors. This file is either in the directory from which the utility was run, or in a directory specified in the pin.conf configuration file.

To verify that the network elements were loaded, you can display the /config/aaa object by using the Object Browser, or use the robj command with the testnap utility. See "Reading an Object and Writing Its Contents to a File" in BRM Developer's Guide.


You must restart the Connection Manager (CM) to make new or changed settings available to BRM. See "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.


Use the load_pin_config_auth_reauth_info utility to load authorization and reauthorization threshold values for lightweight authorization into the /config/auth_reauth_info object in the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) database. You define the threshold data in the pin_config_auth_reauth_info.xml file in BRM_Home/sys/data/config.

For information on lightweight authorization, see "Using Lightweight Authorization".


You cannot load separate /config/auth_reauth_info objects for each brand. All brands use the same object.


The load_pin_config_auth_reauth_info utility overwrites existing authorization and reauthorization threshold values. If you are updating threshold data, you cannot load new threshold data only. You must load complete sets of threshold data each time you run the load_pin_config_auth_reauth_info utility.


  • The BRM database must be up and running.

  • To connect to the BRM database, the load_pin_config_auth_reauth_info utility needs a configuration (pin.conf) file in the directory from which you run the utility. See "Creating Configuration Files for BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.


You can run this utility to configure authorization and reauthorization threshold values for different brands. The utility loads the /config/auth_reauth_info object to the current brand in which it logs in. For information on running utilities with a branded database, see "Configuring a Branded Database" in BRM Managing Customers.




load_pin_config_auth_reauth_info [-h]| [-d] [-v]| [-t] threshold_value_file_name



Displays online help about the command.


Creates a log file for debugging purposes. Use this parameter for debugging when the utility appears to have run with no errors but the data has not been loaded into the database.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Checks the validity of the XML file but does not process any data.


The name and location of the file that defines authorization and reauthorization threshold values for lightweight authorization. The default pin_config_auth_reauth_info.xml file is in BRM_Home/sys/data/config.


If you do not run the utility from the directory in which the file is located, you must include the complete path to the file; for example:
load_pin_config_auth_reauth_info BRM_Home/sys/data/pin_config_auth_reauth_info.xml 


If you copy the config_auth_reauth_info.xml file to the directory from which you run the load_pin_config_auth_reauth_info utility, you do not have to specify the path or file name. By default, the file is named pin_config_auth_reauth_info.xml. You can change this name.


The load_pin_config_auth_reauth_info utility notifies you when it successfully creates the /config/auth_reauth_info object. If it does not notify you, look in the default.pinlog file for errors. This file is either in the directory from which the utility was started or in a directory specified in the utility configuration file.

To verify that the authorization and reauthorization threshold data was loaded, you can display the /config/auth_reauth_info object by using Object Browser, or using the robj command with the testnap utility. See "Reading an Object and Writing Its Contents to a File" in BRM Developer's Guide.


You must restart the Connection Manager (CM) to make new threshold values available. See "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.