8 Known Problems

This chapter provides an overview of the known problems in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) 7.5 Patch Set 14 through BRM 7.5 Patch Set 23.


This section describes known problems and workarounds for billing.

Allocation of a Bill-Level Adjustment with Tax to an Item Does Not Work

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 18619238

When performing bill-level adjustments using the PCM_OP_AR_BILL_ADJUSTMENT opcode, allocating an adjustment with tax implications to an individual item does not work.

There is no workaround.


This section describes known problems and workarounds for the BRM API.

Cannot Use the Customized Policy Opcodes

SR number: 3-4896783891

BugDB number: 13375180

Sometimes, the functions defined in a customized policy opcode are not called by BRM. This occurs when the functions defined in the customized policy source file have the same name as the functions defined in the default policy source file. BRM calls the function from the default policy source file, overriding the function defined in the customized policy file.

To work around this problem, when modifying a policy opcode or adding a new policy opcode, open the opcode's .c file and define all the functions, except the entry point for the opcode, as static.

The following example shows the entries in the fm_cust_pol_tax_calc.c file for the customized PCM_OP_CUST_POL_TAX_CALC policy opcode:

void op_cust_pol_tax_calc(…) 
static void fm_cust_pol_tax_calc(…)

In situations where you want to define a custom function as non-static, make sure that the name of this function does not match an existing name in the default policy source file.

PCM_OP_CUST_SET_PAYINFO Sets the Wrong Invoice Type

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 13794390

When you use the PCM_OP_CUST_SET_PAYINFO opcode to set or modify a customer's invoice type, the opcode may write the wrong invoice type value to the /payinfo/invoice object's PIN_FLD_INV_TYPE field.

To work around this problem, when setting or modifying a customer's invoice type, set the PCM_OP_CUST_SET_PAYINFO opcode's PIN_FLD_INV_TYPE input flist field to the following:

  • 2 to specify a summary invoice type. This will set the /payinfo object's PIN_FLD_INV_TYPE field to 1.

  • 1 to specify a detailed invoice type. This will set the /payinfo object's PIN_FLD_INV_TYPE field to 0.

BRM Client Applications

This section describes known problems and workarounds for the BRM client applications.

BRM Client Applications Using the Java PCM API Cannot Connect to a BRM Server Listening on a Specific IPv6 Address

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 16394226

By default, any BRM client applications based on the Java Portal Communication Module (PCM) API cannot connect to a BRM server listening on a specific Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) address.

To work around this problem, do one of the following:

  • On your UNIX system, run the Java-based BRM client application with the -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true option.

    For example:

    BRM_home/ThirdPartyApps/jre/1.6.0/bin/java -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true -cp "$PIN_HOME/jars/loadpricelist.jar"
  • On your Windows system, connect your Java-based BRM client application to the BRM server by using the BRM server's IPv6 address.

See the Oracle Java documentation for more information about using IPv6 in Java.

BRM 7.5 Patch Set 7 Client Applications Cannot be Uninstalled on Windows XP

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 18159951

If a BRM 7.5 Patch Set 7 client application is installed on Windows XP and you want to uninstall the client application, the uninstaller does not work.

To work around this problem, manually delete the client application installation directory.

BRM Database

This section describes known problems and workarounds for the BRM database.

The pin_virtual_gen Utility Fails in an AIX Environment

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 17480385, 18471076

The pin_virtual_gen utility fails in an AIX environment if you use the Oracle ZT PKI encrypted password as the value for the infranet.vcol.password entry in the BRM_home/apps/pin_virtual_columns/Infranet.properties file.

To work around this problem, do one of the following:

  • Go to the following location and apply the OS patch on AIX:


  • Use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encrypted password as the value for the infranet.vcol.password entry in the BRM_home/apps/pin_virtual_columns/Infranet.properties file.

Error When Running BRM 7.5 Patch Set Database Upgrade Scripts from an Oracle Database 12c Client Connected to an Oracle Database 12c Server

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 18803069

If you use an Oracle Database 12c client connected to an Oracle Database 12c server to run the BRM 7.5 patch set database upgrade scripts, the following error message appears:

Unable to update the Portal Base database.

To work around this problem, run the BRM 7.5 patch set database upgrade scripts from an Oracle Database 11g client connected to an Oracle Database 12c server.

Error When Running pin_rel with BRM Running on Oracle Database 10g

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: Not applicable

When you run the pin_rel utility with BRM running on Oracle Database 10g, the following error message appears:

Error encountered in the REL Driver: 1010

To work around this problem, do the following before you run the pin_rel utility:

  1. Copy the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files to a directory in the same BRM server.

  2. Set the $TNS_ADMIN to point to the directory that contains the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files by running the following command:

    Setenv TNS_ADMIN Dir_Path

    Where Dir_Path is the path to the directory that contains the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files.

  3. In the tnsnames.ora file, ensure that the ORACLE_SID is set to database_alias without the domain name, where database_alias is the BRM database alias.

    For example:

    database_alias =
           (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host=database_host_name)(Port= 1521))
           (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = pindb))
  4. In the sqlnet.ora file, ensure that the following entry is commented:

    #NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = Default_Domain

Error When Running pin_setup with BRM Running on Oracle Database 12c

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 17461628

When you run the pin_setup script with BRM running on Oracle Database 12c where the database tablespaces are already created, the following error message appears:

get_database_db_no: sql_select failed with err=0(PIN_ERR_NONE), x = 2

To work around this problem, do the following before you run the pin_setup script:

  1. Enter the following command, which opens SQL*Plus:

    sqlplus sys/password@database_alias as sysdba


    • password is the Oracle database user password.

    • database_alias is the BRM database alias.

  2. Enter the following commands in the given order:

    SQL> alter user pin01 QUOTA UNLIMITED ON pin00;
    SQL> alter user pin01 QUOTA UNLIMITED ON pinx00;


    • pin00 is the name of your data tablespace.

    • pinx00 is the name of your index tablespace.

    The user is granted unlimited quota on the database tablespaces.

  3. Enter the following command, which exits SQL*Plus:


BRM Multischema Systems

This section describes known problems and workarounds for BRM multischema systems.

- dm primary_schema Does Not Work

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 13476637

When you run pin_multidb.pl -i while setting up a multischema system, the script instructs you to use the - dm primary_schema entry to set up schema qualifications. In BRM 7.5 Patch Set 4, however, that entry does not work.

To work around this problem, use the - dm schema entry instead. That entry, which provides multischema support for payment processing, can be used to create schema qualifications for any type of multischema system.

For detailed instructions, see the discussion about setting up schema qualifications for payment processing in BRM Installation Guide.

BRM Software Packages

This section describes known problems and workarounds for the BRM software packages.

Java 1.8 Must Be Uninstalled Before Installing BRM Software Packages That Use the ISMP Installation Method

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 21434029

When installing BRM software packages that use the InstallShield MultiPlatform (ISMP) installation method, if you have JRE 1.8 installed and the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the directory in which you installed JRE 1.8, the installation fails and the following error message appears:

could not load wizard

To work around this problem, do the following:

  1. Uninstall JRE 1.8.

  2. If JRE 1.6 is not installed, install JRE 1.6.

  3. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory in which JRE 1.6 is installed.

  4. Install the BRM software packages that use the ISMP installation method.

    The installation is now successful.

  5. Install JRE 1.8.

  6. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory in which you installed JRE 1.8. See the discussion about setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable in BRM 7.5 Maintenance Patch Set 1 Installation Guide.

Collections Manager

This section describes known problems and workarounds for Collections Manager.

Collections Action Dependencies May Reschedule Actions Incorrectly

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 14377855

When collections action dependency is enabled and an action is completed after its due date, the pin_collections_process utility reschedules the scenario's remaining actions. However, when more than one action has the same due date and then the utility is run on or after that due date, the utility may change the due date of those actions, whereas the due dates should remain unchanged.

For example, assume a collections scenario contains the following actions:

  • Action A with a due date of June 1

  • Actions B and C with a due date of June 5

If you run the utility on June 2, it leaves Action A's due date as June 1 and reschedules Actions B's and Action C's due dates to June 6. If the next time you run the utility is June 7, it correctly leaves either Action B's or Action C's due date as June 6, but incorrectly changes the remaining Action B's or Action C's due date to June 7.

There is no workaround.

Developer Utilities

This section describes known problems and workarounds for the BRM developer utilities.

The pin_bus_params Utility Displays Warning messages

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: Not applicable

If Java 1.7 is installed in the BRM system, the pin_bus_params utility displays warning messages while loading business parameters from XML files into the BRM database.

There is no workaround. You can skip these warning messages.

EAI Manager

This section describes known problems and workarounds for EAI Manager.

stop_eai_js Does Not Work

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 18151799

When you run stop_eai_js, the script does not work and the following error message appears:

stop_eai_js: ERROR: no pid file.

To work around this problem, do the following:

  1. Open the BRM_home/bin/ stop_eai_js file in a text editor.

  2. Search for the following entry:

  3. Change this entry to:

  4. Save and close the file.

Event Browser

This section describes known problems and workarounds for Event Browser.

Event Browser Displays Data Internal to BRM in the Event Description

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 18430561

For usage events that were rated by Elastic Charging Engine (ECE), Event Browser displays data internal to BRM in the event description.

There is no workaround.


This section describes known problems and workarounds for invoicing.

Cannot Generate Invoices When Running the pin_inv_doc_gen Utility in an AIX Environment

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 17463239

When you run the pin_inv_doc_gen utility in an AIX environment, the following exception is thrown and the invoice documents are not generated:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError 

There is no workaround.

pin_inv_accts Fails for Migrated Accounts if Business Intelligence Publisher Invoicing Integration Is Enabled

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 16437786

If Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) invoicing integration is enabled, the pin_inv_accts utility fails for migrated accounts and an error is logged in the cm.pinlog file.

To work around this problem, do the following before migrating the accounts:

  1. Open the BRM_home/sys/amt/data/create_generate_amt_metadata.sql file in a text editor.

  2. Search for the following lines:

    ELSIF (column_r.column_name LIKE '%POID_LIST') THEN
    -- operation: rewrite the POID_DB reference in %_POID_LIST fields
    -- (i.e. account_t.next_item_poid_list, account_t.item_poid_list)
    -- while preserving the null value
    -- assumption: POID_DB reference is starts at character position 1 and the format is 0.0.0.x
    -- call custom Java stored procedure convert_poid_list()
    select_column_list := select_column_list||
    ', convert_poid_list('||column_r.column_name||', #)';
    dbms_output.put_line('replace list reference with dest_db_id');
  3. Add the following lines after the ELSIF condition you searched for in step 2:

     ELSIF (column_r.column_name LIKE '%OBJ_LIST') THEN
     select_column_list := select_column_list||
     ', convert_poid_list('||column_r.column_name||', #)';
    dbms_output.put_line('replace list reference with dest_db_id');
  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Run the pin_amt_install.pl script.

  6. Stop and start the Data Manager (DM) and Connection Manager (CM) services.

  7. Start migrating the accounts.

pin_inv_doc_gen Fails with JDK 1.7.0_171 or Later

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 29386840

When you run the pin_inv_doc_gen utility with JDK 1.7.0_171 and later versions, the following exception is thrown:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This class does not support JDK1.5 

To work around this problem, do the following:

  1. Copy the xmlparserv2.jar file from the Middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.xdk_11.1.0 directory to the pin_inv_doc_gen utility's lib/xmlp directory, where Middleware_home is the directory in which you installed Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  2. Modify the CLASSPATH variable for docgen.sh to place xmlparserv2.jar before $WL_LIB. For example:


Payment Tool

This section describes known problems and workarounds for Payment Tool.

Payment Tool Does Not Work on Windows XP

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 18165037

With this patch, Payment Tool does not work on Windows XP.

To work around this problem, install the BRM 7.5 Patch Set 6 version of Payment Tool on Windows XP.

Revenue Assurance Center

This section describes known problems and workarounds for Revenue Assurance Center.

Revenue Assurance Center Cannot be Uninstalled on Windows

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 23743343

If Revenue Assurance Center is installed on Windows and you want to uninstall the client application, the uninstaller does not work.

To work around this problem, do the following manually:

  1. Delete the Revenue Assurance Center installation directory.

    The Revenue Assurance Center installation directory is specified in the setup.cnf file in the directory where you downloaded and extracted the software .tar.Z file.

  2. Remove Revenue Assurance Center from the Windows Start menu.

Service Lifecycle Management

This section describes known problems and workarounds for the Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) feature.

Sample Prepaid Service Life Cycle Does Not Support Provisioning of Telco Services

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: Not applicable

The sample prepaid service life cycle does not support provisioning of telco services.

To work around this problem, enable the sample prepaid service life cycle to support the provisioning of telco services by adding the following state transition to that life cycle before associating the life cycle with a telco service type:

  • From state: Preactive (ID 101)

  • To state: Suspended (ID 107)

For information about adding state transitions to service life cycles, see the discussion about managing service life cycles in BRM Managing Customers.

The SLM Feature Does Not Support Account Billing Relationships

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 13890966

The SLM feature does not support the following account relationships, which enable customers to pay other customers' bills:

  • Parent/nonpaying child hierarchies

  • Owner/member charge sharing or discount sharing

  • Owner/member sponsorship

If a service involved in such a relationship uses a custom life cycle, the SLM feature does not consider the condition of the parent/owner account when an event occurs that triggers a service state change in a child/member account.

For example, Service A uses the sample prepaid service life cycle. For that service, a parent account has a credit limit of 100 euros and its nonpaying child account has a credit limit of 0 euros. In both the parent and the child, the state of Service A is Active. After an account adjustment of 2 euros is applied to the child account, however, the state of Service A in the child account changes to Recharge Only, even though the parent account's available credit limit is still 100 euros.

Therefore, service types involved in account billing relationships must use the default service life cycle (Active, Inactive, Closed). They cannot use custom service life cycles.

To work around this problem, customize the PCM_OP_BAL_POL_CHECK_LIFECYCLE_STATE policy opcode to consider the condition of parent/owner accounts when a service state change is triggered in child/member accounts.

See the discussion about managing service life cycles in BRM Managing Customers for more information.

Web Services Manager

This section describes known problems and workarounds for Web Services Manager.

Error When Configuring or Modifying Security Policies for Web Services Manager for JAX-WS

SR number: Not applicable

BugDB number: 22320315

If you have configured security policies for Web Services Manager for JAX-WS or if you have modified the security policies, the request sent by the client to the server fails and the following error message appears:

headers:[{http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd}Security] are not understood

To work around this problem, if your client caches service WSDLs, refresh the WSDLs before sending the requests to the server.