4 Business Operations Center Pre-Installation Tasks

This chapter describes the tasks that you must perform before running the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Business Operations Center installer. The procedures include links to relevant documentation in related product documentation.

Overview of Production Pre-Installation Tasks

In production installations, the Business Operations Center installer deploys Business Operations Center on a running Oracle Entitlements Server (OES) Client domain. The installer assumes that the following required software pre-installation tasks, including applying patches and workarounds, have already been completed successfully.


A test installation without Oracle Identity and Access Management (IAM) can be performed on a basic WebLogic domain. Test installations do not require the following IAM pre-installation tasks. See "Installing Business Operations Center for Testing" for more information. Do not use a test installation in production.

Pre-installation tasks for Business Operations Center consist of the following steps:

  1. Connecting to Oracle BRM

  2. Installing and Configuring Oracle Enterprise Database

  3. Creating Database Schemas Using RCU

  4. Installing and Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server

  5. Creating Oracle Identity and Access Management Deployment Repository

  6. Creating the Deployment Response File

  7. Running the Deployment Response File

  8. Configuring Oracle Unified Directory as Authentication Provider

  9. Configuring the Oracle Access Manager Business Operations Center Application Domain

  10. Installing and Configuring Oracle Entitlements Server Client

  11. Creating a Secure Passwordless User on the BRM Server

Connecting to Oracle BRM

Business Operations Center connects to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) when retrieving operational data and submitting job requests.The connected BRM instance must have Revenue Assurance Manager installed. The Business Operations Center installer connects to the BRM database and creates the required schema. Table 4-7 lists the BRM connection details required for installing Business Operations Center.

See Oracle Communication Billing and Revenue Management Installation Guide for information on installing BRM.

See "Installing Revenue Assurance Manager" in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Collecting Revenue Assurance Data for more information.

Installing and Configuring Oracle Enterprise Database

Oracle recommends that an experienced database administrator install and configure your database. To install and configure Oracle Database, see the Oracle Database installation documentation at:


Record your database details in Table 4-8, "IAM Database Connection Information".

Creating Database Schemas Using RCU

Use the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to create the required IAM database schema.

See "Creating Database Schema Using the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU)" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management for more information.

Installing and Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server

Installing and configuring IAM requires a pre-existing Oracle WebLogic Server middleware home directory. Download and install WebLogic Server before installing IAM.

See "Obtaining the Oracle Fusion Middleware Software" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management for more information on downloading WebLogic Server.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server for information on installing WebLogic Server.

Creating Oracle Identity and Access Management Deployment Repository

Download the Oracle Identity and Access Management Deployment Repository for your operating system from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at:


After you have downloaded all required files, uncompress the archives to create your repository in a location on your IAM host.

Creating the Deployment Response File

Create a response file specifying the IAM components, including the OES Administration Server, required by Business Operations Center.


If you are using a JDK version 1.7.0_40 or later, you must disable the certificates key length limitation to install OES. See "x.509 Certificates Key Length Limitation for JDL1.7.0_40 and Later" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Identity Management Release Notes for information on disabling the limitation.

See "Overview of Deployment Response File" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Deployment Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management 11g Release 2 for information on creating a response file.

Select the options listed in Table 4-1 when creating your response file.

Table 4-1 Deployment Tool Response File Options for Business Operations Center

Screen Selection

Suite Selection

OIM-OAM-OMSS Integrated with Directory

Directory Configuration

Configure New Directory, Oracle Unified Directory

OIM Database Configuration

Select Create Schema Using RCU and enter the information for the database you previously created (for Oracle Identity and Access Management Deployment Repository version 11gR2PS3).

Running the Deployment Response File

Deploy your response file using the Deployment Wizard. See "Performing Deployment Using the Oracle Identity and Access Management Deployment Wizard" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Deployment Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management 11g Release 2 for more information on deploying response files.

Record your OES Administration Server details in Table 4-9, "OES Administration Server Domain Information".

Record your IAM details in Table 4-12, "Oracle Identity and Access Management Console URLs".


Deploying the response file may take a long time depending on your hardware. Monitor the console log for information on deployment progress.

Configuring Oracle Unified Directory as Authentication Provider

After deployment is complete, configure the OES Administration Server to use Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) as the authentication provider.

See "Configuring an Authentication Provider for Oracle Unified Directory" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle WebLogic Server for information on setting up OUD as your authentication provider.

See "Introduction to Oracle Unified Directory" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Unified Directory for information on setting up OUD, including how to synchronize OUD with existing directories that you may already have.

Record your OUD details in Table 4-11, "OES Unified Directory Information".

Configuring the Oracle Access Manager Business Operations Center Application Domain

Create a Business Operations Center application domain in Oracle Access Manager (OAM) and configure an application domain policy that controls access to the Business Operations Center application.

To create your Business Operations Center application domain in OAM, complete the following steps:

  1. Creating the Business Operations Center Application Domain

  2. Defining Business Operations Center Resources

  3. Configuring Business Operations Center Authentication Modules

  4. Creating a Business Operations Center Authentication Scheme

  5. Creating the Business Operations Center Authentication Policy and Adding Resources

  6. Creating the Business Operations Center Authorization Policy and Adding Resources

  7. Configuring and Restarting the Oracle HTTP Server

See "Introduction to Application Domain and Policy Creation" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management for more information on application domains and policies.

Creating the Business Operations Center Application Domain

To create the Business Operations Center application domain:

  1. Log into your OAM web console at http://Host:port/oamconsole where Host and port are the server name or IP address and port for your OAM instance.

  2. Click Application Domains in the Access Manager frame.

  3. Click Create Application Domain.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for your application domain.

  5. (Optional) Provide Description, Session Idle Timeout (minutes), Allow OAuth Token, and Allow Session Impersonation values.

  6. Click Apply.

    The Business Operations Center application domain is created.

See "Creating a Fresh Application Domain Using the Console" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management for more information on creating an application domain in OAM console.

Defining Business Operations Center Resources

Define the /opsdashboard**, /opsdashboard*, and /** resources for your Business Operations Center application domain. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each of these resources.

To define Business Operations Center resources in your Business Operations Center application domain:

  1. Click Application Domains in the Access Manager frame.

  2. Click the link for your Business Operations Center application domain.

    The Summary tab for your Business Operations Center application domain is shown.

  3. Click the Resources tab.

  4. Enter or select the following values listed in Table 4-2.

    Table 4-2 Business Operations Center Protected Resource Creation Values

    Field Value




    (Optional) Enter text description

    Host Identifier


    Protection Level


    Authentication Policy

    Protected Policy

    Resource URL (String)

    /opsdashboard**, /opsdashboard*, or /**

Define an excluded resource for /fav.ico.

To define the excluded resource, repeat steps 1 through 4 using the values listed in Table 4-3.

Table 4-3 Business Operations Center Excluded Resource Creation Values

Field Value




(Optional) Enter text description

Host Identifier


Protection Level


Resource URL (String)


See "About Defining Resources in an Application Domain" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management for more information on creating resources in OAM console.

Configuring Business Operations Center Authentication Modules

Create an OIMIDStore authentication model in OAM for authenticating Business Operations Center users.

To create the required authentication model in OAM:

  1. Click Authentication Modules in the Access Manager frame.

    The Authentication Modules node is shown.

  2. Click the Create Authentication Module pull-down menu and select Create LDAP Authentication Module.

  3. In the Name field, provide a name for your authentication module.

  4. In User Identity Store, select OIMIDStore.

  5. Click Apply.

See "Creating a New Authentication Module of an Existing Type" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Manager with Oracle Security Token Service for more information on creating an authentication module in OAM console.

Creating a Business Operations Center Authentication Scheme

The authentication module you previously created must be added to a authentication scheme in your Business Operations Center application domain.

To create an authentication scheme and add the authentication module to it:

  1. Click Authentication Schemes in the Access Manager frame.

    The Authentication Schemes node is shown.

  2. Click Create Authentication Scheme.

  3. Enter or select the following values listed in Table 4-4.

    Table 4-4 Business Operations Center Authentication Scheme Creation Values

    Field Value


    Business Operations Center LDAP Scheme name


    (Optional) Enter text description.

    Authentication Level


    Challenge Method


    Challenge Redirect URL


    Authentication Module

    Select the authentication module created in the previous step.

    Challenge URL


    Context Type


    Context Value


  4. Click Apply.

See "Creating an Authentication Scheme" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Manager with Oracle Security Token Service for more information on creating an authentication scheme in OAM console.

Creating the Business Operations Center Authentication Policy and Adding Resources

Create an authentication policy that the Business Operations Center application domain uses to manage the resources, authentication module, and authentication scheme previously created.

To create an authentication policy:

  1. Click Application Domains in the Access Manager frame.

    The Application Domain tab is shown.

  2. In the Search field, enter the name of your Business Operations Center application domain and press Enter.

  3. In Search Results, click the name of your Business Operations Center application domain.

  4. Click on the Authentication Policies tab.

    The Authentication Policy node is shown.

  5. Click Create Authentication Policy.

  6. Enter or select the following values listed in Table 4-5.

    Table 4-5 Business Operations Center Authentication Policy Creation Values

    Field Value


    Business Operations Center authentication policy name


    (Optional) Enter text description

    Authentication Scheme

    Select the authentication scheme created in the previous step

  7. Click Apply.

To add your Business Operations Center resources to your authentication policy:

  1. In the Authentication Policy node for your previously created policy, click the Resources tab.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select all of the Business Operations Center resources created in "Defining Business Operations Center Resources".

  4. Click Apply.

See "Adding an Authentication Policy and Resources" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Manager with Oracle Security Token Service for more information on creating an authentication policy and adding resources in OAM console.

Creating the Business Operations Center Authorization Policy and Adding Resources

Create an authorization policy and add resources to this policy for the Business Operations Center application domain.

To create the Business Operations Center application domain authorization policy:

  1. Click Application Domains in the Access Manager frame.

    The Application Domain tab is shown.

  2. In the Search field, enter the name of your Business Operations Center application domain and press Enter.

  3. In Search Results, click the name of your Business Operations Center application domain.

  4. Click the Authorization Policies tab.

  5. Enter or select the following values listed in Table 4-6.

    Table 4-6 Business Operations Center Authorization Policy Creation Values

    Field Value


    Business Operations Center authorization policy name


    (Optional) Enter text description

    Success URL

    The redirect URL to be used upon successful authorization

    Failure URL

    The redirect URL to be used upon failed authorization

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Click the Resources tab.

  8. Click Add.

  9. Select all of the Business Operations Center resources created in "Defining Business Operations Center Resources".

  10. Click Apply.

See "Creating an Authorization Policy and Specific Resources" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Manager for more information on creating an authorization policy and adding resources in OAM console.

Configuring and Restarting the Oracle HTTP Server

After configuring the required Business Operations Center OAM components, edit the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) idm.conf file in your OAM instance to specify the handler, host, and port for the /opsdashboard resource. Restart your OHS instance after editing this file.

To configure the /opsdashboard resource in the OHS idm.conf file:

  1. Open a secure shell or terminal window to your OAM host as a user with administrative permissions.

  2. Change to the Middleware_home/config/OHS/OHS_Instance/moduleconf directory where Middleware_home is the middleware home directory of the OAM WebLogic Server instance and OHS_Instance is the OHS instance where OAM is hosted.

  3. Append the following entry into the idm.conf file before the </VirtualHost> closing tag:

    <Location /opsdashboard>
                         SetHandler weblogic-handler
         WebLogicHost host name or IP address of your OES Administration Server
         WeblogicPort port number the WebLogic host is listening on
  4. Save the file.

  5. Change to the OHS_home/bin directory where OHS_home is the Oracle home directory of your OHS installation.

  6. Restart OHS with the following commands:

    ./opmnctl status

    ./opmnctl stopall

    ./opmnctl startall

See "The idm.conf File" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Integration Guide for Oracle Identity Management Suite for more information on the OHS idm.conf file.

Installing and Configuring Oracle Entitlements Server Client

Install OES Client on each managed server on which you plan to deploy Business Operations Center on. A WebLogic Server installation is required before installing the OES Client.

See "Installing Oracle Entitlements Server Client" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management for information on downloading and installing OES Client.

Record your OES Client domain details in Table 4-10, "OES Client Domain Information".

Configuring the Business Operations Center Domain with OES Client Security Modules

OES Client includes the WebLogic Security Module (SM) used by Business Operations Center to connect to the OES Administration Server. Configure the OES Client WebLogic Server SM to connect to the OES Administration Server by specifying the OES Administration Server host name and port number in the smconfig.wls.controlled.prp file found in Oracle_home/oessm/SMConfigTool where Oracle_home is the directory where you installed the OES Client package.

Run the config.sh script located in Oracle_home/oessm/bin to set up the WebLogic Server Security Module and create the OES Client domain on which you will deploy Business Operations Center. The OES client domain is created by the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard when you run the config.sh script.

See "Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server Security Module in a Controlled Push Mode" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management for information on configuring the WebLogic Server SM for use with Business Operations Center.

Creating a Secure Passwordless User on the BRM Server

Business Operations Center communicates securely with the BRM server using a passwordless SSH user. Create this user on your BRM server host. The installer requires the user name.

Passwordless SSH user configuration varies on the host operating system. Consult your operating system documentation for information on configuring passwordless SSH. See "Configuring SSH Manually on All Cluster Nodes" in Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux for an example.

Information Requirements

This section describes the information that you will be required to provide during and after the Business Operations Center installation procedure. You define some of these configuration values when you complete the previous steps. After you have completed all of the pre-installation steps, see "Installing Business Operations Center" for information on running the Business Operations Center installer to install Business Operations Center.


Oracle recommends that you print the tables and record the values for when you run the Business Operations Center installer.

Oracle BRM Connection Information

Table 4-7 lists the BRM details that are required during response file configuration. Use the Value column to record your environment's details.

Table 4-7 Oracle BRM Connection Information

Field Description Value

Database Host Name

The IP address or the host name of the computer on which the BRM database is configured.


Database Listener Port Number

The port number assigned to the database service.


Database Service Name

The BRM database service name.


Database Administrative User Name

The database user name. This user should have the following capabilities on the database: create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, and select any table for Enterprise edition.


Database Administrative User Password

The database user's password.


IAM Database Connection Information

Table 4-8 lists the database details that are required during response file configuration. Use the Value column to record your environment's details.

Table 4-8 IAM Database Connection Information

Field Description Value

Host Name

The IP address or the host name of the computer on which the database is configured.


Port Number

The port number assigned to the database service.


User Name

The database user name. This user should have the following capabilities on the database: create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, and select any table for Enterprise edition.



The database user password.


Service Name

The name of the database service.


OES Administration Server Domain Information

Table 4-9 lists the details for the OES Administration Server domain that are required during Business Operations Center installation. Use the Value column to record your environment's details.

Table 4-9 OES Administration Server Domain Information

Field Description Value

Host Name

The IP address or the host name of the computer on which the OES Administration Server domain is configured.


Port Number

The port number assigned to the OES Administration Server domain server.


User Name

The OES Administration Server domain administrator user name.



The password for the OES Administration Server administrator user.


WebLogic Home

The path of the directory in which the WebLogic Server software is installed on the OES Administration Server host.


OES Client Domain Information

Table 4-10 lists the details for the OES Client domain that are required during Business Operations Center installation. Use the Value column to record your environment's details.

Table 4-10 OES Client Domain Information

Field Description Value

Host Name

The IP address or the host name of the computer on which the OES Client domain is configured.


Port Number

The port number assigned to the OES Client domain administration server.


User Name

The OES Client domain administrator user name.



The password for the OES Client domain administrator user.


WebLogic Home

The path of the directory in which the WebLogic Server software is installed on the OES Client domain server.


Oracle Unified Directory Information

Table 4-11 lists the details for the Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) authentication provider that are required during Business Operations Center installation. Use the Value column to record your environment's details.

Table 4-11 OES Unified Directory Information

Field Description Value

Provider Name

Name of OUD Authentication provider.


Host Name

The host name or IP address of the LDAP server.


Port Number

The port number on which the LDAP server is listening.


Admin User Name

The Distinguished Name (DN) of the LDAP user that WebLogic Server should use to connect to the LDAP server.


Admin Password

The credential (usually a password) used to connect to the LDAP server.


User Base DN

The base distinguished name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains use.


Group Base DN

The base distinguished name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains group.


Asserter Name

The name of the OAM Identity Asserter.


Oracle Identity and Access Management Console URLs

Table 4-12 lists the Oracle Identity and Access Management Console URLs which are required to complete Business Operations Center pre-installation and configuration. The Host is the server name or IP address of your OES Administration Server. Default values are provided for the ports. Use the Value column to record your environment's details.

Table 4-12 Oracle Identity and Access Management Console URLs

Web Application URL Description Value


Oracle Identity Management console



Oracle Access Management console



Oracle WebLogic Administration Console


Business Operations Center Connection Information

Table 4-13 lists the BRM connection manager (CM) and, if used, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) details that are required after Business Operations Center installation. Use this information to configure your Infranet.properties file, to specify the BRM connection manager and BIP instance to which Business Operations Center connects to.

See "Encrypting and Adding BIP Connection Information in Infranet.properties File" for more information on how to configure the Business Operations Center to BRM and BIP connections in the each OES Client domain on which Business Operations Center is deployed. Use the Value column to record your environment's details.

Table 4-13 Business Operations Center Connection Information for Infranet.properties

Field Description Value


BRM system user with connection manager access



Encrypted BRM system user's password



BRM host where connection manager is running



Port number for connection manager



Boolean indicating if SSL connection to BRM CM is enabled



Directory where the BRM Oracle wallet file is stored



Name of the Oracle wallet file



BIP user with web access



Encrypted BIP user's password



URL address to access BIP instance
