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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Publishing Reports to the Web with Oracle Reports Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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7.7 Administering and Scheduling Jobs

The improved user interface in Oracle Enterprise Manager provides advanced job queue management (search and filters, resubmit the job, view errors, and more), as well as rich calendar-based scheduling for Reports Server jobs.

7.7.1 Displaying Jobs

To retrieve information about one or more jobs (for example, status, errors for failed jobs, trace information):

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Navigate to the Reports Server Home page (see Section 7.3, "Viewing the Component Topology").

  3. From the Reports menu, select Reports Jobs > Jobs Page.

    The Jobs page displays for the category of jobs selected in the Show list.

  4. From the Show list, select the category of jobs you want to view (for example, Failed Jobs).

  5. Enter desired information in the Owner, Output Type, and Output Format fields to customize the list of jobs displayed.

7.7.2 Displaying a Consolidated Job Queue

New in Oracle Reports 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) is the database-based shared job repository, which provides the ability to display a consolidated view of job queues using Oracle Enterprise Manager:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Navigate to the Reports Server Home page of any Reports Server that participates in a high availability (HA) group.

  3. From the Reports menu, select Reports Jobs > Jobs Page.

    The Jobs page displays for the category of jobs selected in the Show list.

  4. From the Show list, select Finished Jobs.

  5. From the Output Format list, select either a Reports Server name (to view the jobs for that Reports Server), or the group name (to view the jobs for all Reports Servers in the group.

You can also use rwservlet and the SHOWJOBS Web command to display a consolidated job queue, as shown in Section A.8.9, "SHOWJOBS".


  • By default, the jobs of all the nodes that are participating in the high availability (HA) configuration are shown. This makes it easy to administer the consolidated job queue (for example, for killing a particular job, or getting the information about a job). The administrator does not have to view the job queues for each Reports Server separately.

  • It is possible to see the jobs of a particular Reports Server by choosing the server name in the drop-down list. It does not matter which node the load balancer directs the request to, you can always see the job information of any Reports Server participating in the group, even if one or more of the Reports Servers in the group are down. This is made possible by the database-based shared job repository. Additionally, each of the Reports Servlets (corresponding to each in-process Reports Server) contains the list of the other in-process Reports Servers that are part of the HA scenario.

7.7.3 Performing Operations on Jobs

To perform operations on jobs, such as resubmitting (retrying) a job:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Navigate to the Reports Server Home page (see Section 7.3, "Viewing the Component Topology").

  3. From the Reports menu, select Reports Jobs > Jobs Page.

    The Jobs page displays for the category of jobs selected in the Show list.

  4. Select Finished Jobs to list all the finished jobs with full information about the finished job.

  5. Perform any available operation on any job.

    For example, select a finished job and click Rerun Report to rerun the job.


When you try to perform a Reports operation from Oracle Enterprise Manager, ensure that the id store used by the Reports server contains the same user name/password that you used to log in to Enterprise Manager.

7.7.4 Scheduling Jobs

To define job scheduling options:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Navigate to Reports Server Home page (see Section 7.3, "Viewing the Component Topology").

  3. From the Reports menu, select Reports Jobs > Schedule New Job.

    The Reports Job Scheduler page displays.

  4. Complete the elements using the descriptions in the Help topic for the page. Click the Help icon on the page to access the page-level help.


    For elements that specify a time, the time will automatically adjust for Daylight Savings Time (DST), if necessary. For example, if a job is scheduled to run daily at 5:00 a.m., it will run at that time beginning with the scheduled start date, and adjusting when DST begins or ends so that it will continue to run at 5:00 a.m. as expected. Time entries in past jobs queue are not modified (for example, job enqueue time, start time, finish time).

  5. Click Submit to schedule a job.

  6. Navigate to the Scheduled Jobs page (see Section 7.7.1, "Displaying Jobs") and notice the newly scheduled job in the list.


    If you select a scheduled job and click Edit, you can change the options for the scheduled job. When you click Submit, the message Job Id nnn has been re-scheduled successfully displays. Oracle Enterprise Manager cancels the original scheduled job and moves it to the Failed Jobs queue, and creates a new scheduled job with the modified parameters. The new job has a different job ID than the original job.