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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Options dialog: Sheet tab

Use this tab to specify how all new worksheets are displayed. For example, use this dialog to:

For more information, see:

"What are worksheets?"

Table headers

Show column headings

Use this check box to display or hide column headings on worksheets. You might want to hide column headings if they are not required on a worksheet. Discoverer displays column headings by default.

Show row numbers

Use this check box to display or hide row numbers on worksheets. You might want to show row numbers to enable users to use the row numbers to locate a specific worksheet row.

Column width

Use this drop down list to specify the column width. The available options are:

Crosstab headers

Show item labels

Use this check box to display or hide the crosstab item labels (for example, Region). If item labels have been defined, they are displayed on the crosstab vertical or side axis.

Show heading gridlines

Use this check box to display or hide crosstab vertical axis heading gridlines.

3D heading gridlines

Use this check box to display the crosstab heading gridlines in 3D style. This check box is only enabled when the Show heading gridlines check box is selected.

Crosstab style

Use this drop down list to control the appearance of the side axis on a crosstab as follows:

Table and crosstab data area

Show vertical gridlines

Use this check box to display or hide the vertical gridlines in the data body.

Show horizontal gridlines

Use this check box to display or hide the horizontal gridlines (that is, in the data body).

Gridline color

Use this button to change the color of the gridlines that are displayed (that is, in the data body).

Sheet content

Show title

Use this check box to display or hide the worksheet title. When you select this check box Discoverer displays a title area at the top of each new worksheet.

Hint: You can also specify whether Discoverer displays or hides the title of the current worksheet (for more information, see "How to display or hide worksheet titles or text").

Show text area

Use this check box to display or hide the text area. If a text area has been defined, it appears at the bottom of the worksheet.

Show null values as

Use this drop down list to specify how Discoverer displays null (or empty) values. For example, if you typed the words No information available in this field, Discoverer displays this text when there is no data for a cell. Discoverer displays a blank cell by default.

Show drill links as

Use this check box list to specify that Discoverer displays drill links as icons. Alternatively, you could clear this check box to specify that Discoverer displays drill links as hypertext links.


This area of the dialog indicates how the worksheet looks, with the options you specified.