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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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3 Managing Oracle BI Discoverer Connections

This chapter applies only if the Discoverer installation is associated with an Oracle Internet Directory and with the two database schemas that Discoverer requires (the PStore and Portlet Provider schemas). For more information, see Section 1.3, "About Oracle BI Discoverer installations."

If Discoverer is not associated with an Oracle Internet Directory (and the PStore and Portlet Provider schemas), then Discoverer connections are not available to end users.

This chapter explains how to create and manage Oracle BI Discoverer connections, and includes the following topics:

3.1 What is an Oracle BI Discoverer connection?

Discoverer connections enable Discoverer end users to start Discoverer without having to re-enter database login details each time they start Discoverer.

An Oracle BI Discoverer connection consists of the following database login details:

In the example shown in Figure 3-1, a connection named Customer Reports has been created. This connection contains login information to enable end users to connect to the database containing customer reports, without having to enter login details.

Figure 3-1 Connections page in Oracle BI Discoverer Plus

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-1 .


3.1.1 About Discoverer private connections and Oracle Single Sign-On

If Oracle Single Sign-On is enabled, Discoverer private connections work as follows:

  • When Discoverer end users select a Discoverer private connection for the first time, they are prompted to enter their Oracle Single Sign-On details (if they have not been authenticated).

  • After Discoverer end users have been authenticated by Oracle Single Sign-On, they can select a Discoverer private connection without entering the Discoverer password.

For more information about Oracle Single Sign-On, see Section 13.7.1, "Using Discoverer with Oracle Single Sign-On."

3.2 What are the types of Discoverer connections?

Discoverer supports the following types of connections:


In a secure Discoverer environment you might want to use only public connections, so that you can restrict database access to login details that you specify. In other words, you might want to prevent Discoverer end users from creating private connections. For more information, see Section 3.6, "How to create public connections."

In a secure Discoverer environment you might want to use only public connections, so that you can restrict database access to login details that you specify. In other words, you might want to prevent Discoverer end users from creating private connections. For more information, see Section 3.5, "About specifying whether Discoverer end users can create their own private connections."

3.3 About managing Discoverer connections

As a middle-tier manager, you use Fusion Middleware Control to perform the following tasks related to Discoverer connections:

For information about copying Discoverer connections from one Oracle Business Intelligence installation to another, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Guide to Publishing Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Portlets.

3.4 About the Discoverer connections page

There are two Discoverer connections pages:

Figure 3-2 shows the Connect to Discoverer Plus page.

Figure 3-2 Connect to Oracle BI Discoverer page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-2 .

3.5 About specifying whether Discoverer end users can create their own private connections

You can specify whether Discoverer end users can create their own private connections. For more information, see Section 3.8, "How to specify whether Discoverer end users can create private connections."


Public connections are not available to Discoverer Plus OLAP users. If you disallow private connections, Discoverer Plus OLAP users always have to connect to Discoverer directly.

When you enable Discoverer end users to create their own private connections:

When end users create private connections:

For information about the location of the tnsnames.ora file, see Section A.1, "Discoverer file locations."

3.6 How to create public connections

You create a public connection when you want to provide predefined login details to Discoverer Plus and Discoverer Viewer users. For example, you might create a public connection called Start tutorial, which connects to the tutorial database as a tutorial user.


When you create a public connection to a multidimensional data source, the public connection is available only to Discoverer Viewer and Discoverer Portlet Provider users. Public OLAP connections are not available to Discoverer Plus OLAP users.

To create a public connection:

  1. Start Fusion Middleware Control. For more information, see Section 4.1.2, "How to start Fusion Middleware Control and display the Farm Home page."

  2. Navigate to the Fusion Middleware Control Discoverer Home page. For more information, see Section 4.1.3, "How to display the Fusion Middleware Control Discoverer Home page and Discoverer component Home pages."

  3. From the Discoverer menu, select Administration.

    The Discoverer Administration page is displayed.

    Surrounding text describes em_admin.gif.

    The Database Details column on the Discoverer connections page is visible only in Internet Explorer.

    If existing public connections are not displayed under Public Connections, then it means that the Oracle Business Intelligence installation is not associated with an Oracle Internet Directory and with the two database schemas that Discoverer requires (the PStore and Portlet Provider schemas). For more information, see Section 1.3, "About Oracle BI Discoverer installations."

  4. Click Create

    The Create Public Connection page is displayed.

    Surrounding text describes oem5.gif.
  5. Enter the connection details and then click OK to save the details.

    The new connection that you created is displayed in the Discoverer Public Connections list.

    When Discoverer end users connect to Discoverer Plus or Discoverer Viewer, they can select the connection that you created.


3.7 How to delete public connections

You delete a public connection when you no longer want to provide predefined login details to Discoverer Plus and Discoverer Viewer users.

To delete a public connection:

  1. Start Fusion Middleware Control. For more information, see Section 4.1.2, "How to start Fusion Middleware Control and display the Farm Home page."

  2. Navigate to the Fusion Middleware Control Discoverer Home page. For more information, see Section 4.1.3, "How to display the Fusion Middleware Control Discoverer Home page and Discoverer component Home pages."

  3. From the Discoverer menu, select Administration.

    The Discoverer Administration page is displayed.

  4. Select the connection to delete, and click Delete.

  5. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to permanently delete the connection

    The connection that you deleted is removed from the Discoverer Public Connections list and is no longer be displayed on the Discoverer Connections page in Discoverer Plus and Discoverer Viewer.

3.8 How to specify whether Discoverer end users can create private connections

To specify whether Discoverer Plus and Discoverer Viewer users can create private connections:

  1. Start Fusion Middleware Control. For more information, see Section 4.1.2, "How to start Fusion Middleware Control and display the Farm Home page."

  2. Navigate to the Fusion Middleware Control Discoverer Home page. For more information, see Section 4.1.3, "How to display the Fusion Middleware Control Discoverer Home page and Discoverer component Home pages."

  3. From the Discoverer menu, select Administration.

    The Discoverer Administration page is displayed.

  4. In the Private Connections region, specify whether users can create private connections, by using the Allow users to define and use their own private connections in Discoverer Plus and Discoverer Viewer check box.

    If you want Discoverer end users to be able to create their own private connections, select the check box. Otherwise, clear the check box.


    If you do not allow Discoverer end users to create private connections they cannot start Discoverer by using URL parameters, unless they specify the connection ID for a public connection by using the cn=URL parameter. For more information, see Section 12.7, "List of URL parameters common to Discoverer Plus and Viewer").

  5. Click OK to save the changes.

    If you enable Discoverer end users to create private connections, they see a Create Connection button on the Discoverer Connections page, as shown in Figure 3-2.
