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Oracle® CEP CQL Language Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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5 Functions: Single-Row

Single-row functions return a single result row for every row of a queried stream or view.

For more information, see Section 1.1.9, "Functions".

5.1 Introduction to Oracle CQL Built-In Single-Row Functions

Table 5-1 lists the built-in single-row functions that Oracle CQL provides.

Table 5-1 Oracle CQL Built-in Single-Row Functions

Type Function

Character (returning character values)

Character (returning numeric values)




Encoding and Decoding


Pattern Matching


Built-in function names are case sensitive and you must use them in the case shown (in lower case).


In stream input examples, lines beginning with h (such as h 3800) are heartbeat input tuples. These inform Oracle CEP that no further input will have a timestamp lesser than the heartbeat value.

For more information, see:



Surrounding text describes concat.gif.


concat returns char1 concatenated with char2 as a char[] or byte1 concatenated with byte2 as a byte[]. The char returned is in the same character set as char1. Its datatype depends on the datatypes of the arguments.

Using concat, you can concatenate any combination of character, byte, and numeric datatypes. The concat performs automatic numeric to string conversion.

This function is equivalent to the concatenation operator (||). For more information, see "Concatenation Operator".

To concatenate xmltype arguments, use xmlconcat. For more information, see "xmlconcat".


concat Function

Consider the query chr_concat in Example 5-1 and data stream S4 in Example 5-2. Stream S4 has schema (c1 char(10)). The query returns the relation in Example 5-3.

Example 5-1 concat Function Query

<query id="chr_concat"><![CDATA[ 
        S4[range 5]

Example 5-2 concat Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
 2000       hi
 8000       hi1
15000       xyz
h 200000000

Example 5-3 concat Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
 1000:      +           ,abc,abc
 2000:      +           hihi,abchi,hiabc
 6000:      -           ,abc,abc
 7000:      -           hihi,abchi,hiabc
 8000:      +           hi1hi1,abchi1,hi1abc
 9000:      +           ,abc,abc
13000:      -           hi1hi1,abchi1,hi1abc
14000:      -           ,abc,abc
15000:      +           xyzxyz,abcxyz,xyzabc
20000:      -           xyzxyz,abcxyz,xyzabc

Concatenation Operator (||)

Consider the query q264 in Example 5-4 and the data stream S10 in Example 5-5. Stream S10 has schema (c1 integer, c2 char(10)). The query returns the relation in Example 5-6.

Example 5-4 Concatenation Operator (||) Query

<query id="q264"><![CDATA[ 
        c2 || "xyz"

Example 5-5 Concatenation Operator (||) Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
1           1,abc
2           2,ab
3           3,abc
4           4,a
h 200000000

Example 5-6 Concatenation Operator (||) Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
1:          +           abcxyz
2:          +           abxyz
3:          +           abcxyz
4:          +           axyz



Surrounding text describes hextoraw.gif.


hextoraw converts char containing hexadecimal digits in the char character set to a raw value.

See Also:



Consider the query q6 in Example 5-7 and the data stream SinpByte1 in Example 5-8. Stream SinpByte1 has schema (c1 byte(10), c2 integer).The query returns the relation in Example 5-9.

Example 5-7 hextoraw Function Query

<query id="q6"><![CDATA[ 
    select * from SByt[range 2] 
        bytTest(c2) between hextoraw("5200") and hextoraw("5600")

Example 5-8 hextoraw Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
1000        1,"51c1"
2000        2,"52"
3000        3,"53aa"
4000        4,"5"
5000         ,"55ef"
6000        6,
h 8000
h 200000000

Example 5-9 hextoraw Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
2000        +           2,"52"
3000        +           3,"53aa"
4000        -           2,"52"
5000        -           3,"53aa"
5000        +            ,"55ef"
7000        -            ,"55ef"



Surrounding text describes length.gif.


The length function returns the length of its char or byte expression as an int. length calculates length using characters as defined by the input character set.

For a char expression, the length includes all trailing blanks. If the expression is null, this function returns null.


Consider the query chr_len in Example 5-10 and the data stream S2 in Example 5-11. Stream S2 has schema (c1 integer, c2 integer). The query returns the relation that Example 5-12.

Example 5-10 length Function Query

<query id="chr_len"><![CDATA[ 
    select length(c1) from S4[range 5]

Example 5-11 length Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
 2000       hi
 8000       hi1
15000       xyz
h 200000000

Example 5-12 length Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
 1000:      +           0
 2000:      +           2
 6000:      -           0
 7000:      -           2
 8000:      +           3
 9000:      +           0
13000:      -           3
14000:      -           0
15000:      +           3
20000:      -           3



Surrounding text describes lk.gif.


lk boolean true if char1 matches the regular expression char2, otherwise it returns false.

This function is equivalent to the LIKE condition. For more information, see Section 12.4, "LIKE Condition".


Consider the query q291 in Example 5-13 and the data stream SLk1 in Example 5-14. Stream SLk1 has schema (first1 char(20), last1 char(20)). The query returns the relation in Example 5-15.

Example 5-13 lk Function Query

<query id="q291"><![CDATA[ 
    select * from SLk1 

Example 5-14 lk Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
1           Steven,King
2           Sten,Harley
3           Stephen,Stiles
4           Steven,Markles
h 200000000

Example 5-15 lk Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
1:          +           Steven,King
3:          +           Stephen,Stiles
4:          +           Steven,Markles



Surrounding text describes nvl.gif.


nvl lets you replace null (returned as a blank) with a string in the results of a query. If expr1 is null, then NVL returns expr2. If expr1 is not null, then NVL returns expr1.

The arguments expr1 and expr2 can have any datatype. If their datatypes are different, then Oracle CEP implicitly converts one to the other. If they cannot be converted implicitly, Oracle CEP returns an error. The implicit conversion is implemented as follows:


Consider the query q281 in Example 5-16 and the data stream SNVL in Example 5-17. Stream SNVL has schema (c1 char(20), c2 integer). The query returns the relation in Example 5-18.

Example 5-16 nvl Function Query

<query id="q281"><![CDATA[ 
    select nvl(c1,"abcd") from SNVL

Example 5-17 nvl Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
1              ,1
2            ab,2
3           abc,3
4              ,4
h 200000000

Example 5-18 nvl Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
1:          +           abcd
2:          +           ab
3:          +           abc
4:          +           abcd



Surrounding text describes prev.gif.


prev returns the value of the specified stream element before the time the specified pattern is matched.

The type of the specified stream element may be any of:

The return type of this function depends on the type of the specified stream element.

This function takes the following arguments:




Consider query q2 in Example 5-19 and the data stream S1 in Example 5-20. Stream S1 has schema (c1 integer). This example defines pattern A as A.c1 = prev(A.c1). In other words, pattern A matches when the value of c1 in the current stream element matches the value of c1 in the stream element immediately before the current stream element. The query returns the relation in Example 5-21.

Example 5-19 prev(identifier1.identifier2) Function Query

<query id="q2"><![CDATA[ 
            A.c1 as Ac1, 
            C.c1 as Cc1 
        PATTERN(A B+ C) 
            A as A.c1 = prev(A.c1), 
            B as B.c1 = 10, 
            C as C.c1 = 7
    ) as T

Example 5-20 prev(identifier1.identifier2) Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
1000        35
3000        35
4000        10
5000         7

Example 5-21 prev(identifier1.identifier2) Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
5000:       +           35,7

prev(identifier1.identifier2, const_int1)

Consider query q35 in Example 5-22 and the data stream S15 in Example 5-23. Stream S15 has schema (c1 integer, c2 integer). This example defines pattern A as A.c1 = prev(A.c1,3). In other words, pattern A matches when the value of c1 in the current stream element matches the value of c1 in the third stream element before the current stream element. The query returns the relation in Example 5-24.

Example 5-22 prev(identifier1.identifier2, const_int1) Function Query

<query id="q35"><![CDATA[ 
    select T.Ac1 from S15 
            A.c1 as Ac1 
            A as (A.c1 = prev(A.c1,3) )
    ) as T

Example 5-23 prev(identifier1.identifier2, const_int1) Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
 1000       45,20
 2000       45,30
 3000        45,30
 4000       45,30
 5000       45,30
 6000       45,20
 7000       45,20
 8000       45,20
 9000       43,40
10000       52,10
11000       52,30
12000       43,40
13000       52,50
14000       43,40
15000       43,40

Example 5-24 prev(identifier1.identifier2, const_int1) Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
 3000:       +          45
 4000:       +          45
 5000:       +          45
 6000:       +          45
 7000:       +          45
 8000:       +          45
13000:       +          52
15000:       +          43

prev(identifier1.identifier2, const_int1, const_int2)

Consider query q36 in Example 5-25 and the data stream S15 in Example 5-23. Stream S15 has schema (c1 integer, c2 integer). This example defines pattern A as A.c1 = prev(A.c1,3,5000). In other words, pattern A matches when the value of c1 in the current stream element matches the value of c1 in the third stream element before the current stream element if the timestamp of this prior stream element is 5000. The query returns the relation in Example 5-24.

Example 5-25 shows how to use the prev function to compare against a particular prior stream element with a given timestamp.

Example 5-25 prev(identifier1.identifier2, const_int1, const_int2) Function Query

<query id="q36"><![CDATA[ 
    select T.Ac1 from S15 
            A.c1 as Ac1 
            A as (A.c1 = prev(A.c1,3,5000) )
    ) as T

Example 5-26 prev(identifier1.identifier2, const_int1, const_int2) Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
 1000       45,20
 2000       45,30
 3000       45,30
 4000       45,30
 5000       45,30
 6000       45,20
 7000       45,20
 8000       45,20
 9000       43,40
10000       52,10
11000       52,30
12000       43,40
13000       52,50
14000       43,40
15000       43,40

Example 5-27 prev(identifier1.identifier2, const_int1, const_int2) Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
5000:       +           45



Surrounding text describes rawtohex.gif.


rawtohex converts byte containing a raw value to hexadecimal digits in the CHAR character set.

See Also:



Consider the query byte_to_hex in Example 5-28 and the data stream S5 in Example 5-29. Stream S5 has schema (c1 integer, c2 byte(10)). This query uses the rawtohex function to convert a ten byte raw value to the equivalent ten hexidecimal digits in the character set of your current locale. The query returns the relation in Example 5-30.

Example 5-28 rawtohex Function Query

<query id="byte_to_hex"><![CDATA[ 
    select rawtohex(c2) from S5[range 4]

Example 5-29 rawtohex Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
1000        1,"51c1"
2000        2,"52"
2500        7,"axc"
3000        3,"53aa"
4000        4,"5"
5000         ,"55ef"
6000        6,
h 8000
h 200000000

Example 5-30 rawtohex Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
 1000:      +           51c1
 2000:      +           52
 3000:      +           53aa
 4000:      +           05
 5000:      -           51c1
 5000:      +           55ef
 6000:      -           52
 6000:      +
 7000:      -           53aa
 8000:      -           05
 9000:      -           55ef
10000:      -



Surrounding text describes systimestamp.gif.


systimestamp returns the system date, including fractional seconds and time zone, of the system on which the Oracle CEP server resides. The return type is TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.


Consider the query q106 in Example 5-31 and the data stream S0 in Example 5-32. Stream S0 has schema (c1 float, c2 integer). The query returns the relation in Example 5-33. For more information about case, see "case_expr".

Example 5-31 systimestamp Function Query

<query id="q106"><![CDATA[ 
    select * from S0 
        case c2 
            when 10 then null 
            when 20 then null 
            else systimestamp() 
        end > "07/06/2007 14:13:33"

Example 5-32 systimestamp Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
     1000   0.1 ,10
     1002   0.14,15
   200000   0.2 ,20
   400000   0.3 ,30
   500000   0.3 ,35
   600000       ,35
h 800000
100000000   4.04,40
h 200000000

Example 5-33 systimestamp Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
     1002:  +           0.14,15
   400000:  +           0.3 ,30
   500000:  +           0.3 ,35
   600000:  +               ,35
100000000:  +           4.04,40



Surrounding text describes to_bigint.gif.


to_bigint returns a bigint number equivalent of its integer argument.

For more information, see:


Consider the query q282 in Example 5-34 and the data stream S11 in Example 5-35. Stream S11 has schema (c1 integer, name char(10)). The query returns the relation in Example 5-36.

Example 5-34 to_bigint Function Query

<query id="q282"><![CDATA[ 
    select nvl(to_bigint(c1), 5.2) from S11

Example 5-35 to_bigint Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
  10        1,abc
2000         ,ab
3400        3,abc
4700         ,a
h 8000
h 200000000

Example 5-36 to_bigint Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
  10:       +           1
2000:       +           5.2
3400:       +           3
4700:       +           5.2



Surrounding text describes to_boolean.gif.


to_boolean returns a value of true or false for its bigint or integer expression argument.

For more information, see:


Consider the query q282 in Example 5-34 and the data stream S11 in Example 5-35. Stream S11 has schema (c1 integer, name char(10)). The query returns the relation in Example 5-36.

Example 5-37 to_boolean Function Query

<view id="v2" schema="c1 boolean, c2 bigint" ><![CDATA[
    select to_boolean(c1), c1 from tkboolean_S3 [now] where c2 = 0.1
]]></view><query id="q1"><![CDATA[ 
    select * from v2

Example 5-38 to_boolean Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
1000        -2147483648, 0.1
2000        2147483647, 0.2
3000        12345678901, 0.3
4000        -12345678901, 0.1
5000        9223372036854775799, 0.2
6000        -9223372036854775799, 0.3
7000        , 0.1
8000        10000000000, 0.2
9000        60000000000, 0.3
h 200000000

Example 5-39 to_boolean Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
1000      +           true,-2147483648
1000      -           true,-2147483648
4000      +           true,-12345678901
4000      -           true,-12345678901
7000      +           ,
7000      -           ,



Surrounding text describes to_char.gif.


to_char returns a char value for its integer, double, bigint, float, timestamp, or interval expression argument. If the bigint argument exceeds the char precision, Oracle CEP returns an error.

For more information, see:


Consider the query q282 in Example 5-34 and the data stream S11 in Example 5-35. Stream S11 has schema (c1 integer, name char(10)). The query returns the relation in Example 5-36.

Example 5-40 to_char Function Query

<query id="q1"><![CDATA[ 
    select to_char(c1), to_char(c2), to_char(c3), to_char(c4), to_char(c5), to_char(c6) 
    from S1

Example 5-41 to_char Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
1000        99,99999, 99.9, 99.9999, "4 1:13:48.10", "08/07/2004 11:13:48", cep

Example 5-42 to_char Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
1000:       +           99,99999,99.9,99.9999,4 1:13:48.10,08/07/2004 11:13:48



Surrounding text describes to_double.gif.


to_double returns a double value for its bigint, integer, or float expression argument. If the bigint argument exceeds the double precision, Oracle CEP returns an error.

For more information, see:


Consider the query q282 in Example 5-34 and the data stream S11 in Example 5-35. Stream S11 has schema (c1 integer, name char(10)). The query returns the relation in Example 5-36.

Example 5-43 to_double Function Query

<query id="q282"><![CDATA[ 
    select nvl(to_double(c1), 5.2) from S11

Example 5-44 to_double Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
  10        1,abc
2000         ,ab
3400        3,abc
4700         ,a
h 8000
h 200000000

Example 5-45 to_double Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
  10:       +           1
2000:       +           5.2
3400:       +           3
4700:       +           5.2



Surrounding text describes to_float.gif.


to_float returns a float number equivalent of its bigint or integer argument. If the bigint argument exceeds the float precision, Oracle CEP returns an error.

For more information, see:


Consider the query q1 in Example 5-46 and the data stream S11 in Example 5-47. Stream S1 has schema (c1 integer, name char(10)). The query returns the relation in Example 5-48.

Example 5-46 to_float Function Query

<query id="q1"><![CDATA[ 
    select nvl(to_float(c1), 5.2) from S11

Example 5-47 to_float Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
  10        1, abc
2000         , ab
3400        3, abc
4700         , a
h 8000
h 200000000

Example 5-48 to_float Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
10:+ 1.02000:+ 5.23400:+ 3.04700:+ 5.2



Surrounding text describes to_timestamp.gif.


to_timestamp converts char literals that conform to java.text.SimpleDateFormat format models to timestamp datatypes. There are two forms of the to_timestamp function distinguished by the number of arguments:

For more information, see:


Consider the query q277 in Example 5-49 and the data stream STs2 in Example 5-50. Stream STs2 has schema (c1 integer, c2 char(20)). The query returns the relation that Example 5-51.

Example 5-49 to_timestamp Function Query

<query id="q277"><![CDATA[ 
    select * from STs2 
        to_timestamp(c2,"yyMMddHHmmss") = to_timestamp("09/07/2005 10:13:48")

Example 5-50 to_timestamp Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
1           1,"040807111348"
2           2,"050907101348"
3           3,"041007111348"
4           4,"060806111248"
h 200000000

Example 5-51 to_timestamp Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
2:          +           2,050907101348



Surrounding text describes xmlcomment.gif.


xmlcomment returns its double-quote delimited constant String argument as an xmltype.

Using xmlcomment, you can add a well-formed XML comment to your query results.

This function takes the following arguments:

The return type of this function is xmltype. The exact schema depends on that of the input stream of XML data.


Consider the query tkdata64_q1 in Example 5-52 and data stream tkdata64_S in Example 5-53. Stream tkdata64_S has schema (c1 char(30)). The query returns the relation in Example 5-54.

Example 5-52 xmlcomment Function Query

<query id="tkdata64_q1"><![CDATA[ 
    xmlconcat(xmlelement("parent", c1), xmlcomment("this is a comment")) 
from tkdata64_S

Example 5-53 xmlcomment Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
c 30
1000        "san jose"
1000        "mountain view"
1000        "sunnyvale"
1004        "belmont"

Example 5-54 xmlcomment Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
1000:       +           <parent>san jose</parent>
                        <!--this is a comment-->
1000:       +           <parent>mountain view</parent>
                        <!--this is a comment-->
1000:       +           <parent/>
                        <!--this is a comment-->
1000:       +           <parent>sunnyvale</parent>
                        <!--this is a comment-->
1003:       +           <parent/>
                        <!--this is a comment-->
1004:       +           <parent>belmont</parent>
                        <!--this is a comment-->



Surrounding text describes xmlconcat.gif.


xmlconcat returns the concatenation of its comma-delimited xmltype arguments as an xmltype.

Using xmlconcat, you can concatenate any combination of xmltype arguments.

This function takes the following arguments:

The return type of this function is xmltype. The exact schema depends on that of the input stream of XML data.

This function is especially useful when processing SQLX streams. For more information, see "SQL/XML (SQLX)".

To concatenate datatypes other than xmltype, use CONCAT. For more information, see "concat".

See Also:



Consider the query tkdata64_q1 in Example 5-52 and the data stream tkdata64_S in Example 5-53. Stream tkdata64_S has schema (c1 char(30)). The query returns the relation in Example 5-54.

Example 5-55 xmlconcat Function Query

<query id="tkdata64_q1"><![CDATA[ 
        xmlconcat(xmlelement("parent", c1), xmlcomment("this is a comment")) 
    from tkdata64_S

Example 5-56 xmlconcat Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
c 30
1000        "san jose"
1000        "mountain view"
1000        "sunnyvale"
1004        "belmont"

Example 5-57 xmlconcat Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
1000:       +           <parent>san jose</parent>
                        <!--this is a comment-->
1000:       +           <parent>mountain view</parent>
                        <!--this is a comment-->
1000:       +           <parent/>
                        <!--this is a comment-->
1000:       +           <parent>sunnyvale</parent>
                        <!--this is a comment-->
1003:       +           <parent/>
                        <!--this is a comment-->
1004:       +           <parent>belmont</parent>
                        <!--this is a comment-->



Surrounding text describes xmlexists.gif.


xmlexists creates a continuous query against a stream of XML data to return a boolean that indicates whether or not the XML data satisfies the XQuery you specify.

This function takes the following arguments:

The return type of this function is boolean: true if the XQuery is satisfied; false otherwise.

This function is especially useful when processing SQLX streams. For more information, see "SQL/XML (SQLX)".


Consider the query q1 in Example 5-58 and the XML data stream S in Example 5-59. Stream S has schema (c1 integer, c2 xmltype). In this example, the value of stream element c2 is bound to the current node (".") and the value of stream element c1 + 1 is bound to XQuery variable x. The query returns the relation in Example 5-60.

Example 5-58 xmlexists Function Query

<query id="q1"><![CDATA[ 
            "for $i in /PDRecord WHERE $i/PDId <= $x RETURN $i/PDName" 
            PASSING BY VALUE  
                c2 as ".", 
               (c1+1) AS "x" 
        ) XMLData 

Example 5-59 xmlexists Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
3           1, "<PDRecord><PDName>hello</PDName></PDRecord>"
4           2, "<PDRecord><PDName>hello</PDName><PDName>hello1</PDName></PDRecord>"
5           3, "<PDRecord><PDId>6</PDId><PDName>hello1</PDName></PDRecord>"
6           4, "<PDRecord><PDId>46</PDId><PDName>hello2</PDName></PDRecord>"

Example 5-60 xmlexists Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
3:          +           false
4:          +           false
5:          +           true
6:          +           false



Surrounding text describes xmlquery.gif.


xmlquery creates a continuous query against a stream of XML data to return the XML data that satisfies the XQuery you specify.

This function takes the following arguments:

The return type of this function is xmltype. The exact schema depends on that of the input stream of XML data.

This function is especially useful when processing SQLX streams. For more information, see "SQL/XML (SQLX)".


Consider the query q1 in Example 5-61 and the XML data stream S in Example 5-62. Stream S has schema (c1 integer, c2 xmltype). In this example, the value of stream element c2 is bound to the current node (".") and the value of stream element c1 + 1 is bound to XQuery variable x. The query returns the relation in Example 5-63.

Example 5-61 xmlquery Function Query

<query id="q1"><![CDATA[ 
            "for $i in /PDRecord WHERE $i/PDId <= $x RETURN $i/PDName" 
            PASSING BY VALUE  
                c2 as ".", 
               (c1+1) AS "x" 
        ) XMLData 

Example 5-62 xmlquery Function Stream Input

Timestamp   Tuple
3           1, "<PDRecord><PDName>hello</PDName></PDRecord>"
4           2, "<PDRecord><PDName>hello</PDName><PDName>hello1</PDName></PDRecord>"
5           3, "<PDRecord><PDId>6</PDId><PDName>hello1</PDName></PDRecord>"
6           4, "<PDRecord><PDId>46</PDId><PDName>hello2</PDName></PDRecord>"

Example 5-63 xmlquery Function Relation Output

Timestamp   Tuple Kind  Tuple
3:          +
4:          +
5:          +           "<PDName>hello1</PDName>"
6:          +           "<PDName>hello2</PDName>"