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Oracle® Fusion Middleware External User Support Guide for Oracle Information Rights Management Desktop
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1.7 Troubleshooting

This section describes common issues and their solutions.

1.7.1 External user is not allowed to use the internet

If your organization does not permit Internet access at all, arrangements can be made with the originator of the sealed document or email to distribute the client software by other means. However, Oracle IRM Desktop needs to be able to connect to Oracle IRM Server and a web server, so arrangements need to be made to enable connection to the relevant service addresses. If only one or two individuals require the use of Oracle IRM Desktop, it might be more practical to make private arrangements for them to use the software from a home computer.

1.7.2 External user does not have the address of the download site

Typically, intended recipients of a sealed document receive an introductory email, or similar communication, that includes the URL of the site from which the Oracle IRM Desktop software can be downloaded. If this is not the case, and someone receives a sealed document with no covering information, attempting to open the sealed document will usually result in a link to the Oracle IRM Desktop download web site. This is because the file extensions of sealed documents (sdoc, sxls, sppt, for example) are registered and, in most cases, when a user attempts to open a sealed document, the operating system helps them find a suitable application.

1.7.3 External user is using the wrong address for the download site

Intended recipients normally receive the address from which the Oracle IRM Desktop software can be downloaded in an introductory email, ideally as a link that they can click on. If the address does not work, check the address has been received correctly, and that no error has been made copying the address into a browser address toolbar.

1.7.4 Originator's download site is temporarily unavailable

If the originator's site for downloading the Oracle IRM Desktop software is unavailable, contact them so that they can correct the fault.

1.7.5 Downloads of executable files are blocked

The download is an executable file. Your organization may run firewalls and proxy servers that do not permit users to download executable files, or restrict the set of web sites from which downloads are permitted. In this case, the download site can be added to the list of permitted sites. If this is not permissible, contact the originator of the sealed document or email to make other arrangements to obtain the Oracle IRM Desktop software.

1.7.6 External user does not have privileges to run installations

The Oracle IRM Desktop software download site encourages the intended recipient to open or run the download, and doing so automatically starts the installation. If, however, this user does not have sufficient privileges to run the installation, assistance from a local administrator will be required.

1.7.7 External user cannot authenticate

In most cases, the intended user of a document needs a username and password to authenticate to Oracle IRM Server. Typically, this username and password is received in an introductory email or similar communication.

If the username and password are rejected, check that they have been typed correctly. Passwords are case-sensitive; usernames are not.

If the user has forgotten both their username and password, contact the originator of the sealed document or email so that new ones can be issued.

1.7.8 Oracle IRM Desktop cannot connect to Oracle IRM Server

In the event of connection failure, the Oracle IRM Desktop status page opens. The page contains a test link that enables a user to test connectivity to the Oracle IRM Server. In case of problems, contact the organization from which the sealed document or email originated.

1.7.9 Proxy settings are incorrect

Oracle IRM Desktop uses the Internet Explorer proxy settings. In most cases, if Internet Explorer can access the Internet successfully, then Oracle IRM Desktop can connect to Oracle IRM Server.

1.7.10 Proxy server requires authentication

Your organization might have a proxy server that requires users to authenticate when connecting to external networks. In many cases, this authentication is automated as part of the proxy settings. However, if manual authentication is required, users need to know what credentials to use. The client cannot connect unless the user authenticates to the proxy server.

1.7.11 External user has no rights to the sealed document

Typically, users receive sealed documents that are intended for them, and the first document they receive is particularly likely to be intended for them. However, it is always possible for a user to receive a document that they do not have the right to open. This results in a user authenticating successfully, but being refused access to the document. The user should contact the originator of the sealed document or email to resolve the matter.