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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrator's Guide
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A Configuring Custom Process

This chapter describes custom process configuration in the OPMN opmn.xml file.

It features the following topics:

Custom Process Module Configuration

The following lines load and identify the custom process module. Management of custom processes by the process module are identified by the module id.

<module path="ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/">
   <module-id id="CUSTOM" />

Custom Process Minimum Configuration

The following lines represent the minimum configuration for a custom process. Default values are assigned to all other configuration elements and attributes for the custom process.

<ias-component id="Custom">
   <process-type id="Custom" module-id="CUSTOM">
   <process-set id="Custom" numprocs="1">
         <category id="start-parameters">
            <data id="start-executable" value="Your start executable here" />

Custom Process Complete Configuration

Example A-1 show a complete configuration for a custom process. It contains all possible configuration elements and attributes for a custom process.

A custom process can be part of any other system component. In such cases, the process-type element in Example A-1 must be part of the component configuration.


The custom module provides the framework for pinging a custom process in one of two ways:

  • HTTP ping

  • script ping

The type of ping can be configured by specifying the appropriate data in the ping-parameters category. The sample configuration example Example A-1 shows a custom process using HTTP ping. Example A-1 is an example of script ping that you can substitute into the component configuration.

Example A-1 Custom Process Complete Configuration

<ias-component id="Custom" status="enabled" id-matching="false">
      <variable id="TEST_ENV_VARIABLE" value="/your/test/value" 
   <process-type id="Custom" module-id="CUSTOM">
   <process-set id="Custom" restart-on-death="true" numprocs="1">
         <category id="start-parameters">
            <data id="start-executable" value="Your start executable here" />
            <data id="start-args" value="Your start args here" />
            <data id="append-req-args" value="Arguments appended to the end of the
             start command"/>
            <data id="java-proc" value="true"/>
         <category id="stop-parameters">
            <data id="stop-executable" value="Your stop executable here" />
            <data id="stop-args" value="Your stop args here" />
            <data id="append-req-args" value="Arguments appended to the end of the
             stop command"/>
         <category id="restart-parameters">
            <data id="restart-executable" value="Your restart executable here"/>
            <data id="restart-args" value="Your restart args here" />
            <data id="append-req-args" value="Arguments appended to the end of the
             restart command"/>
         <category id="ping-parameters">
            <data id="ping-type" value="http" />
            <data id="ping-url" value="/your/ping/url" />
            <data id="ping-host" value="" />
            <data id="ping-port" value="7777" />
            <data id="ping-limit" value="3" />
            <data id="ping-timeout" value="300" />
         <category id="ready-parameters">
            <data id="use-ping-for-ready" value="false" />

Pinging with a script can be configured as shown in Example A-2.

Example A-2 Ping Type Script

<category id="ping-parameters">
   <data id="ping-type" value="script" />
   <data id="script-executable" value="Ping executable here" />
   <data id="script-args" value="Ping arguments here " />

You can use pinging (when available) for determining the readiness of a process. This indicates that OPMN needs confirmation that a managed process has started successfully after creation. Processes can inform OPMN of their ready status in various ways. The custom module enables these processes to communicate readiness through pinging. If you configure pinging for a custom process, you can also use this mechanism to determine if the process is ready. You can choose not to configure any mechanism for determining readiness in which case the custom module just assumes that the process started successfully.


The ready ping, if configured, is created soon after the process is created. If the process takes a while to initialize and respond to pings, then using pinging for determining readiness is not appropriate. This is because if the process does not respond to the "ready ping", OPMN determines that the process did not start correctly and stop it.

Custom Process Attribute Descriptions

This section describes the attributes that are specific for a custom process. This section also provides attribute descriptions of the attributes.

The custom process attributes are described with the following format:


Required: true
Default: none
Valid values: Any id of your choice
Path: ias-component
Path: ias-component/process-type
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set

This id is required and can be any name you choose. The id cannot be a duplicate of existing names.


Required: true
Default: none
Valid values: The same as the module-id specified in Appendix A for configuring a custom process.
Path: ias-component/process-type

The module-id associates the process with a module. For Custom processes, this id has to match the module-id specified in Process Module Configuration for the Custom module.


Required: true
Default: none
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/

The start-parameters category contains child elements specifying the start executable and start arguments.


Required: false
Default: false
Valid values: true or false
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

This data element specifies if the process is a Java process. If set to true, OPMN adds the default managed process system properties to the start-args.


Required: true
Default: none
Valid values: a valid executable to run
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

This data element specifies the name of the executable to be started.


Required: false
Default: none
Valid values: Valid arguments to the executable specified by start-executable data element.
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

The value of this data element should be a string containing all the arguments for the start executable. Multiple data elements with this id should not be specified.


Required: false
Default: none
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/

The value of append-req-args is appended to the end of the constructed start command.


Required: false
Default: none
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/

The stop-parameters category contains child elements specifying the stop executable and stop arguments. If this category is not configured, OPMN stops the process with the kill command.


Required: false
Default: none
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

This data element specifies the name of the executable to be used for stopping the process.

If custom process is a C or Java process that uses the OPMN Integrator API to stop the process, then set stop-executable to integrator.


Required: false
Default: none
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

The value of this data element should be a string containing all the arguments to the stop executable. Multiple data elements with this id should not be specified.


Required: false
Default: none
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/

The restart-parameters category contains child elements specifying the restart executable and restart arguments. This category needs to be configured if the process has an explicit restart command. In the absence of a restart command, a stop followed by the start command executes whenever the process needs to be restarted.

When restart data is specified, OPMN assumes that the process ID of the process remains the same after a restart. If there is no explicit restart command available for the process, a stop followed by a start is issued. In this scenario, a process ID change is acceptable.

If custom process is a C or Java process that uses the OPMN Integrator API to stop the process, then set restart-executable to integrator.


Required: false
Default: none
Valid values: A valid restart executable name
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

This data element specifies the name of the executable to be used for restarting the process.

If custom process is a C or Java process that uses the OPMN Integrator API to stop the process, then set stop-executable to integrator.


Required: false
Default: none
Valid values: valid arguments to the restart executable
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

The value of this data element should be a string containing all the arguments to the restart executable. Multiple data elements with this id should not be specified.


Required: false
Default: none
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category

The value of append-req-args is appended to the end of the constructed restart command.


Required: false
Default: none
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/

Custom processes that are pinged through the HTTP protocol must specify this category. This module data category consists of all the data required to perform such a ping.


Required: false
Default: none
Valid values: http, script, integrator
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

Custom processes that wish to be pinged have to specify this module data.

If custom process is a C or Java process that uses the OPMN Integrator API to ping the process, then set ping-type to integrator.

See Also:

  • Example A-1 for information about complete custom process configuration

  • Example A-2 for information about the ping type script


Required: false
Default: /
Valid values: Any valid URL
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

This data element is used to specify the URL at which the process is pinged. The listed parameters are used for HTTP pings.


Required: false
Default: none
Valid values: A valid hostname to which a custom process is bound.
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

This data element is used to specify the host name to which a custom process is bound. If this data is not specified, pinging is not performed. If an invalid hostname is specified, the process-set is disabled.


Required: false
Default: none
Valid values: A valid port at which a custom process is listening for HTTP requests
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

The port at which a custom process is listening. If this data is not specified, pinging is not performed. If an invalid port is specified, the process-set is disabled.


Required: false
Default: 3
Valid values: Any reasonable value that reflects the tolerance that OPMN should have for failed pings. This tolerance is used by OPMN to determine when the process should be declared unresponsive and restarted.
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/

This module data element defines the tolerance for failed pings. After the number of ping failures reaches this limit, the process is deemed unresponsive and restarted by OPMN.


Required: false
Default: 300 seconds
Valid values: Any reasonable timeout value
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/category/

The timeout value specified with this data element is used as the maximum time OPMN waits for a ping response. If a response is not obtained within the timeout period, the ping attempt is considered a failure.


Required: false
Default: none
Valid values: A valid script executable
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/

This data element specifies the name of the executable to be used for pinging the process. An exit value of 0 from this executable is considered success. All other values indicate a ping failure.


Required: false
Default: none
Valid values: valid arguments to the ping executable
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/

The value of this data element should be a string containing all the arguments to the ping executable. Multiple data elements with this id should not be specified.


Required: false
Default: none
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/

The module data category to indicate if pinging should be used to determine that a custom process started successfully.


Required: false
Default: false
Valid values: true or false
Path: ias-component/process-type/process-set/module-data/

The value of this data element determines if pinging should be used to determine if a process is available.