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Oracle® Smart Update Installing Patches and Maintenance Packs
Release 3.2
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10 Known Limitations in Smart Update

This section lists the limitations that have been identified in Oracle Smart Update. Wherever possible, workarounds are provided.


Starting from the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11gR1 release, MW_HOME is the new term for BEA_HOME.

General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issue and workarounds associated with Oracle Smart Update.

Smart Update 3.1 Exits with an Error if Version Strings of Products that are Not Supported by Smart Update are Present in the Registry

Smart Update 3.1 exits with an error if version strings of products that are not supported by Smart Update (such as Oracle Tuxedo) exist in the registry, and if the unsupported products and Oracle WebLogic Server are in the same Middleware home.

This error occurs, for example, when you run Smart Update on a machine that has PeopleSoft, which is dependent on Oracle Tuxedo – an product that Smart Update does not support.

To work around this issue, upgrade to Smart Update 3.2, which ignores version strings of unsupported products.

You can upgrade to Smart Update 3.2 by performing the following steps:

  1. Rename the beahomelist file to beahomelist_.

    For Windows, the beahomelist file is located under the ${SystemDrive}\bea folder.For Linux and UNIX, the beahomelist file is located under the ${HOME}\bea folder.

  2. Invoke Smart Update.

    Smart Update downloads the new version of the tool and upgrades itself automatically.

  3. Close Smart Update.

  4. Rename the beahomelist_ file back to beahomelist.

Smart Update Does Not Run on Apple Macintosh Machine

You cannot run Smart Update on a Macintosh machine because enough heap memory is not allocated by default.

To work around this issue, increase the Java heap memory by modifying the script in the MW_HOME/utils/bsu folder.

The following code illustrates the line in the script you must edit to increase the heap memory. The edited value is in bold text.

"$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -Xms64m -Xmx256m -jar patch-client.jar $*

Exceptions are Thrown When You Use Smart Update with Node Manager Running

This issue applies only to MS Windows platforms.

Exception com.bea.plateng.patch.PatchInstallationException is thrown when you apply or remove patch using Smart Update or during an incremental installation to a Middleware home with Node Manager running.

When Node Manager is running, the process locks the file weblogic_patch.jar. As a result, the patch cannot be installed or removed successfully because it fails to update weblogic_patch.jar.

To work around this issue, shut down Node Manager when you perform incremental installation or invoke Smart Update from the same Middleware home.

Patch Application Does Not Enforce Product Check in Command-line Mode

If you have installed WebLogic Integration in command-line mode, and opted to apply patches automatically (by selecting option 1) after successful completion of the installation, the installer automatically applies patches to WebLogic Server, Workshop for WebLogic, and WebLogic Portal. The installer does not check whether WebLogic Portal is installed or not; the patches to WebLogic Portal are applied even when WebLogic Portal is not installed.

If WebLogic Portal is installed at a later point, the installer overwrites the patches but Smart Update shows the patches as applied.

To work around this issue, uninstall the patches, then install WebLogic Portal, and then apply the WebLogic Portal patches using Smart Update.

Invalidated Patches List Other Invalidated Patches as Their Replacement

When you display details about an invalidated patch, the ID of the replacement patch may be provided. But if the replacement patch is subsequently invalidated by My Oracle Support, this ID is not updated and refers to an invalidated patch.

Contact My Oracle Support for a workaround for this issue.

The Patch Profile Maintenance Snapshot Is Poorly Formatted When Viewed in Notepad

The patch profile maintenance snapshot file produced by Smart Update cannot be easily viewed in common text editors, such as Notepad. The snapshot file does not contain conventional line breaks, which results in poorly formatted columns that cannot be easily read.

To work around this issue, use a text editor such as WordPad or TextPad to view this file. You do not need to reformat this file when sending it to My Oracle Support.

Smart Update Graphical User Interface Displays an Exception in Rare Cases

In rare cases, when using the Smart Update graphical interface, the following exception may be displayed:

at java.util.TreeMap$

This exception can be ignored.

Uninstall Component Does Not Remove Component Patches Automatically

If you uninstall any component, the patches associated with that component are not removed automatically. The patched artifacts may have been removed as part of the un-installation but the patch is still shown as applied.

To work around this issue, use Smart Update to remove the patches associated with the component before un-installation.

GUI Cannot Refresh Patches Installed from Command Line Without Restart

If you use the Smart Update graphical and command-line interfaces simultaneously, patches that you apply through the command-line interface are not visible from the GUI when you refresh the view.

To work around this issue, exit and restart the Smart Update GUI to view the new patch.

Issues with Domains Created After Rollback from WebLogic Server 10.3.2 to 10.3.1

After performing an upgrade from WebLogic Server 10.3.1 to WebLogic Server 10.3.2 using an upgrade installer or Smart Update, if you roll back to the 10.3.1 release (either with the WebLogic Server uninstaller Rollback option or via Smart Update), the following issues occur:

  • WebLogic Server starts, but validation errors occur

  • the Administration Console cannot be accessed (a 500 Error is displayed in the browser)

Note that these issues do not occur when upgrading from 10.3.0 to 10.3.2, and rolling back to 10.3.0.


The only known workaround is to restore the original WebLogic Server 10.3.1 installation, if it is backed up.

Downgrade Option is Unavailable in Smart Update After Upgrade to WebLogic Server 10.3.2

If you have WebLogic Server 10.3.0 or 10.3.1 installed with the WorkShop for WebLogic component, and you use Smart Update to upgrade to WebLogic Server 10.3.2, there is no Downgrade Option available in Smart Update that will allow you to roll back from 10.3.2 to the prior release.


This issue does not occur if your WebLogic Server installation does not include the Workshop for WebLogic component.


Run the WebLogic Server uninstaller and select the Rollback option to roll back to the original WebLogic Server 10.3.0 or 10.3.1 installation. For information on how to run the WebLogic Server uninstaller, see the Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.