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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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2 Creating Schemas for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite

This chapter explains how to use Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to create database schemas for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite applications.

This chapter includes the following sections:

2.1 Preparing to Run Repository Creation Utility and Load Schemas

Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite requires that an application schema exists in the database prior to configuration of the application. You must run RCU to create a schema in the database.

Before running RCU and loading any application schemas, make sure your system meets the prerequisites for RCU and the application or applications.

2.1.1 Database Prerequisites

Installation of Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite requires the availability of a supported database. This database must be up and running, and it does not have to be on the same system where you are installing the products. The database must also be compatible with RCU, which you need to use to create the schemas necessary for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite products.

For information about supported databases, see the "System Requirements and Supported Platform" document for your product on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page on Oracle Technology Network at

2.1.2 RCU for Linux and Windows Operating Systems

RCU is available only on a Linux or Windows operating systems. You can use RCU from a Linux or Windows system to create schemas in a supported database installed on any operating system.

2.2 Creating Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Schemas

Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite requires that an application schema exists in the database before configuration of the application. You must run Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to create application schemas in the database. The following procedure describes to create schemas in Oracle Database.

To create Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite schemas:

  1. Insert the Repository Creation Utility DVD, and then start RCU from the bin or BIN directory in the rcuHome directory.

    To start RCU on a UNIX operating system:

    cd rcuHome/bin

    To start RCU on a Windows operating system:

    cd rcuHome\BIN

    You can also download a ZIP file containing Repository Creation Utility from the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Software Downloads page on Oracle Technology Network at


    On a Windows operating system, do not unzip the RCU ZIP file to a directory with a name that contains spaces.

    After downloading the ZIP file, extract the contents to a directory of your choice, and then run RCU as the preceding text describes.

  2. Welcome screen

    Click Next.

  3. Create Repository screen

    Select Create.

    Click Next.

  4. Database Connection Details screen

    Database Type: Specify a supported database. The default is Oracle Database. For information about supported databases, see Section 2.1.1, "Database Prerequisites."

    For connecting to a database instance, provide the following information:

    • Host Name: Specify the name of the machine on which your database resides, in the format F

      For Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) databases, specify the Virtual IP name or one of the node names.

    • Port: Specify the database listen port number. The default port number for an Oracle Database instance is 1521. The default port number for a Microsoft SQL Server instance is 1433.

    • Service Name: For Oracle Database, specify the service name, which is typically the same as the global database name. For Microsoft SQL Server, specify a database name because there is no service name.

      If you do not know the service name for your Oracle Database, you can obtain it from the SERVICE_NAMES parameter in the database's initialization parameter file. If this file does not contain the SERVICE_NAMES parameter, then the service name is the same as the global database name, which is specified in the DB_NAME and DB_DOMAIN parameters.

      For Oracle RAC databases, specify the service name of one of the nodes in this field; for example,

    • Username: Specify the user name of the database administrator.

      For Oracle Database, specify the name of a user with DBA or SYSDBA privileges. The default user name with SYSDBA privileges is SYS.

    • Password: Specify the password for your database user.

    • Role: Select a database user role from the list.

      SYS requires the SYSDBA role.

    Click Next. The Checking Global Prerequisites dialog box appears.

    If you have any prerequisite errors, the Database Connection Details screen displays details about the errors. Fix any errors, then click Next again.

    After the checking is complete with no errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog box and go to the next screen.

  5. Select Components screen

    Near the top of the screen, select Create a New Prefix, and specify a prefix, or leave the default prefix, DEV.

    The prefix can contain from 1 to 12 alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, or A-Z). No white space or special characters are allowed. RCU displays your prefix later with an underline character appended. For example, RCU would display the default prefix as DEV_.

    Expand Enterprise Content Management in the Components list, and select one or more applications for which to create a schema:

    • Oracle Information Rights Management

    • Oracle Imaging and Process Management

    Also, for Oracle WSM Policy Manager, expand AS Common Schemas, and select Metadata Services.

    Your database must contain a schema for an application before you configure it.


    Record each schema name from this screen because you will need it later, in the format schemaprefix_schemasuffix, to configure the corresponding application. For example, if you used the default prefix, DEV_, you would supply the following name for the Oracle IRM schema:

    Click Next. The Checking Component Prerequisites dialog box appears.

    If you have any prerequisite errors, the Select Components screen displays details about the errors. Fix any errors, then click Next again.

    After the checking is complete with no errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog box and go to the next screen.

  6. Schema Passwords screen

    For each application listed in the Component column, enter the same password in the Schema Password and Confirm Password columns.

    For a development system, you might want to select Use same passwords for all schemas, near the top of the screen. Enter your password two times, in the Password and Confirm Password field.


    Record all schema passwords from this screen because you will need them later to configure your applications.

    Click Next.

  7. Map Tablespaces screen

    If you want to create new tablespaces or modify existing ones, click Manage Tablespaces and follow the directions on the screen. For more information creating or modifying tablespaces, see "Map Tablespaces Screen" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide.

    Click Next on the Map Tablespaces screen. The Validating and Creating Tablespaces dialog box appears.

    If you have any validation errors, the Map Tablespaces screen displays details about the errors. You can track errors in log files, such as irm.log and rcu.log. This screen displays the log locations. Fix any errors, then click Next again. After the tablespaces are created with no errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog box.

  8. Summary screen

    Click Create. The CREATE dialog box.

    If you have any schema creation errors, the Summary screen displays details about the errors. Fix any errors, then click Next again.

    After RCU creates the schema or schemas with no errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog box.

  9. Completion Summary screen

    This screen shows the locations of the RCU log file and component (application) log files.

    Click Close.


The user account created for a schema has a default expiration date of six months after creation. The database administrator should change the expiration of the user account to a later date. To view the expiration data for an account, use the SQL statement SELECT * FROM all_users or SELECT * FROM dba_users.

For more information about RCU, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide.