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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit)
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13 Oracle Adapter for Oracle Applications

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle Adapter for Oracle Applications and the Oracle Application Server Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide. It includes the following topics:

13.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

13.1.1 Populating Default Values for Record Types While Using PL/SQL APIs

Certain PL/SQL APIs exposed from Oracle E-Business Suite take record types as input. Such APIs expect default values to be populated for parameters within these record types for successful execution.

The default values are FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR for characters, FND_API.G_MISS_DATE for dates, and FND_API.G_MISS_NUM for numbers. Adapter for Oracle Applications can default these values when the parameters within the record type are passed as nil values, as shown in the following example:

<ATTRIBUTE1 xsi:nil="true"/>
<ATTRIBUTE2 xsi:nil="true"/>
<ATTRIBUTE3 xsi:nil="true"/>

This can be achieved with the help of a function in a Transform activity, or by directly passing the XML input with nil values and then assigning them to the record types within an Assign activity.

13.1.2 Re-creating Wrapper Packages While Using Existing PL/SQL SOA Composites Against a Different Release Instance

When a user has a SOA composite of a PL/SQL API created against an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i instance and intends to use it against the Release 12 instance or vice versa, for the compatibility in the target instance, the wrapper package of the SOA composite must be recreated. This approach updates the signature in the generated wrapper SQL file for the target instance and avoids the possible confusion whether the signature is the same or has changed in the target instance.

13.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

There are no known configuration issues at this time.

13.3 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata for Oracle Application Server Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide. It includes the following topics:

13.3.1 Removing Interfaces Definitions Annotated at Design Time

In the section "Support for Oracle Integration Repository" of Chapter 2 "Adapter for Oracle Applications Features", the last sentence of the first paragraph reads:

"These interfaces are exposed because their definitions were annotated at design time as required by Oracle Integration Repository."

This is incorrect and should be removed from the section.

13.3.2 Removing "One-time Workaround for Concurrent Programs and E-Commerce Gateway Interfaces"

In the section "General Issues and Workarounds" of Appendix B, Troubleshooting and Workarounds, the following bullet point reads:

  • One-time Workaround for Concurrent Programs and E-Commerce Gateway Interfaces

    When working with Concurrent Programs and E-Commerce Gateway interfaces, you must perform the following workaround exactly once for a given E-Business Suite instance.


    This is to work around the known issue with the Adapter Configuration wizard being unable to preserve DEFAULT clauses for PL/SQL wrappers that it generates underneath the covers.

    Load the following SQL file into the apps schema (using SQL*Plus) before launching the Adapter Configuration Wizard to create services for either Concurrent Programs or E-Commerce Gateway Interfaces.


Since Concurrent Programs and E-Commerce Gateway interfaces work fine without the need of loading SQL file, this one-time workaround needs to be removed.