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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Application Developer
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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B Application Developer Configuration Screens

This appendix contains screenshots and descriptions for all of the Application Developer configuration screens:

B.1 Welcome Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_welcome.gif

The Welcome screen is displayed each time you start the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard.

Select Create a new WebLogic domain to create a new WebLogic domain in your projects directory.

Select Extend an existing WebLogic domain if you want to add applications and services, or to modify existing configuration settings.

B.2 Select a WebLogic Domain Directory Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_select_domain.gif

Select the WebLogic directory to which you want to add your applications and services.

B.3 Select Domain Source Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_domain_source.gif

Select the source from which you want to create your new domain.

Select Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following products to create your domain to support selected products. Then, select the products for which you want support.

Select Base this domain on an existing template to create your domain based on an existing domain template. Click Browse to navigate your directories to find an existing template.

B.4 Select Extension Source Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_extension_source.gif

Select the source from which you want to extend your domain.

Select Extend my domain automatically to support the following added products to extend your domain to support selected products. Then, select the products for which you want support.

Select Extend my domain using an existing extension template to extend your domain based on an existing extension template. Click Browse to navigate your directories to find an existing template.

If a conflict with an existing product is detected, you will see the following screen:

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_conflict_detected.gif

Select the action you want to take to resolve the conflict, then click OK. Select Apply this selection if further conflicts are detected (don't prompt) if this is the action you want to take for all conflicts during domain extension. You will not be prompted again.

B.5 Specify Domain Name and Location Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_domain_name_location.gif

Specify the following information for the domain you are creating:

B.6 Configure Administrator Username and Password Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_administrator.gif

Create a user that will be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.

B.7 Configure Server Start Mode and JDK Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_start_mode_jdk.gif

In the WebLogic Domain Startup Mode section, select one of the following startup modes:

In the JDK Selection section, select the recommended JDK for your startup mode from the list of available JDKs, or select Other JDK and click Browse to find another JDK on your system. The recommended JDKs are described in the text for each mode in the WebLogic Domain Startup Mode section.

B.8 Configure JDBC Component Schema Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_jdbc_schema.gif

Configure the schema owner and password for each component schema listed on this screen. Changes to any of the fields on this screen are applied to all selected component schema in the table.

For example, if all of your schemas reside on the same database, select all of the schemas in the table, then specify the appropriate database values for the schemas (DBMS/Service, Host Name, and Port).

If, for example, you hare a different password for each schema, then you must select each schema individually and specify the password for the selected schema only.

Review the table on this screen and identify which fields you need to modify:

B.9 Test Component Schema Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_test_jdbc_schema.gif

Verify that the connections to your data sources are successful.

B.10 Select Optional Configuration Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_optional_config.gif

Select any category for which you want to perform custom or advanced configuration:

B.11 Configure Administration Server Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_admin_server.gif

The Administration Server is the primary tool used to manage a WebLogic Server domain.

One WebLogic Server instance in each domain is configured as the Administration Server. If you have multiple WebLogic Server instances, then all the other instances are referred to as Managed Servers. In a domain with only one WebLogic Server instance, that instance functions both as Administration Server and Managed Server.

Select SSL enabled if you want your Administration Server to accept SSL connections. Be sure to specify the SSL Listen Port if you select the SSL enabled option.

B.12 Configure Managed Servers Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_managed_servers.gif

A managed server is an instance of WebLogic Server used to host enterprise applications. A typical production environment has at least one managed server, which is managed by the Administration Server.

Use this screen to add or delete managed servers; click Add to add a managed server. To delete a managed server, select the server name and click Delete.

For each managed server, specify:

Click Switch Display to see the managed server information in tabs rather than in a table.

B.13 Configure Clusters Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_clusters.gif

A cluster consists of multiple managed server instances working together to provide increased scalability and reliability.

Use this screen to add or delete clusters; click Add to add a cluster. To delete a cluster, select the cluster name and click Delete.

For each cluster, specify:

Click Switch Display to see the cluster information in tabs rather than in a table.

B.14 Assign Servers to Clusters Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_assign_to_clusters.gif

This screen only appears if you created at least one cluster on the Configure Clusters Screen.

Use this screen to assign each managed server in your domain to a cluster.

B.15 Create HTTP Proxy Applications Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_http_proxy.gif

An HTTP proxy server proxies requests from a web server to WebLogic Server instances in a cluster, and provides load balancing and failover for the proxied HTTP requests.

If you want to proxy requests for a cluster, select Create HTTP Proxy next to the cluster name, then select a proxy server from the drop-down list in the "Proxy Server" field.

B.16 Configure Machines Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_machines.gif

A machine is the logical representation of the computer that hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances. Each Managed Server must be assigned to a machine. The Administration Server and Node Manager are used to manage the machines defined on this screen.

If you are creating a new machine on a non-UNIX operating system, specify the following:

For UNIX machine, click the "Unix Machine" tab and specify the following:

B.17 Assign Servers to Machines Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_assign_to_machines.gif

Use this screen to assign each WebLogic Server instance to the corresponding machine on which it runs.

B.18 Target Deployments to Servers or Clusters Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_target_deployments.gif

Use this screen to target your deployments to servers or clusters. Doing so enables WebLogic Server to serve the deployment to clients.

The Configuration Wizard automatically takes care of all necessary deployment targeting. You should not have to change anything on this screen unless specifically directed to do so.

In the left pane, select the server or cluster. Then, select the deployment in the right pane that you want to target to the selected server or cluster. The "Target" column in the right pane shows you the servers and clusters to which each deployment is targeted.

B.19 Target Services to Servers or Clusters Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_target_services.gif

Use this screen to target your deployments to servers or clusters. Doing so enables WebLogic Server to serve the deployment to clients.

The Configuration Wizard automatically takes care of all necessary services targeting. You should not have to change anything on this screen unless specifically directed to do so.

In the left pane, select the server or cluster. Then, select the service in the right pane that you want to target to the selected server or cluster. The "Target" column in the right pane shows you the servers and clusters to which each service is targeted.

B.20 Configure JMS File Stores Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_jms_filestore.gif

Edit the configuration information for the JMS file stores, which are used to store persistent messages and durable subscribers.

B.21 Configure RDBMS Security Store Database Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_rdbms.gif

To make changs on this screen, select a database type from the drop-down list in the "Database Type" field. Then, select the appropriate driver in the "Driver" field.

Provide the following credentials for the selected database:

Click Test Connection to make sure that the connection to your database is valid.

B.22 Configuration Summary Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_summary.gif

Verify the information on this screen. In the Summary View field, select a category from the drop-down list to view information about that category:

Use the Previous button if you want to return to a previous screen to alter some portion of the configuration.

B.23 Creating Domain Screen

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_creating_domain.gif

This screen shows the progress of the domain creation.