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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Application Adapter Best Practices Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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3 Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel Best Practices

This chapter lists and describes best practices that are specific to the Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Best Practices for Siebel

This section lists and describes best practices for the Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3.

Configuring Connection Pooling for Siebel

To configure connection pooling for Siebel, you must create a file for use with the Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3. This file can be used to provide default parameters for applications connecting to Siebel using the Java Data Bean (JDB) API. The file must be added to your system classpath.

The following table lists and describes the property values that can be added in the file.

Property Type Property Description
Request Timeout siebel.conmgr.txtimeout Indicates the transaction timeout in seconds on the server side.

The default is 2700 seconds.

Poolsize siebel.conmgr.poolsize Indicates the connection pool size. Connection pool maintains a set of connections to a specific server process.

The default is 2 with a maximum of 500.

Session Timeout siebel.conmgr.sesstimeout Indicates the transaction timeout in seconds on the client side.

The default is 600 seconds.

Encryption siebel.conmgr.jce Indicates the usage of Java Cryptography Extension (JCE).

Setting a value of 1 enables JCE and setting a value of 0 disables JCE.

Boolean siebel.user.encrypted Specifies whether the user name and the password is encrypted with com.siebel.extra.MangleString.