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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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J Oracle SOA Suite Properties Road Map

This appendix provides an overview of Oracle SOA Suite design-time and runtime configuration properties and provides references to documentation that describes how to configure these properties.

This appendix includes the following sections:

J.1 Oracle BPEL Process Manager Deployment Descriptor Properties

Deployment descriptors are BPEL process service component properties used at runtime by Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle Enterprise Manager, or both. You set these properties during design-time in the composite.xml file of the SOA composite application. The following types of properties can be set:

Table J-1 Properties for the configurations Deployment Descriptors

Property Name Description


How to save instance data


The maximum number of retries for a remote fault


The time interval in milliseconds between retries for a remote fault


In-memory optimization on the instances of a process


Whether the server can keep global variable values in the instance store when the instance completes


The persistence policy of the process in the delivery layer


The location of the sensor action XML file


The location of the sensor XML file


The transaction behavior of the BPEL instance in the case of initiating calls


Whether to spawn a separate thread to do invocations so that the invoke activity does not block the instance


The enabling of message boundary validation

For more information about available deployment descriptor properties, see Section C.1.1, "How to Define Deployment Descriptor Properties" and Chapter 12, "Transaction and Fault Propagation Semantics in BPEL Processes."

J.2 Normalized Message Header Properties

Header manipulation and propagation are key business integration messaging requirements. You can set normalized message header properties during design-time in the Properties tab of receive activities, invoke activities, OnMessage branches of pick activities, and reply activities. You can set properties for the following components:

J.2.1 Oracle JCA Adapter Message Header Properties

Oracle JCA adapters expose the underlying back-end operation-specific properties as header elements and allow for manipulation of these elements within a business process.

For more information about available Oracle JCA adapter message header properties, see the following guides:

  • Appendix A, "Oracle JCA Adapter Properties" of Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Technology Adapters for file, FTP, AQ, JMS, socket, database, and MQ Series properties

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide for Oracle Applications adapter properties

J.2.2 Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle Web Services Addressing Message Header Properties

Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle Web Services Addressing rely extensively on header support to solve customers' integration needs.

For more information about available Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle Web Services Addressing message header properties, see Appendix H, "Normalized Message Properties."

J.2.3 Oracle B2B Message Header Properties

In B2B, you can manipulate headers with reserved key words.

For more information about available Oracle B2B message header properties, see Appendix C, “Back-End Applications Interface" of Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B.

J.3 SOA Composite Application Properties

While most updates you make to the composite.xml file are performed from within the dialogs of the SOA Composite Editor during design-time, other properties must be added manually to this file from within Source view. Table J-2 lists these properties and provides references to documentation that describes how to configure these properties.

Table J-2 Oracle SOA Suite Properties

Property Description See...


Specifies multiple partner link endpoint locations. This capability is useful for failover purposes if the first endpoint is down.

Section, "Multiple Runtime Endpoint Locations"


Specifies the location of the fault policy file if it is different from the default location. This option is useful if a fault policy must be used by multiple SOA composite applications.

Section 11.4, "Using the Fault Management Framework"


Specifies the location of the fault binding file if it is different from the default location. This option is useful if a fault policy must be used by multiple SOA composite applications.

Section 11.4, "Using the Fault Management Framework"


By default, SOAP headers are not passed through by Oracle Mediator. To pass SOAP headers, add this property to the corresponding Oracle Mediator routing service.

Section, "Assigning Values"

Section, "Access Headers for Filters and Assignments"


Specifies role names required to invoke SOA composite applications from any Java EE application.

Section 34.5, "Specifying Enterprise JavaBeans Roles"

J.4 Fault Policy and Adapter Rejected Message Properties

A fault policy file defines fault conditions and their corresponding fault recovery actions. Each fault condition specifies a particular fault or group of faults, which it attempts to handle, and the corresponding action for it.

You can also enter additional properties in a fault policy framework file. Table J-3 lists these properties and provides references to documentation that describes how to configure these properties.

Table J-3 Oracle SOA Suite Fault Policy Properties

Property Description See...


Provide a delay between retries of an activity (in seconds).

Section, "Creating a Fault Policy File for Automated Fault Recovery"


Retry an activity a specified number of times.

Section, "Creating a Fault Policy File for Automated Fault Recovery"


Specify a time in seconds for the scheduler to wait before retrying.

Section, "Actions"

You can also enter adapter rejected message properties in the fault policy framework file during design-time.

For more information, see Section "Error Handling" of Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Technology Adapters.

J.5 Oracle B2B System Properties

You can set most B2B properties on the Configuration tab of the Oracle B2B interface. These settings override property settings performed at the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console.

For more information about available Oracle B2B properties, see Chapter 15, "Configuring B2B System Parameters" of Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B.

J.6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console Property Pages

You can configure properties for the following components during runtime in the property pages of Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console:

J.6.1 SOA Infrastructure Properties

You can configure properties for the SOA Infrastructure. These property settings can apply to all SOA composite applications running in the SOA Infrastructure. The following types of properties can be set:

  • Audit level

  • Composite instance state to capture

  • Payload validation

  • Callback server and server URLs

  • Instance and fault count metrics retrieval

  • Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registry

  • Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) data source

  • Web service binding properties

For more information about available SOA Infrastructure properties, see Chapter 3, "Configuring the SOA Infrastructure" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.6.2 Oracle BPEL Process Manager

You can configure BPEL process service engine properties. These properties are used by the BPEL process service engine during processing of BPEL service components. The following types of properties can be set:

  • Audit trail and large document thresholds

  • Dispatcher threads

  • Payload schema validation

  • Audit trail level

  • BPEL monitor and sensor enabling

For more information about available Oracle BPEL Process Manager properties, see Chapter 9, "Configuring BPEL Process Service Components and Engines" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.6.3 Human Workflow Notification and Task Service

You can configure human workflow notification and task service properties. These properties are used by the human workflow service engine during processing of human workflow service components. The following types of properties can be set:

  • The notification mode for messages

  • The actionable addresses

  • The actionable e-mail account name

  • The workflow session time out and custom classpath URL values

  • The dynamic assignment and task escalation functions of the assignment service

For more information about available human workflow notification and task service properties, see Chapter 18, "Configuring Human Workflow Service Components and Engines" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.6.4 Oracle Mediator

You can configure Oracle Mediator properties. These properties are used by the Oracle Mediator service engine during processing of Oracle Mediator service components. The following types of properties can be set:

  • Audit level and metrics level

  • Parallel worker threads

  • Parallel maximum rows retrieved

  • Parallel locker thread sleep and error locker thread sleep

  • Custom configuration parameters

  • Container ID refresh time and container ID lease timeout

  • Resequencer locker thread sleep, maximum groups locked, and worker threads

For more information about available Oracle Mediator properties, see Chapter 12, "Configuring Oracle Mediator Service Components and Engines" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.6.5 Cross References

You can configure cross references to dynamically map values for equivalent entities created in different applications.

For more information about available cross reference properties, see Chapter 15, "Managing Cross-References" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.6.6 Oracle B2B

You can enable Oracle B2B Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) metrics.

For more information about available Oracle B2B properties, see Chapter 30, "Configuring Oracle B2B" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.6.7 Service and Reference Binding Component Properties

You can configure the following service and reference binding component properties:

  • Activation specification (for services), interaction specification (for references), and endpoint properties (such as time outs, thresholds, maximum intervals, and others) for the file, FTP, AQ, JMS, socket, database, and MQ Series adapters

  • Web services properties such as enabling REST; enabling the WSDL, metadata exchange, and endpoint of the web service; and others

  • Endpoint reference and service key properties for Oracle Service Registry integration

For more information about available service and reference binding component properties, see Chapter 33, "Configuring Service and Reference Binding Components" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.7 System MBean Browser Properties

The System MBean Browser of Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console enables you to modify advanced properties that do not display in the property pages described in Section J.6, "Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console Property Pages." These advanced properties display beneath a link at the bottom of properties pages for the following components:


In addition to advanced properties, the same properties that display for modifying in the property pages described in Section J.6, "Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console Property Pages" also display for modifying in the System MBean Browser.

J.7.1 SOA Infrastructure Properties

Click the More SOA Infra Advanced Configuration Properties link at the bottom of the SOA Infrastructure Common Properties page to display System MBean Browser properties for the SOA Infrastructure. Properties that display for modifying include the following:

  • The maximum number of times an invocation exception can be retried

  • The number of seconds between retries for an invocation exception

  • The HTTP proxy authentication realm

  • The HTTP proxy authentication type

  • The HTTP proxy host

  • The password for HTTP proxies that require authentication

  • The HTTP proxy port number

  • The user name for HTTP proxies that require authentication

  • The HTTP protocol URL published as part of the SOAP address of a process in the WSDL file

  • The HTTPS protocol URL published as part of the SOAP address of a process in the WSDL file

  • The path to the Oracle SOA Suite keystore

  • The UDDI endpoint cache life span

For more information about available SOA Infrastructure System MBean Browser properties, see Chapter 3, "Configuring the SOA Infrastructure" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.7.2 Oracle BPEL Process Manager Properties

Click the More BPEL Configuration Properties link at the bottom of the BPEL Service Engine Properties page to display System MBean Browser properties for the BPEL process. Properties that display for modifying include the following:

  • The extra BPEL classpath to include when compiling BPEL-generated Java sources

  • The maximum number of times a failed expiration call (wait/onAlarm) is retried before failing

  • The delay between expiration retries

  • The size of the block of instance IDs to allocate from the dehydration store during each fetch

  • The number of invoke messages stored in in-memory cache

  • Whether one-way invocation messages are delivered

  • The size of the most recently processed request list

  • The maximum time a request and response operation takes before timing out

For more information about available Oracle BPEL Process Manager System MBean Browser properties, see Chapter 9, "Configuring BPEL Process Service Components and Engines" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.7.3 Oracle Mediator Properties

Click the More Mediator Configuration Properties link at the bottom of the Mediator Service Engine Properties page to display System MBean Browser properties for Oracle Mediator. Most of the System MBean Browser properties that display for Oracle Mediator can also be modified on the Mediator Service Engine Properties page.

For more information about available Oracle Mediator System MBean Browser properties, see Chapter 12, "Configuring Oracle Mediator Service Components and Engines" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.7.4 Human Workflow Notification and Task Service Properties

Click the More Workflow Notification Configuration Properties link at the bottom of the Workflow Notification Properties page or click the More Workflow Taskservice Configuration Properties link at the bottom of the Workflow Task Service Properties page to display System MBean Browser properties for human workflow. Properties that display for modifying include the following:

  • The address at which to receive incoming instant messages (IMs)

  • Whether to return custom notification service property names

  • The return number of configured fax cover pages

For more information about available human workflow notification and task service System MBean Browser properties, see Chapter 18, "Configuring Human Workflow Service Components and Engines" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

J.7.5 Oracle Service Registry WSDL URL Caching Configuration

You can increase the amount of time that the endpoint WSDL URL is available in cache for inquiry by the service key with the UddiCacheLifetime property.

For more information about the UddiCacheLifetime property, see Chapter 33, "Configuring Service and Reference Binding Components" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.