This figure shows the Edit Bucketset dialog. It contains the following fields: Name with value CreditScore and Data Type with value int. This dialog also contains checkbox Include Disallowed Buckets in Tests which is unchecked. The table contains the following columns: Endpoint, Included Endpoint, Allowed in Actions, Range, Alias, and Description. Above the table are the following icons: Add Bucket and Delete. The table contains three rows. The first row contains Endpoint value 750, Included Endpoint Value checked, Allowed in Actions checked, Range value >=750, and Alias value >=750. The second row contains Endpoint value 400, Included Endpoint Value checked, Allowed in Actions checked, Range value [400..750), and Alias value [400..750). The third row contains Endpoint value negative Infinity (-Infinity), Included Endpoint Value checked, Allowed in Actions checked, Range value <400, and Alias value <400.