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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Linux x86
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3 Upgrade

This chapter describes issues associated with upgrading your environment and your applications to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g. It includes the following topics:

3.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issue and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

3.1.1 Patches Required to Address Specific Upgrade and Compatibility Requirements

In general, Oracle assumes that you are running the latest Oracle Application Server 10g patch sets before you begin the upgrade to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

In addition, in some specific cases, you must apply an additional software patches to your Oracle Application Server 10g components before you start the upgrade process. These patches are designed to address specific interoperability issues that you might encounter while upgrading your Oracle Application Server 10g environment to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

Table 3-1 lists the specific patch sets required to address specific upgrade and compatibility requirements for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

For more information, refer to the following sections:

Table 3-1 Patches Required to Address Specific Upgrade and Compatibility Requirements

Patch Set Number Description and Purpose Additional Information


Before you can perform the Oracle B2B schema upgrade, you must apply this required patch to the Oracle Application Server Integration B2B 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) middle tier.

This patch set is required in order to enable the Java command that you use to export the trading partner agreements, as described in the following step.

"Task 6b: If Necessary, Upgrade the B2B Schema" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF


If the database that hosts your Oracle Application Server 10g schemas is an Oracle Database 10g (10.1.0.x) database, then make sure that this database patch (or database patch 5126270) has been applied to the 10g (10.1.0.x) database before you upgrade the database to the required Oracle Database 10g (

Note that database patch 5746866 includes patch 5126270.

"Upgrading to Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Planning Guide


Apply this patch against Oracle Secure Enterprise Search ( before you attempt to use Oracle Secure Enterprise Search with Oracle Portal 11g.

"Oracle Secure Enterprise Search" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal

Section 35.4, "Interoperability Issues and Workarounds."


Apply this patch on your Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( environment to enable interoperability between Oracle SOA Suite 10g Release 3 ( and Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11g.

This patch is also referred to as the Oracle SOA Suite 10g Release 3 ( Cumulative MLR #7.

"Applying Patch Sets to Address Specific Upgrade Interoperability Issues" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Planning Guide

"Upgrading Oracle SOA Suite Client Applications" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF


Apply this patch to your Oracle Database before you attempt to upgrade your Oracle BAM schema.

If you do not apply this patch to your Oracle Database 10g (, 10g (, or Oracle Database 11g ( before performing the schema upgrade, you will likely see the following error:

BAM MRUA: SCHEMA UPGRADE FAILED SQLException: ORA-39002: invalid operation

The description for this patch on My Oracle Support is "USING DATA PUMP THROUGH DBLINK CAUSED DATA CORRUPTION FOR CLOB VALUES".

"Task 6c: If Necessary, Upgrade the BAM Schema" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF

Section, "Datapump Export for Oracle BAM Upgrade Plug-in Fails in Oracle Database 10g (, 10g (, and Oracle Database 11g ("


Apply this patch to prevent the occurrence of an ORA-01591 error in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 11g ( database.

This error can occur for rows locked by transactions which were in the middle of two-phase commit.

The description of this patch on My Oracle Support is "ODAC 2008:RAC NODE AFFINITY: DISTRIBUTED TXN ABORTS WITH ORA-01591."

"Upgrading and Preparing Your Databases" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Planning Guide


Apply this patch to correct a problem where Metadata Repository (MDS) queries against an Oracle Database 11g ( database do not find all of the results (documents or elements) that they should.

The description of this patch on My Oracle Support is: "SELECT INCORRECT RESULTS: SOME RESULTS NOT FOUND".

"Managing the MDS Repository" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide


Apply this bundled patch to your Oracle Database 11g ( Real Application Clusters (RAC) environment to address three known issues while using the RAC database with Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle SOA Suite components.

See the Readme file for the patch for a list of the bugs addressed by the patch.

The description of this patch on My Oracle Support is: "MERGE REQUEST FOR 8886255 AND 7675269".

"Oracle Real Application Clusters and Fusion Middleware" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware High Availability Guide.


Apply this patch to your Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 11g ( database to prevent an error that can occur if an XA transaction branch was being asynchronously rolled back by two or more sessions.

The description of this patch on My Oracle Support is: "STRESS SOA - ORA-00600: INTERNAL ERROR CODE, ARGUMENTS: [504] (RAC)".

"Oracle Real Application Clusters and Fusion Middleware" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware High Availability Guide.


Apply this patch to your Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 11g ( database to prevent an issue that results in an ORA-600 error.

Behavior includes CR-inconsistencies between index and the block, or incorrect results in a RAC multi-node global transaction environment.

The description of this patch on My Oracle Support is: " ORA-600[KDSGRP1] SIGNALLED DURING BUGOLTP-XA WORKLOAD".

"Oracle Real Application Clusters and Fusion Middleware" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware High Availability Guide. Obtaining Patches and Support Documents From My Oracle Support (Formerly OracleMetaLink)

To obtain a patch, log in to My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink), click Patches and Updates, and search for the patch number:

To obtain a support note or document, log in to My Oracle Support and enter the support note number in the Quick Find search field at the top of the My Oracle Support window and search the Knowledge Base for the note number.

3.1.2 Unable to Read Composite Model Error During SOA Application Upgrade

The Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF describes how Oracle JDeveloper 11g will automatically upgrade specific features of your Oracle SOA Suite 10g applications to 11g.

However, if you see the following error while upgrading your application in JDeveloper 11g, then you can safely ignore the error. Your application will be upgraded, but you will need to create a new SOA-SAR deployment profile after the application upgrade. And use this newly created profile for deploying SOA composite:

SEVERE: Unable to read composite model for project project_name

For more information, see 43.2, "Deploying a Single SOA Composite in Oracle JDeveloper," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

3.1.3 Oracle BAM Upgrade Issues

The following sections provide information about specific issues related to upgrading Oracle BAM 10g to Oracle BAM 11g: Datapump Export for Oracle BAM Upgrade Plug-in Fails in Oracle Database 10g (, 10g (, and Oracle Database 11g (

Before you upgrade the Oracle BAM 11g schema to 11g, you must first apply patch 6522654 to your Oracle Database 10g (, 10g (, and Oracle Database 11g (

If you do not apply this patch, then you will likely experience the following error during Oracle BAM schema upgrade:

BAM MRUA: SCHEMA UPGRADE FAILED SQLException: ORA-39002: invalid operation

For more information, see Section 3.1.1, "Patches Required to Address Specific Upgrade and Compatibility Requirements". Dependent Alerts Do Not Upgrade Correctly

When an alert in Oracle BAM 10g is dependent upon another alert, the dependent alert keeps a reference to the parent alert with a GUID reference. When such an alert is exported from 10g it will contain a GUID reference to the parent alert, and import to an Oracle BAM 11g system is not successful.

The following modification to the exported alert definition file can be used as a workaround for import to an Oracle BAM 11g system.

Edit the exported file contents of the dependent alert from the Oracle BAM 10g system, and modify the following element containing reference to parent alert.

Change this:

<param name="RuleID" order="0">

To this:

<param name="RuleID" order="0">

In other words, the GUID reference for parent alert must be replaced by the parent alert's name. Problem Upgrading a Report that Contains Calculated Fields

If you created a report in Oracle BAM 10g or in Oracle BAM 11g Release 1 ( and the report contains calculated fields that use using datetime type fields, then the Calculations tab displays this error in Oracle BAM 11g Release 1 (


More specifically, this error occurs when the calculation is an expression for equality check against a datetime field in String format. For example, for a datetime field such as Last Modified, the following calculation does not work:

If {Last Modified}=="7/18/2002 1:33:10 PM"

Before you can upgrade the report, you must remove the calculated fields. Calculated Fields Reference the Field ID Rather Than Field Names After Upgrade to Oracle BAM 11g

After upgrading to Oracle BAM 11g Release 1 (, any calculated fields in your reports will reference fields by the field ID, rather than the field name.

Specifically, after upgrade, the field name referenced in the expression will be converted to use the field id (for example, _Num_Sold).

For example, the field reference might appear as follows after the upgrade:


Note that the calculated fields will continue to work after the upgrade and after this automatic conversion. Using the Oracle BAM 11g Samples After Upgrade from Oracle BAM 10g

When you install Oracle BAM 11g, the installer copies a set of sample applications to the Oracle SOA Suite Oracle home. Refer to the following sections for more information about using these samples after upgrading to Oracle BAM 11g from Oracle BAM 10g:

For information about using the Oracle BAM 11g after migrating from Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 (, see Section 3.2.8, "Using the Oracle BAM 11g Prepackaged Samples After Migrating from". General Information About the Oracle BAM Samples

The Oracle Fusion Middleware installer copies the Oracle BAM samples to the following location in the Oracle SOA Suite Oracle home:


Instructions for configuring and using the samples, as well as updated samples, can be found at the following URL on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):

The instructions explain how to use the propert setup script to configure the demos in your Oracle BAM 11g environment. You can also find individual readme file for each demo within each sample directory. Removing Any 10g Sample Applications Before Configuring the Oracle BAM 11g Samples

Before you use the instructions on OTN to set up the Oracle BAM 11g samples, remove any data objects, reports, or alerts associated with any existing 10g samples.

For example, be sure to remove any artifacts associated with the Oracle BAM 10g Call Center and Atherton demos before you run the setup scripts.

3.1.4 Error When Upgrading Oracle Internet Directory Due to Invalid ODS Schema

If you receive an error when using the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the Oracle Internet Directory schema from 10g Release 2 ( to 11g, then verify that the ODS 10g schema is valid.

To view the status of the Oracle Application Server 10g schemas in your database, use the following SQL command:

SELECT comp_id, version, status FROM app_registry;

If the output from this command shows that the ODS schema is INVALID, then use the instructions in the following My Oracle Support document to install and configure Referential Integrity:

730360.1, "Referential Integrity in Oracle Internet Directory Version"

After performing the instructions in the support document, then retry the Oracle Internet Directory schema upgrade.

3.1.5 Restore From Backup Required If Upgrade Fails During a Colocated Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Directory Integration Platform Upgrade

If you are using the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade both Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Directory Integration Platform, consider the following.

If the Oracle Internet Directory upgrade fails, then before you can run the Upgrade Assistant again, you must restore your Oracle Internet Directory 10g backup before you can run the Upgrade Assistant again. Otherwise, the Upgrade Assistant will not attempt to upgrade Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

3.1.6 Cannot Verify Oracle Forms Services Upgrade When Oracle HTTP Server is Running On a Separate Host

If you use the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade an Oracle Forms Services instance that does not include a local instance of Oracle HTTP Server, then the Verify feature of the Upgrade Assistant cannot verify that the upgrade was successful. Instead of reporting that the upgrade was successful, the Verify feature will report that the server is unavailable. This verification error may not be valid if the Oracle HTTP Server is installed and configured on a different host than the Oracle Forms Services instance.

3.1.7 WebCenter Security Upgrade Release Notes

The following bugs/release notes relate to security changes for Custom WebCenter applications upgrading from 10.1.3.x: RowSetPermission check fails with compatibility flag set

In 10.1.3, the ADF framework performed rowset, attribute, and method permission checks in addition to page permission checks. If a 10.1.3 application grants 'read' permission on the rowset and attribute and 'invoke' permission on the method for all users, then the application will behave as expected in 11R1 without any additional setup.

However, if the 10.1.3 application was designed to allow only certain users to view the rowset, attribute, or invoke method, then a special flag needs to be set to support this style of security. If this flag is not set, then anyone who has page access can view attributes and rowsets and invoke methods since in 11R1 the permission check is performed only on pages and taskflows. The flag must be set for each application in the adf-config.xml file.

<sec:adf-security-child xmlns="">
   <contextEnv name="" value="false"/>
</sec:adf-security-child> Grants not migrated properly if application contains grants without permissions

Grants are not migrated properly if a 10.1.3 application contains grants without any permissions. Developers should inspect the app-jazn-data.xml file in the 10.1.3 workspace and remove any grants that have empty permission set prior to performing the migration. Shared/public credentials not found after external application deployed

If you have secured your 10.1.3 application, ensure there are no duplicate JaasSecurityContext and CredentialStoreContext elements in the application's adf-config.xml file prior to migration.In the following example, the first JaasSecurityContext element is empty and should be removed (see "Remove entry" in the XML snippet below).

<adf-config-child xmlns="">
   <JaasSecurityContext/> <!--Remove entry-->

3.1.8 Oracle B2B Upgrade Release Notes

The following release notes apply when you are upgrading Oracle B2B 10g to Oracle B2B 11g: Service Name Is Required When Using ebMS with Oracle B2B

Because the Service Name parameter is required when using the ebMS protocol in Oracle B2B 11g, you may need to provide a value for this field after importing 10g data.

With the agreement in the draft state, update the field on the Partners > Documents tab. When you select a document definition that uses the ebMS protocol, the Document Type > ebMS tab appears in the Document Details area. The Service Name field is on this tab. Converting Wallets to Keystores for Oracle B2B 11g

After upgrading to Oracle B2B 11g, use the orapki pkcs12_to_jks option to replace the entire keystore. Convert the wallet to a keystore as follows:

  1. Back up the original keystore.

  2. Use the orapki wallet pkcs12_to_jks option to convert to the keystore.

  3. Use keytool -list to list the aliases and verify.

  4. Use keytool -importkeystore to import the converted keystore to the backup of the original keystore (as done in Step 1) Oracle B2B UCCnet Documents Not Upgraded to 11g

OracleAS Integration B2B provides support for UCCnet under the Custom Document option. UCCnet is a service that enables trading partners to exchange standards-compliant data in the retail and consumer goods industries.

Note, however, that UCCnet documents are not upgraded automatically to Oracle B2B 11g. For information about using UCCnet documents in Oracle B2B 11g, see "Using the UCCnet Document Protocol" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B.

3.1.9 Problem Accessing the Welcome Pages in Oracle HTTP Server After Upgrade

After you upgrade to Oracle HTTP Server 11g, the DirectoryIndex directive in the httpd.conf set to index.html. As a result, if you go to the recommended URL to view the Oracle Fusion Middleware Welcome pages you instead see the "hello world" sample application page.

To address this issue:

  1. Edit the httpd.conf file in the following location:

  2. Locate the DirectoryIndex directive in the httpd.conf file and change index.html to welcome-index.html.

  3. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server instance.

3.1.10 Misleading Error Message When Upgrading Oracle Internet Directory

When upgrading to Oracle Internet Directory 11g, you might notice an error message in the Upgrade Assistant (Example 3-1). This error message indicates that some managed processes failed to start.

You can safely ignore this message, as long as the Upgrade Assistant messages also indicates that all components were upgraded successfully. This error occurs when the Upgrade Assistant attempts to start the Oracle Enterprise Manager agent and the agent is already running.

Example 3-1 Error Message When Upgrading Oracle Internet Directory

Starting Destination Components
     Starting OPMN and managed processes in the destination Oracle instance.
     ->UPGAST-00141: startup of 11g OPMN managed processes failed.
     Starting WebLogic managed server wls_ods1
     Clicked OK to continue
     Upgrade Progress 100%
     All components were upgraded successfully.

3.1.11 Problem Starting Oracle Web Cache After Upgrade to 11g

After upgrading from Oracle Web Cache 10g, you might experience problems starting the upgraded Oracle Web Cache 11g instance. If you cannot start Oracle Web Cache 11g, then perform the following post-upgrade task:

  1. Locate the webcache.xml configuration file in the following directory:

  2. Open the file with a text editor and search for any of the following three attributes:

  3. If any of these attributes exist, then remove the attributes and their values from the file.

    For example, suppose the following entry exists in the webcache.xml file:


    Modify the entry so it appears as follows:


3.2 General Issues and Workarounds for Migrating from

This section describes general issue and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

3.2.1 Stopping the Domain

While stopping the domain by using the ant master-stop-domain-new command, you may see the following exceptions if the Administration Server and the Managed Servers are down: Connection refused: connect; No available router to destination. 
The admin server and the managed servers should be up while running the command.

3.2.2 Editing the File

When specifying values in the file on Windows, ensure that / is used for file delimiters. You can use \ as an escape character. When a \ is used in the file, Patch Assistant warns you of the existence of the character and prompts if the patch operation should be continued ["y"/"n"]. If you do not desire prompting and have ensured the integrity of the file, then run the ant commands with the -noinput option.

3.2.3 Patching the Schema for Oracle Internet Directory

While patching the schema for Oracle Internet Directory, ensure that you specify only OID as the parameter for the patchMaster.Componentlist property in the file.

3.2.4 Changing the patchmaster.ValidationErrorContinue Property

By default, the patchMaster.ValidationErrorContinue file appears as patchmaster.ValidationErrorContinue. When you run this property, an error occurs.

Therefore, if you are using this property, replace the default property with patchMaster.ValidationErrorContinue before running Patch Assistant.

3.2.5 Changing the Default Setting for Validation Tasks

Patch Assistant validates the properties specified in the file. Additionally it performs the following validation tasks:

  • Verify whether the potential source, target home, and instance paths exist.

  • Verify locations to discover it they are an instance, home, and so on.

  • Validate individual migration task. For example, if you are migrating a domain, then schema-based properties are not required. If the schema-based properties are specified, be sure to set the complete and proper set of schema-based properties.

  • Attempts to recognize exceptions to specific components. For example, if Oracle Internet Directory is solely specified as the component being patched, then the property patchMaster.Schemaprefix is not necessary. However, if other components are being patched, then it is assumed that patchMaster.Schemaprefix is a necessary part of schema property validation.

If you want to continue with the Patch Assistant task after a validation error occurs, then you can open the file (Located in your patchMaster directory) in a text editor, and change the value to true for the patchMaster.ValidationErrorContinue property (The default value is false). Alternatively, you can use the Ant command-line utility to override the properties set in the file. You must specify the required property on the command line as follows:


3.2.6 Severe Error When Running the execute-sql-rcu Macro

When running the execute-sql-rcu macro, you may see the following error message, while the SQL script is still running:

[java] SEVERE: Error while registering Oracle JDBC Diagnosability MBean. 
[java] access denied ( register)

To resolve this error, you must grant the register permission by adding the following syntax to the java.policy file (Located at JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security in UNIX and JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\security in Windows):

 grant codeBase "file:${PATCH-MASTER-HOME}/lib/*.jar" { 
         permission "register"; 


Ensure that you replace {PATCH-MASTER-HOME} with your home path.

3.2.7 Machine Names Do Not Appear in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

After running Patch Assistant, you cannot see the list of machines (Machine-0 and Machine-1) configured during and, in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. After migrating to, you must re-enter the machine names using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. For more information, see Create and configure machines topic in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

3.2.8 Using the Oracle BAM 11g Prepackaged Samples After Migrating from

If you are using the Oracle BAM 11g sample applications, refer to the following sections for information about using the samples after migrating from Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( to Release 1 (

For more information about the Oracle BAM 11g samples, see Section, "General Information About the Oracle BAM Samples". Configuring the Oracle BAM 11g Samples After Migrating from

After you migrate from Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( to 11g Release 1 (, be sure to run the proper setup script for setting up samples. Specifically, you must run the recreate script instead of the setup script.

For more information, see the readme file for each of the Oracle BAM 11g samples. Using the Foreign Exchange Sample After Migrating from

After you run the recreate script to set up the Foreign Exchange sample after migrating from, you might experience the following error when you open the report (Shared Reports/Demos/Foreign Exchange):

The "Trade Volume" has an error:
Message:BAM-01274: The field ID 1 is not recognized.

To fix this problem, perform the following steps:

  1. Open Active Studio.

  2. Open the report:

    Shared Reports/Demos/Foreign Exchange/SLAViolation Report
  3. Click Edit.

  4. Select the Trade Volume view and click Edit View.

  5. In the Fields tab under Group By, select the field GroupBy.

  6. Go to the Surface Prompts tab.

  7. From the Display in drop-down menu, in select View Title.

  8. Click Apply and save the report.

Visit the Oracle BAM samples page on OTN regularly to obtain updated samples and more information about the Oracle BAM sample applications.

3.3 Documentation Errata for Upgrade

This section provides documentation errata for the following guides:

3.3.1 Documentation Errata for the Upgrade Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF

The section, "Summary of Supported Starting Points for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF lists the starting points for upgrading to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, as well as the latest patch sets available for the Oracle SOA Suite.

The last column of the table in that section should state that the latest patch set available at the time this document was published is Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (

3.3.2 Documentation Errata for the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity Management

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topics: Error in Procedure for Identifying Additional Oracle Internet Directory Instances

In the section, "Recreating Any Non-Default Oracle Internet Directory Instances," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity Management, step 1 describes how to identify any additional, non-default Oracle Internet Directory instances you have created.

However, the procedure fails to indicate that the command provided will display a list of the default instances, as well as any non-default instances. Be sure to review the output of the command in Step 1 and identify only the Oracle Internet Directory instances that were not created by default, during the Oracle Internet Directory installation procedure.

If you have not created any non-default Oracle Internet Directory instances, then there is no need to perform the steps in the section, "Recreating Any Non-Default Oracle Internet Directory Instances." Error in Oracle Virtual Directory Releases Supported

In Table 2-2, "Oracle Virtual Directory Releases Supported By This Guide," the "Description or Notes" section states:

This version of Oracle Identity Federation was available as part of Oracle Application Server 10g ( It was installed using a separate isntallation procedure and installation guide.

It should say:

This version of Oracle Identity Federation was available as part of Oracle Application Server 10g ( It was installed using a separate isntallation procedure and installation guide.

3.3.3 Documentation Errata for Using Patch Assistant to Migrate from to

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topics: Update the Translation Table in Audit Schema

Section " Update the Translation Table in Audit Schema" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Patch Assistant to Migrate from to, has an additional information. This information is for step 2, as follows:

To avoid scrambled characters, an Unicode-supported database is required to store the translation data. In addition, to ensure proper character set conversion between SQL*Plus and the database server, a compatible character set, such as UTF8 or AL32UTF8, needs to be set for the NLS_LANG environment variable before running disp_names.sql.

For the complete list of legal NLS_LANG values, see the Oracle Database Documentation Library at Migrating Oracle Internet Directory Policy and Credential Store and Reusing an Existing Oracle Internet Directory Server

To start Oracle Internet Directory mentioned in step 7, in section " Migrating Oracle Internet Directory Policy and Credential Store and Reusing an Existing Oracle Internet Directory Server" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Patch Assistant to Migrate from to is not required. You must skip this step and proceed to the next step. Migrating Configuration for User Messaging Service Worklist Driver

Section " Migrating Configuration for User Messaging Service Worklist Driver" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Patch Assistant to Migrate from to, has an inaccurate information. The correct information is as follows:

If your Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( domain has the User Messaging Service Worklist Driver installed and configured, the configuration of the Worklist Driver is automatically migrated by the Patch Assistant. Patch Assistant does not install this additional driver. You must re-install the driver in the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( domain. For more information, see "Install the Worklist Driver" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.