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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Planning Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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A Using the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Interface

This chapter describes how to run the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant from the command-line interface.

By default, the upgrade documentation describes how to use the graphical user interface to upgrade your Oracle Application Server 10g components to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g. However, you can use the command-line interface, documented in this appendix, to automate the upgrade process with operating system scripts or to run the Upgrade Assistant remotely in a terminal window.

This chapter contains the following sections:

A.1 Invoking the Graphical User Interface

The following arguments can be used when you launch the Upgrade Assistant graphical user interface:

On Windows systems:

   [-logLevel log_level]

On UNIX systems:

   [-logLevel log_level]
   [-invPtrLoc inventory_location]

Refer to Table A-1 for a description of the command line arguments available when you are invoking the Upgrade Assistant graphical user interface (GUI).

Table A-1 Summary of the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Arguments When Launching the Graphical User Interface

Argument Description

-logLevel log_level

Replace log_level with one of the following values:






The default setting if you do not provide this argument is NOTIFICATION.

-invPtrLoc inventory_location

On UNIX systems, you can use this argument if you have multiple Oracle inventory files on the host.

For more information, see Section B.7, "Starting the Upgrade Assistant on UNIX Systems When Using Multiple Oracle Universal Installer Inventory Locations".

A.2 Getting Help on the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Options

At any time, you can use the following command to display a list of the options available from the Upgrade Assistant command line:

A.3 Using the Upgrade Assistant Command Line to Upgrade a Middle Tier

To use the Upgrade Assistant command line to upgrade a middle tier, enter the following command at the operating system prompt.

For example, you can use the arguments described here to upgrade an Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer middle tier or a Web tier middle tier:


The wls (Oracle WebLogic Server) options are not supported when you are running the Upgrade Assistant from a Web Tier Oracle home.

Refer to Table A-2 for a description of the command line arguments available when you are upgrading a middle tier.

Table A-2 Summary of the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Arguments When Upgrading a Middle Tier

Argument Description


Replace SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME with the full path to the Oracle Application Server 10g Oracle home that you want to upgrade.

This is a required argument for middle-tier upgrades.

-destInstanceHome ORACLE_INSTANCE

Replace ORACLE_INSTANCE with the full path to the newly installed Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Oracle instance.

This is a required argument for middle-tier upgrades.

-logLevel log_level

Replace log_level with one of the following values:






The default setting if you do not provide this argument is NOTIFICATION.


Use this argument to output detailed information to the screen when you are running the Upgrade Assistant in command-line mode. Use -noverbose to limit the amount of detail displayed on the screen.

The default setting if you do not include this argument is -noverbose.


Use this argument to turn off prompts and user confirmations during the upgrade. The default setting if you do not specify this argument is -nosilent. The Upgrade Assistant will prompt only for passwords.


Select this option to retain the port numbers used by the source middle tiers.

The default setting is -retainPorts.

Note: Be sure to refer to "Important Notes When Using the Source Oracle Home Ports in the Destination Oracle Instance" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer.


Use this argument to stop all the components in the Source Oracle home before the upgrade process begins.

The default setting is -stopComponents.

Stopping the source components is necessary to avoid any port conflicts when you select the Use source Oracle home ports in destination option in the GUI or the -retainPorts command-line argument.


If you select this option, then Upgrade Assistant will attempt to start the 11g Oracle instance immediately after the upgrade. To start the components manually after the upgrade, use the -nostartComponents argument.

The default setting is -startComponents.

wls_host wls_host

wls_port wls_port

wls_user wls_user

Use these arguments to provide the host, port, and user name of the Administration Server in the destination Oracle WebLogic Server domain.

For example, the port and user name are usually 7001 and weblogic, respectively.

These settings default to the values associated with the specified Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Oracle instance.

Note that these arguments are not required or supported when you are upgrading a Web tier Oracle home.

-invPtrLoc inventory_location

On UNIX systems, you can use this argument if you have multiple Oracle inventory files on the host.

For more information, see Section B.7, "Starting the Upgrade Assistant on UNIX Systems When Using Multiple Oracle Universal Installer Inventory Locations".

A.4 Using the Upgrade Assistant Command Line to Upgrade the Oracle SOA Suite Schemas

The following sections describe how to use the Upgrade Assistant command line to upgrade the Oracle SOA Suite schemas:

A.4.1 Using the Command Line to Upgrade the Oracle B2B Schema

To use the Upgrade Assistant command line to upgrade the Oracle B2B schema, enter the following command at the operating system prompt:

  • On Windows systems:

    ORACLE_HOME\bin\ua.bat B2B
         -targetURL target_database_connect_string 
         -targetUserName target_database_user
  • On UNIX systems:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/ua B2B
         -targetURL target_database_connect_string 
         -targetUserName target_database_user

Table A-3 provides information about the Oracle B2B schema upgrade command-line upgrade options. Table A-4 provides a description of the command-line arguments common to all Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer schema upgrades.

Table A-3 Summary of the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Arguments When Upgrading the Oracle B2B Schema

Argument Description

-targetURL target_database_connect_string

Enter the database connection string for the target database:

  • The target database is the database base where the Oracle B2B 11g schema resides.

  • The connection string identifes the host, port, and system identifier (SID) of the target database:


    For example:


This is a required argument.

-targetUserName target_database_user

Enter the database user name that will be used to connect to the target database. For example, SYS.

This is a required argument.

Table A-4 Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Arguments Common to All Schema Upgrades

Argument Description


Use this argument to control whether or not the schema upgrade process stops on the first occurrence of any type of error condition.

The default is noErrorMode.


Use this argument to control whether or not the Upgrade Assistant performs the examination phase of the upgrade.

The default is CheckMode.


Use this argument to control whether or not the Upgrade Assistant actually performs the upgrade after performing the examination phase.

The default is UpgradeMode.

A.4.2 Using the Command Line to Upgrade the Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Schema

To use the Upgrade Assistant command line to upgrade the Oracle BAM schema, enter the following command at the operating system prompt:

  • On Windows systems:

    ORACLE_HOME\bin\ua.bat BAM
         -targetURL target_db_connection_string
         -targetUserName target_db_user_name
         -dbHost source_db_host
         -dbPort source_db_port
         -dbServiceName source_db_service_name
         -bamUserName source_bam_schema_name
  • On UNIX systems:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/ua BAM
         -targetURL target_db_connection_string
         -targetUserName target_db_user_name
         -dbHost source_db_host
         -dbPort source_db_port
         -dbServiceName source_db_service_name
         -bamUserName source_bam_schema_name

Table A-5 describes the command-line arguments required when you are upgrading the Oracle BAM schema.

Table A-5 Summary of the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Arguments When Upgrading the Oracle BAM Schema

Argument Description

-targetURL target_db_connection_string

Enter the database connection string for the target database:

  • The target database is the database base where the Oracle B2B 11g schema resides.

  • The connection string identifes the host, port, and system identifier (SID) of the target database:


    For example:


This is a required argument.

-targetUserName target_db_user_name

Enter the database user name that will be used to connect to the target database. For example, SYS.

This is a required argument.

-dbHost source_db_host

Enter the name of the host where the source database resides. This is the database that contains the Oracle BAM 10g schema.

This is a required argument.

-dbPort source_db_port

Enter the listening port of the source database (for example, 1521). This is the database that contains the Oracle BAM 10g schema.

This is a required argument.

-dbServiceName source_db_service_name

Enter the service name of the source database. For example:

This is the database that contains the Oracle BAM 10g schema.

This is a required argument.

-bamUserName source_bam_schema_name

Enter the database user associated with the Oracle BAM schema in the source database.

This is a required argument.

-[no]ErrorMode -[no]CheckMode -[no]UpgradeMode

See Table A-4, "Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Arguments Common to All Schema Upgrades".

A.5 Using the Upgrade Assistant Command Line to Upgrade the Oracle Portal and Oracle BI Discoverer Schemas

To use the Upgrade Assistant command line to upgrade the Oracle Portal and Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer schemas in a Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer installation, enter the following command at the operating system prompt:

Table A-6 describes the command-line arguments required when you are upgrading the Oracle Portal and Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer schemas.

Table A-6 Summary of the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Arguments When Upgrading the Oracle BAM Schema

Argument Description


Use this argument when you are upgrading the Oracle Portal schema.

You can use it alone, or with the -discoverer argument if you are upgrading both the Oracle Portal and Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer schema at the same time.


Use this argument when you are upgrading the Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer schema.

You can use it alone, or with the -portal argument, if you are upgrading both the Oracle Portal and Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer schema at the same time.

-oidHost oid_host

Enter the name of the host where the Oracle Internet Directory instance resides.

This argument is required.

-oidSslPort oid_ssl_port

Enter the secure (SSL) listening port of the Oracle Internet Directory instance.

This argument is required.

-schemaName disco_schema_name

Enter the name of the target Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer 11g schema.

This is the name of the schema that you entered when you created the Discoverer schema with the Repository Creation Utility. The 11g schema name usually includes a unique prefix that is used to identify the schema in the database.

-[no]ErrorMode -[no]CheckMode -[no]UpgradeMode

See Table A-4, "Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Arguments Common to All Schema Upgrades".

A.6 Using the Upgrade Assistant Command Line to Upgrade Oracle Identity Management

To use the Upgrade Assistant command line to upgrade Oracle Identity Management, enter the following command at the operating system prompt:

Refer to Table A-7 for a description of the command line arguments available when you are upgrading Oracle Identity Management.

Table A-7 Summary of the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Arguments When Upgrading Oracle Identity Management

Argument Description


Replace SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME with the full path to the Oracle Application Server 10g Oracle home that you want to upgrade.

This is a required argument.

-destInstanceHome ORACLE_INSTANCE

Replace ORACLE_INSTANCE with the full path to the newly installed Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Oracle instance.

This is a required argument.

-logLevel log_level

Replace log_level with one of the following values:






The default setting if you do not provide this argument is NOTIFICATION.


Use this argument to output detailed information to the screen when you are running the Upgrade Assistant in command-line mode. Use -noverbose to limit the amount of detail displayed on the screen.

The default setting if you do not include this argument is -noverbose.


Use this argument to turn off prompts and user confirmations during the upgrade. The default setting if you do not specify this argument is -nosilent.


Select this option to retain the port numbers used by the 10g source Oracle home.

The default setting is -retainPorts.

Note: Be sure to refer to "Important Notes When Using the Source Oracle Home Ports in the Destination Oracle Instance" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer.


If you select this option, then Upgrade Assistant will attempt to start the 11g Oracle instance immediately after the upgrade. To start the components manually after the upgrade, use the -nostartComponents argument.

The default setting is -startComponents.

wls_host wls_host

wls_port wls_port

wls_user wls_user

Use these arguments to provide the host, port, and user name of the Administration Server in the destination Oracle WebLogic Server domain.

For example, the port and user name are usually 7001 and weblogic, respectively.

-dbHost oid_db_host

-dbPort oid_db_port

-dbServiceName oid_db_service

Use these arguments to enter the host, port, and service name of the database where the Oracle Internet Directory instance resides.

For example:

These arguments are required for an Oracle Internet Directory or Oracle Identity Federation upgrade only.

-rac db_racspec

On UNIX systems, use this argument to enter the connection details to the nodes in a Real Application Clusters environment.

Note this argument is necessary only if you are upgrading Oracle Directory Integration Platform in a Real Application Clusters environment.

You must enter a list of the instances in the cluster, in the following format:


For more information, see "About Specifying Real Application Clusters (RAC) Database Details on the Specify Database Details Screen" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

-invPtrLoc inventory_location

On UNIX systems, you can use this argument if you have multiple Oracle inventory files on the host.

For more information, see Section B.7, "Starting the Upgrade Assistant on UNIX Systems When Using Multiple Oracle Universal Installer Inventory Locations".

A.7 Using the Upgrade Assistant Command Line to Verify an Upgraded Environment

To use the Upgrade Assistant command line to verify an Oracle Fusion Middleware environment, enter the following command at the operating system prompt:

Refer to Table A-8 for a description of the command line arguments available when you are verifying an upgrade.

Table A-8 Summary of the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Arguments When Verifying an Upgrade

Argument Description

-destInstanceHome ORACLE_INSTANCE

Replace ORACLE_INSTANCE with the full path to the newly installed Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Oracle instance.

-logLevel log_level

Replace log_level with one of the following values:






The default setting if you do not provide this argument is NOTIFICATION.

wls_host wls_host

wls_port wls_port

wls_user wls_user

Use these arguments to provide the host, port, and user name of the Administration Server in the destination Oracle WebLogic Server domain.

For example, the port and user name are usually 7001 and weblogic, respectively.

-invPtrLoc inventory_location

On UNIX systems, you can use this argument if you have multiple Oracle inventory files on the host.

For more information, see Section B.7, "Starting the Upgrade Assistant on UNIX Systems When Using Multiple Oracle Universal Installer Inventory Locations".