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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans, Version 3.0 for Oracle WebLogic Server
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)
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A EJB 3.0 Metadata Annotations Reference

The following topics provide reference information about the EJB 3.0 metadata annotations:

Overview of EJB 3.0 Annotations

The new EJB 3.0 programming model uses the JDK 5.0 metadata annotations feature (described at in which you create an annotated EJB 3.0 bean file and then use the WebLogic compile tool weblogic.appc (or its Ant equivalent wlappc) to compile the bean file into a Java class file and generate the associated EJB artifacts, such as the required EJB interfaces and deployment descriptors.

The following sections provide reference information for the metadata annotations you can specify in the EJB bean file. Some of the annotations are in the javax.ejb package, and are thus specific to EJBs; others are more common and are used by other Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Version 5 components, and are thus in more generic packages, such as javax.annotation.

Annotations for Stateless, Stateful, and Message-Driven Beans

This section provides reference information for the following annotations:


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Any

Specifies properties used to configure a message-driven bean in its operational environment. This may include information about message acknowledgement modes, message selectors, expected destination or endpoint types, and so on.

This annotation is used only as a value to the activationConfig attribute of the @javax.ejb.MessageDriven annotation.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-1 Attributes of the javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the name of the activation property.




Specifies the value of the activation property.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies that an exception is an application exception and that it should be reported to the client application directly, or unwrapped.

This annotation can be applied to both checked and unchecked exceptions.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-2 Attributes of the javax.ejb.ApplicationException Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies whether the EJB container should rollback the transaction, if the bean is currently being invoked inside of one, if the exception is thrown.

Valid values for this attribute are true and false. Default value is false, or the transaction should not be rolled back.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class, Method, Field

Specifies a dependency or reference to an EJB business or home interface.

You annotate a bean's instance variable with the @EJB annotation to specify a dependence on another EJB. WebLogic Server automatically initializes the annotated variable with the reference to the EJB on which it depends; this is also called dependency injection. This initialization occurs before any of the bean's business methods are invoked and after the bean's EJBContext is set.

You can also annotate a setter method in the bean class; in this case WebLogic Server uses the setter method itself when performing dependency injection. This is an alternative to instance variable dependency injection.

If you apply the annotation to a class, the annotation declares the EJB that the bean will look up at runtime.

Whether using variable or setter method injection, WebLogic Server determines the name of the referenced EJB by either the name or data type of the annotated instance variable or setter method parameter. If there is any ambiguity, you should use the beanName or mappedName attributes of the @EJB annotation to explicitly name the dependent EJB.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-3 Attributes of the javax.ejb.EJB Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the name by which the referenced EJB is to be looked up in the environment.

This name must be unique within the deployment unit, which consists of the class and its superclass.




Specifies the interface type of the referenced EJB (either a business or home interface).

Default value for this attribute is Object.class




Specifies the name of the referenced EJB.

This attribute corresponds to the name element of the @Stateless or @Stateful annotation in the referenced EJB, which by default is the unqualified name of the referenced bean class.

This attribute is most useful when multiple session beans in an EJB JAR file implement the same interface, because the name of each bean must be unique.




Specifies the global JNDI name of the referenced EJB.

For example:


specifies that the referenced EJB has a global JNDI name of bank.Account and is deployed in the WebLogic Server JNDI tree.

Note: EJBs that use mapped names may not be portable.




Describes the EJB reference.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies an array of @javax.ejb.EJB annotations.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-4 Attribute of the javax.ejb.EJBs Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the array of @javax.ejb.EJB annotations




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies the correspondence of a method in the bean class with a createMETHOD method for an adapted EJB 2.1 EJBHome or EJBLocalHome client view.

This annotation is used only in conjunction with stateful session beans, or those that have been annotated with the @javax.ejb.Stateful class-level annotation,

The return type of a method annotated with the @javax.ejb.Init annotation must be void, and its parameter types must be exactly the same as those of the referenced createMETHOD method or methods.

The @Init annotation is required only for stateful session beans that provide a Remote-Home or LocalHome interface. You must specify the name of the adapted create method of the Home or LocalHome interface, using the value attribute, if there is any ambiguity.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-5 Attributes of the javax.ejb.Init Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the name of the corresponding createMETHOD method.

This attribute is required only when the @Init annotation is used to associate an adapted Home interface of a stateful session bean that has more than one create<METHOD> method.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies the local interface or interfaces of a session bean. The local interface exposes business logic to local clients—those running in the same application as the EJB. It defines the business methods a local client can call.

You are required to specify this annotation if your bean class implements more than a single interface, not including the following:



  • javax.ejb.*

This annotation applies only to stateless or stateful session beans.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-6 Attributes of the javax.ejb.Local

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the list of local interfaces as an array of classes.

You are required to specify this attribute only if your bean class implements more than a single interface, not including the following:



  • javax.ejb.*




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies the local home interface of the bean class.

The local home interface provides methods that local clients—those running in the same application as the EJB—can use to create, remove, and in the case of an entity bean, find instances of the bean. The local home interface also has home methods—business logic that is not specific to a particular bean instance.

This attribute applies only to stateless and stateful session beans.

You typically specify this attribute only if you are going to provide an adapted EJB 2.1 component view of the EJB 3.0 bean. You can also use this annotation with bean classes that have been written to the EJB 2.1 APIs.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-7 Attributes of the javax.ejb.LocalHome Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the local home class.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies that the Enterprise JavaBean is a message-driven bean.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-8 Attributes of the javax.ejb.MessageDriven Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the name of the message-driven bean.

If you do not specify this attribute, the default value is the unqualified name of the bean class.




Specifies the message-listener interface of the bean class.

You must specify this attribute if the bean class does not explicitly implement the message-listener interface, or if the bean class implements more than one interface other than,, or any of the interfaces in the javax.ejb package.

The default value for this attribute is Object.class.




Specifies the configuration of the message-driven bean in its operational environment. This may include information about message acknowledgement modes, message selectors, expected destination or endpoint types, and so on.

You specify activation configuration information using an Array of @javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty annotation, specify the property name and value.




Specifies the product-specific name to which the message-driven bean should be mapped.

You can also use this attribute to specify the JNDI name of the message destination of this message-driven bean. For example:


specifies that this message-driven bean is associated with a JMS queue, whose JNDI name is my.Queue and is deployed in the WebLogic Server JNDI tree.

Note: If you specify this attribute, the message-driven bean may not be portable.




Specifies a description of the message-driven bean.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies the life cycle callback method that signals that the EJB container has just reactivated the bean instance.

This annotation applies only to stateful session beans. Because the EJB container automatically maintains the conversational state of a stateful session bean instance when it is passivated, you do not need to specify this annotation for most stateful session beans. You only need to use this annotation, along with its partner @PrePassivate, if you want to allow your stateful session bean to maintain the open resources that need to be closed prior to a bean instance's passivation and then reopened during the bean instance's activation.

Only one method in the bean class can be annotated with this annotation. If you annotate more than one method with this annotations, the EJB will not deploy.

The method annotated with @PostActivate must follow these requirements:

  • The return type of the method must be void.

  • The method must not throw a checked exception.

  • The method may be public, protected, package private or private.

  • The method must not be static.

  • The method must not be final.

This annotation does not have any attributes.


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies the life cycle callback method that signals that the EJB container is about to passivate the bean instance.

This annotation applies only to stateful session beans. Because the EJB container automatically maintains the conversational state of a stateful session bean instance when it is passivated, you do not need to specify this annotation for most stateful session beans. You only need to use this annotation, along with its partner @PostActivate, if you want to allow your stateful session bean to maintain the open resources that need to be closed prior to a bean instance's passivation and then reopened during the bean instance's activation.

Only one method in the bean class can be annotated with this annotation. If you annotate more than one method with this annotations, the EJB will not deploy.

The method annotated with @PrePassivate must follow these requirements:

  • The return type of the method must be void.

  • The method must not throw a checked exception.

  • The method may be public, protected, package private or private.

  • The method must not be static.

  • The method must not be final.

This annotation does not have any attributes.


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies the remote interface or interfaces of a session bean. The remote interface exposes business logic to remote clients—clients running in a separate application from the EJB. It defines the business methods a remote client can call.

This annotation applies only to stateless or stateful session beans.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-9 Attributes of the javax.ejb.Remote Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the list of remote interfaces as an array of classes.

You are required to specify this attribute only if your bean class implements more than a single interface, not including the following:



  • javax.ejb.*




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies the remote home interface of the bean class.

The remote home interface provides methods that remote clients—those running in a separate application from the EJB—can use to create, remove, and find instances of the bean.

This attribute applies only to stateless and stateful session beans.

You typically specify this attribute only if you are going to provide an adapted EJB 2.1 component view of the EJB 3.0 bean. You can also use this annotation with bean classes that have been written to the EJB 2.1 APIs.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-10 Attributes of the javax.ejb.RemoteHome Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the remote home class.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Use the @javax.ejb.Remove annotation to denote a remove method of a stateful session bean.

When the method completes, the EJB container will invoke the method annotated with the @javax.annotation.PreDestroy annotation, if any, and then destroy the stateful session bean.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-11 Attributes of the javax.ejb.Remove Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies that the container should not remove the stateful session bean if the annotated method terminates abnormally with an application exception.

Valid values are true and false. Default value is false.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies that the Enterprise JavaBean is a stateful session bean.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-12 Attributes of the javax.ejb.Stateful Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the name of the stateful session bean.

If you do not specify this attribute, the default value is the unqualified name of the bean class.




Specifies the product-specific name to which the stateful session bean should be mapped.

You can also use this attribute to specify the JNDI name of this stateful session bean. WebLogic Server uses the value of the mappedName attribute when creating the bean's global JNDI name. In particular, the JNDI name will be:


where name_of_businessInterface is the fully qualified name of the business interface of this session bean.

For example, if you specify mappedName="bank" and the fully qualified name of the business interface is com.CheckingAccount, then the JNDI of the business interface is bank#com.CheckingAccount.

Note: If you specify this attribute, the stateful session bean may not be portable.




Describes the stateful session bean.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies that the Enterprise JavaBean is a stateless session bean.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-13 Attributes of the javax.ejb.Stateless Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the name of the stateless session bean.

If you do not specify this attribute, the default value is the unqualified name of the bean class.




Specifies the product-specific name to which the stateless session bean should be mapped.

You can also use this attribute to specify the JNDI name of this stateless session bean. WebLogic Server uses the value of the mappedName attribute when creating the bean's global JNDI name. In particular, the JNDI name will be:


where name_of_businessInterface is the fully qualified name of the business interface of this session bean.

For example, if you specify mappedName="bank" and the fully qualified name of the business interface is com.CheckingAccount, then the JNDI of the business interface is bank#com.CheckingAccount.

Note: If you specify this attribute, the stateless session bean may not be portable.




Describes the stateless session bean.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies the timeout method of the bean class.

This annotation makes it easy to program an EJB timer service in your bean class. The EJB timer service is an EJB-container provided service that allows you to create timers that schedule callbacks to occur when a timer object expires.

Previous to EJB 3.0, your bean class was required to implement javax.ejb.TimedObject if you wanted to program the timer service. Additionally, your bean class had to include a method with the exact name ejbTimeout. These requirements are relaxed in Version 3.0 of EJB. You no longer are required to implement the javax.ejb.TimedObject interface, and you can name your timeout method anything you want, as long as you annotate it with the @Timeout annotation. You can, however, continue to use the pre-3.0 way of programming the timer service if you want.

For details, see "Programming the EJB Timer Service" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.

This annotation does not have any attributes.


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class, Method

Specifies whether the EJB container invokes an EJB business method within a transaction context.


If you specify this annotation, you are also required to use the @TransactionManagement annotation to specify container-managed transaction demarcation.

You can specify this annotation on either the bean class, or a particular method of the class that is also a method of the business interface. If specified at the bean class, the annotation applies to all applicable business interface methods of the class. If specified for a particular method, the annotation applies to that method only. If the annotation is specified at both the class and the method level, the method value overrides if the two disagree.

If you do not specify the @TransactionAttribute annotation in your bean class, and the bean uses container managed transaction demarcation, the semantics of the REQUIRED transaction attribute are assumed.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-14 Attributes of the javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies how the EJB container manages the transaction boundaries when invoking a business method.

For details about these values, see the description of the trans-attribute element in the "Container-Managed Transactions Elements" table in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Valid values for this attribute are:

  • TransactionAttributeType.MANDATORY

  • TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED

  • TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED_NEW

  • TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS

  • TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED

  • TransactionAttributeType.NEVER

Default value is TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies the transaction management demarcation type of the session bean or message-driven bean.

A transaction is a unit of work that changes application state—whether on disk, in memory or in a database—that, once started, is completed entirely, or not at all. Transactions can be demarcated—started, and ended with a commit or rollback—by the EJB container, by bean code, or by client code. This annotation specifies whether the EJB container or the user-written bean code manages the demarcation of a transaction.

If you do not specify this annotation in your bean class, it is assumed that the bean has container-managed transaction demarcation.

For additional information about transactions, see "Transaction Design and Management Options" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-15 Attributes of the javax.ejb.TransactionManagement Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the transaction management demarcation type used by the bean class.

Valid values for this attribute are:

  • TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER

  • TransactionManagementType.BEAN

Default value is TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER.



Annotations Used to Configure Interceptors

This section provides reference information for the following annotations:


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies the business method interceptor for either a bean class or an interceptor class.

You can annotate only one method in the bean class or interceptor class with the @AroundInvoke annotation; the method cannot be a business method of the bean class.

This annotation does not have any attributes.


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies that any class-level interceptors should not be invoked for the annotated method. This does not include default interceptors, whose invocation are excluded only with the @ExcludeDefaultInterceptors annotation.

This annotation does not have any attributes.


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class, Method

Specifies that any defined default interceptors (which can be specified only in the EJB deployment descriptors, and not with annotations) should not be invoked.

If defined at the class-level, the default interceptors are never invoked for any of the bean's business methods. If defined at the method-level, the default interceptors are never invoked for the particular business method, but they are invoked for all other business methods that do not have the @ExludeDefaultInterceptors annotation.

This annotation does not include any attributes.


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class, Method

Specifies the interceptor classes that are associated with the bean class or method. An interceptor class is a class—distinct from the bean class itself—whose methods are invoked in response to business method invocations and/or life cycle events on the bean.

The interceptor class can include both an business interceptor method (annotated with the @javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke annotation) and life cycle callback methods (annotated with the @javax.annotation.PostConstruct, @javax.annotation.PreDestroy, @javax.ejb.PostActivate, and @javax.ejb.PrePassivate annotations).

Any number of interceptor classes may be defined for a bean class. If more than one interceptor class is defined, they are invoked in the order they are specified in the annotation.

If the annotation is specified at the class-level, the interceptors apply to all business methods of the EJB. If specified at the method-level, the interceptors apply to just that method. You can specify the same interceptor class to more than one method of the bean class. By default, method-level interceptors are invoked after all applicable interceptors (default interceptors, class-level interceptors, and so on).


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-16 Attributes of the javax.interceptor.Interceptors Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the array of interceptor classes. If there is more than one interceptor class in the array, the order in which they are listed defines the order in which they are invoked.



Annotations Used to Interact With Entity Beans

This section provides reference information about the following annotations:


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class, Method, Field

Specifies a dependency on a container-managed EntityManager persistence context.

You use this annotation to interact with a 3.0 entity bean, typically by performing dependency injection into an EntityManager instance.

The EntityManager interface defines the methods that are used to interact with the persistence context. A persistence context is a set of entity instances; an entity is a lightweight persistent domain object. The EntityManager API is used to create and remove persistent entity instances, to find entities by their primary key, and to query over entities.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-17 Attributes of the javax.pesistence.PersistenceContext Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the name by which the EntityManager and its persistence unit are to be known within the context of the session or message-driven bean.

You only need to specify this attribute if you use a JNDI lookup to obtain an EntityManager; if you use dependency injection, then you do not need to specify this attribute.




Specifies the name of the persistence unit.

If you specify a value for this attribute that is the same as the name of a persistence unit in the persistence.xml file, the EJB container automatically deploys the persistence unit and sets its JNDI name to its persistence unit name. Similarly, if you do not specify this attribute, but the name of the variable into which you are injecting the persistence context information is the same as the name of a persistence unit in the persistence.xml file, then the EJB container again automatically deploys the persistence unit with its JNDI name equal to its unit name.

Note: The persistence.xml file is an XML file, located in the META-INF directory of the EJB JAR file, that specifies the database used with the entity beans and specifies the default behavior of the EntityManager.

You must specify this attribute if there is more than one persistence unit within the referencing scope.




Specifies whether the lifetime of the persistence context is scoped to a transaction or whether it extends beyond that of a single transaction.

Valid values for this attribute are:

  • PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION

  • PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED

Default value is PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies an array of @javax.persistence.PersistencContext annotations.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-18 Attributes of the javax.pesistence.PersistenceContexts Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the array of @javax.persistence.PersistencContext annotations.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class, Method, Field

Specifies a dependency on an EntityManagerFactory object.

You use this annotation to interact with a 3.0 entity bean, typically by performing dependency injection into an EntityManagerFactory instance. You can then use the EntityManagerFactory to create one or more EntityManager instances. This annotation is similar to the @PersistenceContext annotation, except that it gives you more control over the life of the EntityManager because you create and destroy it yourself, rather than let the EJB container do it for you.

The EntityManager interface defines the methods that are used to interact with the persistence context. A persistence context is a set of entity instances; an entity is a lightweight persistent domain object. The EntityManager API is used to create and remove persistent entity instances, to find entities by their primary key, and to query over entities.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-19 Attributes of the javax.pesistence.PersistenceUnit Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the name by which the EntityManagerFactory is to be known within the context of the session or message-driven bean

You are not required to specify this attribute if you use dependency injection, only if you also use JNDI to look up information.




Refers to the name of the persistence unit as defined in the persistence.xml file. This file is an XML file, located in the META-INF directory of the EJB JAR file, that specifies the database used with the entity beans and specifies the default behavior of the EntityManager.

If you set this attribute, the EJB container automatically deploys the referenced persistence unit and sets its JNDI name to its persistence unit name. Similarly, if you do not specify this attribute, but the name of the variable into which you are injecting the persistence context information is the same as the name of a persistence unit in the persistence.xml file, then the EJB container again automatically deploys the persistence unit with its JNDI name equal to its unit name.

You are required to specify this attribute only if there is more than one persistence unit in the referencing scope.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies an array of @javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit annotations.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-20 Attributes of the javax.pesistence.PersistenceUnits Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the array of @javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit annotations.



Standard JDK Annotations Used By EJB 3.0

This section provides reference information about the following annotations:


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies the life cycle callback method that the EJB container should execute before the first business method invocation and after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization.

You may specify a @PostConstruct method in any bean class that includes dependency injection.

Only one method in the bean class can be annotated with this annotation. If you annotate more than one method with this annotations, the EJB will not deploy.

The method annotated with @PostConstruct must follow these requirements:

  • The return type of the method must be void.

  • The method must not throw a checked exception.

  • The method may be public, protected, package private or private.

  • The method must not be static.

  • The method must not be final.

This annotation does not have any attributes.


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies the life cycle callback method that signals that the bean class instance is about to be destroyed by the EJB container. You typically apply this annotation to methods that release resources that the bean class has been holding.

Only one method in the bean class can be annotated with this annotation. If you annotate more than one method with this annotations, the EJB will not deploy.

The method annotated with @PreDestroy must follow these requirements:

  • The return type of the method must be void.

  • The method must not throw a checked exception.

  • The method may be public, protected, package private or private.

  • The method must not be static.

  • The method must not be final.

This annotation does not have any attributes.


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class, Method, Field

Specifies a dependence on an external resource, such as a JDBC data source or a JMS destination or connection factory.

If you specify the annotation on a field or method, the EJB container injects an instance of the requested resource into the bean when the bean is initialized. If you apply the annotation to a class, the annotation declares a resource that the bean will look up at runtime.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-21 Attributes of the javax.annotation.Resource Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the name of the resource reference.

If you apply the @Resource annotation to a field, the default value of the name attribute is the field name, qualified by the class name. If you apply it to a method, the default value is the JavaBeans property name corresponding to the method, qualified by the class name. If you apply the annotation to class, there is no default value and thus you are required to specify the attribute.




Specifies the Java data type of the resource.

If you apply the @Resource annotation to a field, the default value of the type attribute is the type of the field. If you apply it to a method, the default is the type of the JavaBeans property. If you apply it to a class, there is no default value and thus you are required to specify this attribute.




Specifies the authentication type to use for the resource.

You specify this attribute only for resources representing a connection factory of any supported type.

Valid values for this attribute are:

  • AuthenticationType.CONTAINER

  • AuthenticationType.APPLICATION

Default value is AuthenticationType.CONTAINER




Indicates whether a resource can be shared between this EJB and other EJBs.

You specify this attribute only for resources representing a connection factory of any supported type or ORB object instances.

Valid values for this attribute are true and false. Default value is true.




Specifies the global JNDI name of the dependent resource.

For example:


specifies that the JNDI name of the dependent resources is my.Datasource and is deployed in the WebLogic Server JNDI tree.




Specifies a description of the resource.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies an array of @Resource annotations.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-22 Attributes of the javax.annotation.Resources Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the array of @Resource annotations.



Standard Security-Related JDK Annotations Used by EJB 3.0

This section provides reference information about the following annotations:

The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Defines the security roles that will be used in the EJB.

You typically use this annotation to define roles that can be tested from within the methods of the annotated class, such as using the isUserInRole method. You can also use the annotation to explicitly declare roles that are implicitly declared if you use the @RolesAllowed annotation on the class or a method of the class.

You create security roles in WebLogic Server using the Administration Console. For details, see "Manage Security Roles" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-23 Attributes of the Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies an array of security roles that will be used in the bean class.



The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies that no security role is allowed to access the annotated method, or in other words, the method is excluded from execution in the EJB container.

This annotation does not have any attributes.

The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies that all security roles currently defined for WebLogic Server are allowed to access the annotated method.

This annotation does not have any attributes.

The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class, Method

Specifies the list of security roles that are allowed to access methods in the EJB.

If you specify it at the class-level, then it applies to all methods in the bean class. If you specify it at the method-level, then it only applies to that method. If you specify the annotation at both the class- and method-level, the method value overrides the class value.

You create security roles in WebLogic Server using the Administration Console. For details, see "Manage Security Roles" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-24 Attributes of the Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


List of security roles that are allowed to access methods of the bean class.



The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies the security role which actually executes the EJB in the EJB container.

The security role must exist in the WebLogic Server security realm and map to a user or group. For details, see "Manage Security Roles" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-25 Attributes of the Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the security role which the EJB should run as.



WebLogic Annotations

This section provides reference information for the following WebLogic annotations:


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class (Stateful session EJBs only)

Flag that specifies whether an instance can be removed during a transaction.


This annotation is overridden by the allow-remove-during-transaction element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. For more information, see "weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class (Stateful or stateless sessions EJBs only)

Flag that specifies whether parameters are copied—or passed by reference—regardless of whether the EJB is called remotely or from within the same EAR.


Method parameters are always passed by value when an EJB is called remotely. This annotation is overridden by the enable-call-by-reference element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. For more information, see "weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies that WebLogic Server should disable the warning message whose ID is specified.


This annotation is overridden by the disable-warning element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. For more information, see "weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-26 Attributes of the weblogic.javaee.DisableWarnings

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the warning code. Set this element to one of the following four values:

  • BEA-010001—Disables this warning message: "EJB class loaded from system classpath during deployment."

  • BEA-010054—Disables this warning message: "EJB class loaded from system classpath during compilation."

  • BEA-010200—Disables this warning message: "EJB impl class contains a public static field, method or class."

  • BEA-010202—Disables this warning message: "Call-by-reference not enabled."




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class, Method, Field

Maps EJB reference name to its JNDI name.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-27 Attribute of the weblogic.javaee.EJBReference Annotation

Name Description Data Type Required?


Specifies the name by which the referenced EJB is to be looked up in the environment.

This name must be unique within the deployment unit, which consists of the class and its superclass.




Specifies the JNDI name of an actual EJB, resource, or reference available in WebLogic Server.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Specifies an EJB that is written in such a way that repeated calls to the same method with the same arguments has exactly the same effect as a single call. This allows the failover handler to retry a failed call without knowing whether the call actually compiled on the failed server. When you enable idempotent for a method, the EJB stub can automatically recover from any failure as long as it can reach another server hosting the EJB.


This annotation is overridden by the idempotent-method and retry-methods-on-rollback elements in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. For more information, see "weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-28 Attributes of the weblogic.javaee.Idempotent

Name Description Data Type Required?


Number of times to automatically retry container-managed transactions that have rolled back.

This attribute defaults to 0.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Specifies a client ID for the MDB when it connects to a JMS destination. Required for durable subscriptions to JMS topics.

If you specify the connection factory that the MDB uses in weblogic.javaee.MessageDestinationConfiguration, the client ID can be defined in the ClientID element of the associated JMSConnectionFactory element in config.xml.

If JMSConnectionFactory in config.xml does not specify a ClientID, or if you use the default connection factory, (you do not specify weblogic.javaee.MessageDestinationConfiguration) the MDB uses the jms-client-id value as its client id.


This annotation is overridden by the jms-client-id element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. For more information, see "weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-29 Attributes of the weblogic.javaee.JMSClientID

Name Description Data Type Required?


Client ID.




Flag that indicates whether or not you want the EJB container to generate a unique client ID for every instance of an MDB. Enabling this flag makes it easier to deploy durable MDBs to multiple server instances in a WebLogic Server cluster.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class (Stateful or stateless session EJBs only)

Specifies the JNDI name of an actual EJB, resource, or reference available in WebLogic Server. This annotation is valid on the remote interface and the implementation class, if there is only one remote interface.


Assigning a JNDI name to a bean is not recommended. Global JNDI names generate heavy multicast traffic during clustered server startup. See "Using EJB Links" in "Implementing Enterprise JavaBeans" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server for the better practice.

If you have an EAR library that contains EJBs, you cannot deploy multiple applications that reference the library because attempting to do so will result in a JNDI name conflict. This is because global JNDI name cannot be set for individual EJBs in EAR libraries; it can only be set for an entire library.

This annotation is overridden by the jndi-name element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. For more information, see "weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-30 Attributes of the weblogic.javaee.JNDIName

Name Description Data Type Required?


JNDI name.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class (Message-driven EJBs only)

Specifies the JNDI name of the JMS Connection Factory that a message-driven EJB looks up to create its queues and topics.


This annotation is overridden by the connection-factory-jndi-name element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. For more information, see "weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-31 Attributes of the weblogic.javaee.MessageDestinationConfiguration

Name Description Data Type Required?


Connection factory JNDI name. This attribute defaults to an empty string.




WebLogic initial context factory. This attribute defaults to weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory.class.




URL of the provider. This attribute defaults to t3://localhost:7001.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Method

Method-level transaction isolation settings for an EJB.


This annotation is overridden by the trans-timeout-seconds element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. For more information, see "weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-32 Attributes of the weblogic.javaee.Idempotent

Name Description Data Type Required?


Isolation level. Valid values include:

  • READ_COMMITTED—Transaction can view only committed updates from other transactions.

  • READ_UNCOMITTED—Transactions can view uncomitted updates from other transactions.

  • REPEATABLE_READ—Once the transaction reads a subset of data, repeated reads of the same data return the same values, even if other transactions have subsequently modified the data.

  • SERIALIZABLE—Simultaneously executing this transaction multiple times has the same effect as executing the transaction multiple times in a serial fashion.

This attribute defaults to DEFAULT.




The following sections describe the annotation in more detail.


Target: Class

Defines the timeout for transactions in seconds.


The following table summarizes the attributes.

Table A-33 Attributes of the weblogic.javaee.TransactionTimeoutSeconds

Name Description Data Type Required?


Transaction timeout value in seconds. This attribute defaults to 30 (seconds).

