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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Getting Started With Installation for Oracle WebLogic Server
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)
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Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Getting Started With Installation for Oracle WebLogic Server

11g Release 1 (10.3.1)


October 2009

This guide provides an overview of the WebLogic Server installation process and summarizes the various installation options that are available. This guide also walks you through an example that shows key features of the installation program you can use to minimize the product download time, as well as the disk space footprint of the installed product.


The following topics are included in this document:

This guide is only a summary of select features of the installation process. For comprehensive details, see the Oracle WebLogic Server Installation Guide.

Products Included in the Installation Program

Oracle provides two basic product installers for WebLogic Server:

Each installer also allows you to selectively install one or more subcomponents of WebLogic Server, explained in "Selecting the WebLogic Server Components To Be Installed".

In addition, depending on your operating system platform, the installation program may also include the Java Runtime available for that operating system, including the Sun and Oracle JRockit JDKs. For information about installing Oracle JRockit JDK, see "Installing Oracle JRockit JDK".

Obtaining the Installation Program

Oracle makes the WebLogic Server installation programs available via Web distribution as well as DVD, which is available when you obtain the physical product media.

Web Distribution

You can obtain the WebLogic Server installation program from either of the following locations:

Oracle makes several WebLogic Server installers available for download, described in the following sections:

Net Installer

The Net installer is generally recommended when downloading WebLogic Server from the Internet, providing key advantages with respect to download times, disk space usage, and tailoring an installation for its intended purpose.

Running the Net installer requires a direct Internet connection between the Oracle download site and the machine on which WebLogic Server is being installed. When you use the Net installer, a small piece of software is downloaded onto your computer to initiate and manage the selection, download, and installation of the WebLogic Server components you choose.

The Net installer eliminates the need to download the entire product before installing it, and thereby can significantly reduce:

  • The time needed to complete the download and installation

  • The disk space required by the product, both during and after installation

  • The RAM required by the WebLogic Server run time

The Net installer also allows you to avoid installing components that are not needed in the specific environment in which the product is being used. For example, an experienced developer who already has Eclipse and a suitable Java Runtime may need only the Core Application Server, the WebLogic JDBC drivers, and the examples. An administrator may choose to install only the Core Application Server, Administration Console, Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework, Web Server plug-ins, the third-party JDBC drivers, and the JRockit JDK.

You can choose a Net installer that includes WebLogic Server only, or WebLogic Server with Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.

The following Net installers are available:

  • Generic Net installer

    The generic Net installer does not include the Java Runtime. The generic Net installer is recommended if you already have a suitable Java Runtime available in your environment.

  • Operating system (OS) specific Net installer

    A Net installer specific to each operating system on which WebLogic Server is supported is available that includes the Java Runtime for that operating system. The OS-specific Net installer is recommended if you also need to install the Java Runtime specific to your environment.

For information about the Java Runtime that is required in each operating system on which WebLogic Server is supported, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page at

Package Installer

The Package installer is a standalone application available for download that includes the entire component set for WebLogic Server. However, unlike the Net installer, the Package installer does not allow for you to limit the size of the download.

As with Net installers, Oracle provides the following Package installers:

  • Generic Package installer — Does not include the Java Runtime

    You may select a Generic Package installer that includes WebLogic Server only, or WebLogic Server with Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.

  • OS-specific installer — Includes the Java Runtime specific to the operating system on which WebLogic Server is supported. The installers for Windows and Linux platforms include both the Sun and Oracle JRockit JDKs.

    You may select an OS-specific installer that includes WebLogic Server only, or WebLogic Server with Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.

When you run the Package installer, you can also select the specific product components you want to install, thereby also enabling you to minimize the installation footprint. However, unlike the Net installer, the Package installer does not provide for any reduction in download time or the amount of disk space required for the installation files.

However, downloading the Package installer is recommended if you want to perform multiple WebLogic Server installations at your site. In a typical scenario, you download the Package installer only once, then make it available to each machine on which you wish to have the product installed. (You can run the installer from each machine directly over the local network, or copy the installer onto each machine and run it.)

DVD Distribution

The product distribution box includes an OS-specific Package installer on DVD for each of the supported operating systems, including Windows, Solaris, and Linux. When you install via DVD, you can also customize the specific product components that are installed on your machine, as appropriate for your operating environment.

Selecting the WebLogic Server Components To Be Installed

All installers give you the option of selecting specific WebLogic Server subcomponents you wish to install. Depending on your needs, installing only the subcomponents you need can help you minimize run-time resource requirements, and potentially start-up times as well.

The following section describes each product component that can be installed.

WebLogic Server Product Components You May Select for Installation

The WebLogic Server installation program gives a number of fine-grained options for selecting the specific software components you want to install. For example, a fully functional Java Enterprise Edition 5 (JEE 5) compliant "Core Application Server" is available as a separately installable component giving you a lightweight product option that can be downloaded quickly and that uses minimal disk space when installed.

The ability to customize the set of components to be installed provides better flexibility to experienced users who want to have only the software components in which they are interested, thereby reducing the disk footprint and improving run-time performance. For example, in a production or QA environment, the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) is typically used for configuration and management tasks. In that environment, you could choose not to install the Administration Console, thus reducing the installation footprint.

Table 1 lists and describes the individual components that may be selected for installation.

Table 1 WebLogic Server Installation Options

Component Description

Core Application Server

A complete application server that implements Java Enterprise Edition 5 (JEE 5) technologies, Web Services, and other leading Internet standards to provide a reliable framework for highly available, scalable, and secure applications and services. Includes the full set of components that comprise the essential WebLogic Server run time with full JEE 5 support.

This component does not include administration tools and add-on technologies, such as the Administration Console, Web Server plug-ins, Beehive run-time framework, JDBC drivers, and so on.

Administration Console

The WebLogic Server Web application for configuring, administering, and monitoring WebLogic domains.

If you do not install the Administration Console, the console will not be available when you start the Administration Server.

For information, see "About the Administration Console" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Introduction to Oracle WebLogic Server.

Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework

The Configuration Wizard guides you through the process of creating a domain for your target environment and selecting the configuration options you want to include. The Upgrade Framework provides tools that convert a domain configuration from previous WebLogic Server releases to the current release.

If you choose not to install this component, you will not be able to create new domains or upgrade pre-Version 9.0 domains. (If you exclude this component, you can still work with existing domains as long as they were created with the current version of WebLogic Server.) For example, you can deselect this component if you are installing in a production environment to which you subsequently migrate domain configurations that were created in a separate, pre-production environment.

Note: The WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) has a dependency on the Configuration Wizard. WLST is available only if you select this component for installation.

For information about the Configuration Wizard, see Oracle WebLogic Server Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard. For information about the upgrade tools, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server

A channels based publish-subscribe mechanism for Web-based clients to send and receive asynchronous messages over HTTP. The HTTP Publish-Subscribe server can be used by Web clients to subscribe to channels (a representation in Bayeux for destinations) and publish messages to the channels. Developers are recommended to install the pub-sub sample, available by selecting the Server Examples product component.

If this component is not installed, you will not be able to take advantage of Web 2.0 HTTP Publish-Subscribe functionality.

For more information, see "Using the HTTP Publish-Subscribe Server" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Web Applications, Servlets, and JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server.

WebLogic SCA

This is a Spring container for Java applications that use SCA semantics to expose services and invoke references. The container is included as an optional library in WebLogic Server.

WebLogic JDBC Drivers

WebLogic implementation of JDBC drivers that can be used to connect a WebLogic Server environment to an external database.

If this component is not installed, the WebLogic JDBC drivers will not be available for use.

For more information about this component, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring and Managing JDBC for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Third-Party JDBC Drivers

Other JDBC drivers bundled with WebLogic Server that can be used to connect a WebLogic Server environment to an external database.

If this component is not installed, the following JDBC drivers and files bundled with WebLogic Server will not be available for use:

  • The following Oracle Thin driver files:

    ojdbc5_g.jar (debug version)

    ojdbc6_g.jar (debug version for use with JDK 6)

    orai18n.jar (internationalization support)

  • The following third-party MySQL driver file:


For more information about this component, see "Using JDBC Drivers with WebLogic Server" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring and Managing JDBC for Oracle WebLogic Server.

WebLogic Server Clients

Thin-client JARs required for connecting to a WebLogic Server instance. Includes the JARs for the Web Services, JMS, Store and Forward, WebLogic RMI, JMS .NET, and JMX clients.

If you do not install this component, there is no effect on the server run time or deployed applications. However, if you have a thin client and need to distribute a smaller set of JARs, instead of all WebLogic JARs, you need to choose this installation option.

For more information about this component, see "Overview of Stand-alone Clients" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Stand-alone Clients for Oracle WebLogic Server.

WebLogic Web Server Plug-Ins

The WebLogic plug-ins for the Apache, Sun One and IIS Web servers used for connecting to WebLogic Server.

If you do not install this component, there is no effect on the server run time or your deployed applications.

For more information about this component, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Web Server Plug-Ins with Oracle WebLogic Server.

UDDI and XQuery Support

The WebLogic Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) and UDDI Directory Explorer applications.

The UDDI Project is an industry initiative that is working to enable businesses to quickly, easily, and dynamically find and carry out transactions with one another. A populated UDDI registry contains cataloged information about businesses, the services that they offer, and communication standards and interfaces they use to conduct transactions. Built on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) data communication standard, UDDI creates a global, platform-independent, open architecture space that benefits businesses.

If you do not install this component, the WebLogic UDDI and UDDI Directory Explorer applications will not be available in the server run time. If your application depends on the UDDI and UDDI Directory Explorer applications, you need to choose this installation option.

For more information about WebLogic UDDI, see "Publishing and Finding Web Services Using UDDI" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Advanced Features of JAX-WS Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server.

This component also includes the WebLogic XQuery implementation JARs. Select this installation option if you are using WebLogic XQuery libraries within your applications.

Server Examples

Example applications that demonstrate key features of WebLogic Server. Selecting this component also causes an evaluation database to be installed. For more information, see "Sample Application and Code Examples" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Information Roadmap for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Note: Server Examples are not installed as part of the typical installation and must be selected using Custom Installation in order to be installed on your system.

Installing Oracle JRockit JDK

The minimum JDK required for WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 Patch Set 1 (10.3.2) is a version based on JDK 1.6.0_14 or later. If you plan to use Oracle JRockit JDK with your new WebLogic Server installation, note the following information.

Oracle JRockit version R27.6.4 (JDK 1.6.0_14) is included in WebLogic Server installers for the Windows and Linux platforms. However, instead of installing the JRockit JDK that is included, Oracle strongly recommends that you download and install the latest available JRockit version separately.

JRockit JDK can be downloaded from the following location:

Example of Performing a Custom Installation

The following sections show an example of installing WebLogic Server on Windows XP. In this example, the Net installer that includes WebLogic Server with Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse is used to create a lightweight development environment in which only the following components are downloaded and installed:

If you are creating a lightweight development environment for WebLogic Server, your actual component selection may differ from the one shown in this example, depending on your specific requirements.

Step 1: Download the Net Installer

As explained in "Obtaining the Installation Program", navigate your Web browser to the following URL for the Oracle product download page for WebLogic Server:

To download the Net installer:

  1. Click the Generic or OS-specific Net installer, as appropriate for your operating environment.

  2. When prompted whether to save the Net installer file, click Save.

Step 2: Start the Installation Process

Start the WebLogic Server installation process by double clicking the downloaded installer executable file. The Welcome screen appears.

Description of welcome.gif follows
Description of the illustration welcome.gif

Click Next.

Step 3: Select an Installation Directory

In the next window, choose a directory on your machine into which the Oracle WebLogic software is to be installed. This directory is called the Middleware Home directory.

Description of mw_home.gif follows
Description of the illustration mw_home.gif

If you have an existing directory into which one or more Oracle WebLogic products have been installed, that directory is selected by default. You may use that directory, or click Create a new Middleware Home to specify a new directory to be created for the installation. By default, the Middleware Home directory is named Oracle/Middleware.

Click Next.


If at any time you wish to back up to a previous window in the installation process, click Previous. This lets you undo any information or settings entered in the currently displayed window.

Step 4: Register for Security Updates

The installation program displays a dialog box in which you may optionally register your WebLogic Server installation with My Oracle Support. By registering, Oracle Support will notify you immediately of any security updates that are specific to your installation.

Description of ocm.gif follows
Description of the illustration ocm.gif

If you wish to register your installation, enter your email address and your My Oracle Support password. If you wish to decline registration, deselect "I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support" and confirm your choice.

If you have not already done so, you may register with My Oracle Support at

For more information about the capabilities of registering your installation with My Oracle Support, see Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide.

Click Next.

Step 5: Specify Download Options

The installation program displays a dialog box in which you configure the following information for the installer:

  • A local download directory to be used for storage of installation archive files, and whether those files should be deleted after installation is complete

  • Optionally, HTTP proxy or perimeter authentication information required for your machine's access to the Internet

Description of options.gif follows
Description of the illustration options.gif

Specify download options as appropriate, and click Next.

Step 6: Choose a Custom Installation

The installation program displays a window in which you are prompted to indicate whether you wish to perform a complete or a custom installation. By default, the Net installer does a complete installation of all WebLogic products identified in "Selecting the WebLogic Server Components To Be Installed".

However, to do a download and installation that includes only a subset of available product components, choose Custom.

Description of custom.gif follows
Description of the illustration custom.gif

Click Next.

Step 7: Choose Products and Components

The Net installer prompts you to customize the installation by selecting the specific products and components you want to download and install. By default, all products and components of WebLogic Server (with the exception of Server Examples) and Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse are selected.

To do a custom installation that includes only a subset of the components that are available, use the Choose Products and Components window to deselect the components that you do not want. In this example, all components are deselected except:

  • Core Application Server

  • Administration Console

  • Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework

  • Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse

  • OEPE Common Files

Description of first-choose.gif follows
Description of the illustration first-choose.gif

When performing an installation, note the following:

  • A summary description of each component is displayed in the upper right when you click on that component.

  • Some product components have dependencies on others. If you deselect a component upon which other components depend, those other components are automatically deselected as well. For example, if you deselect Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework, the Server Examples component is automatically deselected. This behavior prevents you from creating an installation with unusable components.

  • An approximate size of the completed installation, based on selected components, is displayed in the lower right.

  • Server examples are not installed by default. You must select the Server Examples component to install them.

After you have selected the components you want, click Next.

Step 8: JDK Selection

WebLogic Server requires a compatible Java Runtime. Each OS-specific Net installer makes the Java Runtime specific to that operating system available for download. The OS-specific Net installers for Windows and Linux, as well as the generic net installers, provide the option to select and download the Sun and Oracle JRockit JDKs.

When you run the Net installer on Windows or Linux platforms, the following window is displayed.

Description of sdk.gif follows
Description of the illustration sdk.gif

If a suitable Java Runtime is already installed on your machine, you may deselect both JDKs and click Browse to select the Java Runtime you wish to use. For information about the Java Runtime required in each operating system on which WebLogic Server is supported, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page at


For important information about installing the latest available version of JRockit JDK, see "Installing Oracle JRockit JDK".

After you make a Java Runtime selection, click Next.

Step 9: Monitor Download Progress

The download of the selected components gets underway. The Net installer displays two progress windows in sequence:

  • The Archive Download window is displayed as the installation files are downloaded.

  • The Archive Integrity Check window is displayed as the integrity of the installation archive files is verified.

Description of progress.gif follows
Description of the illustration progress.gif

The Archive Download window provides two options you may choose, if desired:

  • You may disable the Automatically continue installation after completion option if you wish to install the downloaded product at a later time. By default, this option is enabled, which causes the installation to start immediately after the download of the install archives is complete.

  • You may click Pause to temporarily suspend the download. When you use this option, the Archive Download window remains displayed until you click Resume or Exit.

Step 10: Choose Product Installation Directory

After the download is complete, you are prompted to choose a product installation directory.

Description of prod-install.gif follows
Description of the illustration prod-install.gif

By default, WebLogic Server is installed in the Middleware Home directory chosen in "Step 3: Select an Installation Directory". You may click Browse to choose a non-default location for the product installation directory.

Click Next.

Step 11: Install Node Manager Windows Service

Optionally, on Windows systems you may choose to install the WebLogic Server Node Manager as a Windows service.

Description of nodemgr.gif follows
Description of the illustration nodemgr.gif

Node Manager is a WebLogic Server utility that enables you to start, shut down, and restart Administration Server and Managed Server instances from a remote location. Although Node Manager is optional, it is recommended if your WebLogic Server environment hosts applications with high availability requirements.

For more information about the Node Manager, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Node Manager Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server. For more information about how to install Node Manager as a Windows service, see Oracle WebLogic Server Installation Guide.

Click Next.

Step 12: Choose Shortcut Location

When you install your software on a Windows system, the installation program automatically creates shortcut entries on the Start Menu. If you have Administrator privileges, you can choose to have the shortcut entries created in the All Users Start menu folder or in the user's local Start menu folder.

Description of shortcut.gif follows
Description of the illustration shortcut.gif

By default, the Windows shortcuts for WebLogic Server is added to the Start menu for all users. For more information about shortcut locations, see "Understanding the Windows Shortcuts" in Oracle WebLogic Server Installation Guide.

Click Next.

Step 13: View Installation Summary

After you have chosen the product shortcut location, the Installation Summary window is displayed. This window contains a list of the components you selected for installation, along with the approximate amount of disk space to be used by the selected components once installation is complete.

Description of summary.gif follows
Description of the illustration summary.gif

You can also click on an individual component to display its approximate installed size.

Click Next.

Begin Installation

After you click Next in the Installation Summary window, a splash screen is displayed to indicate that the installation process has begun.

Description of install.gif follows
Description of the illustration install.gif

When the installation is complete, the following window is displayed:

Description of complete.gif follows
Description of the illustration complete.gif

Adding Product Components to an Existing Installation

If at a later time you decide that you want to install additional product components to an existing installation, you can simply re-run the Net installer. It is not necessary to obtain a new one from the product download directory.

If you choose the same installation directory as before, only those components that are not already installed can be selected. Installed components are greyed out. For example:

Description of reinstall.gif follows
Description of the illustration reinstall.gif

Other Installation Features

The WebLogic Server installation program provides additional features you can use, depending on your needs and environment, including the following:

Complete details about each of these installation features are provided in Oracle WebLogic Server Installation Guide.

Supported Configurations

For complete details about the hardware and software configurations supported by WebLogic Server, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page at This document describes supported operating systems, Web servers, browsers, firewalls, database configurations, and other tools and configurations.

Upgrading WebLogic Server

If you are upgrading your WebLogic Server installation from an earlier version, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server. This document explains how to upgrade the entire WebLogic Server environment, including applications, the WebLogic domains in which they are deployed, and any application data associated with the domain, and may include external resources, such as database servers, firewalls, load balancers, and LDAP servers.

Installing Patches and Patch Sets

Smart Update is a standalone Java application that is automatically installed in the Middleware Home directory and that simplifies the process of applying patches and Patch Sets to your WebLogic Server installation. When support makes a patch or Patch Set available for an installed version of WebLogic Server, you use Smart Update to obtain that update and apply it to your installation. Smart Update organizes all available maintenance for you, and has several features that allow a great deal of customizing in the way various patches and other maintenance updates are applied and managed in your environment.

For information about using Smart Update, see Oracle Smart Update Installing Patches and Maintenance Packs.

Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

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Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

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This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

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To reach Oracle Support Services, use a telecommunications relay service (TRS) to call Oracle Support at 1.800.223.1711. An Oracle Support Services engineer will handle technical issues and provide customer support according to the Oracle service request process. Information about TRS is available at, and a list of phone numbers is available at

Oracle Fusion Middleware Getting Started With Installation for Oracle WebLogic Server, 11g Release 1 (10.3.1)


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