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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)
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2 Starting the Configuration Wizard

This section describes how to start the Configuration Wizard in graphical and console modes.

Starting the Configuration Wizard in Graphical Mode

The console for the machine on which the product installation resides must support Java-based GUIs. All Windows-based consoles support Java-based GUIs; only a subset of UNIX-based consoles support Java-based GUIs.


If you attempt to start the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode on a system that cannot support graphical display, the Configuration Wizard automatically starts in console mode.

You can start the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode from either the Windows Start menu or from the command line.

Starting the Configuration Wizard in Console Mode

When run in console mode, the Configuration Wizard is executed in a text-based environment.

To start the Configuration Wizard in console mode:

  1. Log in to the system on which the product installation resides.

  2. Open an MS-DOS command prompt window (on Windows) or a command shell (on UNIX).

  3. Go to the \common\bin subdirectory of the product installation directory.

  4. Execute the following command:

    • Windows: config.cmd -mode=console

    • UNIX: sh -mode=console

    The command and arguments must be entered in lowercase.


    When you run the config.cmd or command, the following error message might be displayed:

    *sys-package-mgr*: can't create package cache dir

    This error message indicates that the default cache directory is not valid.

    You can change the cache directory by including the -Dpython.cachedir=<valid_directory> option in the command line.

The Welcome text is displayed.

To proceed, respond to the prompts by entering the number associated with your choice, pressing the Enter key. The arrow (->) adjacent to a choice indicates the current selection.