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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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9 Understanding Group Space Basics

Group spaces support the formation and collaboration of project teams and communities of interest by providing a dedicated space for relevant services, pages, and content and by supporting the inclusion of specified members. Group spaces bring people together in a virtual environment for ongoing interaction and information sharing—in essence, group spaces enable the formation and support of social networks.

For general tasks associated with group spaces, refer to the following sections in Chapter 2, "Learning Your Way Around WebCenter Applications":

This chapter provides information about group spaces. It contains the following sections:


This chapter is intended for users who want to learn more about group spaces and how to access them in WebCenter Spaces.

9.1 What You Should Know About Group Spaces

Within any company, large groups or departments frequently must break into smaller groups to focus on a particular goal, project, or even topic. To help these groups organize themselves, WebCenter Spaces provides the notion of group spaces, which bring together small groups of people to share information and interact in a collaborative setting. For example:

Many features and tools to facilitate teamwork are built into the group space framework, instantly allowing group space members to share documents, discuss issues, schedule meetings, exchange messages, create lists, and much more. Group spaces can be monitored through RSS feeds, which you can add to your personal page or view in any external RSS reader.

WebCenter Spaces provides templates for creating group spaces that support different types of endeavors. For information about these templates, see Section 10.2, "What You Should Know About Group Space Templates".

When you create a group space, you are the group space moderator. As the moderator, you establish the rules for membership to a group space (see Section 12.1, "Setting Up the Group Space Membership Policy". When a new group space is created, WebCenter Spaces creates default group space roles with default permissions. The group space moderator can assign group space members to these roles and modify the default permissions as required, or create new custom roles (see Section 12.2, "Managing Group Space Roles and Permissions" and Section 12.3, "Managing Members and Assigning Roles").

9.2 Viewing Available Group Spaces

WebCenter Spaces enables you to participate in multiple group spaces, and manage your group space memberships through My Group Spaces, which displays all the group spaces and group space templates that are available to you. On the Group Spaces page in My Group Spaces, you can see a list of:

See Section 11.8, "Managing Group Space Templates" for information about the Templates page in My Group Spaces.

To display a list of these group spaces:

  1. From the Group Spaces menu at the top of the application, select My Group Spaces (Figure 9-1).

    Figure 9-1 The Group Spaces Menu

    The Group Spaces Menu
    Description of "Figure 9-1 The Group Spaces Menu"

    My Group Spaces displays the Group Spaces page (Figure 9-2).

    Figure 9-2 My Group Spaces

    Group Spaces tab
    Description of "Figure 9-2 My Group Spaces"

    The Group Spaces menu also offers quick access to all the group spaces to which you currently subscribe.

  2. By default, the Group Spaces page displays your group spaces in card view. Click Switch to List View to toggle the display to list view.

    Figure 9-3 Switching Between Card View and List View

    Switch to List View selection
  3. From the Filter list, select:

    • Show All (Figure 9-4) to display an unfiltered list of names of all group spaces.

      Figure 9-4 Showing All Group Spaces

      Group Spaces tab
      Description of "Figure 9-4 Showing All Group Spaces"

    • Show Joined to display names of group spaces to which you subscribe.

    • Show Moderated to display names of group spaces for which you have moderator privileges.

    • Show Public to display names of group spaces that are available to anyone, even people who are not logged in to WebCenter Spaces.

    • Show Discoverable to display the names of group spaces that have been made known to anyone logged in to WebCenter Spaces. A group space is made discoverable when the group space moderator enables Discoverable on the Settings tab's General page (see Section 10.12.1, "Making a Group Space Known (Discoverable)".

    To join a group space, see Section 9.3, "Subscribing to a Group Space".

  4. To list one or more specific group spaces, enter a full or partial search term in the Search field, then click the Search icon to refresh the list with all group spaces for which a match is found in the Display Name, Description, or Search Keywords (specified on the Settings tab's General page).

  5. To clear the current search string and display all group spaces, click the Clear Search icon.

  6. To refresh the list of group spaces, first ensure that any prior search is cleared (click the Clear Search icon), then click the Refresh icon.

  7. Under Actions, click the Group Space Actions icon (Figure 9-5) for a selected group space to perform any of the following actions:

    Figure 9-5 Group Space Actions Menu

    Group Space Actions menu
    • To manage the group space, select Edit Group Space to display the group space Settings pages. This option is available only to group space moderators and users granted the Group Spaces-Manage permission.

    • To rename the group space, select Rename Group Space to display the Rename Group Space dialog box. Enter a new name for the group space, and click the Save icon. This option is available only to group space moderators and users granted the Group Spaces-Manage permission.

    • To change your current membership role or unsubscribe, select Change Roles/Unsubscribe to display the Change Role or Unsubscribe dialog box. This option is available only to group space members.

    • To permanently remove the group space from WebCenter Spaces, select Delete Group Space. This option is available only to group space moderators and users granted the Group Spaces-Manage permission.

    • To send mail to all members or the moderator(s) of a group space, select Email Members or Email Moderators. These options are available only to group space members.

    • To view information about the group space, select About Group Space to open the Group Space Information dialog box (Figure 9-7), which shows:

      • Name: Internal name of the group space. To change the internal group space name, click the Group Space Actions icon and select Rename Group Space. Caution: The group space's URL changes when you change the internal group space name. Bookmarks to the group space must be updated as they will no longer work.

      • Display Name: Display name of the group space. Display name of the group space. This name displays on the group space tab and other places where group spaces are available for selection. To change the Display Name, enter a new name on the Settings tab's General page. Changing the display name does not impact the URL that other people will use to navigate to the group space.

      • Internal ID: ID of the group space, which other applications might use to reference this group space.

      • Description: A description of the group space, as specified on the Settings tab's General page.

      • Membership: Your role in the group space. A Join Space button displays if the group space allows self-subscription (see Section 12.1.1, "Managing Self-Subscription and Membership Changes for a Group Space"). Users can click Join Space to become a member of the group space. If this button button is inactive, users wanting to join the group space can contact the group space moderator directly to request membership (click the moderator's name in the Creator column to display a range of contact options).

      • Created By: User name of the group space creator.

      • Date Created: Date and time that the group space was created.

      • Direct URL: URL that provides direct access to the group space.

9.3 Subscribing to a Group Space

To become a member of a group space, you can subscribe to (or join) the group space. You may be registered with WebCenter Spaces, or you may receive an invitation to join a group space when you are not registered with WebCenter Spaces.

This section includes the following subsections:

9.3.1 Subscribing to a Group Space (Registered WebCenter Spaces User)

Some group spaces allow WebCenter Spaces users to self-subscribe. This means that you can request membership to the group space.

Some membership requests require approval from the group space moderator so you may not gain access immediately. You will receive a Worklist notification when your membership is approved.

To subscribe to a group space:

  1. Log in to WebCenter Spaces.

    For more information, see Section 2.2.1, "Logging In to WebCenter Spaces".

  2. From the Group Spaces menu at the top of the application, select My Group Spaces to display the Group Spaces page.

  3. From the Filter list, select Show Discoverable.

  4. To subscribe to a group space, click the Actions icon and select About Group Space (Figure 9-6).

    Figure 9-6 Opening the Group Space Information Dialog Box

    Action menu About Group Space
  5. In the Group Space Information dialog box, next to Membership, click Join Space (Figure 9-7).

    Figure 9-7 Group Space Information Dialog Box

    Group Space Information Dialog Box


    Join Space is active only if the group space allows self-subscription (see Section 12.1.1, "Managing Self-Subscription and Membership Changes for a Group Space"). If Join Space is disabled, contact the group space moderator directly to request membership (click the moderator's name in the Creator column to display a range of contact options).

    A group space subscription page similar to Figure 9-8 opens, showing the default Self-Subscription page. Because the group space moderator may customize this page, the page and roles you see may be different to the example shown here.

    Figure 9-8 Requesting Group Space Membership

    Requesting Group Space Membership
    Description of "Figure 9-8 Requesting Group Space Membership"

  6. Select the type of Role you want to play in this group space.


    Out-of-the-box group space roles include Viewer, Participant, and Moderator, but a subset of these or other custom roles names may display, depending on what roles the group space moderator has defined for the group space.

  7. (Optional) In the Purpose field, enter an explanation of why you need access to the group space with the role you have requested.

  8. Click Request Membership.

    You should see a confirmation message similar to Figure 9-9 or Figure 9-10, depending on whether or not the selected role requires moderator approval.

    Figure 9-9 Confirmation Message (Approval Required)

    Subscription Request Confirmation message
    Description of "Figure 9-9 Confirmation Message (Approval Required)"

    Figure 9-10 Confirmation Message (No Approval Required)

    Confirmation Message (No Approval Required)
    Description of "Figure 9-10 Confirmation Message (No Approval Required)"

  9. Click OK.

  10. Refresh My Group Spaces (click the Refresh icon) to confirm your new membership status.


    If membership requests require approval, you do not gain access immediately. Check back later or monitor your Worklist—you will receive notification as soon as your membership is approved.

  11. Click the group space Display Name to open the group space.

9.3.2 Subscribing to a Group Space (Unregistered WebCenter Spaces User)

If you do not have an account with WebCenter Spaces and you receive mail inviting you to join a group space, click the registration URL included in the mail message to accept the invitation. You will be prompted to register with WebCenter Spaces before gaining access to the group space.

To register with WebCenter Spaces and subscribe to a group space:

  1. Click the Register Yourself link included in the invitation mail to open the Self-Registration page, similar to Figure 9-11. Because the group space moderator may customize this page, the page you see may be different to the example shown here.


    For the Self-Registration page to display, both of the following must be checked on the WebCenter Spaces Administration General page, under Self-Registration:
    • Allow Self-Registration Through Invitations

    • Allow Public Users to Self-Register

    For more information, see "Allowing Self-Registration" and "Customizing the Self-Registration Page" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

    Figure 9-11 Registering with WebCenter Spaces

    Self-Registration page
  2. Choose a suitable User Name. The user name restrictions depend on the underlying identity store that is configured with WebCenter Spaces.

    Click Check User Name Available to determine whether a WebCenter user is registered with that name. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation message and, if necessary, enter a different name.

  3. Enter a suitable Password, and then Re-enter Password for verification. The password restrictions depend on the underlying identity store that is configured with WebCenter Spaces.

  4. Enter your First Name and Last Name, and an Email Address.

  5. Click Register.

Once your User Name and Password are registered with WebCenter Spaces, the group space to which you were invited opens.

9.4 Unsubscribing from a Group Space

It is easy to unsubscribe from a group space when you no longer want or need membership.

Some unsubscription requests require approval from the group space moderator so you may not be removed from the group space immediately. You will receive a Worklist notification when your membership is revoked.

Once you have successfully unsubscribed from a group space, it is removed from your Group Spaces menu.

To unsubscribe from a group space:

  1. Log in to WebCenter Spaces.

    For more information, see Section 2.2.1, "Logging In to WebCenter Spaces".

  2. From the Group Spaces menu at the top of the application, select My Group Spaces to display the Group Spaces page (Figure 9-12).

    Figure 9-12 Group Spaces Page

    Group Spaces page
  3. To unsubscribe from a group space, click the Actions icon for the group space and select Change Roles/Unsubscribe.

  4. The Change Role or Unsubscribe dialog box opens (Figure 9-13).

    Figure 9-13 Unsubscribing from a Group Space

    Change Role or Unsubscribe dialog
    Description of "Figure 9-13 Unsubscribing from a Group Space"

  5. To remove yourself from the group space, click Unsubscribe.

    A confirmation message similar to Figure 9-14 displays.

    Figure 9-14 Unsubscription Confirmation Message

    Change Message Confirmation message
    Description of "Figure 9-14 Unsubscription Confirmation Message"

  6. Click OK to acknowledge the confirmation message.

If an unsubscription request requires approval, you are not removed from the group space immediately. Check back later or monitor your Worklist—you will receive notification when your unsubscription request is approved or rejected by the group space moderator.

9.5 Requesting a Group Space Member Role Change

If you are unable to perform all the actions that you would like in your group space, you can request a change to your membership role. For example, you might want to participate in an interesting discussion thread or raise a new issue but in your current role you are only allowed to view ongoing discussions.

Role change requests may or may not require approval, depending on how the group space moderator has defined membership changes for a particular role. You will receive a Worklist notification when your new role is approved.

To change your group space role:

  1. Log in to WebCenter Spaces.

    For more information, see Section 2.2.1, "Logging In to WebCenter Spaces".

  2. From the Group Spaces menu at the top of the application, select My Group Spaces to display the Group Spaces page (Figure 9-15).

    Figure 9-15 Group Spaces Page

    Group Spaces page
  3. To determine your current group space role, click the Actions icon, and select About Group Space. The Membership field indicates your current role in the group space. To change your role in a group space, click the Actions icon for the group space and select Change Roles/Unsubscribe.

    The Change Role or Unsubscribe dialog box opens (Figure 9-17).

    Figure 9-16 Changing Your Group Space Role

    Change Role or Unsubscribe dialog
    Description of "Figure 9-16 Changing Your Group Space Role"

  4. Choose your preferred role from the New Role list.

    The group space moderator controls the list of roles displayed here. Out-of-the-box group space roles include Viewer, Participant, and Moderator but a subset of these or other custom roles may display.

  5. Click OK.

    You should see a confirmation message similar to Figure 9-17. This message displays whether or not the selected role change requires approval.

    Figure 9-17 Change Membership Confirmation Message

    Change Membership Confirmation message
    Description of "Figure 9-17 Change Membership Confirmation Message "

  6. Click OK to acknowledge the confirmation message.

  7. Click the Refresh icon to refresh My Group Spaces to confirm your membership status has changed.


    Your new role is not effective immediately when membership change requests require approval. Check back later or monitor your Worklist —your new role will be effective as soon as the group space moderator approves it.

9.6 Interacting with Group Spaces Before Logging In (Public User)

Public group spaces are available to anyone with Internet access, without logging in to WebCenter. A group space moderator can make an entire group space public, or restrict access to certain group space pages. The public information provided allows the group space to be shared with non-members and people outside of the WebCenter Spaces community.

You can access public group spaces:

The WebCenter Spaces administrator controls what a public user can see or do. Typically, public users have read-only (View) permissions, but administrators can grant additional privileges should this be required. For more information, see "Granting Permissions to the Public-User" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

A role called Public-User is available by default for every group space. The group space moderator can control what the public user can see or do, overriding the public user permissions set by the administrator at the application level. For more information, see Section 10.12.3, "Granting Public Access to a Group Space".