Oracle® Retail In-Store Space Collaboration

Release Notes

Release 14.1.1



May 2015

This document highlights the major changes for Release 14.1.1 of Oracle Retail In-Store Space Collaboration. It includes the following sections:

n         Product Overview

n         Database Version

n         Hardware and Software Requirements

n         Known Issues

n         Related Documentation

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Product Overview

The Oracle Retail Macro Space Planning family consists of two products:

n         Oracle Retail Macro Space Management (MSM)

n         Oracle Retail In-Store Space Collaboration (ISSC)

MSM is an integrated program that allows users to carry out highly sophisticated store planning, fixturing, and merchandising operations. It also allows them to measure retail performance using Key Performance Indicators and Reports. MSM is designed to work on a local area network (LAN) and is typically located at corporate head office.

ISSC is optional depending on the user’s preference and licensing options. If installed, MSM must also be installed. ISSC has an extension called ISSC Mobile that allows changes to floor plans and planograms to be view in store.

Database Version

The installed version of ISSC needs to be compatible with the current version of the Macro Space Planning database. This version of ISSC is compatible with database version 14.1.1, the schema of which has been modified as a result of improvements made to MSP functionality.

Hardware and Software Requirements

See the Oracle Retail Macro Space Planning Installation Guide for information about the following:

n         Hardware and software requirements.

n         Oracle Retail application software compatibility information.


In-Store Space Collaboration only supports the following:

n         Oracle Database Client 12c

For ISSC, the 64 bit client is required.


Known Issues

The following significant issues exist in this release of the application.

Defect Number



The Sort Leftmost option in the Options dialog box has no effect. This can be addressed by manually selecting the fixtures in the sequence they should be populated. Alternatively, use the ’drag and drop’ merchandising options.


The label justification is different in ISSC to that used in MSM's Merchandiser module and ODIs planogram import process.


Store specific planogram effective dates will not provide the expected master planogram mapping results if the generic effective and expiry dates of a planogram does not cover the entire lifespan of the planogram at all stores.


Fixture notes are not displayed correctly in ISSC Front View. The notes can be viewed in Top Graphical View.


ISSC Mobile planogram text overlaps the fixtures when it wraps.


ISSC Mobile floor plan differences will not display if the results are not received by the mobile device fast enough. In this case the fixtures will use the merchandise colors like ISSC desktop's Top View.


ISSC Mobile planogram notes can be displayed at the bottom of the fixture in the Planogram View instead of on the appropriate product SKU.


Related Documentation

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail In-Store Space Collaboration documentation set:

Macro Space Planning

n                 Oracle Retail Macro Space Planning Installation Guide


The Macro Space Planning Security Guide has not been included in the packaged version of this product and is in development. For the published version of this guide at the time of the release, see the following Documentation Library:


Supplemental Documentation on My Oracle Support

The following documents are available through My Oracle Support. Access My Oracle

Support at the following URL:

n         Oracle Retail Macro Space Planning Data Model (ID 1952508.1)

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle® Retail In-Store Space Collaboration Release Notes, Release 14.1.1   


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Oracle Retail VAR Applications

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