This graphic shows the Manage: Volumes page.

The View Options table is shown. To the far right is an Apply button.

The Volume Attributes row appears.

The following check boxes are shown: Unexpired volumes, Expired volumes, Open volumes (checked), Recyclable Volumes Closed volumes, Volumes with no barcodes, Volumes with no volume IDs.

In the Single Selection section, the following text boxes are shown: Volume ID, Barcode, Volume set ID.

The Locations list box shows Media_Recycle_Bin, lib1, and lib2.

The Media family list box shows OSB-CATA_OG-MF, RMAN-DEFAULT, none.

In the Other row the check box is labeled Group volume set members.

The following row of buttons appears: Edit, Duplicate, Recall, Release, Show Backup Sections, Remove.

The following buttons are shown: Show Properties, Show Backup Pieces, Show Volume Set, Show Duplicates.

The following text appears: Select All, Clear (1-7 of 7), Prev, Next.

The table has the following columns: Select, Volume ID, Barcode, Seq Rotation policy, Duplication Policy, Location, Media family Created, Expires, Space.

Row 1 has the following values: select RMAN-DEFAULT-000001 RMAN-DEFAULT-000001 a4ef9fbcf7e610282e400163e389519 1 not specified not specified lib1 RMAN-DEFAULT 2009/03/20.11:37 never; content manages reuse 8.2 GB

Row 2 has the following values: select RMAN-DEFAULT-000002 RMAN-DEFAULT-000002 ADE202 1 not specified not specified lib1 RMAN-DEFAULT 2009/03/20.11:42 never; content manages reuse 8.3 GB

Row 3 has the following values: select RMAN-DEFAULT-000003 RMAN-DEFAULT-000003 DEV424 1 not specified not specified lib2 RMAN-DEFAULT 2009/03/20.11:44 never; content manages reuse 8.2 GB

Row 4 has the following values: select VOL000001 VOL000001 113dcd66f7e6102b03000163e389519 1 not specified not specified lib1 not specified 2009/03/20.11:32 never 8.1 GB

Row 5 has the following values: select VOL000002 VOL000002 ADE201 1 not specified not specified lib1 not specified 2009/03/20.11:42 never 8.3 GB

Row 6 has the following values: select VOL000003 VOL000003 ADE203 1 not specified not specified lib1 not specified 2009/03/20.11:43 never 8.3 GB

Row 7 has the following values: select VOL000004 VOL000004 DEV423 1 not specified not specified lib2 not specified 2009/03/20.11:44 never 8.1 GB