Working with Meter Readings

This chapter provides an overview of meter readings, lists common elements used in this chapter, and discusses how to:

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Meter reading programs enable you to enter or update meter information about the equipment. You use meter readings to monitor equipment use and initiate maintenance tasks that are based on accumulated statistical units such as miles. For example, you can schedule maintenance for a machine or piece of equipment based on mileage, elapsed time (hours), fuel consumption, cycles, or tonnage. You can define as many accounts for statistical units as you need. However, you can use only six types of statistical units to initiate maintenance. You determine the six types of statistical units that you want to use (such as odometer, fuel, and hours).

You can enter and update meter readings for individual pieces of equipment or for multiple pieces of similar equipment. For speed meter readings, you can create templates to preload the applicable equipment in the order that you select. You can also indicate when a meter rolls over, and you can perform meter changes.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Use in This Chapter

Fuel Meter

Enter a code that specifies whether to display the fuel meter values. Values are:

Yes: Display the fuel meter values.

No: Do not display the fuel meter values.

Fuel Meter Current Reading

Enter the current meter reading in a statistical account.

Fuel Meter Net Increase

Enter the net increase (or decrease) in the current amount.

Fuel Meter New Reading

Enter a number that specifies the new meter reading in a statistical account.

Fuel Meter Original Reading

Enter the beginning reading of miles, hours, or fuel for a specific piece of equipment.

You enter a value in this field only once for each meter. After a piece of equipment accumulates units, you should never have to change the original reading for a meter. When you enter meter information for a piece of used equipment, enter the actual meter reading that is displayed on the face of the meter at the time that you place the equipment in service. The system updates the original reading when you indicate a meter rollover or when you perform a meter replacement.

Hour Meter

Enter a code that specifies whether to display the hour meter values. Values are:

Yes: Display the hour meter values.

No: Do not display the hour meter values.

Hour Meter Current Reading

Enter the current meter reading in a statistical account.

Hour Meter New Reading

Enter a number that specifies the new meter reading in a statistical account.

Hour Meter Original Reading

Enter the beginning reading of miles, hours, or fuel for a specific piece of equipment.

You enter a value in this field only once for each meter. After a piece of equipment accumulates units, you should never have to change the original reading for a meter. When you enter meter information for a piece of used equipment, enter the actual meter reading that is displayed on the face of the meter at the time that you place the equipment in service. The system updates the original reading when you indicate a meter rollover or when you perform a meter replacement.

Meter 4

Enter a code that specifies whether to display the meter 4 values. Values are:

Yes: Display the hour meter values.

No: Do not display the hour meter values.

Meter 4 Current Reading

Enter the current meter reading in a statistical account.

Meter 4 New Reading

Enter a number that specifies the new meter reading in a statistical account.

Meter 4 Original Reading

Enter the beginning reading of meter 4 for a specific piece of equipment.

You enter a value in this field only once for each meter. After a piece of equipment accumulates units, you should never have to change the original reading for a meter. When you enter meter information for a piece of used equipment, enter the actual meter reading that is displayed on the face of the meter at the time that you place the equipment in service. The system updates the original reading when you indicate a meter rollover or when you perform a meter replacement.

Meter 5

Enter a code that specifies whether to display the meter 5 values. Values are:

Yes: Display the hour meter values.

No: Do not display the hour meter values.

Meter 5 Current Reading

Enter the current meter reading in a statistical account.

Meter 5 New Reading

Enter a number that specifies the new meter reading in a statistical account.

Meter 5 Original Reading

Enter the beginning reading of meter 5 for a specific piece of equipment.

You enter a value in this field only once for each meter. After a piece of equipment accumulates units, you should never have to change the original reading for a meter. When you enter meter information for a piece of used equipment, enter the actual meter reading that is displayed on the face of the meter at the time that you place the equipment in service. The system updates the original reading when you indicate a meter rollover or when you perform a meter replacement.

Meter 6

Enter a code that specifies whether to display the meter 6 values. Values are:

Yes: Display the hour meter values.

No: Do not display the hour meter values.

Meter 6 Current Reading

Enter the current meter reading in a statistical account.

Meter 6 New Reading

Enter a number that specifies the new meter reading in a statistical account.

Meter 6 Original Reading

Enter the beginning reading of meter 6 for a specific piece of equipment.

You enter a value in this field only once for each meter. After a piece of equipment accumulates units, you should never have to change the original reading for a meter. When you enter meter information for a piece of used equipment, enter the actual meter reading that is displayed on the face of the meter at the time that you place the equipment in service. The system updates the original reading when you indicate a meter rollover or when you perform a meter replacement.


Enter a code that indicates whether to display the odometer values.

A Yes or No indicator is used.

Odometer Current Reading

Enter the current meter reading in a statistical account.

Odometer Net Increase

Enter the net increase (or decrease) in the current amount.

Odometer New Reading

Enter the new meter reading in a statistical account.

Odometer Original Reading

Enter the beginning reading of miles, hours, or fuel for a specific piece of equipment.

You enter a value in this field only once for each meter. After a piece of equipment accumulates units, you should never have to change the original reading for a meter. When you enter meter information for a piece of used equipment, enter the actual meter reading that is displayed on the face of the meter at the time that you place the equipment in service. The system updates the original reading when you indicate a meter rollover or when you perform a meter replacement.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Meter Readings

This section provides an overview of meter readings entry, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

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The Meter Readings program (P12120) enables you to view current readings, enter new readings, and view the net increase.

You can enter and update meter readings for individual pieces of equipment or for multiple pieces of similar equipment. You can enter and update meter readings for individual pieces of equipment when you need to record equipment use on a piece-by-piece basis. You can enter and update meter readings for multiple pieces of equipment if you are:

You use selection criteria to specify the pieces of equipment for which the system updates meter information. In addition, you can update equipment records to indicate that a meter was replaced due to damage, which is a meter change-out. You can also indicate when a meter rolls over. A meter rollover is the point at which a meter reaches its maximum value and reverts to a zero reading.

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Verify that these Automatic Accounting Instructions (AAIs) are set up:

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Form Name




Meter Readings


Equipment Information (G1311), Meter Readings

Enter meter readings for a piece of equipment.

Meter Change-out


Select Meter Change-out from the Row menu on the Meter Readings form.

Identify the meter that you are replacing, and specify information about the old and new meters.

Meter Rollover


Select Rollover from the Row menu on the Meter Readings form.

When the meter on a piece of equipment has reached its maximum value and rolled over, enter the information to ensure that the system has accurate meter information for a piece of equipment.

Global Meter Update


Select Global Update from the Form menu on the Meter Readings form.

Use selection criteria to enter and update meter readings for multiple pieces of similar equipment. Use this functionality when the net meter change is the same amount for all of the selected pieces of equipment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the Meter Readings Program (P12120)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Display Odometer Readings

Specify whether the system displays odometer readings. Values are:

Blank: Do not display odometer readings.

1: Display odometer readings.

2. Display Fuel Readings

Specify whether the system displays fuel readings. Values are:

Blank: Do not display fuel readings.

1: Display fuel readings.

3. Display Hour Readings

Specify whether the system displays hour readings. Values are:

Blank: Do not display hour readings.

1: Display hour readings.

4. Display Meter 4 Readings

Specify whether the system displays meter 4 readings. Values are:

Blank: Do not display meter 4 readings.

1: Display readings.

5. Display Meter 5 Readings

Specify whether the system displays meter 5 readings. Values are:

Blank: Do not display meter 5 readings.

1: Display readings.

6. Display Meter 6 Readings

Specify whether the system displays meter 6 readings. Values are:

Blank: Do not display meter 6 readings.

1: Display readings.

7. Display Children

Specify whether the system displays children assets in the grid. Values are:

Blank: Do not display children assets.

1: Display children assets.

8. Display Disposed

Specify whether the system displays disposed assets. Values are:

Blank: Do not display disposed assets.

1: Display disposed assets.

9. Display Meters Allowed

Specify whether the system displays only the equipment that allows meters when scheduling preventive maintenance. Values are:

Blank: Display all.

1: Display only equipment that allows meters.

10. Responsible Business Unit

Specify the default responsible business unit.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

11. Location

Specify the default location.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

12. Equipment Status

Enter a value from UDC 12/ES (Status or Disposal Code) that specifies the default equipment status. The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

13. Company

Specify the default company. The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.


1. Major Accounting Class

Enter a value from UDC 12/C1 (Major Accounting Class) that specifies the category code that classifies assets into accounting classes.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

2. Major Equipment Class

Enter a value from UDC 12/C2 (Major Equipment Class) that specifies the category code that classifies assets into groups or classes.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

3. Manufacturer

Enter a value from UDC 12/C3 (Manufacturer) that specifies the category code that classifies assets into groups or classes.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

4. Model Year

Enter a value from UDC 12/C4 (Model Year) that specifies the category code that classifies assets into groups or classes.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

5. Usage Miles or Hours

Enter a value from UDC 12/C5 (Usage Miles or Hours) that specifies the category code that classifies assets into groups or classes.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

6. Category Code 6

Enter a value from UDC 12/C6 (Equipment Code) that specifies the category code that classifies assets into groups or classes.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

7. Category Code 7

Enter a value from UDC 12/C7 (Category Code 7) that specifies the category code that classifies assets into groups or classes.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

8. Category Code 8

Enter a value from UDC 12/C8 (Division) that specifies the category code that classifies assets into groups or classes.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

9. Category Code 9

Enter a value from UDC 12/C9 (Category Code 9) that specifies the category code that classifies assets into groups or classes.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.

10. Rate Group

Enter a value from UDC 12/C0 (Rate Group) that specifies the category code that groups similar items for billing.

The system uses this default when searching for equipment records.


1. Update Children Current Meters

Specify whether the system automatically updates the current meters of child assets when updating the parent's current meter. Values are:

Blank: Do not update current meters of child assets.

1: Update current meters of child assets.

2. Update Children Original Meters

Specify whether the system updates the original meter of the child asset when you update the original meter of the parent asset.

The system updates the original meter of the child only if both the parent and the child assets have no original meter readings. If you leave this processing option blank, the original meter reading of the parent never updates the original meter reading of the child. Values are:

Blank: Do not update the child meter.

1: Update the child meter.


1. Update PM Schedule (R12807) Version

Enter the version of Update PM Schedule Status (R12807) for the system to use when updating meters. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not update PM schedules.

2. Cost Summary (P122101) Version

Specify the version of the Cost Summary program (P122101) that the system uses.

Blank: ZJDE0002


1. Tolerance Level

Specify whether the system displays a tolerance level warning.

Enter the specific percentage difference in meter readings that the system uses to signal the warning. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not check for tolerance levels and does not display a tolerance level warning.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Meter Readings for a Piece of Equipment

Access the Meter Readings form.

Inventory Number

Enter a number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in the short, long, or third item number format.

Display Children

Enter a code that specifies whether you want children (components) to appear with their associated parent assets.

The balance of this statement as printed is deleted. Values are:

On: Display both children and parent assets.

Off: Display only parent assets.

Display Disposed

Enter a code that specifies whether to display disposed assets. Values are:

On: Display all selected assets.

Off: Do not display disposed assets.

Display Meters Allowed

Enter a code that specifies whether to display only the equipment that allows meters when scheduling preventive maintenance. Values are:

On: Display only equipment that allows meters.

Off: Display all.

Major Accounting Class

Enter a value from user-defined code (UDC) table 12/C1 (Major Accounting Class) that determines the accounting class category code.

You use this accounting category code to classify assets into groups or families, for example, 100 for land, 200 for vehicles, and 300 for general office equipment.

You should set up major class codes that correspond to the major general ledger object accounts to facilitate the reconciliation to the general ledger.

Note. If you do not want to use the major accounting class code, you must set up a value for blank in the UDC table.

Major Equipment Class

Enter a value from UDC 12/C2 (Major Equipment Class) that is used to classify assets into groups or families.

You use the equipment category code as a subclass to further define the accounting class. For example, within the accounting class for general office equipment, you might set up UDC 310 for copy equipment, 320 for projectors, and 330 for typewriters.

Note. If you do not want to use the major equipment class, you must set up a value for blank in the UDC table.


Enter a value from UDC 12/C3 (Manufacturer) that classifies assets into groups or families.

You use the manufacturer category code to further define subclass codes. For example, you can define an International Harvester, single-axle within the subclass for trucks.

Model Year

Enter a value from UDC 12/C4 (Model Year) that classifies assets into groups or families.

You use the model-year category code to further define the subclass codes. For example, you can define a 1990 International Harvester, single-axle within the subclass for trucks.

Usage Miles or Hours

Enter a value from UDC 12/C5 (Usage Miles or Hours) that classifies assets into groups or families.

You use the usage category codes to further define the subclass codes.

Category Code 6

Enter a value from UDC 12/C6 (Equipment Code) that classifies assets into groups or families.

You use this code to further define the subclass codes.

Rate Group

Enter a value from UDC 12/CO (Correct Information) that groups similar items for billing.

If you use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management (CAM), you must use this category code for rate-group purposes only.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Speed Meter Readings

This section provides an overview of speed meter readings and discusses how to:

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The Speed Meter Readings program (P12120U) enables you to quickly enter meter readings for multiple pieces of equipment. You use processing options and check boxes to determine which meters you want to display. You can enter each meter reading either as a net change or as a current reading.

Entering meter readings for the same pieces of equipment in the same order on a routine basis is a common practice. To do this, you can use the Equipment Templates program (P12121) to set up the template for the applicable equipment in the order that you select. Program P12121 is discussed in a separate topic.

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Form Name




Speed Meter Readings


Equipment Information (G1311), Speed Meter Readings

Perform one of these actions:

To use an existing equipment template, enter the name in the Template Name field and select Load Template from the Form menu. Enter meter information for each record.

Enter a template name and enter meter information for each equipment record. To save the equipment and sequence information to the template for reuse, select Save Template from the Form menu. This enables you to use the template again without having to set it up in the Equipment Templates program.

Enter speed meter readings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the Speed Meter Readings Program (P12120U)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Display Odometer Readings

Specify whether the program displays the odometer reading fields for entry. Values are:

Blank: Do not display odometer readings.

1: Display odometer readings.

2. Display Fuel Readings

Specify whether the program displays the fuel meter reading fields for entry. Values are:

Blank: Do not display fuel meter readings.

1: Display fuel meter readings.

3. Display Hour Readings

Specify whether the program displays the hour meter reading fields for entry. Values are:

Blank: Do not display hour meter readings.

1: Display hour meter readings.

4. Display Meter 4 Readings

Specify whether the program displays the meter 4 reading fields for entry. Values are:

Blank: Do not display meter 4 readings.

1: Display meter readings.

5. Display Meter 5 Readings

Specify whether the program displays the meter 5 reading fields for entry. Values are:

Blank: Do not display meter 5 readings.

1: Display meter readings.

6. Display Meter 6 Readings

Specify whether the program displays the meter 6 reading fields for entry. Values are:

Blank: Do not display meter 6 readings.

1: Display meter readings.

7. Equipment Template Name

Specify the default equipment template name. The system assigns this value to the Template Name field upon form entry.


1. Update Children Current Meters

Specify whether the system automatically updates the current meters of child assets when updating the parent's current meter. Values are:

Blank: Do not update current meters of child assets.

1: Update current meters of child assets.

2. Update Children Original Meters

Specify whether the system updates the original meter of the child asset when you update the original meter of the parent asset.

The system updates the original meter of the child only if both the parent and the child assets have no original meter readings. Values are:

Blank: Do not update original meters of child assets.

1: Update original meters of child assets.

3. Auto Load From Equipment Template

Specify whether the system automatically loads the grid from the equipment template upon form entry.

This option works with the Equipment Template Name processing option. If the template name is not specified in the processing option, the system does not automatically load the grid. Values are:

Blank: Do not automatically load the grid.

1: Automatically load the grid.


1. Update PM Schedule (R12807) Version

Specify which version of the Update PM Schedule Status program (R12807) the system uses when updating PM schedules. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not update PM schedules


1. Tolerance Level

Specify whether the system displays a tolerance level warning.

Enter the specific percentage difference in meter readings that the system uses to signal the warning.

For example, if you enter 5 in this field, then the system issues a warning if the new net increase amount differs by more than 5 percent from the net increase amount of the last meter entry. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not check for tolerance levels.

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Access the Speed Meter Readings form.

Template Name

Enter a code that specifies the unique equipment template to use.

This template is used in the Meter Reading functionality.

Co (company)

Enter a code that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity.

The company code must already exist in the Company Constants table (F0010) and must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet. At this level, you can have intercompany transactions.

Note. You can use company 00000 for default values such as dates and automatic accounting instructions. You cannot use company 00000 for transaction entries.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Equipment Templates for Speed Meter Readings

This section provides an overview of equipment templates for speed meter readings and lists the forms that are used to create equipment templates for speed meter readings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Equipment Templates for Speed Meter Readings

Entering meter readings for the same pieces of equipment in the same order on a routine basis is a common practice. To do this, you can use the Equipment Templates program (P12121) to set up the template for the applicable equipment in the order that you select.

When you load the template into the speed meter readings detail area, the template maintains the order of display for the equipment records. You can add and delete templates, as well as the equipment records in a template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Create Equipment Templates for Speed Meter Readings

Form Name




Work With Equipment Templates


  • Equipment Information (G1311), Equipment Templates

  • Plant & Equipment Management Setup (G1341), Equipment Templates

Add a template.

Equipment Template Revisions


Click Add on the Work With Equipment Templates form.

Enter a template name, template description, and meter type.

Equipment Template Listing Revisions


Locate the template that you created on the Work With Equipment Templates form, and select Equip Listing from the Row menu.

Enter each piece's sequence and description in the template, and whether it is active and should, therefore, be included when you are using the template.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Meter Estimates

This section provides an overview of meter estimates and discusses how to:

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You can use meter estimates to update meter readings for equipment with use that is consistent and predictable. For example, assume that you have a production line that includes multiple pieces of equipment, and the production line runs 16 hours each day. You can set up meter estimates that indicate 16 hours per day for each piece of equipment on the line. You can then update the meter readings each day or set up the system to automatically update the meter readings at the end of each day.

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Form Name




Meter Estimates


Equipment Information (G1311), Meter Estimates

Set up meter estimates.

You set up meter estimates for each piece of equipment for which you want to update meters according to estimated meter amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the Meter Reading Estimates Program (P1306)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Update Meter Estimates (R13806) Version

Specify the version that the system uses for the Update Meter Estimates program (R13806).

Blank: XJDE0001


1. Display Meters Allowed

Specify whether the system displays only the equipment that allows meters when scheduling preventive maintenance. Values are:

Blank: Display all.

1: Display only the equipment that allows meters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Meter Estimates

Access the Meter Estimates form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Meter Readings Based on Estimates

After you set up meter estimates for equipment, you update the meter readings at regular intervals. The system uses the estimates that you enter on the Meter Estimates program as the basis for updating meters.

You can use processing options to specify whether the system updates the meters of components or of parent equipment only, and whether to print a report of the updated equipment. Do not select the option to update the meter reading of component assets if you have set data selections to update meters for pieces of equipment that are components of other equipment.

To ensure that the system regularly updates the meter readings for equipment for which you have set up meter estimates, run Update Meter Estimates (R13806) as part of the unattended operations.

Select Equipment Information (G1311), Update Meter Estimates.

See Also

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 System Administration Guide

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the Update Meter Estimates Program (R13806)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Update Account

Specify which statistical account the system updates. Values are:

Blank: Update the hour meter (AT00) (default).

1: Update the fuel meter ( FMA).

2: Update the mileage meter (FMB).

3: Update the Meter 4 (FMF).

4: Update the Meter 5 (FMG).

5: Update the Meter 5 (FMH).

2. Component Asset

Specify whether the system updates the meter readings of assets that are components of a parent asset. Values are:

Blank: Do not update the meter reading.

1: Update the meter reading.


1. Updated Assets

Specify whether the system prints a report of updated assets. Values are:

Blank: Do not print a report of updated assets.

1: Print a report of updated assets.

G/L Date

1. G/L Date

Specify the general ledger date that the system uses when updating the F0911 table and the Asset Account Balances File table (F1202). If you leave this processing option blank, the system date is used.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Revising Meter Readings

This section provides an overview of reviewing meter readings and lists the forms that are used to review meter reading information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Reviewing Meter Readings

You can review the meter readings for any piece of equipment. You can also specify the time period for which you want to review meter readings. After you review the meter readings for a piece of equipment, you can access Meter Readings to revise the individual meter readings for the equipment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Review and Revise Meter Readings

Form Name




Meter Reading Inquiry


Equipment Information (G1311), Meter Inquiry

Set up meter estimates for each piece of equipment for which you want to update meters according to estimated meter amounts.

Meter Readings


Select Meter Readings from the Form menu on the Meter Reading Inquiry form.

Revise meter readings for any piece of equipment.