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Oracle® Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) for Windows and UNIX

Part Number E12255-08
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B Troubleshooting and Debugging Oracle Universal Installer

This appendix is organized into the following troubleshooting sections:

Debugging Mechanisms in Oracle Universal Installer

Oracle provides the following types of debugging mechanisms:

The following sections discuss each of these mechanisms.

Installation Log

During the installation, Oracle Universal Installer writes a text file that contains information on:

  • Variable settings

  • Action calls

  • Queries

  • Exception information

The log of installation actions is written to a file named installActions<date>.log, located in the <oraInventory>\logs directory. The oraInstall<timestamp>.err and oraInstall<timestamp>.out files are also created and stored in the same logs directory. The .log, .err, and .out files for a particular session will be named with the same timestamp.

The installation log is used for debugging purposes only. All actions, queries, everything that happens during the installation, and all modifications to the target host are logged in the file.

Example B–1shows a sample file:

Example B-1 Installation Actions File

Using paramFile: /scratch/oui/cd/Disk1/install/oraparam.ini
Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB.   Actual 4047 MB    Passed
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors.    Actual 256    Passed
The commandline for unzip:
/scratch/oui/cd/Disk1/install/unzip -qqqo ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.jre/\*.jar -d //scratch/ohome/oracle/work/OraInstall2009-07-20_04-59-14AM 
The commandline for unzip:
/scratch/oui/cd/Disk1/install/unzip -qqqo ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.oui/\*.jar -d //scratch/ohome/oracle/work/OraInstall2009-07-20_04-59-14AM 
The commandline for unzip:
/scratch/oui/cd/Disk1/install/unzip -qqqo ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.oui.core/\*.jar -d //scratch/ohome/oracle/work/OraInstall2009-07-20_04-59-14AM 
The commandline for unzip:
/scratch/oui/cd/Disk1/install/unzip -qqqo ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.opatch/\*.jar -d //scratch/ohome/oracle/work/OraInstall2009-07-20_04-59-14AM 
The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 623.
The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 77.
No umask is available from oraparam.ini. Using the default value '007'.
Execvp of the child jre : the cmdline is //scratch/ohome/oracle/work/OraInstall2009-07-20_04-59-14AM/jre/1.5.0/bin/java, and the argv is 
INFO: Environment Variables:

INFO:   ORACLE_HOME = /scratch/ohome/oracle
INFO:   PATH = /usr/local/packages/ant/bin:/usr/local/packages/jdk15/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:// scratch/ohome/oracle/buildtools/bin://scratch/ohome/oracle/oui/bin:/scratch/ohome/oracle/utl:/test/oratest:/pdp/pds/utl:/scratch/ohome/oracle/bin:/scratch/ohome/ oracle/nlsrtl3/bin:/opt/SUNWspro/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
INFO: Oracle Universal Installer version is
INFO: Setting variable 'PREREQ_CONFIG_LOCATION' to ''. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Reader/Writer 'oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicGlobalContextXMLReaderWriter' was created.
*** Welcome Page***
INFO: Initializing install inventory
INFO: Setting up install inventory
*** Specify Source Location Page***
INFO: Initializing OUI Shiphome access setup
INFO: Loading global variables
INFO: Loading of globalvariables complete
INFO: DefaultifyLangiages : Value of oracle.installer.defaultifyLanguages : false
INFO: fetch the file: /scratch/oui/cd/Disk1/stage/
INFO: Performing operation for OUI Shiphome access setup
*** Select a Product to Install Page***
INFO: Setting the 'TopLevelComp ( ToplevelComp )' property to 'oracle.swd,, >, [ 46 ][OH:2]'. Received the value from the default settings. 
*** Select Installation Type Page***
INFO: Setting the 'InstallType ( DEP_MODE )' property to 'Complete'. Received the value from the UI page.
INFO: Setting the 'TopLevelInstallType ( TLDepModes )' property to 'Complete'. Received the value from the UI page.
INFO: The selected install type is "Complete".
*** Specify Home Details Page***
INFO: Setting the 'OracleHome ( ORACLE_HOME )' property to '/scratch/homes/vc'. Received the value from the UI page.
INFO: Setting the 'OracleHomeName ( ORACLE_HOME_NAME )' property to 'VC'. Received the value from the UI page.
INFO: Initializing OUI Oracle Home access setup
INFO: Setting variable 'ORACLE_HOME' to '/scratch/homes/vc'. Received the value from the UI page.
INFO: DefaultifyLangiages : Value of oracle.installer.defaultifyLanguages : false
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd_11.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.swd Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.oil_11.' to '/scratch/homes/vc/osp/Libraries'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.oui_11.' to '/scratch/homes/vc/oui'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.opatch_11.' to '/scratch/homes/vc/OPatch'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.oui.core_11.' to '/scratch/homes/vc/oui'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.jre_1.' to '/scratch/homes/vc/jre/1.5.0'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Performing operation for OUI Oracle Home access setup
INFO: Unable to read /scratch/homes/vc/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml. Some inventory information may be lost.
*** Oracle Universal Installer Page***
INFO: Setting variable 'PROXY_USER' to ''. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'PROXY_PWD' to '*Protected value, not to be logged*'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'PROXY_HOST' to ''. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'PROXY_PORT' to ''. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD' to '*Protected value, not to be logged*'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'METALINK_PASSWORD' to '*Protected value, not to be logged*'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_METALINK' to 'false'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE' to ''. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Is the component oracle.sysman.ccr found in the Shiphome ? false
INFO: Is the component eligible to be installed in the home ? false 
So setting the system property oracle.sysman.ccrinstall to false
INFO: The user has chosen to include the collector, but with the value, is the collector included for configuration ? : false
INFO: Can we show the collector page ? false
INFO: Setting the value of METALINK_PASSWORD
INFO: Setting variable 'METALINK_PASSWORD' to '*Protected value, not to be logged*'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable 'SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_METALINK' to 'false'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the value of METALINK_USERNAME
INFO: Setting the 'MyOracleSupportPassword ( MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD )' property to '*Protected value, not to be logged*'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the 'ProxyUsername ( PROXY_USER )' property to ''. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the 'ProxyPassword ( PROXY_PWD )' property to '*Protected value, not to be logged*'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the 'ProxyServer ( PROXY_HOST )' property to ''. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the 'ProxyPort ( PROXY_PORT )' property to ''. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the 'DeclineUpdates ( DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES )' property to 'false'. Received the value from the default settings. 
INFO: Setting the 'EnableMyOracleSupportPassword ( SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT )' property to 'false'. Received the value from the default settings. 
INFO: SRVM ClusterInfo.IsLocalOnly() called. Return value obtained is 'false'.
INFO: Clusterware location for '' is not found.
INFO: Clusterware not found. Defaulting to vendor clusterware.
INFO: Vendor clusterware is not detected.
INFO: This is not a cluster system.
INFO: Node selection page will not be shown.
INFO: Defaulting prerequisite location to '/scratch/oui/cd/Disk1/stage/prereq'.
*** Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks Page***
INFO: OUI-10185:Unable to copy '/scratch/oui/cd/Disk1/stage/prereq/' to '/scratch/homes/vc/inventory/prereqs/'. OUI-10186:The source file '/scratch/oui/cd/Disk1/stage/prereq/' does not exist.
INFO: No prerequisite checks specified for this installation.
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Installation Products " is "Complete".
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Oracle Installation Products  could be found. Missing component oracle.swd.osp
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Oracle Installation Products  could be found. Missing component oracle.swd.opatch
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Installation Libraries " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Universal Installer " is "Custom".
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Oracle Universal Installer  could be found. Missing component oracle.sysman.ccr
INFO: Install type for "Oracle One-Off Patch Installer " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Installer SDK Component " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Java Runtime Environment " is "Custom".
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.swd_11.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.swd.jre_1.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.swd.oil_11.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.swd.oui_11.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.swd.oui.core_11.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.swd.opatch_11.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
*** Language Selection Page***
INFO: Setting the 'SelectedLanguages ( SELECTED_LANGUAGES )' property to 'en'. Received the value from the default settings. 
*** Specify Local Host Name Page***
INFO: Setting the 'HostName ( ORACLE_HOSTNAME )' property to ''. Received the value from the default settings. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.swd installation
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.swd.oil installation
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.swd.oui installation
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup
platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable 'isPlatGroupWindows' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable 'JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable 'JRE_LOCATION' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable 'InstVer' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable 'ABSOLUTE_JRE_LOCATION' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable 's_extLib' to '/scratch/homes/vc/inventory/Scripts/ext/lib'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable 's_extJlib' to '/scratch/homes/vc/inventory/Scripts/ext/jlib'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable 's_extBin' to '/scratch/homes/vc/inventory/Scripts/ext/bin'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable 'OUIFolder' to 'null\Oracle Installation Products'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable 'InstLocProp' to '/scratch/homes/vc/oui'. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.swd.opatch installation
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.swd.oui.core installation
INFO: Setting variable 'InstVer' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.swd.jre installation
INFO: oracle.srvm.formCluster:false
*** Summary Page***
Global Settings
    Source: /scratch/oui/cd/Disk1/stage/products.xml
    Oracle Home: /scratch/homes/vc (VC)
    Installation Type: Complete
Product Languages
Space Requirements
   / Required 151MB (includes 33MB temporary) : Available 5.36GB
New Installations (6 products)
   Oracle Installation Products 
   Oracle Installation Libraries 
   Oracle Universal Installer 
   Oracle One-Off Patch Installer 
   Installer SDK Component 
   Java Runtime Environment 
INFO: The default response file generated with recorded values is null
INFO: -destinationFile option was not provided. Saving the default response file as null
INFO: Recording the installation in file null.
INFO: Checkpoint:getting indexSession from checkpoint factory
INFO: Checkpoint:Index file :/scratch/homes/vc/inventory/checkpoints/oui/index.xml not found.
INFO: Checkpoint:Initializing checkpointindex session in oiifwactionsphasewcde.
INFO: Checkpoint:Location is- /scratch/homes/vc/inventory
INFO: Setting checkpoint object
INFO: Method 'dispose()' Not implemented in class 'oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifp.OiifpWizIntroPanel'
INFO: config-context initialized
INFO: *** Install Page***
INFO: Checkpoint:Initializing checkpoint session in oiifwinstallphasewcce.

Text files are also written in the temp directory:


If a problem occurs during the installation, you should look for messages with the SEVERE keyword and Java exceptions in these files.

Automated Inventory Backups

You can recover from a corrupt inventory or failed installations by using the following types of automated inventory backups:

  • Central Inventory Backup

  • Oracle Home Inventory Backup

Central Inventory Backup

The Central Inventory is automatically backed up whenever you execute the Oracle Universal Installer in any of the following modes:

  • - install (new home)

  • - deinstall (remove home)

  • - addNode

  • - attachHome

  • - detachHome

  • - updateNodeList

The backed up directory and file are:

Central Inventory Location/ContentsXML

The backup is located here:

Central Inventory Location/backup/time stamp/

Oracle Home Inventory Backup

The Oracle Home Inventory is automatically backed up on an existing Oracle home whenever you execute the Oracle Universal Installer in either of the following modes:

  • - install (patchsets, upgrades, and one-offs)

  • - deinstall components (does not remove the Oracle home)

The backed up directories and files are:


The backup is located here:

ORACLE_HOME/inventory//backup/time stamp/

Oracle Universal Installer Errors

Refer to the release notes for information on any Oracle Universal Installer limitations for a particular version.

The most common Oracle Universal Installer errors are listed below:

Other Tips

The following tips may help you to troubleshoot problems:

X terminal emulators that were tested with Oracle Universal Installer are listed in the following sections.


There is a known compatibility issue that Hummingbird has identified to be a problem with Exceed. You can fix it by going into XConfig/Screen Definition/Screen 0 and changing Window Manager from "Default to Native" to "Native." See Figure B–1 to see the proper setup.

Figure B-1 Setting Exceed's Window Manager to "Native"

Shows Screen 0 tab with values filled in, such as Window Mode of Multiple, Panning checkbox checked, Cascade Windows checkbox checked, etc.

Another known issue where Exceed fails to recognize fonts is documented at the following site:

Reflection X


There is a known problem when using Tarantella to send DISPLAY to your Windows system, for instance, when using hosted UNIX systems. The bottoms of some Oracle Universal Installer screens may appear truncated, with buttons not visible. The problem occurs only when you use an individual Tarantella terminal window so that the Oracle Universal Installer window appears alone without a broader X-windowing environment.

To work around this problem, do one of the following: