Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

This chapter gives an overview of the management and processing of institutional financial aid application data, including College Board PROFILE and Need Access electronic data that is loaded into the system using an auto load process.

This chapter describes how to:

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Your institution can gather additional resource information about students and their families by using the College Board PROFILE application and the Need Access application, which are electronically supported by Financial Aid or by entering your institutional application on the pages in this component.

Note. The College Board PROFILE, Need Access, and institutional application data share the same pages. You might unintentionally create multiple institutional aid records for a student from these three sources, which could cause unintended INAS calculation results.

Note. Question marks or blanks on College Board PROFILE or Need Access data files are converted or appear as zeros in currency based numeric fields.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

See Also

Loading and Managing PROFILE Processes for the 2009–2010 Aid Year

Loading and Managing Need Access Processes

Using INAS Batch Calculations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Need Summary

Click to access the Need Summary page, where you can review the student's federal and institutional need calculations.

FM (federal methodology)

Click to access the INAS Fed Extension page, where you can override INAS Local Policy Options for federal data.

IM (institutional methodology)

Click to access the Institutional Need Calculation Extension 1 page, where you can override INAS Local Policy Options for institutional data.

INAS (institutional need analysis system)

Click to calculate an unofficial federal and institutional Expected Family Contribution (EFC) by using the College Board's Institutional Need Analysis System (INAS). A COBOL program is used to perform the INAS calculation.

See Also

Defining Federal and Institutional Methodologies

Overriding Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Institutional Applications

Note. The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following page introduction table are for aid year 20nn-20nn. Oracle supports access for three active aid years with valid INAS calculations. Earlier aid year institutional application data is available for display only at Financial Aid, Financial Aid History, View Archived Application Data, Institutional Application.

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Data


Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 20nn-20nn, Student Data

View or enter all the information about the student.

Parent Data


Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 20nn-20nn, Parent Data

View or enter all the parent information.

Miscellaneous Data


Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 20nn-20nn, Miscellaneous Data

View or enter signature, family member, school selection, and institutional question (the College Board PROFILE Section Q) information. You can also view FNAR messages on this page.

Computation Data


Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 20nn-20nn, Computation Data

View or enter computed parent and student income, allowance, and asset information using your institutional and federal methodology. The computed values appear here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Student Information

Access the Student Data page (Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 20nn-20nn, Student Data).

The system displays the student's name, ID, institution, dependency status, application source, and aid year.

Bio/Demo and Citizenship Data

The data for the fields in this group box are populated from Campus Community Bio/Demo data.

NID (National ID)

Indicates the student's National ID.

Note. PROFILE supports the loading of an International PROFILE Application Type, and PROFILE-related tables may reflect the National ID (NID) of a foreign student. During the PROFILE Data Load, the system tests if the student's NID meets the format rules defined for the specified country. If the NID meets the test, then a row is inserted into Person Data with the NID and NID Country. If the NID does not meet the test, then a row is inserted into Person Data with the NID Country and that country's default NID.


Indicates the student's date of birth.

Marital Status

Indicates the student's marital status.

US Citizenship Status

Displays the citizenship status for a US student.

Reported Country

Displays country if not United States of America.

Reported Status

Displays the reported citizenship status, which can be U.S CITIZEN, ELIG NON-CITIZEN, or blank

Bio/Demo Citizenship Status

Click this link to access the Campus Community Citizenship/Passport page to confirm the citizenship status of the student's Biographic/ Demographic data against the values in the Reported Country and Reported Status fields.

CSS Data


Displays the student's unique identifying number assigned by College Board to ensure both privacy and quick retrieval of records. When you call the College Board inquiry number with questions about specific records, it is helpful to know the student's College Board ID number.

Date Loaded

Displays the date the College Board application was loaded into the system.

Date Application Received

Displays the date the application was received by College Board.

Fee Waiver

Displays Yes or No.

AP Flag

Displays a Y value from PROFILE only if student passed two or more AP classes with a test grade of 3 or higher. This field is blank if no information is available, the student does not give permission for information to be passed, or the student does not qualify for a Y value.

Foreign Address Indicator

Displays Y if the student has a foreign address. Displays N if the student does not have foreign address.

Application Type

Displays 1 if the application is a Domestic PROFILE and 4 of the application is an International PROFILE Note:

Note. The following Application Types are not loaded into the system: 2 = Noncustodial PROFILE and 3 = Registration only record

Lowest Income Filer

Displays status identifying lowest income filers.

Student's Information

Legal Residence

Select the legal resident of the student. Values include US states, Canada (CN), or Mexico (MX).

Mailing State

Select the U.S. state in which the student is a resident.


Enter the postal code or zip code for the student's state of residence.

Natural Parent Status

Optional. Select from Married, Separated, Divorced, Never Married Living Separate, Never Married Living Together, or Widowed.

Most Support

Select from: Father or Mother.

Lives With

Select from: Blank, Father, Mother, or Neither.

Number in Family

Enter the total number of people in the student's household. The system displays 01 through 99 and blank for dependent students.

Number in College

Enter the total number of people in college from the student's household. The system displays 1 through 9 and blank for dependent students.

Year in School

Enter the academic year for which the student is seeking financial aid.

Financial Aid Status

Enter the student's status as it relates to receiving financial aid.

Marital Status

Select the marital status to be used for financial aid purposes. This marital status can differ from the Bio/Demo Data page marital status.

Email Address

Enter the student's email address.


Select Yes, No or No Response to indicate whether the student is a veteran.


Select Yes, No, or No Response to indicate whether the student is an orphan or ward of the state.


Select Yes, No, or No Response to indicate whether the student has dependents.

Student's Income and Benefits

Tax Filed Status

Select from blank, Completed, Non Filer, or Will File.

Tax Form Type

Optional. Select from 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, Canadian, Puerto Rican, Other US, or Other Non—US.


Select the number of exemptions the student claimed on their tax U.S. Federal tax form.

Combat Pay

Displays an amount or is blank.

Dislocated Worker

Select Yes, No, or N/R (not reported).

Means Tested Benefits

Select Yes, No, or N/R (not reported).

Orphan/Foster/Ward after 13

Select Yes, No, or N/R (not reported).


Select Yes, No, or N/R (not reported).

The remaining fields refer directly to items on the U.S. federal tax form or data collected from applicable sources, such as an institutional application or other third-party sources. Enter the values from the student's tax form in the appropriate fields.

Student's Assets

Cash, Savings, and Checking

Enter a value.

IRA/ Keogh

Enter a value.

Self Employed

Select Yes or No.

Student Lives on Farm

Select Yes, No, or N/R (no response).

FTE Employees Greater Than 100

Select Yes, No, or N/R (Not Reported).


Enter the value and debt amounts.


Enter the value and debt amounts.

Home Purchase Year

Enter year home was purchased.


Enter the price of the home indicated in the Home Purchase Year field.

Other Real Estate

Enter the value and debt amounts.


Enter the value and debt amounts.

Student's Trust Information

Value of Trust Fund

Enter the value of the trust in USD.

Trust Established by

Select Other or Parents.

Trust Available

Select Yes, No, or N/R (no response) to indicate the availability of the trust.

Student's Expenses

Enter values from the student's tax form.

Student's Expected Resources

Veterans Benefits

Enter the amount of veterans benefits received. The system displays 00 through 12 or blank.


Enter the number of months the veterans benefits were received in the year.

VA Benefits Received Code

Enter the VA Benefits received by the student. Valid values are:

  • 1 = GI Bill - Active Duty (Ch 30)

  • 2 = Post-9/11 GI Bill (Ch 33)

  • 3 = GI Bill - Selective reserve (Ch 30)

  • 4 = REAP (Ch 1607)

  • 5 = Voc Rehab and Employment (Ch 31)

  • 6 = DEAP (Ch 35)

  • 7 = Any other type of VA educational beneifts

Student's Earnings

Enter for both summer and school year.

Spouse's Earnings

Enter for both summer and school year.

Other Taxable Income

Enter for both summer and school year.

Untaxed Income

Enter for both summer and school year.


Enter a value.

Tuition Benefits

Enter a value.

Parent(s) Contribution

Enter a value.

Relatives Contributions

Enter a value.

Receive Tuition Benefits

Indicate whether or not the student receives tuition benefits from the parents' employers.

Agencies/Foundation Support

Indicate whether the student expects to receive from agencies or foundations to pay for educational expenses during any year of attendance.

Government Support

Indicate whether the student expects to receive from her government to pay for educational expenses during any year of attendance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Parent Information

Access the Parent Data page (Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 20nn-20nn, Parent Data).

The system displays the student's name, ID, institution, dependency status, application source, and aid year.

Parent's Household

Legal Residence

Select the legal residence of the parent. Values include US states, Canada (CN), or Mexico (MX).

Residence Code

Enter the code for the parents' country of residence

Number Family Members

Number of family members in the parent's household. The system displays 01 through 99 and blank for dependent students.

Number in College

Number of dependents in college that are part of the parent's household. This number does not include parents who may be in college. The system displays 1 through 9 and blank for dependent students.

Housing Status

Select Living with Others, Own Home, Provided by Employer, or Rent.

Marital Status

Select: Divorced, Married, Never Married, Remarried, Separated, Widowed or blank.

Date of Remarriage

Displays the date for which the parent remarried.

Means Tested Benefits

Select Yes, No, or N/R (Not Reported).

Parents' Expenses

Enter both the Current and Expected parents' expenses for these fields.

Parent's Expected Expenses


Utilities Expenses

Enter the amount the parents report as the annual utility expenses of the family.

Food Expenses

Enter the amount the parents report as the annual food expenses of the family.

Clothing Expenses

Enter the amount the parents report as the annual clothing expenses of the family.

Household Expenses

Enter the amount the parents report as the annual household expenses of the family.

Amount Owed to Others

Enter the amount the parents report as owed to others.

Annual Debt Payment

Enter the amount the parents report as their annual payments against their total debt.

Automobile Maintenance

Enter the amount the parents report as their annual automobile expenses.

Property Insurance

Enter the amount the parents report as the cost of their property insurance.

Vacation Cost

Enter the amount the parents report as spending on vacation costs.

Entertainment Cost

Enter the amount the parents report as spending on entertainment costs.

Number Employed in Home

Enter number of people the parents report as employed in the home.

Amount Paid to Home Employee

Enter the amount the parents report is paid to the employees who work in the home.

Other Expenses

Enter the cost of any parental expenses not reported anywhere else on the PROFILE.

Monthly Mortgage/Rent Payment

Enter the parents' monthly mortgage or rent payment.

Parent's Assets

Cash, Savings, and Checking

Enter a value.

Assets Held by Siblings

Enter a value.

Owed to Parent by Others

Enter the amount owed to parents by others

Value of Other Assets

Enter the value of any assets not already reported.

Father Retirement Assets

Can be blank or a number from 0000000 to 9999999.

Mother Retirement Assets

Can be blank or a number from 0000000 to 9999999.


Enter both the Value and Debt for this item and all the following items.


Enter a value.

Home Purchase Year

Purchase year of the parent's home.


Purchase price of the parents' home.

Self Employed:

Select Yes, No, or N/R (no response).

Family Lives on Farm

Select Yes, No, or N/R (no response).

FTE Employees Greater Than 100:

Select Yes, No, or N/R (no response).


Enter value and debt amounts for the business.


Enter value and debt amounts for the farm.

Other Real Estate

Enter value and debt amounts for other real estate.

Real Estate Purchase Year

Enter purchase year of any other real estate.


Enter purchase price of any other real estate.

Number of Businesses

Enter a number 0 to 9 or leave blank.

Number of Farms

Enter a number 0 to 9 or leave blank.

Prior Year Income


Adjusted gross income from the prior year's tax form.

Taxes Paid

Enter a value.

Itemized Deductions

Total of the prior year's itemized deductions.

Untaxed Income

Enter a value.

Parent's Income and Benefits

Many fields in this group box refer to items on the U.S. federal tax form or data collected from applicable sources, such as your institution's financial aid application or other third-party sources.

Tax Filed Status

Select from blank, Completed, Non Filer, or Will File.

Tax Form Type

Optional. Select from 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, Canadian, Puerto Rican, Other US, or Other Non—US.

Number of Exemptions

Select the number of exemptions the parents claimed on their tax U.S. federal tax form.

Social Security Benefit Family

Enter untaxed social security benefits.

Other Untaxed Income

Enter other untaxed income.

Receive TANF

Select Yes, No, or N/R (no response).

Receive SSI

Select Yes, No, or N/R (no response).

The remaining fields refer directly to items on the U.S. federal tax form or data collected from applicable sources, such as an institutional application or other third-party sources. Enter the values from the Parent's tax form in the appropriate fields.

Parents' Expected Income

Enter values from the parents' tax form.

Parents' Information

Parent Type 1 and Parent Type 2

Select the type of parent providing information on the PROFILE and assigned to the traditional father (1) or mother (2) position.

  • 1 = Father

  • 2 = Mother

  • 3 = Stepfather

  • 4 = Stepmother

  • 5 = Legal guardian

  • 8 = Other

DOB Parent 1 and DOB Parent 2

Indicates the reported parents' dates of birth. The information is reported as MM/DD/YYYY or the field may be blank.

Occupation Parent 1 and Occupation Parent 2

Indicates the occupation and can be blank.

Employer Parent 1 and Employer Parent 2

Indicates the employer and can be blank.

Attended College Code 1 and Attended College Code 2

Indicates if the parent attended college and if on a full-time or part-time basis.

College Type Code 1 and College Type Code 2

Indicates the type of college the parent attended.

Custodial Parent

Identifies a dependent student's custodial parent when the biological/adoptive parents are separated, divorced, or were never married. Values include: Father and Mother.

Dislocated Worker

Select Yes, No, or N/R (not reported).

Email Address

Displays the parents' preferred email address. This field can be blank or contain up to 35 characters.

Combat Pay

Displays an amount or is blank.

Non-Custodial Parent Info

Separation Year

Enter the year of the separation.

Divorce Year

Enter the year of the divorce.

Non-Custodial Parent's Contribution

Enter the financial contribution to the student by the non-custodial parent.

See Also

Using Equation Engine in Packaging

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Currency Information, Family Information, and Institutional Questions

Access the Miscellaneous Data page (Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 20nn-20nn, Miscellaneous Data).

The system displays the student's name, ID, institution, dependency status, application source, and aid year.

Currency Information

Currency Code

Enter the currency in which the original data was reported by the student.

Currency Rate

Enter the currency conversion rate used to process the student's data.

Country Coefficient

Enter the country coefficient used to process the student's data.

Converted Currency Code

Enter the original currency converted into US dollars reported by citizens living abroad and Canadians.

Converted Currency Rate

Enter the rate the student used in converting their currency into US dollars. Reported by citizens living abroad and Canadians.

Explanation / Certification

Special Circumstances

Select this check box to indicate that the student/family has notified the institution of Special Circumstances that may affect the calculation of financial need. The College Board PROFILE also uses the information listed in Section Q to set this indicator flag to inform the institution that modified institutional questions exist for the student.

Family Members


Select the relationship to the student.


Enter the family member's age.

Attend College

Select blank, Yes, Full-Time,Yes, Half-Time, or No, Will Not Attend.

College Type

Select a college type.

School Selection

CSS Code

This is the institution's code number as reported by the student on the PROFILE application. Each school the student selected to receive their application is listed.

Housing Code

This is the type of housing the student expects to have.

FNAR Messages

The system displays the Financial Need Analysis Report message number, message text, and message Values 1 through 5, if any. These College Board PROFILE messages inform you about processing exceptions to data received and assumptions that should be taken into consideration when reviewing the institutional application.

Institutional Questions


Number of an application question that the student/family believes warrants further explanation. This number may also refer to a series of additional questions that have been modified for the institution by College Board PROFILE.


Answer to the question shown in the Number field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing All Computed Data for Student and Parents

Access the Computation Data page (Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 20nn-20nn, Computation Data).

Note. Computation tables display no intermediate values until the INAS calculation is called using batch or online calculation.

The system displays the student's name, ID, institution, dependency status, application source, and aid year.

This page is designed to display computed need analysis results based on both the parent's and student's information. Therefore, the page displays a Parent's Contribution Section and a Student's Contribution Section. The following sections describe what each column represents. For further information about the fields and sections in this component, please refer to the College Board PROFILE User's Guide, which is only available to College Board PROFILE subscribers.

Note. To more closely align interim calculation results with the Estimated Federal Methodology (EFM) computation worksheets from the College Board, the Computation Data page displays an N/A value for several fields. For parents of dependent students and independent students with dependents, EFM calculations display N/A for From Income, From Assets, Total Contribution - Income and Total Contribution - Assets fields.

Contribution Summary

The PARENT'S CONTRIBUTION section displays three columns: IM, IM w/Options, and EFM.

The STUDENT'S CONTRIBUTION section displays four columns: IM, IM w/ Options, IM Estimated, and EFM.

Custodial Parent Information

The system displays the calculations for Total Income, Total Contribution, Number in College Adjustment, Contribution for Student, contribution From Income, and contribution From Assets for Parent's Contribution and Student's Contribution.


Total Income

Indicates the custodial parent's total contribution for the student from the base IM computation.

Percent Income

Indicates the custodial parent's percentage of total parents income from the base IM computation.

From Income

Indicates the custodial parent's contribution from income for the student from the base IM computation.

From Assets

Indicates the custodial parent's contribution from assets for the student from the base IM computation.


Total Income

Indicates the custodial parent's total contribution for the student from the options IM computation.

Percent Income

Indicates the custodial parent's percentage of total parental income from the option IM computation.

From Income

Indicates the custodial parent's contribution from income for the student from the option IM computation.

From Assets

Indicates the custodial parent's contribution from assets for the student from the options IM computation.

Education Savings Calculations

The system displays the Parent's and the Student's Annual Education Savings Allowance (AESA) and Cumulative Education Savings Allowance (CESA) calculations. These are PROFILE specific calculated values used in INAS calculations for Institutional Methodology.


The system displays the calculations for Taxable Income, Untaxed Income, Adjustments to Income, and Total Income for Parent's Contribution and Student's Contribution.


The system displays the calculations for U.S. Income Tax, FICA Taxes, Medical/Dental, Elementary/Secondary Tuition, Employment Allowance, Annual Education Savings, Income Protection Allowance/MMA, Total Allowances, Calculated Available Income, and Available Income for Parent's Contribution and Student's Contribution. The Total Contribution - Income amount is the sum of all the fields in the Allowances section.


The system displays the calculations for Cash Savings, IRA Value, Home Equity, Real Estate/Investment Equity, Adjusted Business/Farm Value, Sibling's Assets/Prepaid Tuition, Value of Trusts, and Net Worth for Parent's Contribution and Student's Contribution.

The system displays the calculations for Emergency Reserve Allowance, Cumulative Education Savings, Low Income Asset Allowance, Discretionary Net Worth, Asset Protection Allowance, Conversion Percentage, and Income Supplement for Parent's Contribution and Student's Contribution. The Total Contribution - Assets amount is the sum of all the fields in the Assets section.

See Also

Instructions provided with the College Board PROFILE or Need Access applications.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading and Managing PROFILE Processes for the 2009–2010 Aid Year

Before you begin loading applications, define all PROFILE data load parameters and set up your run control options using the Financial Aid Run Controls page. This section discusses how to:

Note. Oracle supports the CSS / Financial Aid PROFILE Data Reporting Layout (with corresponding school year) for PROFILE data received from the College Board.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Load and Manage PROFILE Processes

Note. The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following page introduction table are for aid year 20nn-20nn. Oracle supports two academic years of PROFILE data loads.

Page Name

Definition Name



Profile Load nn/nn


Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Load Records 20nn-20nn, Profile Load nn/nn

Import PROFILE applications into the database.

PROFILE Suspense Recycle nn/nn


Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Recycle Suspense 20nn-20nn, Profile Suspense Recycle nn/nn

View PROFILE suspense records.

Profile Suspense Move nn/nn


Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Move Suspense 20nn-20nn, Profile Suspense Move nn/nn

Process suspended PROFILE records that have been marked as add or delete on the Profile Data Load Parameters page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading PROFILE Applications

Your Search/Match, Add Level, and Suspense Level Rules determine whether the student's PROFILE is inserted into either the Institutional Application (IM_*) tables or the PROFILE Suspense Management tables. As an example, your school may only admit 60 percent of those students who actually list your School Code on the PROFILE or Need Access application. Instead of loading every student who has listed your school code on the PROFILE or Need Access application, you can load only those students officially admitted.

Access the Profile Load nn/nn page (Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Load Records 20nn-20nn, Profile Load nn/nn).

The system displays the Run Control ID. The system displays the Process Name, Input/Output file, and Update values that you set in the Financial Aid Run Controls page. The system also displays the Last Run Date and the Last Sequence Number of the process.

When you run any of the processes, an SQR Log is created that lists each student and what action was taken regarding their record.

This process job runs two processes, the PROFILE Load process and the Automated Batch Publish process. If the PROFILE Load process fails, the Automated Batch Publish process stays in pending status and the job errors.

Overriding Contributions with PROFILE Load Processing

Use the Override Institutional EFC link and page to make a professional judgement adjustment to the academic or nonstandard Parent Contribution, and Student Contribution. If the Use EFC Override Value check box is selected on the INAS Institutional Extension pages when the PROFILE Load and Suspense/Move processes run, the PROFILE load evaluates and incorporates the EFC override values. The evaluation process occurs only if the Use EFC Override Values option is selected on the Profile Data Load Parameters page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Load Parameters). After the PROFILE Load and Suspense/Move process evaluates and loads the student record, the EFC override values display on the Contribution for Student row on the Computation Data page. The system marks the values with an O on the Computation Data page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecycling PROFILE Suspense Records

Access the Profile Suspense Recycle nn/nn page(Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Recycle Suspense 20nn-20nn, Profile Suspense Recycle nn/nn).

The PROFILE Suspense Recycle process reviews PROFILE suspense records and attempts to load any application currently meeting PROFILE data load parameters of Add Level, Suspense Level or Search/Match Level. The process uses current parameters, not the parameters used for the initial load. A system review enables a selection process of initially suspended PROFILE records that now meet the conditions of the data load parameters.

For example, a student's record did not meet the condition of being admitted during the initial load process. Two days later the student is admitted and now meets the condition of being admitted. To process these records in batch, you can run the PROFILE Suspense Recycle process as a scheduled routine, which automatically sets the Processing Action Status on the Profile Suspense Management page. to the Add Action value defined in the Suspense Recycle Run Control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing PROFILE Suspense Move

Access the Profile Suspense Move nn/nn page (Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Move Suspense 20nn-20nn, Profile Suspense Move nn/nn).

The PROFILE Suspense Move process ignores the PROFILE data load parameters and loads the marked records. You first set the Processing Action Status on the Profile Suspense Management page through the suspense recycle process, or manually set the Processing Action Status. The Processing Action Status values include Add - Replace, Add, Do NOT Replace, or Delete for individually suspended records. The flagged records are selected and the appropriate action, load or delete, is applied to the Application Tables by the Suspense Move background process.

This process job runs two processes, the PROFILE Suspense Move process and the Automated Batch Publish process. If the PROFILE Suspense Move process fails, the Automated Batch Publish process remains in pending status and the job errors.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading and Managing PROFILE Processes for the 2010–2011 Aid Year

Before you begin loading applications, define all PROFILE data load parameters and set up your run control options using the Financial Aid Run Controls page. This section discusses how to:

Note. Oracle supports the CSS / Financial Aid PROFILE Data Reporting Layout (with corresponding school year) for PROFILE data received from the College Board.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Load and Manage PROFILE Records

Note. The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following page introduction table are for aid year 20nn-20nn. Oracle supports two academic years of PROFILE data loads.

Page Name

Definition Name



Load Records 20nn-20nn


Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Load Records 20nn-20nn, Load Records 20nn-20nn

Import PROFILE records into the database.

Load Summary 20nn-20nn


Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Load Summary 20nn-20nn, Load Summary 20nn-20nn

From the PROFILE Staging Table, view the load status and other details of each record of a PROFILE load instance.

Suspense Management 20nn-20nn


Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Suspense Management 20nn-20nn, Suspense Management 20nn-20nn

Process suspended or skipped PROFILE records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading PROFILE Applications

Every time the PROFILE Load process is run, all records are inserted into the PROFILE Staging tables. Depending on your Search/Match, Add Level, and Suspense Level Rules, the student's record is inserted into either the Institutional Application (IM_*) tables or managed through the PROFILE Suspense Management component. As an example, your school may only admit 60 percent of those students who actually list your School Code on the PROFILE application. Instead of loading every student who has listed your school code on the PROFILE application, you can load only those students officially admitted.

Access the Profile Load 20nn—20nn page (Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Load Records 20nn–20nn, Load Records 20nn–20nn.

Load Option

Select the Load Option.

  • Load Only — Select this option to only load the specified PROFILE files. No suspended or skipped records are re-evaluated for loading.

  • Recycle Only — Select this option to only re-evaluate suspended PROFILE records for loading.

  • Load and Recycle — Select this option to both load the specified PROFILE files and re-evaluate suspended PROFILE records.

  • Load Unprocessed — Select this option to load all Unprocessed PROFILE records in the PROFILE Staging table. This skips records with a status of "Error Encountered."

Add Action

Select the action to be taken for rows that can be loaded.

  • Add New Record Only — Add ONLY new PROFILE records into the system; do not overwrite existing PROFILE records.

  • Overwrite Existing Record — Add new PROFILE records into the system AND update existing PROFILE records.

Note. Each PROFILE XML file must have a unique file name. If you attempt to load a record with a duplicate file name, the PROFILE load process fails.

See Also

Page Used to Set Up PROFILE Data Load Parameters

Setting Up PROFILE Data Load Parameters

Overriding Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing PROFILE Load Summaries

The PROFILE Load Summary component displays the load status and other details of each record of the file selected to review from the PROFILE Staging Table.

Access the PROFILE Load Summary 20nn-20nn (Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Load Summary 20nn-20nn, Load Summary 20nn-20nn).

PROFILE Batch Detail Records tab



Displays the unique identifier assigned to student by the PROFILE system.


Load Status

Displays the Load Status of the record.

  • Unprocessed — Record is loaded to PROFILE Staging table but is not loaded to Inst App tables.

  • Suspended — Record failed Search/Match or PROFILE Add Level load rules.

  • Processed — Record is loaded to application table.

  • Discarded — Record is not loaded because it is a Noncustodial PROFILE or Registration Only record.

  • Skipped — Record meets Search/Match and PROFILE Add Level load rules, but there is an existing record and the load parameter is "Add New Record Only" or the Review Status is Complete on the Packaging Status Summary.

  • Error Encountered — Scenarios in which status is set include: Data Load Parameters not set, missing or mismatched Aid Year, SSN invalid, SQL Error, and invalid data in Search/Match fields. Status can be set by user manually when an errant record is identified on the PROFILE XML file.


Student's Admit Level

Displays the student's admit level as associated with Academic Program Statuses in the Defining Application Processing Options, Working with Applications, Reviewing Admit Level Associations page.

The values are:

  • 5 - Accepted/Continuing

  • 4 - Admitted

  • 3 - Applied/Pending

  • 2 - Inactive

  • 1 - Has Not Applied


Application Type

Displays the PROFILE Application Type

  • Domestic PROFILE

  • Noncustodial PROFILE

  • Registration Only record

  • International PROFILE


Student Record Type

Displays the CSS Student Record Type

  • Original Data

  • ACR (Additional College Request)

  • Duplicate Record


Update Status to Error

Click this button to set the Load Status from Unprocessed to Error Encountered. Records with a Load Status of Error Encountered can be skipped during subsequent PROFILE Load attempts.

Student Information tab


National ID

For United States students, displays the Social Security Number. For non-United States students, displays the student's country and National Identifier or default National Identifier.


Dependency Status

Displays Dependent or Independent


Financial Aid Status


  • First-time – Either a first-time applicant entering student or a first-time applicant, continuing student

  • Renewal Applicant — Continuing student

Load Information tab


Suspend Reason


  • Student ID not Found — No student met the specified Search/Match Rules criteria

  • Student not at Load Level — Student ID found, but student is not at the designated Admit Level.

  • Non-Unique Student ID Found — More than one student meets the Search/Match criteria.


Skip Reason


  • Final Review Flag Set — Review Status is Complete

  • Student Already Exists — PROFILE Load encountered a matching ID despite the Add Action = Add New Record Only; therefore, the student is suspended.

  • Student Not at Suspend Level — Student fails Suspend Level rule.

PROFILE Staging Table Data tab

This tab displays links to view PROFILE data as it is received from the College Board.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Suspended PROFILE Records.

Access the Profile Suspense Management Records page (Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Suspense Management 20nn-20nn, PROFILE Suspense Management).

Use the PROFILE Suspense Management Records page to review and manage unmatched or unprocessed PROFILE records.

Load Status

Displays the current status of the record. If the Load Status is Skipped or Suspended, the field can be updated. If the status is Discarded, the field is view only.

Note. If you update the Load Status to Discarded, the Load Status cannot be updated again.


Select this radio button and click the Process button to load a suspended PROFILE record into the application table.


Select this radio button and click the Process button to have the PROFILE records reconsidered by the PROFILE load process using the Global Add Level and Suspend Level rules.

Process button

After selecting the Add PROFILE or Recycle radio button, click this button to invoke a real-time action to load the PROFILE record into the Institutional Application (IM_*) tables.

Add Action

Select the action to be taken for rows that can be loaded.

  • Add New Record Only — Add ONLY new PROFILE records into the system; do not overwrite existing PROFILE records.

  • Overwrite Existing Record — Add new PROFILE records into the system AND update existing PROFILE records.


Select the ID to use to load the PROFILE record into the application tables.

If the field is left blank and the ID Lock is cleared, the process calls Search/Match to attempt to assign an ID.

If the field is left blank, the ID Lock is checked, and Add PROFILE is selected, the process assigns a new ID based on the Last ID assigned.

ID Lock

Select this check box after the selecting the ID to force the PROFILE load process to use the ID as the matching person.

If the ID field is blank, the ID Lock field is selected, the Load Action is either Add PROFILE, and the student does not exist in the system (new record), the system assigns a new ID based on the Last ID assigned.

When Recycle is selected, if ID Lock is checked then the ID field is always expected to be populated.

If the ID field is blank, the ID Lock field is NOT selected, the Load Action is Recycle, and the student does not exist in the system (new record), the system calls Search/Match to attempt to assign an ID.

When Add PROFILE is selected ID Lock is always expected to be checked.

Max Match Level Found

Displays the highest Search Match Level rule that was met for this PROFILE record.

General Information

Click this link to display general information about the student.

FNAR Messages

Click this link to display FNAR messages.


Click this link to access the Person Search Match page and search for a student ID to match to the PROFILE record.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading and Managing Need Access Processes

Before you begin loading applications, define all Need Access data load parameters and set up your run control options using the Financial Aid Run Controls page. This section discusses how to:

Note. Oracle supports loading Need Access records into your institution's database. Oracle supports the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE Data Reporting Layout (with corresponding school year) for Need Access data received from the Access Group.

You can perform a valid institutional methodology (IM) INAS calculation if your global policy options (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Application Processing, INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options, Global and Federal Options) are defined for Need Access.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Load and Manage Need Access Processes

Note. The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following page introduction table are for aid year 20nn-20nn. Oracle supports two academic years of Need Access data loads.

Page Name

Definition Name



Need Access Load nn/nn


Financial Aid, File Management, Need Access Import, Load Records 20nn-20nn, Need Access Load nn/nn

Import Need Access applications into the database.

Need Access Suspense Recycle nn/nn


Financial Aid, File Management, Need Access Import, Recycle Suspended 20nn-20nn, Need Access Suspense Recycle nn/nn

View Need Access suspense records.

Need Access Move Suspense nn-nn


Financial Aid, File Management, Need Access Import, Need Access Move Suspense nn-nn

Process suspended Need Access records that have been marked as add or delete on the Need Access Data Load Parameters page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Need Access Applications

Access the Need Access Load nn/nn page (Financial Aid, File Management, Need Access Import, Load Records 20nn-20nn, Need Access Load nn/nn).

Data not loaded to the Need Access tables can be loaded to a staging table. As an example, your school may only admit 60 percent of those students who actually list your School Code on the Need Access or PROFILE Application. Instead of loading every student with your school code on their application, you can load only those students officially admitted.

This job process runs two processes, Need Access Load process and the Automated Batch Publish process. If the Need Access Load process fails, the Automated Batch Publish process remains in pending status and the job errors.

The system displays the Process Name, Input/Output file, and Update indicator values that you set in the Financial Aid Run Controls page and displays the last run date and the last sequence number of the process.

When you run the any of the processes, an SQR log lists each student and what action was taken regarding their record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecycling Need Access Suspense Records

Access the Need Access Suspense Recycle nn/nn page (Financial Aid, File Management, Need Access Import, Recycle Suspended 20nn-20nn, Need Access Suspense Recycle nn/nn).

The Need Access Suspense Recycle reviews Need Access suspense records and attempts to load any application currently meeting Need Access data load parameters of Add Level, Suspense Level, or Search/Match Level. The process uses current parameters, not parameters used for the initial load. A system review enables a selection process of initially suspended Need Access records that now meet the conditions of the data load parameters.

For example, a student's record did not meet the condition of being admitted during the initial load process. Two days later the student is admitted and now meets the condition of being admitted. To process these records in batch, you can run the Need Access Suspense Recycle process as a scheduled routine, which automatically sets the Processing Action Status on the Suspense Control page to the Add Action value defined in the Suspense Recycle Run Control.

Note. After the initial load has been run, you can reset the data load parameters, to move records from suspense to the application tables for students who did not meet your first load criteria.

The system displays the Process Name, Input/Output File, and Update indicator values that you set in the Financial Aid Run Controls page and displays the add action, last run date, and the last sequence number of the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Need Access Suspense Moves

Access the Need Access Move Suspense nn/nn page (Financial Aid, File Management, Need Access Import, Need Access Move Suspense nn/nn).

The Need Access Suspense Move process ignores the Need Access data load parameters and loads the marked records. You either set the Processing Action Status on the Need Access Suspense Management page through the suspense Recycle process or manually set the Processing Action Status.The Processing Action Status values include Add- Replace, Add, Do NOT Replace and Delete for individually suspended records. The process selects the flagged records applies the appropriate action, load or delete, to the Application Tables.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing PROFILE Suspense Management (for use with Aid Years prior to 2010–2011 only)

This section discusses how to use PROFILE suspense control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage PROFILE Applications

Note. The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following page introduction table are for aid year 20nn-20nn. Oracle supports two academic years of PROFILE data loads

Page Name

Definition Name



Profile Suspense Management


Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Suspended Records 20nn-20nn, Profile Suspense Management

Manage the PROFILE applications you choose not to load during an incoming application process.

General Information


Click the General Information link on the Profile Suspense Management page.

View the general information for a student whose record is in suspense.

FNAR Messages


Click the FNAR Messages link on the Profile Suspense Management page.

View the FNAR messages for a student whose record is in suspense.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing PROFILE Suspense Control

Access the Profile Suspense Management page (Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Suspended Records 20nn-20nn, Profile Suspense Management).

The system displays the student's name, aid year, CSS ID, CSS School Code, Institution, SSN (Social Security Number), Date Application Loaded, and Date Application Received.

Student Information

The system displays the student's Date of Birth, Admit Level, and Suspend Reason.


Use to search for a student's ID to confirm whether one already exists in the database. For example, a student may fail your application load process due to a misspelled name or SSN error, but still be in your database.

Note. Be thorough when searching for a possible existing ID for a student so that you do not risk creating more than one ID for a student.

General Information

Click to access the General Information page.

FNAR Messages

Click to access the FNAR Messages page.

Processing Action

Add to Database (Replace)

Select to move this student from suspense into the database and replace an existing record with the same ID number.

Add to Database (Do NOT Replace)

Select to move this student from suspense into the database and not replace an existing record with the same ID number.

Delete from Database

Select to remove the student from suspense and from your database.

Reporting Type

1st Time Application

Select to see first time applicant records.

Subsequent Application

Select to see subsequent applicant records.

Registration Only

Registration only records do not load into the database.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Institutional Correction Audits

This section discusses how to view institutional correction audits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Institutional Correction Audits

Page Name

Definition Name



Institutional Application Correction Audits


Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, View Correction Audits, Institutional Application Correction Audits

Review corrections made to a student's institutional application using the Maintain Institutional Application component. This page enables you to track certain limited changes that you make to a student's institutional application data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Institutional Correction Audits

Access the Institutional Application Correction Audits page(Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, View Correction Audits, Institutional Application Correction Audits).

The system displays the student's name, ID, Aid Year, and Institution.

The system displays the following information relating to a change made to a student's institutional application (PROFILE, Institutional, or Canadian): User ID of the person who made the change, the Date/Time of the change, the application Source for the Old Value, the record and field name of what changed, the original data—Old, and the changed data—New.

Changes are listed in reverse chronological order.