Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

To assess a student's eligibility for financial aid and determine how much aid is reasonable, the institution must verify the accuracy of the information in the student's application. This chapter discusses how to:

See Also

Using INAS Simulation

Using INAS Batch Calculations

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Verification Options

Verification is the process of checking the accuracy of the information provided by students and their families when applying for financial aid. Institutions are required to perform federal verification on a portion of their aid applicants before awarding Title IV aid. The Campus Solutions application provides options for meeting federal and institutional verification requirements.

This section discusses how to set up tolerances.

See Also

U.S. Dept. of Education's Federal Student Aid Handbook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Verification Options

Page Name

Definition Name



Verification Tolerance


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Application Processing, Verification Tolerance Setup, Verification Tolerance

Activate fields for federal and institutional processing and filter for use by dependency status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tolerances

Access the Verification Tolerance page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Application Processing, Verification Tolerance Setup, Verification Tolerance).

Three tabs are available: Use, Federal Verification, and Institutional Verification.

To set up the verification tolerances for your institution, copy and edit the delivered data to meet the needs of your institution.

The following fields are common to all three tabs: Use, Federal Verification, and Institutional Verification.

Effective Date

Displays the effective date for these verification tolerance rules. The effective date defines when the status that you select is valid.


Displays the status for the data. Values are Active and Inactive.

Total Tolerance Federal

Enter the total level accepted for federal requirements. This tolerance is the maximum difference that can exist between a student's reported and verified information to still pass federal requirements. You can also assign a tolerance for each field based on the need of your institution.

Total Tolerance Institutional

Enter the total level accepted for institutional requirements. This tolerance is the maximum difference that can exist between a student's reported and verified information to still meet your institutional requirements. You can also assign a tolerance for each field based on the need of your institution.

Field Number

Enter the field number for each of the fields to verify.

Field Name

Displays the corresponding name for each field to verify.


Select to use this field in federal compare process for tolerance acceptance.


Select to use this field in institutional compare process for tolerance acceptance.

Select the Federal Verification tab.


Select to compare the field for dependent students.


Select to compare the field for independent students.

Tolerance Type

Select the tolerance type to use for federal verification. Values are Use Amount or Use Pct (use percentage).

Tolerance Amount

Enter the maximum amount by which the source and target can differ when federal fields are compared.

Percent Tolerance

Enter the maximum percentage by which the source and target can differ when federal fields are compared.

Select the Institutional Verification tab.


Select to compare the field for dependent students.


Select to compare the field for independent students.

Tolerance Type

Select the tolerance type to use for institutional verification. Select either Use Amount or Use Pct (use percentage).

Tolerance Amount

Enter the maximum amount by which the source and target can differ when institutional fields are compared.

Percent Tolerance

Enter the maximum percentage by which the source and target can differ when institutional fields are compared.

Click to jump to parent topicVerifying Resource and Household Information

Use the pages in the Application Data Verification component to verify the number of persons in the household, the number enrolled in post-secondary education, the AGI, income tax paid for the base year, and certain untaxed income and benefits for the base year.

This section provides an overview of calculating Federal Variance and discusses how to:

Note. The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following table are for aid year 20nn-20nn. Oracle supports access for three active aid years.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Federal Variance Calculation

Federal Variance (FED Variance) calculation compares the Source data (AGI + Untaxed Income – US Tax Paid) and the Target data (AGI + Untaxed Income – US Tax Paid) and displays the difference. All Federal or Institutional Untax Income is included as Untax Income when FED Variance is calculated.

The FED variance calculation is used in conjunction with the Total Tolerance Federal or Institutional field value in Verification Tolerance setup to determine if a student passes or fails.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Verify Resource and Household Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Household Info


Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Household Info

Enter documented information about the student and members of the student's household.

TIV School Information


Click the TIV Information link on the Household Info page. This link appears when you enter a valid school code.

View Title IV school information.

Get Institutional Data


Click the Get Inst Data button on the Household Info page.

Indicate which Application Source code to use to populate fields with institutional data.

Tax Form Data


Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Tax Form Data

Enter information reported on the filer's tax form.

Student's Income from Wages


Click the Student/Spouse Wages link on the Tax Form Data page.

View detail information about wages reported by the person whose data is being verified.

Parent Income from Wages


Click the Parent's Wages link on the Tax Form Data page.

View detail information about wages reported by the person whose data is being verified.

Other Taxable Income


Click the Other Taxable Income link on the Tax Form Data page.

Enter 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ taxable income line items other than wages.

Schedule 1


Click the Sch 1 link on the Other Taxable Income page.

Enter or view detail information on 1040A interest and dividend income. Entries here write to Interest Income and Dividend Income.

Schedule B


Click the Sch Blink on the Other Taxable Income page.

Enter or view detail information about 1040 interest and dividend income. Entries here write to Interest Income and Dividend Income. Foreign Accounts/Trusts detail is also recorded here.

Schedule C


Click the Sch C link on the Other Taxable Income page.

Enter or view data about profit or loss from a business. Entries made here write to the Other Taxable Income - Business Income/Loss field.

Schedule D


Click the Sch D link on the Other Taxable Income page.

Enter or view information about short-term capital gains and losses, long-term capital gains and losses, and summary and tax computation. Entries made here write to the Other Taxable Income - Capital Gains/Loss field.

Schedule E


Click the Sch E link on the Other Taxable Income page.

Enter or view supplemental income and loss. Entries made here write to the Other Taxable Income - Rental Income, Trusts page.

Schedule F


Click the Sch F link on the Other Taxable Income page.

Enter or view farm income cash or accrual method or expense information. Selecting cash or accrual affects additional fields that the system activates. Accrual activates accrual and expense fields. Cash activates accrual fields only. Entries made here write to the Other Taxable Income - Farm Income/Losses page.

Income Adjustments


Click the Income Adjustments link on the Tax Form Data page.

Record 1040 or 1040A adjustments to income. The tax form recorded as filed determines which fields activate. Values entered here write to Tax Form Data/Income Adjustments and may affect Federal and Institutional specific verification pages.

Tax, Credits and Payments


Click the Tax, Credits, and Payments link on the Tax Form Data page.

Enter or view tax and credit data. The filed tax form determines which fields are active. With the exception of Earned Income Credit and Additional Child Tax Credit, credits entered are subtracted from the tax amount. The net calculated amount writes to Tax Form Data - US Income Tax Paid field.

Schedule A Itemize Deductions


Click the Sch A link on the Tax and Credits page from the Tax Form Data page.

Enter or view allowable itemized deductions. Values entered here affect the total written to the taxable income on the Tax and Credits page.

W-2 Form


Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, W-2 Form

Enter or view information reported on a person's W-2 form.

Verification W2 - Box 12


Click the Box 12 link on the W-2 Form page.

Enter or view information from Box 12 on the W-2 form.

Fed Untax Income


Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Fed Untax Income

Enter or view federal untaxed income data. Displays only field values that originate from Total Other Income or Income Adjustment pages. The family member row determines which fields are active.

Fed Add Fin Info


Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Fed Add Fin Info

Enter or view federal additional financial information. Display only field values originate from U.S. Income Tax Paid page.

Inst Untax Income


Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Inst Untax Income

Enter or view Institutional untaxed income data. Display only field values originate from Untaxed Income or Income Adjustment pages. The family member row determines which fields are active.

Inst Other Taxable


Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Inst Other Taxable

Enter or view institutional other taxable income. Display only field values originate from Total Other Income page. The family member row determines which fields are active.

Tax Data Consolidation


Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Tax Data Consolidation

Combine the income and resources of all family members of the individual being verified.

Consolidated Tax Data


Click the Consolidated Tax Data link on the Tax Data Consolidation page.

View or edit consolidated tax and resource information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Household Information

Access the Household Info page (Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Household Info).

Note. This page is the first of eight pages in this component (use the arrow on the right to scroll to the hidden pages). After you click on either the Get Fed Data button or the Get Inst Data button, only the relevant pages display.

The system displays the student information, including National ID. For students in the United States, the National ID is the Social Security number (SSN).

The page maintains a separate row for each household member. Ensure that you are accessing the correct row for the person you are verifying.

Get Fed Data (get federal data)

Click this button to populate fields with the most recent Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) record data. When federal data is retrieved, the Inst Untax Income page and Inst Other Taxable page are hidden.

Get Inst Data (get institutional data)

Click this button to populate fields with institutional record data. The system prompts you to enter an application source code. When institutional data is retrieved, the Fed Untax Income page and Fed Add Fin Info page are hidden.

Note. You should use the Get Fed Data/Get Inst Data functionality. Not doing so might cause unintended results.

Application Data Verification


Sequence number for the row of information to be verified. A separate row of verification data is maintained for each person verified.

Number in Family

Enter the number in the student's family.

Override Family Members

Select to override the number of family members used to calculate the expected family contribution (EFC).

Number in College

Enter the number of the student's family members in college.

Override Number in College

Select to override the number of family members in college used to calculate the EFC.

Household Information

Member Nbr (member number)

Displays the household member counter. The system increases this field by one for each row inserted at the household member level.


Select the relationship to the student of the person selected in Sequence. For example, the sequence for an independent student might be, self, spouse, son. Data verification for the parent of a dependent student might be self (father), spouse, son (student applicant), daughter. You would not complete the family grid or enter number in family or college values for a dependent student row.

All dependent students must be listed as a relation with only one father, mother, or other/step category to be counted in the parent household. Recording the student in more than one of these categories results in overcounting.

Members listed for student and spouse household categories are compared to household size and the value for number in college for the student. Members listed for father, mother, and other/step are compared to household size and the value for the number in college for parent (dependent students are always included in the parent household in an aid application).

School Code

Enter a valid school code, if applicable. Entering a valid school code enables the system to calculate a value for the Number In College field. If the school code remains blank, the system does not calculate the number in college. A TIV Information link becomes available when you enter a valid college code. It displays demographic information for the school.

TIV Information

This link only appears when a valid School Code is selected. Click the link to open the TIV School Information page.

Viewing TIV School Information

Access the TIV School Information page (click the TIV Information link on the Household Info page).

Getting Institutional Data

Access the Get Institutional Data using page (click the Get Inst Data button on the Household Info page).

Application Source Code

Select from these values:

FT Canada Student Loan (full-time Canadian student loan)

Institutional Application

Need Access(for 2010 and prior Aid Years only)


PT Canada Student Loan (part-time Canadian student loan)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Tax Data

Access the Tax Form Data page (Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Tax Form Data).

Note. This page is for a federal dependent student. Therefore the Inst Untax Income and Inst Other Taxable pages are not available.


Displays the sequence number for the row of information to be verified. A separate row of verification data is maintained for each person verified. The selected button indicates the person whose information is being verified.

Filing Information

Tax Return Filed

Select from these values:

Filed/Comp: A completed return is filed.

Not Filed: A return is not filed.

Will File: A return is not yet filed but will be filed.

None: No information is available about the return.

Tax Form

Select the type of tax form filed by the person whose information is being verified. The value that you select determines which fields are activated on the Tax Form Data, Other Taxable Income, Income Adjustments and Tax, Credits and Payments pages. Select from: 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, Canadian, Foreign, Puerto Rico, and Territory.

Eligible For 1040A or 1040EZ (eligible to file 1040A or 1040EZ)

Select whether the filer is eligible to file the tax form 1040A or 1040EZ.

Marital Status

Select the marital status of the person whose documents are being verified.

Filing Status

Select the tax filing status of the person whose information is being verified. The value that you select determines which fields the system activates in the Wages page. Select from the following values: Head HH (head of household), Joint, Separate, Single, and Widower.


Select Yes if the person whose information is being verified has dependents and select No if not.

Number of exemptions

Enter the number of exemptions for the person whose information is being verified.


Enter the amount of wages for the person whose information is being verified.

Total Other Income

Enter any taxable income besides wages reported by the person whose information is being verified.

Income Adjustments

Enter any allowable adjustments to income as reported by the person whose information is being verified.

Adjusted Gross Income

Enter the total of wages and other income less income adjustments for the person whose information is being verified.

U.S. Income Tax Paid

Enter the total of U.S. income tax paid by the person whose information is being verified.

Untaxed Income

Enter the amount of untaxed income for the person whose information is being verified.

Special Circumstances

Select this check box to update the Special Circumstance check box on the Miscellaneous Data page in the Maintain Institutional Application component. Use this check box when an institutional applicant has attached a note or letter to the documentation submitted describing special circumstances to be considered.

Note. You can enter data in the Total, Other Income, Income Adjustments, U.S. Income Tax Paid, and Untaxed Income fields to override information on the associated detail pages. However, overriding information is not recommended.

Entering Student Income from Wages

Access the Student's Income from Wages page (click the Wages link on the Tax Form Data page).

The wage information displayed on this page depends on which Sequence row is active and the selections made for Filing Status.

Wage Income Student

Displays the student's wage income or the father's wage income.

Wage Income Spouse

Displays the spouse's wage income or the mother's wage income.


Displays the total wages from the wage income entries. The system uses this amount to populate the Wages field on the Tax Form Data page.

Entering Other Taxable Income

The elements that appear on the Other Taxable Income page are determined by the tax form indicated on the Tax Form Data page. For the 1040 tax form, Schedules B, C, D, E, F are available. For the 1040A form, Schedule 1 is available.

Access the Other Taxable Income page – 1040 Tax Form (click the Other Taxable Income link on the Tax Form Data page).

The Add to Total Wages check box for Business Income Loss and the Add to Total Wages check box for Farm Income/Losses are selected by default. If selected, income or loss to wages is calculated to the total wages.

Access the Other Taxable Income page, 1040A form.

Access the Other Taxable Income page, 1040EZ form.

Entering Schedule 1 Information

Access the Schedule 1 page (click the Sch 1 link on the Other Taxable Income page).

Entering Schedule B Information

Access the Schedule B page (click the Sch B link on the Other Taxable Income page).

Entering Schedule C Information

Access the Schedule C page (click the Sch C link on the Other Taxable Income page).

Entering Schedule D Information

Access the Schedule D page (click the Sch D link on the Other Taxable Income page).

Entering Schedule E Information

Access the Schedule E page (click the Sch E link on the Other Taxable Income page).

Entering Schedule F Information

Access the Schedule F page (click the Sch F link on the Other Taxable Income page).

Entering Income Adjustments

Access the Income Adjustments page (click the Income Adjustments link on the Tax Form Data page).

The fields on this page match the order of the fields on the 1040 form.

Note. For a 1040A filer, the available fields are Educator expenses, Filer's IRA deduction, Student loan interest, and Tuition and fees deduction.

An Income Adjustments page is not available for a 1040EZ filer. Enter the total income adjustment value in the Income Adjustments field on the Tax Form Data page.

Entering Tax, Credits, and Payments

Access the Tax, Credits and Payments page (click the Tax, Credits, and Payments link on the Tax Form Data page).

Earned Income Credit

Enter the amount deducted from tax due for qualified persons whose information is being verified.

Additional Child Tax Credit

Enter an amount deducted from tax for households with three or more qualifying children.

Note. For a 1040A filer, the Tax, Credits, and Payments page does not include these fields: Foreign tax credit, Forms 8396/8839/8859, and Other credits.

For a 1040EZ filer, the Tax, Credits, and Payments page only includes these fields:Taxable Income, Tax, Earned Income Credit, and U. S. Tax Paid.

Viewing Schedule A Itemize Deductions

Access the Schedule A Itemize Deductions page (click the Sch A link on the Tax and Credits page from the Tax Form Data page).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying W-2 Information

Access the W-2 Form page (Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, W-2 Form).

Application Data Verification


Displays the sequence number for the row of information to be verified. A separate row of verification data is maintained for each person verified. Ensure that you entering and viewing data for the correct row.

Wage and Tax Statement

Box 12

Click this link to enter or view information from Box 12 on the W-2 form.

Viewing W-2 Box 12 Information

Access the Verification W2 - Box 12 page (click the Box 12 link on the W-2 Form page).


Refer to the W-2 instructions for details on valid values for the code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Federal Untaxed Income

Access the Fed Untax Income page (Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Fed Untax Income).

Federal Untaxed Income

You can view and enter data in some fields on this page. Other fields are display only.

The Other Unreported Income field is not included for parent rows.

The following fields are display only fields. For all other fields on the page, you can view and enter data.

IRA/SEP/KEOGH Deduction (Individual Retirement Account/Self Employment Plan/Keogh Deduction)

Displays the combined amounts for IRA, SEP and KEOGH deductions. This amount writes from the Income Adjustments page.

Tax Exempt Interest Income

Displays interest income that is tax exempt. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Untaxed IRA (Untaxed Individual Retirement Account)

Displays the amount of funds disbursed from an IRA that is nontaxable. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page and is the difference between Total IRA payments and Taxable IRA payments.

Untaxed Pension

Displays the amount of pension earnings that are untaxed. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page and is the difference between Total Pension and Taxed Pension.

Total Other Untaxed Income

Displays the total of the amounts in the untaxed income fields on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Federal Additional Financial Information

Access the Fed Add Fin Info page (Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Fed Add Fin Info).

Federal Additional Financial Information

You can view and enter data in some fields on this page. Other fields are display only.

Education credit

Displays the Education Credit. This amount writes from the Tax, Credits, and Payments page.

Add. Financial Total (Additional Financial Total)

Displays the total for all additional financial information fields on this page.

You can enter and view data in the other fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Institutional Untaxed Income

Access the Inst Untax Income page (Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Inst Untax Income).

Institutional Untaxed Income — Student

You can view and enter data in some fields on this page. Other fields are display only.

IRA/SEP/KEOGH Deduction (Individual Retirement Account/Self Employment Plan/Keogh Deduction)

Displays the combined amounts for IRA, SEP and KEOGH deductions. This amount writes from the Income Adjustments page.

Tax Exempt Interest Income

Displays interest income that is tax exempt. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Additional Child Tax Credit

Displays additional child tax credit. This amount writes from Tax, Credits and Payments page.

Untaxed SS Benefits (Untaxed Social Security Benefits)

Displays untaxed social security benefits. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page and is the difference between Social Security benefits and Taxed Social Security Benefits.

Earned Income Credit

Displays earned income credit. This amount writes from Tax, Credits and Payments page.

Total Other Untaxed Income

Displays the total for the following fields: IRA/SEP/KEOGH Deduction, Tax Exempt Interest Income, Additional Child Tax Credit, Military Allowance, VA Work-Study, Tax-deferred Pension/Savings, Veterans Non-Ed Benefits, Workers Compensation, Other Unreported Income, Other Untaxed Income.

You can enter and view data in the other fields on this page.

Institutional Untaxed Income — Parent

IRA/SEP/KEOGH Deduction (Individual Retirement Account/Self Employment Plan/Keogh Deduction)

Displays the combined amounts for IRA, SEP and KEOGH deductions. This amount writes from the Income Adjustments page.

Tax Exempt Interest Income

Displays interest income that is tax exempt. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Additional Child Tax Credit

Displays additional child tax credit. This amount writes from Tax, Credits and Payments page.

Untaxed SS Benefits (Untaxed Social Security Benefits)

Displays untaxed social security benefits. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page and is the difference between Social Security benefits and Taxed Social Security Benefits.

Earned Income Credit

Displays earned income credit. This amount writes from Tax, Credits and Payments page.

Untaxed IRA (Untaxed Individual Retirement Account)

Displays the amount of funds disbursed from an IRA that is nontaxable. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page and is the difference between Total IRA payments and Taxable IRA payments.

Untaxed Pension

Displays the amount of pension earnings that are untaxed. This amount writes from the Other taxable Income page and is the difference between Total Pension and Taxed Pension.

Tuition and fees deduction

Displays the amount of tuition and fees deduction. This amount writes from the Income Adjustments page.

Total Other Untaxed Income

Displays the total for the following fields: Veterans Non-Ed Benefits, Workers Compensation, Black Lung/Refugee, Untaxed Railroad Retirement, and Other Untaxed Income.

You can enter and view data in the other fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Institutional Other Taxable Income

Access the Inst Other Taxable page (Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Inst Other Taxable).

Institutional Other Taxable Income — Student

Taxed Financial Aid

Displays total for Grant/Scholarship Aid and Taxed Work-Study/Fellow/Assist fields. Combat Pay is not included in this total.

You can enter and view data in the other fields.

Institutional Other Taxable Income — Parent

Taxable Refund

Displays taxable refunds. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Alimony Income

Displays alimony income. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Capital Gains/Loss

Displays capital gains/loss. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Other Gains/Losses

Displays other gains/losses. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Taxable IRA/Keogh

Displays other taxable IRA/Keogh. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Taxed Pension

Displays taxed pension. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Unemployment Benefits

Displays unemployment benefits. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Taxed Social Security Benefits

Displays taxed social security. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Other Taxed Income

Displays other taxed income. This amount writes from the Other Taxable Income page.

Combat Pay

Enter or view the combat pay amount.

Total Other Income

Displays total for other taxable fields on this page. Combat Pay is not included in this total.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsolidating Forms

Access the Tax Data Consolidation page (Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 20nn-20nn Verification, Tax Data Consolidation).


Displays the sequence number for the row of information to be verified.


Click the Consolidate button to combine all income and resources.

Consolidated Tax Data

Click this link to view or edit all tax and resource information on the Consolidated Tax Data page. Values that appear should represent the tax form information entered for each verified person. You can make bottom-line changes to tax information here, but your changes are not be saved if you run consolidation after the changes are made.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Consolidated Tax Data

Access the Consolidated Tax Data page (click the Consolidated Tax Data link on the Tax Data Consolidation page).

Note. The fields on this page compare to your target tables.

Student's Tax Data

Number of Family Members

Number of members in the family for the student or parents of a dependent student.

Number in College

Number of family members in college for the student or parents of a dependent student.

Number of Exemptions

Number of exemptions claimed by either the student or the parent.


Indicates if person being verified has dependents. Valid for student for parent. Values are: Yes – dependents, No – No dependents.

Wage Income – Student

Wage earnings for student.

Wage Income – Spouse

Wage earnings for student's spouse.

Dividend and Interest Income

Dividend and interest income for the student from Other Taxable Income pages. This view is not valid for the parents.

Itemized Deductions

Amount of allowable deductions for tax filers from Tax, Credits, and Payments page for the student or parent.

AGI (adjusted gross income)

Adjusted gross income for the parent or student.

Taxes Paid

Taxes paid by the student or parent.

Untaxed Social Security

Amount of untaxed social security income calculated for the student or the parent.

Education Credit

Amount of allowable Hope and Lifetime Learning education credits for student or parent.

Non-Ed Vet Benefit

Amount of Non Educational Veteran Benefits for student or parent.

Other Unreported Income

Amount of untaxed unreported income for student or parent.

Untaxed IRA

Amount of untaxed IRA calculated for the student or parent.

Untaxed Pension

Amount of untaxed Pension calculated for the student or parent.

Co-Op Earnings

Amount of Co-op Earnings for student or parent.

Marital Status

Displays the marital status of either the student or parent. Values are:

Div/Sep (divorced or separated)




Tax Return Filed?

Tax return information of either the student or the parent. Values are:

Filed/Comp: Return filed, completed.

Not Filed: Tax return is not filed.

Will File: Tax form will be filed.

Tax Form Filed

Tax form type that was filed by the student or parent. Values are:

1040: Filer used the IRS tax form 1040.

1040A: Filer used the IRS tax form 1040A.

1040EZ: Filer used the IRS tax form 1040EZ.


Foreign Tx

Puerto Rico


Eligible for 1040A or 1040EZ

Indicate whether the filer is eligible to file either the 1040A or 1040EZ tax form.

Welfare/TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

Amount of public assistance paid to the student or parent.

Child Support Received

Amount of child support received by either the student or the parent.

IRA/KEOGH Deduction (IRA/Keogh deduction payments)

Amount of IRA/KEOGH payments for the student or parent.

Tax Deferred Pension/Savings

Amount of pre-tax pension or savings deferred for the student or the parent.

Military/Clergy Allowance

Amount of military/clergy living allowance received for the student or parent.

Tax Exempt Interest Income

Amount of untaxed interest paid to either the student or the parent.

Other Untaxed Income

Amount of other untaxed income earned by either the student or the parent.

Child Support Paid

Amount of child support paid either to the student or to the parent.

Earned Income Credit

Amount of earned income credit claimed by either the student or the parent.


Amount of grant and scholarship aid reported by the student or parent.

Tax Work-Study/Fellow/Assist

Amount of taxable work-study, fellowship and assistantship reported by the student or parent.

Taxed Financial Aid

Amount of combined grant, scholarship, work-study, fellowship, and assistantship reported by the student or parent.

Combat Pay

Amount of Combat Pay for student or parent.

Parent's Tax Data

Many fields in the parent section are the same as those in the student section. Fields that are for students only or are for parents only are listed here.

The Dividend and Interest Income field is in the student section only and is not valid for parents.

The following fields are in the parent section only and are not valid for students:

Wages, Salaries, & Tips

Total of wages, salaries, and tips for parent.

Wage Income – Father

Wage earnings for student's father.

Wage Income – Mother

Wage earnings for student's mother.

Dividend Income

Dividend income for the parent from Other Taxable Income pages.

Interest Income

Interest income for the parent from Other Taxable Income pages.

Bus/Farm/Rent Income (Business/Farm/Rental Income)

Business, farm or rental income for the parent.

Other Taxable Income

Other taxable income for the parent.

Income Adjustments

Income adjustments for the parent.

Foreign Income Exclusions

Amount of a foreign income exemption claimed by either the student or the parent.

Additional Child Tax Credit

Amount of a additional child tax credit for the parents.

IM Other Untaxed Income

Amount of IM Other Untaxed Income for the parents.

Untaxed Social Security

Amount of Social Security wages above the taxable limit for either the student or the parent.

Tax Deferred Med/Dep Care Pmts (tax deferred medical/dependent care payments)

Amount of medical or dependent care tax deferred payments deferred for the parents.

Military Allowance (tax deferred medical/dependent care payments)

Amount of Military Allowance for the parents.

Living Allowance (tax deferred medical/dependent care payments)

Amount of Living Allowance for the parents.

Tuition and fees deduction

Amount of tuition and fees deduction claimed by the parents.

Family Support Income (tax deferred medical/dependent care payments)

Amount of Family Support Income for the parents.

Wages, Salaries, & Tips

Total of wages, salaries, and tips for parent.

Dividend Income

Dividend income for the parent.

Interest Income

Interest income for the parent.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Auto Verification

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Auto Verification

Page Name

Definition Name



Auto Verification


Financial Aid, Verification, Perform Auto Verification, Auto Verification

Perform comparison of source and target data. Compare income documents to financial aid applications or compare ISIR to Institutional data. View comparison results to determine whether to update the target table with source information.

Student's Verification Tolerance


Click the Student Tolerance Setup link on the Auto Verification page.

View or edit tolerance levels.

Edit Verification Status


Click the Edit Status button on the Auto Verification page.

View or change verification codes or statuses.

Verification Compare Results


Click the Field Comparison Detail link on the Auto Verification page.

View a summary of fields that were compared and for which the system indicated a variance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Auto Verification

Access the Auto Verification page (Financial Aid, Verification, Perform Auto Verification, Auto Verification).

Verification is the process of comparing source data to a target set of data. Use this page to set up verification parameters.

Verification Type

Select from:

Federal: Applies federal tolerance levels to this verification.

Institutional: Applies institutional tolerance levels to this verification.


This is a translate field and should not be adjusted. Values are:

Inst App: Data from the Institutional Application tables.

ISIR: Data from the ISIR Data Corrections tables.

Tax/Verif: Selected data from the Application Data Verification pages created from the Consolidate routine.


This is a translate field. Translate values should not be adjusted. Values include:

Inst App: Data from the Maintain Institutional Application tables.

ISIR: Data from the ISIR Data Corrections tables.

Application Type

Values are:

Inst App: Institutional application

NA: Need Access (for 2010 and prior aid years only)

Profile: PROFILE application

FT - CSL: Full-time Canadian student loan

PT - CSL: Part-time Canadian student loan

Pass/Fail Option

Set the parameter for your pass or fail flag value to evaluate based on either the federal total tolerance or for any one field out of a selected tolerated amount. Values are:

Federal: Select to evaluate pass or fail eligibility based on Total Tolerance Federal or Total Tolerance Institutional amount set in Verification Tolerance Setup.

Refer to the "Understanding Federal Variance Calculation" section earlier in this chapter.

See Understanding Federal Variance Calculation.

Field: Used with institutional or federal selection. Select to evaluate pass or fail eligibility based on institutional or federal field level tolerances set in the Verification Tolerance setup. Total tolerances for institutional levels are capped, while federal levels are not capped.

Mark Assumptions as Verified

Use this option only when the Source value is Tax/Verif and the Target value is ISIR. Select to tag fields originally identified as Assumption fields with a field status of Verified. Assumed ISIR data fields that result from the federal methodology calculation are maintained on secondary pages of the ISIR Data Corrections pages.

Set to Send ISIR Correction

Select this check box to set the Correction Status to Send on ISIR corrections when the Apply Changes button is selected.

Use Student Level Override

Select this check box to apply verification tolerance levels for this student. This selection overrides the tolerance levels set up at the global level. Select when you want to activate changes made in the Student Tolerance setup.

Verification Sequence

Displays the verification sequence number, which tracks multiple background processes. Row insertion is suggested for sequencing online iterations. Use it to track the results and accompanying verification setup performed for this student.

Perform Compare

Click this button to compare your target and source data and to activate the Field Comparison Detail link when variances are found.

Apply Changes

Click this button to move marked fields to the target tables when fields that you mark as Apply in Field Comparison Detail (see View Field Comparison Detail) are acceptable.

Student Tolerance Setup

Click this link to open a page to view or edit tolerance values at the student level.


The system displays the results of the most recent verification setup. The fields include Date, Tolerance, Variance, Fed Variance, Execution Type, FED Verification Status, INST Processing Status, and Pass or Fail.

Click the Edit Status link to access the Edit Verification Status page, where you can change the program-generated verification statuses for federal and institutional verification and processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing Student Level Tolerances

Access the Student's Verification Tolerance page (click the Student Tolerance Setup link on the Auto Verification page).

Federal Verification Tab

Access the Student's Verification Tolerance page: Federal Verification tab (click the Federal Verification tab on the Student's Verification Tolerance page).

Institutional Verification Tab

Access the Student's Verification Tolerance page: Institutional Verification tab (click the Institutional Verification tab on the Student's Verification Tolerance page).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing Verification Status

Access the Edit Verification Status page (click the Edit Status button on the Auto Verification page).

You can update the verification and processing status fields that reside on the Packaging Status Summary page. The compare process automatically updates the status to Pending if the comparison results exceed the tolerance. If the ISIR transaction number is 1 and the verification process passes, then the verification status changes to Accurate.

Note. The Field Comparison Detail link is active only after the Perform Compare is run.

Use the Field Comparison Detail link to view the field differences on the Verification Compare Results page. Only fields that have differences appear. To use the source data to update your target tables, select the Apply check box for the fields. If you do not select the Apply check box, the field value remains the same as that in your target.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparing Verification Results

Access the Verification Compare Results page (click the Field Comparison Detail link on the Auto Verification page).

This page lists fields with differences. You can select to update all or only select fields for moving to ISIR or Institution tables.


Select this check box to use the source data to update your target tables. If you do not select the Apply check box, the field value remains the same as that in your target.


This data comes from the source table, tax/verification, ISIR, or institutional application.


This data comes from the target table, ISIR, or institutional application.


Displays the difference between the source and target information.


Displays the tolerance level established during tolerance setup. For example, a tolerance value of 100 for Parent's AGI means that a difference greater than 100 should not occur between the source and the target.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Batch Verification

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Batch Verification

Page Name

Definition Name



Batch Consolidation


Financial Aid, Verification, Perform Batch Consolidation, Batch Consolidation

Set consolidation parameters for batch consolidation and run the process.

Batch Consolidation Detail


Financial Aid, Verification, View Batch Consolidation, Batch Consolidation Detail

View batch consolidation results at the student level from the Application Data Verification - Tax Consolidation Consolidated Tax Data page.

Consolidated Tax Data


Click the Consolidated Tax Data link on the Batch Consolidation Detail inquiry page.

View consolidated tax information for a student or parent.

Batch Verification


Financial Aid, Verification, Perform Batch Verification, Batch Verification

Set parameters to verify batches and to run the process.

Batch Verification Results


Click the Results link on the Batch Verification Results page.

View summary verification information.

Batch Verification Summary


Financial Aid, Verification, View Verification Summary, Batch Verification Summary

View summary verification information.

Batch Verification Detail


Financial Aid, Verification, View Verification Detail, Batch Verification Detail

View detail verification information from the Field Comparison Detail button on the Auto Verification page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Batch Consolidation

Access the Batch Consolidation page (Financial Aid, Verification, Perform Batch Consolidation, Batch Consolidation).

In the Consolidation Parameters group box, select Unconsolidated or All Stdnts in Verification for the Selection Criteria field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Batch Consolidation Detail

Access the Batch Consolidation Detail page (Financial Aid, Verification, View Batch Consolidation, Batch Consolidation Detail).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Consolidated Tax Data

Access the Consolidated Tax Data page (click the Consolidated Tax Data link on the Batch Consolidation Detail inquiry page).

This batch page and the online page are the same except that all fields on the batch page are view only fields. Refer to the documentation about the online page for information about the fields on the batch page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Batch Verification

Access the Batch Verification page (Financial Aid, Verification, Perform Batch Verification, Batch Verification).

Use the Batch Verification page to run verification for all students selected, according to the criteria that you establish.

Verification Type

Select from these values:

Federal: Select to apply federal tolerance levels to this verification.

Refer to the "Understanding Federal Variance Calculation" section earlier in this chapter.

See Understanding Federal Variance Calculation.

Institutional: Select to apply institutional tolerance levels to this verification.

Pass/Fail Option

Set the parameter for your pass or fail flag value to evaluate based on either the federal total tolerance or for any one field out of a selected tolerated amount. Values are:

Federal: Select to evaluate pass or fail eligibility based on Total Tolerance Federal or Total Tolerance Institutional amount set in Verification Tolerance Setup.

Refer to the "Understanding Federal Variance Calculation" section earlier in this chapter.

See Understanding Federal Variance Calculation.

Field: Used with institutional or federal selection. Select to evaluate pass or fail eligibility based on institutional or federal field level tolerances set in the Verification Tolerance setup. Total tolerances for institutional levels are capped, while federal levels are not.


Verification is the process of comparing source data to a target set of data. This is a translate field, and translate values should not be adjusted. Select from these values:

Inst App: Data from the Maintain Institutional Application tables

ISIR: Data from the ISIR Data Corrections tables

Tax/Verif: Selected data from the Application Data Verification pages created from the Consolidate routine


This is a translate field, and translate values should not be adjusted. Select from these values:

Inst App: Data from the Maintain Institutional Application tables

ISIR: Data from the ISIR Data Corrections tables

Application Type

Values are valid with a source or target of Inst App only and include the following:

Inst App: Institutional application

NA: Need access (for 2010 and prior aid years only.)

PROFILE: PROFILE application

FT – CSL: Full-time Canadian student loan

PT – CSL: Part-time Canadian student loan

Student Selection

Select from the following values:

Both: Processes records with a verification status of either pending or required.

Pending: Processes records with a verification status of pending only.

Required: Processes records with a verification status of required only.

Auto Update Target Table

Automatically updates the target table with verified data identified with a variance.

Mark Assumptions as Verified

Use this check box only when the Source value is Tax/Verif and the Target value is ISIR. Select to tag fields originally identified as Assumption fields with a field status of Verified. Assumed ISIR data fields that result from the federal methodology calculation are maintained on secondary pages of the ISIR Data Corrections pages.

Set to Send ISIR Correction

Select to set the Correction Status to Send on ISIR Corrections when the Auto Update Target Table is used.

Set Verification Complete

Select to automatically set the Verification Status to Complete. This field is enabled only when the Auto Update Target table is activated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Batch Verification Results

Access the Batch Verification Results page (click the Results link on the Batch Verification Results page).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Batch Verification Summary

Access the Batch Verification Summary page (Financial Aid, Verification, View Verification Summary, Batch Verification Summary).

The system displays Institution, Aid Year, Process Instance, Verification Type, Run Date and Time, Source, User ID, Target, Pass/Fail Option, Students Processed, Students Passed, and Students Failed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Batch Verification Detail

Access the Batch Verification Detail page (Financial Aid, Verification, View Verification Detail, Batch Verification Detail).


The system displays Pass or Fail,Verification Type, Verification Status, Review Status, Tolerance, Variance, FED Variance, Verification Sequence, Verification Date, Verification Type, Changes Applied to Target, Mark Assumptions as Verified,and Set to Send ISIR Correction.

Field Comparison Detail

The system displays the most recent verification results for the listed fields. Only fields that have differences appear.

The Done check box is activated when the process is run with the Auto Update Target Table option activated. Source data comes from the source table, tax/verification, ISIR, or institutional application. Target data comes from the target table, ISIR, or institutional application. There can be a difference between the source and target information. Tolerance is the tolerance level established during tolerance setup.

Verification Field Numbers

The field numbers in this table are from the reference table ISIR_VERIF_XREF. These numbers are current for the 2010 aid year.



Field Name



Profile Nbr



Students Number in College






Parents Number in College






Students Family Size






Parents Family Size






Students Number of Exemptions






Parents Number of Exemptions






Students Marital Status






Parents Marital Status






Students Tax Form Used






Parents Tax Form Used






Does Student Have Legal Dep






Students AGI






Parents AGI






Students Federal Taxes Paid






Parents Federal Taxes Paid






Students Wage Income






Fathers Wage Income






Students Spouse Wage Income






Mothers Wage Income






Student Eligible for 1040A-EZ






Parent Eligible for 1040A-EZ






Tax Return Filed by Student?






Tax Return Filed by Parent?






Students Untax SS benefits






Parents Untax SS benefits






Students Welfare/TANF






Parents Welfare/TANF






Students Child Supp Received






Parents Child Supp Received






Students Other Untaxed Income






Parents Other Untaxed income






Students EIC






Parents EIC






Parents Adjustment to Income






Students Interest/dividends






Parents Interest Income






Parents Dividend Income






Parents Business/farm Income






Student Child Support Paid






Parent Child Support Paid






Parent IRA/KEOGH/SEP Deduct






Parents Pretax Pension/savings






Parents Pretax Med/dep Care






Parent Military/Clergy Allow






Parent Exempt Interest Income






Parents Foreign Inc Exclusion






Students Itemized Deduction






Parents Itemized Deduction






Parents Other Taxable Income






Parents Wages, Salaries, Tips






Parents Tuition Fees Deduction






Student Education Credit






Parent Education Credit






Student IRA/KEOGH/SEP Deduct






Student Exempt Interest Income






Student Non-Edu Vet Benefit






Parent Non-Edu Vet Benefit






Student Other Unreport Income






Student Pretax Savings






Student Untax IRA






Parent Untax IRA






Student Untax Pension






Parent Untax Pension






Student Military/Clergy Allow






Student Combat Pay






Parent Combat Pay






Student Taxable Work-Study






Parent Taxable Work-Study






Student Grant/Scholarship






Parent Grant/Scholarship






Student Taxed Financial Aid






Student Co-Op Earnings






Parent Co-Op Earnings






Parent Addl Child Tax Credit






Parent Living Allowance






Parent IM Other Untax Income






Parent Family Support Income






Parent Military Allowance




Click to jump to parent topicUsing NSLDS Data and Processes

This section provides an overview of NSLDS data and processes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding NSLDS Data and Processes

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is a central database operated by the Department of Education to track student aid information. The NSLDS database is updated with information from schools, agencies that guaranty loans, the Direct Loan program, the Pell Grant program and other Department of Education programs. Schools use the NSLDS data to determine aid eligibility based on past and current awards.

Data from the NSLDS can be sent to schools in the following ways:

Oracle provides a process to create the TSM/FAH Inform (request) file to send to the NSLDS. Additionally, once a TSM/FAH file is received, options are available to load/manage the NSLDS data through use of staging tables, processes and reports.

You can view loaded NSLDS data by using the NSLDS Inquiry components, which match the NSLDS file structure.

To use NSLDS data in the Awarding and Packaging processes, NSLDS must be loaded, pushed to aggregate aid tables, and the Packaging process must be directed to use NSLDS as an aggregate source to assess how much aid had been used towards lifetime limits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Process NSLDS Data

Page Name

Definition Name



NSLDS Request


Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Process NSLDS Request, NSLDS Request

Either generate a TSM or FAH Inform request file or a file with combined TSM and FAH requests.

FA Inbound


Financial Aid, File Management, Import Federal Data Files, FA Inbound

Load the NSLDS Alert and FA History files into the NSLDS staging tables.

NSLDS Transfer Alert File Load


Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Process NSLDS Files, NSLDS Transfer Alert File Load

Run the Load NSLDS Transfer Alert File (FAPTALRT) process to load both Alert and Financial Aid History files from the staging table.

NSLDS Suspense Management


Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Manage NSLDS Records, NSLDS Suspense Management

View NSLDS records that have been loaded into the staging tables by the FA Inbound process. Review NSLDS records that have an error load status.

NSLDS FAT Load Error Report


Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, NSLDS FAT Load Error Report

Run a query and create a Crystal report listing all NSLDS records that did not load correctly into the staging tables and were assigned an error load status.

NSLDS Alert File Report


Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, NSLDS Alert File Report

Generate a printed copy of students reported on the NSLDS Alert file as having changed data. Review before disbursing federal aid.

NSLDS Change Review


Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Review NSLDS Flagged Students, NSLDS Change Review

Review all NSLDS Alert file records that have been loaded into the NSLDS Inquiry application tables. After student NSLDS information has been reviewed, use this page to indicate that you have reviewed and resolved any student aid eligibility discrepancies.

NSLDS Information


Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS Information

View error codes, change flags, MPN flags, and alert file flags.

NSLDS Overpayment Information


Click the Overpayment Information link on the NSLDS Information page.

View loan overpayment and contact information for Pell, Perkins, SEOG, ACG, and NSG.

NSLDS Detail


Click the Detail link on the NSLDS Information page.

View NSLDS error codes, change flags, master promissory note flags, and alert file flags for the effective-dated row.

NSLDS Loan Detail


Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS Loan Detail

Review detailed information for every federal loan that the student has received.



Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS Pell

Review a summary of a student's last three Pell awards.



Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS ACG

View details for Academic Competitiveness Grants.



Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS NSG

View details for National SMART Grants.



Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS TEACH

View details for TEACH Grants.

NSLDS Additional Information


Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS Additional Information

Review overpayment information or name history.

NSLDS Activity


Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data. Click the Detail link on any page in the component.

View NSLDS activity and change flags.

NSLDS Data Push


Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Update Aggregates with NSLDS, NSLDS Data Push

Run the Update Aggregates with NSLDS as an independent process to push NSLDS totals into the aggregate aid tables to be used by the Packaging process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing TSM or FAH Requests

Access the NSLDS Request page (Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Process NSLDS Request, NSLDS Request).

Use this page to generate a TSM or FAH Inform request or to create a file that combines both TSM and FAH request data.

Note. You must establish a School Transfer Profile on the NSLDS FAP website for NSLDS to accept and process the Transfer Monitoring Batch Inform file created here.

Population Selection

All Students

Select to request a Financial Aid History file for all students active in the given aid year.

Students in List

Select to view the List of IDs group box.

Use Query

Select Use Query to activate the Select Query button for accessing the standard Select Query lookup page. Oracle recommends that you enter the full or partial query name for a faster search of the database. Because the Batch Inform File requires certain fields in a particular order, only queries that return the required fields can be used here.

Use the delivered baseline query (SFA_NSLDSREQ_ALL) to create a population of students, making any changes to the query as required. Or you can define your own query using PeopleSoft Query Manager using SFA_NSLDSREQ_ALL as a model or template. The Enrollment Date and Monitor Begin Date values are entered on the run control page and is, therefore, the same for all students selected by the query.

Request Type

Request type options are not available if All students is selected for Population Selection.

Financial Aid History only

Select to request a financial aid history file.

Transfer Monitoring only

Select to request to add or remove students from Transfer Monitoring.

Both FAH and TM

Use to request a financial aid history file and/or transfer monitoring addition/deletion. If the Population Selection is Students, you can set the request type for each student in the list.


File Path

Enter the file path and directory name where the file should be written, for example C:\TEMP\. The batch files are sequentially named TRNINFInn from 01 through 99 for each submittal date (current date).

Enrollment Date

Enter the begin date for the period of enrollment. This date can be a future date, but not more than 18 months greater than the current date. Also, it cannot be more than 90 days less than the current date. The default value is all zeros if Request Type is Financial Aid History only.

Monitor Begin Date

Enter the date when monitoring should begin. This date can be a future date, but not greater than the enrollment date. If the enrollment date has already passed, the submittal date (current date) is the default.

List of IDs

This group box appears when Students in List is selected for Population Selection. Use the + (plus) sign to enter a row for each student.


Select a student ID from the list. The Request Type list appears.

Request Type

The Request Type default value appears when the student ID is selected. If the Type is Both, you can subsequently set the Request Type on the grid. The remaining fields on the grid are available only if the Request Type is either TM only or Both.

Enrollment Date

Available when the request type is either Transfer Monitoring only or Both FAH and TM. Required when the Students in List is selected and the Request Type is not Financial Aid History only.

Monitor Begin Date

Available when the Request Type is either Transfer Monitoring only or Both FAH and TM. Required when the Students in List is selected and the request type is not Financial Aid History only.

Delete from TMA

Select to remove a particular student from monitoring.

See Also

Defining Item Type Disbursement Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing FA Inbound

Access the FA Inbound page (Financial Aid, File Management, Import Federal Data Files, FA Inbound).

Use the FA Inbound page to load NSLDS Alert and NSLDS Financial Aid History files into the NSLDS staging tables.

Run Option

Select Single File to enter a single file location or File List to indicate a list of files in the Inbound File field.

Inbound File

Enter the name and location of the NSLDS Alert file that you want to load into the staging tables. Be sure that the server has read access rights to the location of the file.

ISIR TG Number

Assign the ISIR TG number for the ISIRs that are loaded. When processing a file list, the system assigns the same TG number to all ISIRs in the list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning NSLDS FAT Load

Access the NSLDS Transfer Alert File Load page (Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Process NSLDS Files, NSLDS Transfer Alert File Load).

Use this page to run the FAPTALRT process to load both Transfer Alert and Financial Aid History files.

Note. You must create user edit messages to support this process.

Push NSLDS to Aggregates

Select to have the process push NSLDS aggregate data into the packaging aggregate tables. NSLDS programs defined on the Aggregate Area-NSLDS Cross-reference setup page are evaluated.

Note. If you choose not to push aggregate aid totals, an independent push routine is available. If you choose to push aggregate aid totals, you must define aggregate area translation for the NSLDS Data Push process, which is discussed later in this chapter.

Insert FA User Edit Message

Select to have the load process insert a user edit message for the student.

User Edit Message

When you select the Insert FA User Edit Message check box, the system displays these additional fields.

Aid Year

The valid aid year for the current Transfer Monitoring process.


Select the institution for which you want to enter a user edit message.

Edit Message Type

Select Error, Informtnal (informational), or Warning.

Edit Message Code

Select the edit message code to be entered for the student. The available codes are restricted based on the type of edit message that you specify.


Select the term for which the user edit message is to become active.

See Also

Defining Item Type Disbursement Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Program Rules

The load program selects all NSLDS records with a load status of Not Processed and Error. The program attempts to match each selected NSLDS transcript record with a student in the database by matching the SSN, last name, and birth date on the NSLDS record with the same fields on the PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community pages. If a matching record is found, the NSLDS data loads into the application tables, the NSLDS record load status is set to Processed and the record can be viewed in the NSLDS Inquiry component.

The loaded NSLDS information updates the student's NSLDS Status field on the Packaging Status Summary page. If a student has previously been reported in default or owes an overpayment, the status is reset to eligible if the NSLDS information confirms the status. A current status of eligible is also reset to default and/or overpayment if the NSLDS data confirms the new status.

If a matching SSN cannot be found in the database, the NSLDS record load status is set to Error and the error message on the Suspense Management page is Student not found. To load the NSLDS record, update the student's SSN in the Campus Community components so that the SSNs match, and then rerun the program.

If the NSLDS record is older than the current NSLDS information on the application, then the NSLDS record load status is set to Error and the error message on the Suspense Management page is EFFDT Conflict. This error can occur when a recent ISIR is loaded before processing the NSLDS FAT file, and it cannot be corrected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing NSLDS Suspense Management

Access the NSLDS Suspense Management page (Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Manage NSLDS Records, NSLDS Suspense Management).

The system displays the EC Transaction ID (electronic commerce transaction ID), EC Queue Instance and NSLDS Header Nbr (National Student Loan Data System header number).

Social Security #

Displays student's SSN maintained by the NSLDS and reported in the NSLDS Alert file.


Last Name

Displays student's last name maintained by the NSLDS and reported in the NSLDS Alert file.

First Name

Displays student's first name maintained by the NSLDS and reported in the NSLDS Alert file.


Displays the unique student identification number assigned by the NSLDS Load program.

NSLDS Date of Birth

Displays student's birth date maintained by the NSLDS and reported in the NSLDS Alert file.

Inform Last Name

Displays last name reported by the institution in the inform file or online. This information is reported to the school in the NSLDS Alert file.

Inform First Name

Displays first name reported by the institution in the inform file or online. This information is reported to the school in the NSLDS Alert file.

Inform Date of Birth

Displays date of birth reported by the institution in the inform file or online. This information is reported to the school in the NSLDS Alert file.

Pell Change Flag

Indicates whether information changed in the alert file, N: No or Y: Yes.

Loan Change Flag

Indicates whether information changed in the alert file, N: No or Y: Yes.

Aggregate Change Flag

Indicates whether information changed in the alert file, N: No or Y: Yes.

ACG Change Flag (Academic Competitiveness Grant change flag)

Indicates whether ACG has changed.

NSG Change Flag (National SMART Grant change flag)

Indicates whether NSG has changed.

TEACH Change Flag

Indicates any change to TEACH grant information for one or more grants. Values are Y (yes) or N (no). For FAH records, the field is blank.

Load Status

The system displays one of these values:

Not Processed: The default setting after the alert file is loaded into the staging tables.

Processed: The NSLDS FAT Load process sets this value if the record is successfully loaded into the application tables.

Skip: The user manually sets this value to prevent the record from being processed.

Error: If the NSLDS FAT Load program cannot load the record into the application tables, an accompanying error message appears describing the error:

  • EFFDT Conflict: The data attempting to load is older than the current NSLDS data in the application tables.

  • Multiple Matches: Multiple IDs exist with the same last name, birthdate, and SSN (National ID).

  • Student Not Found: No record was found with a matching last name, birthdate, and SSN (National ID).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Reports Listing NSLDS FAT Load Errors

Access the NSLDS FAT Load Error Report page (Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, NSLDS FAT Load Error Report).

This report has no run control options. The error reason appears on the report. To prevent records identified on the report from loading, set the load status to a value of Skip on the NSLDS Suspense Management page.

Click the Run button to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the NSLDS FAT Load Errors (FA921), a Crystal process, at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating NSLDS Alert File Reports

Access the NSLDS Alert File Report page (Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, NSLDS Alert File Report).

Use the NSLDS Alert File Report page to generate a report that lists the change flags for NSLDS information. This report identifies students who need to be reviewed before you can disburse federal funds to them. The contents of the report match the records displayed in the NSLDS Change Review page. The system removes the records from the report when they are marked as reviewed on this page.

Select the institution and aid year to control which set of student award data the system prints on the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing NSLDS Change Review

Access the NSLDS Change Review page (Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Review NSLDS Flagged Students, NSLDS Change Review page).

Students with changed NSLDS information are listed on the page. The financial aid staff reviews each file for possible modifications to the current financial aid eligibility. After the file is reviewed and the staff person selects the Reviewed check box, the system removes the student's information from the page. The Change flag fields indicate what portion of the student's NSLDS data was recently modified by NSLDS.


Select to indicate that you reviewed the changes to the student's NSLDS information and completed any modifications to the student's current financial aid eligibility.

Queue Inst (queue instance)

Indicates when the record was loaded. The system generates a unique sequential queue instance number for each Transfer Alert file loaded. A greater value indicates a more recently loaded file.


Unique student identification number.


Student's name.

Pell Change

Indicates whether a change to the student's Pell Grant history has occurred. Values are Y: Yes or N: No.

ACG Change

Indicates whether a change to ACG has occurred.

NSG Change

Indicates whether a change to NSG has occurred.

TEACH Change

Indicates whether a change to TEACH grants has occurred.

Loan Change

Indicates whether a change to the student's loan history has occurred. Values are Y: Yes or N: No.

Aggregate Change

Indicates whether a change to he student's aggregate loan history has occurred. Values are Y: Yes or N: No.


Click this link to access the Award Summary and Award Term Summary pages, which remain the same.


Click this link to access the Origination Student Summary page, which remains the same.


Click this link to access the NSLDS Information page, which remains the same.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing NSLDS Alert File Information

The following steps describe how you can best implement the NSLDS Transfer Monitoring process using the applications provided. Each institution, however, should implement the Transfer Monitoring process based on their specific business requirements.

To run the Transfer Monitoring process:

  1. Contact NSLDS to establish your transfer monitoring profile and to choose to receive the Transfer Monitoring Alert batch file to load the students' updated NSLDS information into the database.

  2. Inform NSLDS of the transfer students that you want to have monitored on or before the students' enrollment begin date, either online at or using the NSLDS Request process.

    Note. Institutions may want to assign a checklist, service indicator, or financial aid user edit message to ensure that disbursements are suspended until the monitoring process is completed.

  3. Receive an Alert file and load into the database.

    1. Use the FA Inbound page to load the Alert file into electronic data interchange (EDI) staging tables. You can view EDI load results on the ISIR File Review page.

    2. Run the NSLDS FAT Load process to load the data into the application tables. View the data in the NSLDS Inquiry component.

      Note. You can have the load program assign a new financial aid user edit message code that can be used to suspend the authorization and disbursement of funds for a specific term.

  4. Review and resolve various load error messages.

    The NSLDS FAT load process uses the last name, date of birth, and SSN to find the student in the database. The system assigns an error load status with an error reason code displayed on the NSLDS Suspense Management page for records that cannot be loaded.

    Run the NSLDS FAT Load Errors report for a list of failed records. Resolve load errors as follows:

  5. Review Alert file records for possible changes in financial aid eligibility.

    Students reported on the NSLDS Alert file have had a change to their financial aid history since the last time an ISIR was submitted to the school. You must review these records before federal aid can be disbursed to the student. Use the NSLDS Change Review page to track these students. Based on the change information reported by the NSLDS, review and modify the student's awards, originated loans, and aggregate data as needed.

    After you review the student's eligibility, indicate on the page that the record was reviewed. The system then removes the record. If a checklist, service indicator, or user edit message was used to suspend disbursement of financial aid, update the appropriate communication record at this time. You can use the NSLDS Alert File report to generate a printed list of the records listed in the NSLDS Change Review page.

See Also

Defining Basic Global Rules for Authorization

National Student Loan Data System, Transfer Student Monitoring/Financial Aid History Processes and Batch File Layouts (Usually published in October or November.)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing NSLDS General Aggregate Information

Access the NSLDS Information page (Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS Information).

If you chose to push aggregate totals to the aggregate aid tables for direct use by the Packaging and Awarding process, the subsidized and unsubsidized aggregate totals under the UGRD and GRAD Amounts section and Perkins principal balance are pushed to the corresponding aggregate areas for this student.

Overpayment Information

Click this link to access NSLDS overpayment details The link appears when federal overpayment information exists.

Aggregate Data

Eff Date (effective date)

Displays the effective date of the loaded aggregate information. Aggregate data is the loan history. There can be a date for an ISIR and multiple sequences. You can view loans that are in default, discharged loans, or active bankruptcies.

NSLDS Txn Nbr (NSLDS transaction number)

Displays the transaction number of the NSLDS data from the NSLDS. As the student's financial aid history is updated by the NSLDS, the transaction number moves upward one increment. If new NSLDS information is received by a school that has a lower transaction number than the current data, the new information does not load. The system assumes that the current information is more recent.

NSLDS Transaction Source

Displays the source of the loaded NSLDS information. Values are: ISIR, Alert (NSLDS Transfer Alert file), and FA History.


Process Date

Displays the process date for the transaction. If the data source is the ISIR, this date is the CPS process date of the ISIR. If the data source is the NSLDS FAT file, the date used is the NSLDS file process date.


Indicates whether a student's defaulted loan has been discharged. The values for the field are Y (yes) or N (no).


Displays whether the transaction is in default.

Actve Bankruptcy (active bankruptcy)

Displays whether the loan is part of an active bankruptcy proceeding.

Satisfactory Repayment (satisfactory repayment)

Indicates whether the loan has been repaid satisfactorily.


Identifies a student having a fraud loan status on one or more loans or one or more fraud overpayment indicators.

TEACH Grant Loan Conv

Indicates whether a TEACH Grant has been converted to a loan on one or more grant records.


This section displays combined amounts for undergraduate and graduate loans.

Principal Balance

Displays FFELP/FDLP aggregate loan information in Subsidized, UnSub (unsubsidized), Combined, and Consolidated categories.

Unallocated (for Principal Balance)

Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated outstanding principal balance.

Unallocated (for Total)

Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated total.

Pending Disbt (pending disbursement)

Displays undisbursed loan amounts for the Subsidized, UnSub (unsubsidized), Combined, and Consolidated categories.

Undergraduate Amounts

This section displays amounts for undergraduate loans.

Award Year

Displays the Award Year used in the student's undergraduate loan limits determination.


Displays the Dependency status used in the student's undergraduate loan limits determination.

Principal Balance

Displays FFELP/FDLP aggregate loan information in Subsidized, UnSub (unsubsidized), Combined, and Consolidated categories.

Unallocated (for Principal Balance)

Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated outstanding principal balance.

Unallocated (for Total)

Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated total.

Pending Disbt (pending disbursement)

Displays undisbursed loan amounts for the Subsidized, UnSub (unsubsidized), Combined, and Consolidated categories.

Graduate Amounts

This section displays amounts for graduate loans.

Award Year

Displays the Award Year used in the student's graduate loan limits determination.


Displays the Dependency status used in the student's graduate loan limits determination.

Principal Balance

Displays FFELP/FDLP aggregate loan information in Subsidized, UnSub (unsubsidized), Combined, and Consolidated categories.

Unallocated (for Principal Balance)

Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated outstanding principal balance.

Unallocated (for Total)

Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated total.

Pending Disbt (pending disbursement)

Displays undisbursed loan amounts for the Subsidized, UnSub (unsubsidized), Combined, and Consolidated categories.


Perkins Principal Balance

Displays Perkins loans outstanding principal balance.

PLUS Outstanding Balance

Displays the aggregate loan outstanding principal balance amount for all PLUS loans where the borrower is the PLUS holder.

Grad PLUS Outstanding Balance

Identifies a student having a fraud loan status on one or more loans or one or more fraud overpayment indicators.

Consolidation Outstanding Balance

Displays the outstanding principal balance for all FFELP consolidation loans.

TEACH Loan Principal Balance

Displays the outstanding principal balance for TEACH unsubsidized loan type (D8).

Perkins Current Year Loan Amount

Displays the total Perkins loan disbursements for the award year (July-June).

PLUS Total

Displays the aggregate loan total amount for all PLUS loans where the borrower is the PLUS holder.

Grad PLUS Total

Displays the total loan amount of graduate PLUS loans borrowed by the student.

Consolidation Total

Displays the total of all FFELP consolidation loans.

TEACH Loan Total

Displays the total of Aggregate TEACH unsubsidized loan outstanding principal balance.

Viewing NSLDS Overpayment Information

Access the NSLDS Overpayment Information page (click the Overpayment Information link on the NSLDS Information page).

The system displays any overpayments for the following:

The values for overpayment are:

The Pymnt Contct (payment contact) fields refer to the contact agency for the overpayment. The federal ID appears if an overpayment is present.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Details of NSLDS Aggregate Data

Access the NSLDS Detail page (click the Detail link on the NSLDS Information page).

The system displays NSLDS change flags, loan limit flags, MPN flags, and NSLDS Alert file flags:

Viewing NSLDS Loan Details

Access the NSLDS Loan Detail page (Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS Loan Detail).

The system displays the student's name and ID, SSN, NSLDS DOB, Last Updated, Last Effseq, Eff Date (effective date), Seq (sequence), NSLDS Txn Nbr (NSLDS transaction number), and NSLDS Txn Src (NSLDS transaction source).

Loan Detail

In the Loan Detail group box, the system displays NSLDS Ln Seq (NSLDS loan sequence), Loan Year, NSLDS Contact, NSLDS Type, Contact Type, NSLDS Status, Stat EFFDT (status effective date), Guarantor, and NSLDS Ln TypCd (NSLDS loan type code). The system displays Prin Bal (principal balance), Net Disb (net disbursed), Balance Dt (balance date), Loan Start and Loan End, Orig Schl (original school), and Grade Level.

Award ID

Displays the Award ID provided by COD. The Award ID identifies the TEACH loan (D8 Loan Type Code) that was converted from a grant.

Grade Level

Displays NSLDS grade level for the student in this loan year.

Perkins Cancellation Type

Indicates the cancellation status of the Perkins loan. Values are:

DT: Defense Teacher

PB: Perkins Bankruptcy

PD: Perkins Death

PE: Perkins Early Intervention

PI: Perkins Disability

PL: Perkins Law Enforcement

PM: Perkins Military Service

PN: Perkins Nurse/Medical Technician

PS: Perkins Subject Matter Area

PT: Perkins Teacher Service

PV: Perkins Volunteer

N/A: Not Applicable

Guarantee/Approved Amount

Displays approved amount for the loan.

Guarantee/Approved Date

Displays date of the loan approval.

Subsidized Aggregate Amount

Displays FFEL consolidation loan subsidized aggregate amount, the amount included in the subsidized aggregate calculation. The system populates this value only if the loan type is CL.

Unsubsidized Aggregate Amt

Displays FFEL consolidation loan unsubsidized aggregate amount, the amount included in the unsubsidized aggregate calculation. The system populates this value only if the loan type is CL.

Combo Aggregate Amount

Displays FFEL consolidation loan combined aggregate amount, the amount included in the combined aggregate calculation, which can include HEAL. The system populates this value only if the loan type is CL.

Unallocated Aggregate Amt

Displays FFEL consolidation loan unallocated aggregate amount, the amount that could not be determined to be subsidized, unsubsidized, or Perkins. The system populates this value only if the loan type is CL.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing NSLDS Pell Information

Access the NSLDS Pell page (Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS Pell).

NSLDS Pell Information

Lifetime Eligibility Used

Displays the Lifetime Eligibility Used for Pell grant recipients which is the sum of all Pell Eligibility Used for all award years beginning with the 2008-2009 Award Year


NSLDS EFC(NSLDS Pell expected family contribution)

Displays the EFC used when the particular Pell Award was paid.


NSLDS Pell Verf (NSLDS Pell verification)

Displays the Verification status of the EFC.

Pell Change Flag

Displays Y if there has been a change in the student's Pell eligibility.

Pell Payment Period Limit

Displays the payment period limit for Pell grants.

Post 9/11 Dependent

Displays Y if the student was a dependent of a post 9/11 deceased veteran.

Additional Elig Indicator (Additional Eligibility Indicator)

Displays Y if the student is eligible for two Pell grants in an award year.

First Time Pell Indicator

Displays Y if the Pell award is the student's first actual Pell disbursement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing NSLDS ACG Grant Details

Access the NSLDS ACG page (Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS ACG).


Displays the sequential key value assigned by the NSLDS load process.

Transaction Nbr (transaction number)

Displays the transaction number on the SAR or ISIR for the payment accepted by the school.

Last Update

Displays the last reported update to the grant record maintained by NSLDS.

School Code

Displays an 8-digit ED OPE code used to identify the school and branch attended by the student with the grant. The last two digits are 00 if no branch code exists.

Academic Level

Indicates the student's grade level for ACG and SMART grants.

Award Amount

Displays the accepted origination amount.

Paid to Date

Displays the amount of the Federal Grant the school has disbursed to the student.

COD Sequence Code

Displays the identifying sequence number from the Award ID for ACG and SMART grants.

Eligibility Code

Indicates the eligibility payment code for the ACG grant.

Posted to COD

Displays the date that disbursement was posted to the COD system. The format is CCYYMMDD.

ACG Change

Indicates change to this Academic Competitiveness Grant record in the current transaction, either Y or N.

High School Prog (high school program code)

Indicates the high school program code for the ACG grant.

Award ID

Displays the award ID provided by COD, which consists of:

  • SSN (9 characters)

  • Award Type (ACG = A)

  • Award Year (2 characters)

  • Pell School ID (6 characters)

  • Award Sequence Number (3 characters)

Percent Elig School Award (percent eligible school award)

Indicates the Total Percent Eligibility Used by Academic Year Level field from the NSLDS batch file layout.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing NSLDS NSG Grant Details

Access the NSLDS NSG page (Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS NSG).

The fields on the NSLDS NSG page are the same as the fields on the NSLDS ACG page with the following exceptions:

Instructional Program Code

Indicates a student's major course of study; the CIP-designated (Classification of Instructional Programs designated) code for SMART grants.

NSG Change

Indicates change to this NSG record in the current transaction, either Y or N.

Award ID

Displays the Award ID provided by COD, which consists of:

  • SSN (9 characters)

  • Award Type (NSG = T)

  • Award Year (2 characters)

  • Pell School ID (6 characters)

  • Award Sequence Number (3 characters)

Percent Elig School Award (percent eligible school award)

Indicates the Total Percent Eligibility Used by Academic Year Level field from the NSLDS batch file layout.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing NSLDS TEACH Grant Details

Access the NSLDS TEACH page (Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS TEACH).

Aggregate Data

The fields on the NSLDS TEACH page are the same as the fields on the NSLDS ACG page with the following exceptions:

UGRD Disbursement Amt (undergraduate disbursement amount)

Displays the Aggregate Undergraduate/Post Baccalaureate TEACH grand disbursed amounts for the undergraduate academic levels.

GRAD Disbursement Amt (graduate disbursement amount)

Displays the Aggregate Undergraduate/Post Baccalaureate TEACH grand disbursed amounts for the graduate academic levels.

UGRD Percent Elig Used (undergraduate percent eligibility used)

Displays the TEACH grant awarded percent used by Undergraduate/Post Baccalaureate Academic Levels.

GRAD Percent Elig Used (graduate percent eligibility used)

Displays the TEACH grant awarded percent used by Graduate Academic Levels.

UGRD Remaining Amt (undergraduate remaining amount)

Displays the remaining eligible amount used by Undergraduate/Post Baccalaureate Academic Levels. Displays N/A if no applicable grant exists.

GRAD Remaining Amt (undergraduate remaining amount)

Displays the remaining eligible amount by Graduate Academic Levels. Displays N/A if no applicable grant exists.

Teach Grant Information

Loan Conversion

Displays Y if TEACH Grant was converted to a loan and N if it has not been converted.

Loan Conversion Date

Displays the date the TEACH grant was converted to a loan. Displays N/A if grant was not converted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing NSLDS Additional Information

Access the NSLDS Additional Information page (Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS Additional Information).

The system displays the student's name, ID, SSN, NSLDS DOB, Last Updated, Eff Date (effective date), Last Effseq, (last effective sequence), Seq, (sequence), NSLDS Txn Nbr, (NSLDS transaction number), and NSLDS Txn Src (NSLDS transaction source).

NSLDS Overpayment Information

NSLDS Overpayment Seq (NSLDS overpayment sequence)

Displays the sequential order (1, 2, 3) in which the ISIR loads.

Overpayment Type

Displays the type of aid, such as Pell, Perkins, or SEOG, that was overpaid.

Overpayment Indicator

Overpayment indicator refers to the overpayment. Values are:

N: No

Y: Yes

S: Satisfactory Arrangement.

NSLDS Contact

Displays the agency school, servicer, or lender to contact for this loan.

NSLDS Name History

The system displays Nm Hist Seq (name history sequence), F Name Hist (first name history), MI Hist (middle initial history), and L Name Hist (last name history).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing NSLDS Pushed Aggregate Data in the Packaging Process

To use NSLDS data in the Awarding and Packaging processes, you must ensure that the Packaging Processes are setup to use NSLDS as an aggregate source, load NSLDS Data via ISIR Load, FAH request, or TSM request, and push NSLDS data to aggregate aid tables.

This section describes the NSLDS Data Push process.

When you push NSLDS data, the following aggregate areas are updated:

Note. Because the NSLDS Data Push process evaluates the most recent NSLDS data regardless of source (ISIR, FAH, or TSM), the NSLDS data that is pushed may not include the complete lifetime amounts used. For example, if the most recent NSLDS data is from an ISIR, the ISIR only includes up to three transaction sequences of data for each grant and loan type. The ISIR record does provide flags and indicators if there are more than 3 transactions. Check the NSLDS Financial Aid Professionals web site for additional information.

See Understanding Aggregate Aid.

Access the NSLDS Data Push page (Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Update Aggregates with NSLDS, NSLDS Data Push).

Use this page to independently push NSLDS totals into the aggregate aid tables outside of the ISIR or NSLDS data load routines.

Aid Year

Select the aid year to be populated with the most current row of NSLDS data.


Run Option

Refresh NSLDS Data: Always overwrites the existing NSLDS Total present for the Aid Year defined above.

Update NSLDS Data: Updates NSLDS Total only if NSLDS data is more current than present data for the aid year defined above.

Preserve Override: Update does not take place if the NSLDS Total amount has been overridden at the student level.


Population Selection

All Students: Use this option to update all students with NSLDS data who are active for the given aid year.

One Student: Select this option to enter one student ID to update. Then enter a single student ID.

Students in a list: Select this option to enter a list of student IDs to update. Then enter multiple student IDs in the List of IDs group box, which only displays when this option is selected.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Application History

The oldest aid-year-specific pages are removed from the various menus and stored in the Financial Aid History menu. You can access pages and components for three years of processing.

This section discusses how to review application history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Application History

Page Name

Definition Name



Historical Application Information


Financial Aid, Financial Aid History, View Archived Application Data, Historical Application Information

Access Federal EFC Summary, Institutional Application, Application Data Verification, Institutional EFC Summary, and ISIR History components and pages.

Federal EFC Summary


Click the Federal EFC Summary link on the Historical Application Information page.

View archived EFC summary data.

Institutional Application


Click the Institutional Application link on the Historical Application Information page.

View data on the following pages in the Maintain Institutional Application component: Student Data, Parent Data, Miscellaneous Data, and Computation Data.

Application Data Verification


Click the Application Verification link on the Historical Application Information page.

View data on the following pages in the Application Data Verification History component: Income Verification, Household Information, Worksheet A, Worksheet B, and Consolidated Tax Forms.

Institutional EFC Summary


Click the Institutional EFC Summary link on the Historical Application Information page.

View data for aid year.

RTIV Worksheet


Click the View RTIV Worksheet link on the Historical Application Information page. Then select the Return of Funds Worksheet page.

View the RTIV worksheet for the selected student and aid year.

Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking


Click the View RTIV PW Disbursement link on the Historical Application Information page.

View RTIV Post Withdrawal Disbursement information such as status (pending or complete) and disbursement dates.

Return of TIV Summary


Click the View RTIV Return Summary link on the Historical Application Information page.

View RTIV summary information for students who have Complete or Pending status. The calculation period, amount due from school, and amount due from student is shown.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Application History

Access the Historical Application Information page (Financial Aid, Financial Aid History, View Archived Application Data, Historical Application Information).

Click any link to view the detailed information for the selected student and aid year.


FT CSL: full-time Canada student loan

Inst App: institutional application

NA: Need Access

PT CSL: part-time Canada student loan
