Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting Students and Creating a FAN Extract File

This section provides an overview of FAN processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding FAN Processing

After packaging students, use the FAN to notify students of their financial aid awards. The FAN includes the name of each award, the amount awarded to the student, and any messages that you designated for a particular financial aid item type. When you define financial aid item types, you select award messages to print on the FAN and specify whether the award should be classified as an award item, other resource, or a custom format when printed on the FAN.

To create a FAN:

  1. Assign communications to students.

    You can assign a FAN communication to an individual student manually, or you can use Mass Change to assign a FAN communication to a group of students.

  2. Select a group of students for which to create an extract file.

  3. Create the extract file.

  4. Merge the extract file with your selected word processing software to create the actual FAN letter.

Some particulars for FAN processing:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Select Students and Create a FAN Extract File

Page Name

Definition Name



Award Notification Selection


Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, View Mass Change Selection, Award Notification Selection

Review students selected to receive a financial aid notification letter during the FAN-Select Letter Mass Change process.

Award Notification Selection (process)


Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Select Award Letter Data, Award Notification Selection

Select a student or group of students to include in extract file used to generate FAN letters. Choose the address and name to be used on the FAN letter.

Award Letter Data Extract


Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Create Award Letter Data File, Award Letter Data Extract

Create a FAN extract file.

Award Notification Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Summary, Award Notification Summary

Review award letters for a student.

Summary of Data Printed on FAN


Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, View Award Letter Data

View the information that was printed on the student's FAN letter.

Budget Items


Click the Budget Detail link on the Summary of Data Printed on FAN page.

View the budget categories and amounts that constitute the student's cost of attendance.

Term Award Data


Click the Award Detail link on the Summary of Data Printed on FAN page.

View the student's financial aid package by term.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning FAN Communications Manually

Click the Communication button to access the Communication Management page and assign a FAN communication for an individual student. This button is found on several pages including the:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning FAN Communications Using Mass Change

To assign communications using Mass Change:

  1. Update the Mass Change Select Template in the Mass Change Definition component (Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Definition) with the criteria that you want to use to select students.

    1. Select FAN-Select Letter as the Mass Change Definition.

    2. Select the Campus Solutions page, and enter or update the fields as necessary.

    3. Select the Criteria and Defaults page and use the SQL Statement scroll arrows to find Execution Seq 2, which has a Description of Select Application Criteria.

    4. Update the Field and Field Value entries that you want to use to select students, leaving blank those fields that you are not using.

    5. Select the Generate SQL page, and click the Mass Change Clear Switch button.

    6. Click the Mass Change Generate SQL Swch (mass change generate SQL switch) button.

    7. Click the Count button to make sure that the count (number of students selected) is at least greater than zero.

    8. Click the Save button, and click OK for any warning messages that appear.

  2. Run the Mass Change using the Run Mass Change page.

    1. Select the Execute Single Mass Change option in the Mass Change Run Type group box.

    2. In the Mass Change Definition field, select FAN-Select Letter.

  3. (Optional) Review and edit the selected students on the Award Notification Selection page.

  4. Update the Mass Change Update Template in the Mass Change Definition component (Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change—Communications, Mass Change Definition).

    1. Select FAN-Update Comm Table as the Mass Change Definition.

    2. Select the Campus Solutions page, and enter or update the fields as necessary.

    3. Select the Generate SQL page, and click the Mass Change Clear Switch button.

    4. Click the Mass Change Generate SQL Swch (mass change generate SQL switch) button.

    5. Click the Count button to make sure that the count (number of students selected) is at least greater than zero.

    6. Click the Save button, and click OK for any warning messages that appear.

  5. Run the 3C Engine (Campus Community, Communications, Process, 3C Engine).

    1. On the Trigger Table page, select the Mass Change option in the Process 3Cs group box.

    2. Select the Mass Change page.

    3. Enter FAN-Create-Communication in the Mass Change Group ID field.

    4. Click the Run button.

See Also

Assigning FAN Communications Using Mass Change

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Students Selected for Award Notification

Access the Award Notification Selection page (Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, View Mass Change Selection, Award Notification Selection).

The Mass Change Selection - Results group box lists the students who are selected to receive a FAN by the mass change process.


Specifies the current status of the student's FAN communication, and determines whether the student is selected for inclusion in the extract file. As long as the student does not have a status of Cancel, the student is selected for inclusion in the extract file. To prevent a student from receiving a FAN letter, you can either change the student's status to Cancel or you can delete the student's row.

Cancel: Select this value to prevent the student from having a FAN communication assigned.

Pending: The student has been selected to have a FAN communication assigned, but it has not yet been assigned (the 3C Engine still needs to be run).

Successful: Indicates that a FAN communication has been successfully assigned to the student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Students to Include in the Extract File

Access the Award Notification Selection (process) page (Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Select Award Letter Data, Award Notification Selection).


To print a FAN letter for only one student, select the student's ID number in this field. Only students who have been assigned a communication with a function of FINA are available for selection. If you want to select a group of students, leave this field empty.


If you want to print a FAN letter for a group of students, leave this field blank. Select a specific communication for the student. If you leave this field blank, the most recent communication is used. When you select a sequence number, the system populates the Institution, Function, Aid Year, Category, and Letter Code fields.


If you are selecting a group of students for which to run this process, select the institution that the students attend. When you complete this field, the system automatically populates the Function and Aid Year fields.

If you selected an ID, this field is already populated.


The administrative function of the Communication. FINA is the default.


Select AWARD for the FAN letter.


If you select an ID and a sequence, you can select a career for the student. If you select a career, only awards for that career are printed on the FAN. If you do not select a career, then awards for all the student's careers are printed on the FAN. If the student is a multiple career student and you want awards for all careers printed on the FAN, do not select a career.

When selecting a group of students, if you select a career, then only the awards for that career for each student are printed on the FAN. If you have multiple career students and you want awards for all their careers to be printed on the FAN, do not select a specific career.

Letter Code

Select FAN for the FAN letter.

Award Period

Select the award period for which you want the FAN letter created. The default value is Academic. Non Std (non standard) is also available for nonacademic terms. FA Term determines the default for these periods and uses the last effective-dated sequence or effective-dated status. For example, if the default is Academic and because different academic statuses are available in FA Term, such as fall 2006-2007, spring 2006-2007, and summer 2007-2008, the system uses the last effective-dated sequence or effective-dated status for that aid year.

Address Usage

The address usage determines which address is printed on the FAN letter. Address usage is defined by your institution.

Address Name

Select the address name that you want to use for this FAN letter. This determines what name is printed on the FAN letter. Address name is defined by your institution.

Print Canceled/Declined Awards

Select if you want the FAN letter to print canceled and declined awards in addition to offered and accepted awards.

Institutional Methodology

Select if you want institutional costs to be included as part of the FAN letter data. The institutional costs are summed into the Personal/Miscellaneous budget category.

Update FAN Attributes

Select to update the information on the Award Notification Summary page and mark the communication record completed. Clear the check box to run the selection process in test mode.


Run the Select students who need a FAN process (FANSEL) when you are ready to select students for the extract file.

Note. Be sure to run the FANSEL process in update mode at least once. If you never run the process in update mode the communication request is never marked as completed and it may always be selected for award notification. If you forget to Update FAN Attributes on this step, you can also update it during the Extract File Creation step.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating the FAN Extract File and Producing the FAN Letter

Access the Award Letter Data Extract page (Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Create Award Letter Data File, Award Letter Data Extract).


Select the student that you are working with if you are creating a FAN letter for only one student. If no ID is selected, all students who have been selected to receive a FAN are included in the extract file.

Letter Code

Select FAN.


This number distinguishes between versions of letters sent to a student. Each time a new communication and award notification letter (FAN) are requested, a sequential number is assigned to the award notification letter. This sequence is increased by one each time an additional award notification letter is requested. The sequence number allows you to select which version of the award notification letter that you want to use if an ID is entered.


If you select an ID and a sequence number you can select a career for the student. If you select a career, only awards for that career are printed on the FAN. If you do not select a career, then awards for all the student's careers are printed on the FAN. If the student is a multiple career student and you want awards for all careers printed on the FAN, do not select a career.

When selecting a group of students for whom to run this process, if you select a career, then only the awards for that career for each student are printed on the FAN. If you have multiple career students and you want awards for all their careers to be printed on the FAN, do not select a career.

Award Period

Select the award period for which you want the FAN letter created. The default value is Academic. Non Std (non standard) is also available for nonacademic terms.

FA Term determines the default for these periods and now uses the last effective-dated sequence or effective-dated status. For example, if the default is Academic and because different academic statuses are available in FA Term, such as fall 2006-2007, spring 2006-2007, and summer 2007-2008, the system uses the last effective-dated sequence or effective-dated status for that aid year.

Update FAN Attributes

Select to update the Print Status field on the Award Notification Summary page and update the communication record. Clear to run the process in test mode only.

Use Current Effective Address

Select to have the Create Award Data Extract process (FANLTR) reselect the student's name and address information using the information that you enter in the Address Usage and Address Name fields on this page. Clear to have the extract file contain the name and address chosen during the FANSEL process.

Address Usage

The address usage determines which address is printed on the FAN letter. Address usage is defined by your institution. The default value is the address usage from the student selection process.

Address Name

Select the address name to use for this FAN letter. This determines what name is printed on the FAN letter. Address name is defined by your institution. The default value is the address name from the student selection process.

File Type

Select the extract file type to be created. Values are: JetForm, CSV, and Other. JetForm is the default value. The value that you select in this field determines what other file-related fields appear on the page.

If you select JetForm, the page displays the File Path and Override Flags fields.

If you select CSV, the page displays the Send to Printer check box, the File Path field, and the Template Path field.

If you select Other, the page displays the File Path field.

Send to Printer

If you select CSV for the file type and you want the letter to go directly to the printer during the Microsoft Word merge process, select this check box.

File Path

Enter the full path of where you want the extract file to reside after the FANLTR process is run. Include a / or \ at the end of the path, such as C:\TEMP\ or //user/tmp/. Make sure that the destination folder or directory is a valid share folder or directory on the network.

Template Path

If you select CSV for the file type, you must indicate where your award letter master document (FANLTR.doc) and your template file ( reside. The Microsoft Word merge process uses this information. This location is usually \\PS_HOME\Winword.

Override Flags

If you select JetForm for the file type, specify print options to use when producing the FAN, such as the number of copies to create.


Click to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the Create Award Data Extract process (FANLTR) at user-defined intervals. After the system runs the process successfully, you can retrieve the extract file from the file path you specified. You can then use the extract file in whatever software you use to create the actual FAN letter.

Printing the Award Letter Using Microsoft Word

To perform a merge using Microsoft Word:

  1. Use the Award Letter Data Extract page to create a FAN extract file, using CSV for the file type. The date file output has been changed from .LTR (MS-Word) to .CSV.

  2. Specify the file path where you want the extract file and the parameter file to go in the File Path field. This can be a shared folder on your local machine or a shared folder on any valid network drive path. An example of a file path is C:\TEMP\.

  3. Run the process from the Process Scheduler. When the process completes, the extract file for the FAN (FAN.CSV) and the Word Merge parameters file (FANPARMS.DAT) are located at the file path you specified in Step 2.

  4. Move the FANPARMS.DAT file into the C:\TEMP\ folder if it is not already located there.

  5. Create a shortcut for MS-Word on your desktop specifically to run the merge process for the FAN letter. You must create this shortcut.

    1. Open Windows Explorer and find the Winword.exe file (usually in C:\Apps\Office\).

    2. Drag the button onto your desktop to create a shortcut.

    3. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties to edit the shortcut properties. Select the Shortcut tab.

    4. Edit the Target field to include the following parameter path values for launching the Winword file, template, and macro. In this example, we are pointing to C:\PS\LS8\Winword\ to find the FANLTR.DOT file, but you must enter the valid directory where the template resides on your system. However, you must enter /mPRCSFANLTR for the name of the macro.

      You must use a space to separate the path for launching the Winword file (which should already be in the Target field) from the path to the template and to separate the path to the template from the macro name. For example: C:\Apps\Office97\Office\WINWORD.EXE C:\PS\LS\Winword\FANLTR.DOT /mPRCSFANLTR

    5. Click OK when you finish editing the Target field.

    6. Rename the shortcut to indicate that the shortcut launches the merge process, such as FAN Winword.exe.

    7. Double-click the Word desktop shortcut you created to launch the merge process. The merge process creates a file called SAFANLTR.DOC in the C:\TEMP\ folder.

    8. Open the SAFANLTR.DOC file and print the FAN letters.

      Note. If you select the Send to Printer check box on the Award Letter Data Extract page, the file prints automatically on your default printer.

      Warning! If you are using Microsoft Office 2000, you must have applied service pack SR1 for the FAN to print. If you have not applied the service pack, the FAN does not print.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up FAN Printing Using the Forms Engine

This section provides an overview of Forms Engine FAN printing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Forms Engine FAN Printing

Prior to 2003-2004, printing FAN letters required you to initiate a process within the Packaging feature of Financial Aid. Navigate to Report Manger to view the results and print the FAN. Through the use of Forms Engine, an Application Engine program that outputs information in PostScript format, you can print FAN letters directly to your PostScript printer without leaving Packaging. Using Forms Engine for printing FAN eliminates the need for JetForm, Crystal Reports, and Word Merge.

The process prints the award notifications and updates a communications table to indicate that an award communication has been sent. You can initiate a process to print a single FAN letter for an individual student or for students in batch.

The previous process for printing FAN letters remains available. However, the new process is more streamlined and efficient than the previous process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up FAN to Print Using Forms Engine

Page Name

Definition Name



FE Award Notification Form Types (forms engine award notification form types)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Forms Engine Notification, Define Notification Form Types, FE Award Notification Form Types

Set notification form types.

FA Process Demographic Use


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Define Demographic Data Use, FA Process Demographic Use

Indicate from where the student's data should be gathered.

Sort Order Names


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Forms Engine Notification, Define Sort Order Names, Sort Order Names

Set the default criteria for the Setup Defaults and Run Controls.

FE Award Notif. Select. Eqtns (forms engine award notification selection equations)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Forms Engine Notification, Define Selection Equations, FE Award Notif. Select. Eqtns

Set up the table for FAN equations.

Printer Name


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Forms Engine Notification, Define Printer Names, Printer Name

Set up table for list of available printers. It allows you to define local printer options.

FE Award Notification Defaults (forms engine award notification defaults)


Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Defaults, FE Award Notification Defaults

Set award notification default information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up FE Award Notification Form Types

Access the FE Award Notification Form Types page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Forms Engine Notification, Define Notification Form Types, FE Award Notification Form Types).

Form Type

Identifies the form type for this award notification.


Describes the delivered form type. Form Type 1 is the initial notification of financial aid. Form Type 2 is shorter version of the initial notification.


Identifies in which group of letters this letter code exists.

Letter Code

The code from the Campus Community Standard Letters page for this communication. You can define the letter code for the FE FAN process.


The communications category associated with this letter code. You can define the category for the FE FAN process.


The context from the Campus Community Communications Context page that is included in this category. You can define the context for the FE FAN process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up FA Demographic Use Information

This setup uses the Campus Community components to evaluate Address and Name Usage processing requirements and to indicate from where the student's demographic information should be gathered.

Access the FA Process Demographic Use page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Define Demographic Data Use, FA Process Demographic Use).

Select the appropriate option for each of the fields.

Process Name

Award Notification process is new to FE FAN. You must insert a new row and select Award Notification as the process name.

Address Usage

Reserved for financial aid processes and is not used for loans.

Perm Addr Usage (permanent address usage)

Used to set the permanent address for loan processing.

Mail Addr Usage (mail address usage)

Used for temporary address.

Name Usage

Indicates which name to use for the student or borrower.

Phone Usage

Indicates the type of phone such as business phone or cellular phone. Used to select phone usage table settings defined in Campus Community setup.

Email Usage

Indicates the type of email address such as home, business, dorm, campus, or other. Used to select email usage table settings defined in Campus Community setup.

Address Usage Table

Click to access the Address Usage page to define or review address usages.

Name Usage Table

Click to access the Name Usage page to define or review name usages.

Phone Usage Table

Click to access the Phone Usage page to define or review phone usages.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community 9.0 Fundamentals PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Sort Order

You can sort the data by field to control the order in which the output documents generated by a batch print process appears. Two sort sequences are delivered with the system. FAN PROC 1 displays information by Record, Field Name, Length and Long Name. FAN PROC 2 displays information by Field Name, Long Name, Record, and Length. You must set up any other sort sequences for your institution.

Access the Sort Order Names page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Forms Engine Notification, Define Sort Order Names, Sort Order Names).

Sort Name

The name of the sort sequence.

Seq (sequence)

The hierarchy of how you want data to sort. Use a Zip Code sort to obtain information in the order to use for a bulk mailing.

Field Name

The name of the field.


The character length of the previous field.

Field Long Name

The full name of the field displayed.

Decimal Positions

Displays how many positions appear after the decimal point if this is a numeric field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Printer

Access the Printer Name page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Forms Engine Notification, Define Printer Names).

Printer Name

Enter the printer name and location of the path.


Enter the description of the printer.

Printer Location

Enter the printer location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up FE Award Notification Equations

Access the FE Award Notif Select. Eqtns page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Forms Engine Notification, Define Selection Equations).

Note. You must create equations using the Equation Engine prior to setting up the FE Award Notif Select. Eqtns page. See Equation Engine documentation for more information on setting up and using the Equation Engine.

Equation Name

Select the name of the equation.


The description of the equation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up FE Award Notification Defaults

Access the FE Award Notification Defaults page (Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Defaults).

Note. This page is designed to define the initial setup for the One-Up Print Process and Batch Print Run Controls.


Define the options for financial aid processing. Examples of standard career options are undergraduate or graduate.

Award Period

The award period that is used in packaging. Values include: Academic, Non-Standard, and Both.

Academic Program

Academic program values that are used for financial aid processing.

Form Type

Define and create the values using the Forms Engine. Initial Notification 1 and Initial Notification 2 (Short FAN) are delivered with the system.


Define this in the Setting Up the Forms Engine. It identifies the Form Type to a specific processing group.

Letter code

The code for the letter associated with this communication. You define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.


The communications category associated with this letter code. You define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.


The context from the Campus Community Communications Context page that is included in this category. You define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.

Equation Name

Define this using the Equation Engine. FANLTRSEL (Award Letter Selection Criteria), FANLTRDTRANG (Award Letters within a Date Range), FANLTRNONEED (Students with No Need) are delivered with the system.

Note. There is a change to the logic behind the FAN letter selection criteria. If you indicate in any of the run controls that cancelled and declined awards should print, the new version of the FANLTRSEL equation excludes letters for students who only have cancelled and declined awards.

Sort Order

Defined using the Sort Order Set Up. Sorts FE FAN output by sorting preferences.

Address Usage

Defined using the Process Demo Set Up. Allows you to override Address Usage options.

Name Usage

Defined using the Process Demo Set Up. Allows you to override Name Usage options.

Printer Name

Defined using the Printer Names Set Up. Allows you to select defined printer.

Aid Application Status

The values are based on Packaging Status Summary. Initially set to Active.

Service Impact

Determines whether or not to print a notification based on service impacts.

Award Status

Values are based on the Packaging Award Status field. Initially select Accepted or Offered.

Package Status

Values are based on the Aid Packaging Status field on the Packaging Status Summary page. You should set this option to Completed and never to Repackage.

Aid Packaging Method

Values are based on how aid packages were created. Values are Blank, Auto, Counselor, and Not Packaged. Initially select Blank to ensure that the program evaluates all options.

Packaging Methodology

Values are Federal Methodology and Institutional Methodology.

Retention Period

Indicates the length of time that Forms Engine keeps historical data.

Retention Units

Indicates the unit used in Retention Period. Use Years as the unit to facilitate audit requirements.

Budget Type

Values are Budget Categories (Institutional) and Pell Categories.

Date Time Format Override

(Optional) As a default, the FE FAN prints the date and time format defined for message catalog entry (138,1), which displays throughout the system. For example, if the message catalog entry is set as dd:MMMM:yyyy, which defines a system date-only format, and you need to display a date and 24-hour format for FE FAN only, enter dd:MMMM:yyyy:HH:mm:ss. For more information on defining date and time formats, see the explanation field for the Message Catalog Entry (138,1) in Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, "Using PeopleTools Utilities."

Include Revisions

Select to include revisions made to aid packages in the print job.

Display Notification Number

Select to print the number on the aid notification.

Print Cancels

Select to print the information if an award is cancelled.

Run Simulation

Select to run this print job in simulation mode.

Print Via Script

Select to allow for multi-platform printing.

Display NID

Select to display the student's National ID.

Display Customized Messages

Select to display customized, on demand user-defined messages from the FE Award Notification Student Defaults page Comment Box.

Display COA Only

Select to display the Cost Of Attendance/Budget information on the Aid Notification. The system does not display the resource information on the printed aid notification if you select this option.

Display Form Name

Select to display the name of the form on the printed aid notification.

Print Declines

Select to print the information if a student declines an award.

Duplex - Print Both Sides

Select to allow printing of both sides of a page.

See Also

Working with Equation Engine

Setting Up FE Award Notification Defaults

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting FE FAN Using Forms Engine

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Print FAN Using Forms Engine

Page Name

Definition Name



FE FAN Letter Run Control


Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Batch, FE FAN Letter Run Control

Set up to run FAN letters in batch.

FE Award Notification Student Defaults


  • Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification One-Up, FE Award Notification Student Defaults

  • Click the Award Notification link on the Award Entry page.

Display award status or print an award notification for an individual student.

FE Award Notification Inquiry


  • Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Inquiry, FE Award Notification Inquiry

  • Click the Award Notification link on the Packaging Status Summary page.

View award notification detail information.

FE Award Notification Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Summary, FE Award Notification Summary

View a summary of the non-simulation award notification processes and the award notification for an individual student.

FE Award Notification Reprint


Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Reprint, FE Award Notification Reprint

Reprint an award notification for an individual student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing and Printing FE FAN Letters in Batch

Access the FAN Letter Run Control page (Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Batch, FAN Letter Run Control).

Expiration Date

The date that the information is purged from the system.

Addr Usage (address usage)

Defined using the Process Demo Set Up. This allows you to override Address Usage options defined on the FE Award Notification Defaults page.

Sort Order

Defined using the Sort Order Set Up. This allows you to override the sort order defined in the FE Award Notification Defaults page. It sorts FE FAN output by sorting preferences.

Name Usage

Defined using the Process Demo Set Up. This allows you to override the name usage options defined in the FE Award Notification Defaults page.

Budget Type

Values are Budget Categories (Institutional) or Pell Categories.

Printer Name

Defined using the Printer Names Set Up. This allows you to override printer selection defined in the FE Award Notification Defaults page.

Form Type

Defined in the Setting Up the Forms Engine. Identifies the form type to a specific processing group.


Defined in Award Notification Form Type Set Up. Identifies in which group of letters this letter code exists.

Letter Code

The code from the Campus Community Standard Letters page for this communication. You define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.


The communications category associated with this letter code. You define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.


The context from the Campus Community Communications Context page that is included in this category. You define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.

Use Institutional Methodology

Select to use institutional methodology.

Display Customized Messages

Select to display customized, on demand user defined messages from the FE Award Notification Student Default page Comment Box.

Print Cancels

Select to print the information if an award is canceled.

Print Declines

Select to prints the information if an award is declined.

Print Via Script

Select to allow for multi-platform printing.

Run Simulation

Select to run this print job in simulation mode.

Include Revisions

Select to include revisions made to aid packages in the print job.

Display Notification Number

Displays number counter of letter. This information prints on the aid notification.

Display COA Only

Select to display the Cost Of Attendance/Budget information on the aid notification. The system does not display recourse information on the printed aid notification if you select this option.

Display Form Name

Select to display the name of the form on the printed aid notification.

Award Notification Selection


Indicates the sequence number.

Selection Criteria Type

Values include Basic Selection, Equation Selection, and Student Override.

Note. The system displays the following fields when you select Basic Selection. Use the fields to define a simple population selection.

Award Period

The award periods used in packaging. Values include: Academic, Non-Standard, and Both.

Academic Program

Academic program values used for financial aid processing.

Academic Career

Define the careers for financial aid processing.

Aid Application Status

Values are based on Packaging Award Status field. You should set this option to Accepted or Offered.

Award Status

Values are based on Packaging Status Summary field, Aid Packaging Status. You should select Packaging Completed.

Aid Processing Status

Values based on how aid packages were created. Values include Blank, Auto, Counselor, and Not Packaged. Initially select Blank to ensure that the program evaluates all options.

Aid Packaging Method

Values are based on Packaging Award Status field. You should select Accepted or Offered.

FAN Letter Run Control with Equation Selection

Access the FAN Letter Run Control page with Equation Selection (Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Batch, FAN Letter Run Control).

This selection allows you to select a batch printing population defined by using an equation.

FAN Letter Run Control with Student Override Selection

Access the FAN Letter Run Control page with Student Override (Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Batch, FAN Letter Run Control).

This selection allows you to run batch processes for a single or multiple student IDs if row insert is used.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing and Printing an Individual FE FAN Letter

Access the FE Award Notification Student Defaults page (Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification One-Up, FE Award Notification Student Defaults).

Note. You must first set default values on the Default Setup Page before using the FE Award Notification Detail page.

Note. The OK, Cancel, and Apply buttons appear below the page when you access it by clicking the Award Notification link on the Award Entry, Student Aid Package page.

The system displays the ID, Aid Year, and Institution.

Award Period

Award periods used in packaging. Values include Academic,Non-Standard, and Both.

Printer Name

Defined using the Printer Names Set Up. This allows you to override printer selection defined on the FE Award Notification Defaults page.

Form Type

Use the Forms Engine to define and create options. Initial Notification Option 1 and Option 2 (Short FAN) are delivered with the system.


Defined in the Setting Up the Forms Engine. Identifies the Form Type to a specific processing group.

Letter Code

The code from the Campus Community Standard Letters page for this communication. Define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.


The communications category associated with this letter code. Define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.


The context from the Campus Community Communications Context page included in this category. Define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.



Values include:

Blank: Package does not exist.

Initial: Automatically switches to this status in preparation of the print process. You can manually reset this after the letter is run in real time. This status does not change to printed if you run the job in simulation.

Hold: Holds the print option for this award period.

Revised: Automatically switches to this status after the initial letter prints. You can manually reset this after the letter is run in real time. This status does not change to printed if you run this job in simulation.


This allows you to write free form text. This comment prints if the Display Customized Messages check box is selected either on the FE Award Notification Defaults page or the FE Award Notification Run Control. The system prints this customized message in addition to any item type related message.



Values include:

Blank: Package does not exist.

Initial: Automatically switches to this status in preparation of the print process. You can manually reset this after the letter is run in real time. This status does not change to printed if you run the job in simulation.

Hold: Holds the print option for this award period.

Revised: Automatically switches to this status after the initial letter prints. You can manually reset this after the letter is run in real time. This status does not change to printed if you run this job in simulation.


This allows you to write free form text. This comment prints if the Display Customized Messages check box is selected either on the FE Award Notification Defaults page or the FE Award Notification Run Control. The system prints this customized message in addition to any item type related message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing FE Award Notification Inquiries

Access the FE Award Notification Inquiry page (click the Award Notification link on the Packaging Status Summary page).

This page is view only. It is intended for front-line users with limited access or security. You cannot process actions or invoke processes from this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Award Notification Summary

Access the Award Notification Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Summary).

Letter Code

Used to generate the FAN letter.


A number that distinguishes between versions of letters sent to a student. When you request a new communication and award notification letter (FAN), the system assigns a sequential number to the award notification letter. This sequence increases by one each time you request an additional award notification letter.


Indicates the date and time the letter was created.

Print Status

Indicates whether the letter has been printed, is awaiting printing, or has an error.

Award Period

Indicates the award period for which the FAN letter is printed. FA Term determines the default for these periods and uses the last effective-dated sequence or effective-dated status.

FAN Data

Click to access the Summary of Data Printed on FAN page to view the information that was printed on the student's FAN letter.

Note. To use the preview link, you must load the Get Post Script Viewer program. This program is freeware. You must load the GSVIEW and the GNU GHOSTSCIPT programs from this link.

This page is view only. It is intended for front-line users with limited access or security.

Click the Preview link to view and reprint a copy of the FE FAN letter associated with the Form Instance number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReprinting FE FAN Letters

Access the Award Notification Reprint page (Financial Aid, Awards, Notification Letter, Award Notification Reprint).

The system displays the Run Control ID.

Form Process Instance

This information comes from Process Monitor Log Files.

Printer Name

Defined using the Printer Names Set Up. This allows you to override printer selection defined on the FE Award Notification Defaults page.

Print Via Script

Select to allow for multi-platform printing.

Selection Criteria Type

Values include:

All: Allows you to reprint the entire batch of students for the form process instance.

Collation Key Range: Allows you to reprint an individual student or a range of students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Examples of Printed RE FAN Letters

Financial Aid Award Notification Letter, long version.

Financial Aid Award Notification Letter, short version

Click to jump to parent topicModifying FE FAN Form Letter Templates

This section discusses how to:

Note. You may want to consult your technical support group before implementing this procedure.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging an Address

The system uses the school address information from the Academic Institution Table for the FE FAN letter. To change an academic institution's address, use the Academic Institution 1 page by navigating to Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Institution Table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Messages and Instructions

You can update or change messages and instructions.

To change thePlease return within 90 days. message:

  1. Navigate to PeopleTools, Utilities, Use, Message Catalog.

  2. Enter 14402 in the Message Set Number field and click Search.

  3. Click Find and enter 98 in the Explorer User Prompt dialog box.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Use the Message Text field to update the message text.

  6. Save your changes.

To change the Instructions section:

  1. Navigate to PeopleTools, Utilities, Use, Message Catalog.

  2. Enter 14420 in the Message Set Number field and click Search.

  3. Click Find and enter 180 in the Explorer User Prompt dialog box.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Update the text in the Explanation field.

  6. Save your changes.

To move existing information from one page to another or adding another page, change the Application Engine Program called FAAWDNOTIF.

Note. It is useful to know the page names in Application Designer. The first page of the FE FAN is called FA_AWD_NOTIF_LTR1.