Setting Up Tuition Controls, Criteria, Equations, and Waivers

This chapter provides an overview of tuition controls, criteria, equations, and waivers and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tuition Controls, Criteria, Equations, and Waivers

Controls, criteria, and waivers determine when the system calculates tuition and for whom. They define how much money the system returns if a student drops a class or withdraws. They also establish for whom tuition should be waived and for what reason. Equation Engine replaces the equation processor previously used in Campus Solutions applications. Equation Engine performs complicated calculations that can help you select students for inclusion in a group or determine a fee for a unique situation.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Billing and Due Date Calendars

To set up billing and due date calendars, use the Billing and Due Calendars component (DUE_DATE_PANEL).

Billing and due date calendars are associated with tuition calculation and are used to determine the percentage of specific fees due to be paid by a particular time. Because a due date calendar is required for the setup of fees, you must define at least one billing and due date calendar for your institution. You can also define additional billing and due date calendars as needed to meet the requirements of your business processes.

When creating your billing and due date calendar, you can specify that the payment of a fee is due in full at a particular date, or you can create a payment schedule. For example, you can define a billing and due date calendar that indicates that your application fee is due in full at the time that an application is filed and create another billing and due date calendar for installment payments for your tuition fees. You can also design the system so that a due date for a fee is designated at the time that you create a bill or post a charge.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Billing and Due Date Calendars

Page Name

Definition Name



Billing and Due Calendars


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Billing and Due Calendars

Define billing and due date calendars.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Billing and Due Date Calendars

Access the Billing and Due Calendars page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Billing and Due Calendars).

Pivot Date

Select a pivot date for this calendar. Student Financials uses the pivot date as the starting place to calculate due dates or billing dates. The system counts the billing dates and due dates—either back in time or forward in time—from the pivot date that you select.

Warning! Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values requires a substantial programming effort.

Select from:

Admit Term Start Date: Select to use as the pivot date the first day of the term that the student is admitted. This option pertains to application fee processing only.

Application Date: Select to use as the pivot date the date that the application is filed. This option pertains to application fee processing only.

Class Start Date: Select to use as the pivot date the first day of the class.

Session Start Date: Select to use as the pivot date the first day of the session.

Term Start Date: Select to use as the pivot date the first day of the term.

Copy Billing and Due Calendar

Click to copy this billing and due calendar to a new term or session.


Enter the term for this billing and due calendar.


If you are defining a billing and due calendar for a session within a term, or you want to use the session start date as the pivot date, specify the session.

From Day and To Day

Enter the first and last day that you assess fees. Express the number of days before the pivot date as a negative number, and the number of days after the pivot date as a positive number.

Due % (due percent)

Define the percentage of the fee that's due for the respective assessment period.

Due Date Calc (due date calculation)

Use this field to determine how the system calculates the due date for a given fee assessment period. Select from:

Days from Pivot Date: Select to calculate the due date based on the pivot date.

Days from Run Date: Select to calculate the due date based on the day that you assessed fees.

No Date Calculated: Select to disable the calculation of a due date.


Enter the number of days from the pivot date or run date that the fees are due. Enter a negative number to indicate days before the respective date; enter a positive number to indicate days after the respective date. If you select No Date Calculated in the Due Date Calc field, the Days field becomes unavailable.

Billing Date Calc (billing date calculation)

Use this field to determine how the system calculates the billing date for a given fee assessment period. Select from:

Days from Due Date: Select to calculate the billing date based on the calculated due date.

Days from Pivot Date: Select to calculate the billing date based on the pivot date.

Days from Run Date: Select to calculate the billing date based on the day that you assessed fees.

No Date Calculated: Select to disable the calculation of a billing date.


Enter the number of days from the due date, pivot date, or run date that the system produces a bill. Enter a negative number to indicate days before the respective date; enter a positive number to indicate days after the respective date. If you select No Date Calculated in the Billing Date Calc field, the Days field becomes unavailable.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Adjustment Calendars

To set up adjustment calendars, use the Adjustment Calendars component (ADJ_TERM_PANEL).

This section provides an overview of adjustment calendars and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Adjustment Calendars

Adjustment calendars determine the refund schedules that you apply to the members of a tuition group. These calendars govern how the system adjusts term and class level fees when a student withdraws or drops a class. The system uses the number of days that a term or class has been in session or the class attendance percentage to determine the percentage of refund due. The system calculates these figures using date and time stamps located in the STDNT_ENRL table. State government, an agency, the federal government, or your institution can mandate refund schedules. The pro rata refund is applied to first-time students who withdraw. Federal regulations require you to use the refund table that is best for the student.

The logic for term fee calculations and adjustments for each student is:

See Also

Understanding Class Enrollment Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Adjustment Calendars

Page Name

Definition Name



Adjustment Calendars


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Adjustment Calendars

Define adjustment calendars.

Administrative Fee Setup


Click the Administrative Fee Setup link on the Adjustment Calendars page.

Define administrative fee for adjustment periods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Adjustment Calendars

Access the Adjustment Calendars page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Adjustment Calendars).

Note. Most types of financial aid have specific fee adjustment requirements. Consult your financial aid staff to determine adjustment calendar requirements.


Enter a description to identify this adjustment calendar.

Adjustment Option

Select the adjustment option for this adjustment calendar. Values are:

By Census Date:Select to adjust fees based on the census date. Use only for Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) calculation. This adjustment option is not available for term fees.

By Class Length % (by class length percentage): Select to adjust fees based on the number of days that have passed out of the total number of class days scheduled. For example, if a class is scheduled to run for 13 weeks, and a student drops the class at the end of the second week, the student would have attended slightly over 15 percent of the class length.By Class Meeting % (by class meeting percentage): Select to adjust fees based on the number of class meetings attended out of the total number of scheduled class meetings.

By Class Meetings Select to adjust fees based on the number of class meetings attended regardless of the total number of meetings scheduled.

By Class Start Date: Select to adjust fees based on the number of days that have passed from the class start date.

By Session Start Date: Select to adjust fees based on the number of days that have passed from the first day of the session.

By Term Start Date: Select to adjust fees based on the number of days that have passed from the first day of the term.

Adjust Reason (adjustment reason)

Select the adjustment reason code. You might adjust fees differently depending on the reason that the student drops or withdraws. For example, you might give a full refund to a student who has to drop for reasons beyond his control. The adjust reason is a short explanation of the difference.

Note. If you want to select an adjustment reason for a term withdrawal, you must first select the Term Withdrawal check box.

Term Withdrawal

Select if this adjustment code is to be used for term withdrawal. Do not select this check box if the adjust reason is for dropped classes.

Copy Adjustment Calendar

Click to copy an adjustment calendar from one term to another.

Set Default

Select to designate an adjust reason as the default reason for both term withdrawal and dropping a class. Both term withdrawal and class drop must have one adjustment calendar defined as the default.

Term and Session

Enter the appropriate term and session information for each adjust reason.

Day From and To

If you select the adjustment options By Class Start Date,By Term Start Date, or By Session Start Date, enter the beginning (Day From) and ending point (Day To) of the time period. For both of these fields, express the number of days before the start date defined in the Adjustment Option field as a negative number.

For example, if you want a student to receive a full refund from any time before the start of a term to the day before the start of a term, enter –9999 in the From Day field and –1 in the To Day field.

Percent From and To

If you select the adjustment options By Class Length % or By Class Meeting %, enter a beginning (Percent From) and ending point (Percent To) of the range. Percent values cannot be expressed as negative numbers.

For example, if you want students to receive a full refund if they drop any time before attending at least 10 percent of the class, enter 0% in the Percent From field and 9.999% in the Percent To field.

Meeting From and Meeting To

If you select the adjustment option By Class Meetings, enter a beginning (Meeting From) and ending (Meeting To) class session.

For example, if you want students to receive a full refund if they drop any time before attending the third class session, enter 0 in the Meeting From field and 2 in the Meeting To field.

Refund Percent

Enter the percent of fees charged that you want the student to receive as a refund.

Administrative Fee Setup

Click to define any administrative fees that are associated with the adjustment period.

Note. Administrative fees for withdrawal can be defined for each refund range row. You can set up an administrative fee for cancellation only on the first row and only if the refund percent is 100 percent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Administrative Fees for Adjustment Periods

Access the Administrative Fee Setup page (click the Administrative Fee Setup link on the Adjustment Calendars page).

Due Date Code

Select the due date code (billing and due calendar) that you want to use for the administrative fee.

Withdrawal Group Box

Flat Fee

If you want to charge a student a specific amount for withdrawing from school or for canceling enrollment in classes, enter the amount in the Flat Fee fields. This option can be used alone or in conjunction with a percentage fee.


If you want to charge students a percentage of their tuition and fees when they withdraw from school, enter that percentage in this field. This option can be used alone or in conjunction with a flat fee. This option applies to withdrawal only.

Maximum Amount

If you want to put a limit on the total administrative fees that can be charged to students who withdraw from school, enter a maximum amount in this field. This option applies to withdrawal only.

Account Type

Select an account type for the administrative fee.

Item Type

Select the item type that you have set up for administrative fee charges.


Flat Fee

If you want to charge a student a specific amount for withdrawing from school or for canceling enrollment in classes, enter the amount in the Flat Fee fields. This option can be used alone or in conjunction with a percentage fee.

Account Type

Select an account type for the administrative fee.

Item Type

Select the item type that you have set up for administrative fee charges.

See Also

Setting Up Account Types

Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating the Term Fee by Term and Adjusting by Term Scenarios

The following scenarios describe how the system calculates the term fees after a student initially enrolls in four classes and then:

The term fee is assessed through an equation and is charged by term and adjusted by term. Refer to the section Using Equation Engine to Define Tuition Calculation Equations to see the sample equation, SFTDTFTRMTRM (Charge by Term, Adjust by Term).

Scenario 1: On January 1, 2007 the student enrolled in four classes at 100 per unit. Each class is three billing units; therefore, the total billing units equals 12 and the total amount equals 1200.00 USD, as shown in the following examples:


























The following table lists the transaction in the Tuition Calculation temporary table after initial enrollment:

Transaction Date



Drop Date


Refund %

Drop Cost








Student Balance is 1200.00

Scenario 2: On January 1, 2007 the student initially enrolled in four classes. Then on January 2, 2007 the student drops one class:


























The following table lists the transactions in the Tuition Calculation temporary table after initial enrollment and dropping one class:

Transaction Date



Drop Date


Refund %

Drop Cost














300* (100% — 80%) = 60

Student balance: 900.00 + 60.00 = 960.00

Scenario 3: On January 3, 2007 the student initially enrolled in four classes. On January 2, 2007 the student dropped a class and then on January 3, 2007 the student adds an additional class:































The following table lists the transactions in the Tuition Calculation temporary table after initial enrollment and dropping one class and adding one class:

Transaction Date



Drop Date


Refund %

Drop Cost














300* (100% — 80%) = 60








Note. In this example, the drop cost of 1200.00 on January 3, 2007 is not calculated on an added class.

Student balance: 1200.00 + 60.00 = 1260

Scenario 4; On January 1, 2007 the student initially enrolled in four classes. Then on January 2, 2007 the student drops two classes with the same reason, on the same day.


























The following table lists the transactions in the Tuition Calculation temporary table after the initial enrollment and dropping of two classes with the same reason, on the same day.

Transaction Date



Drop Date


Refund %

Drop Cost














600 (100% — 80%) = 120.00

Student balance: 600.00 + 120.00 = 720.00

Scenario 5: On January 1, 2007 the student initially enrolled in four classes. Then on January 2, 2007 the student drops two classes with two different reasons:


























The following table lists the transactions in the Tuition Calculation temporary table after the initial enrollment and dropping of two classes with two different reasons, on the same day.

Transaction Date



Drop Date


Refund %

Drop Cost














300* (100% — 90%) = 30.00







$600 (100% — 80%) = 60.00

Student Balance: 600.00 + 30.00 + 60.00 = 690.00

When a student drops two classes with two different reasons on the same day, the temporary table is inserted alphabetically by reason and each class is calculated separately. The first amount is calculated by only noting that one class has been canceled. The second amount is calculated by using the second class that has been dropped by the student.

If the adjustment calendar is by session start date, the session code is taken into account similarly to the reason.

During withdrawal processing, the student's enrollment record, for enrolled classes, will have the drop date equal the last attendance date. Therefore, the transaction date will be the last attendance date.

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Tuition Calculation Controls

To set up tuition calculation controls, use the Tuition Calculation Controls component (CALC_CNTROL_PANEL).

Tuition calculation controls determine the academic careers that are eligible for tuition and fee calculation each term.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Tuition Calculation Controls

Page Name

Definition Name



Tuition Calculation Controls


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Tuition Calculation Controls

Specify tuition calculation parameters for academic careers by term.

Refund Calculation Controls


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Tuition Calculation Controls, Refund Calculation Controls

Establish restrictions on automatic tuition calculation.

Display Error/Warning Controls


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Tuition Calculation Controls, Display Error/Warning Controls

Select errors and warnings for tuition calculation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Tuition Calculation Parameters

Access the Tuition Calculation Controls page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Tuition Calculation Controls).

Note. You must establish tuition controls for each active academic career for each term.

Academic Career

Select the academic career for your tuition calculation controls.

Tuition Calculation Controls for Terms


Select the term to which these controls apply.

Term Wash Period

The term wash period indicates the number of days that a student can drop and add classes of equal value (wash) without penalty. This is not the same as a drop/add period in which students are allowed to make any changes. The term wash period typically extends beyond the normal drop/add period to accommodate students who must make changes to their enrollment.

For example: a student enrolls in Chemistry 101 and determines, after two weeks in class, that he or she is too advanced for the introductory level class. If the term wash period is at least 14 days, the student can switch to Chemistry 201 without penalty.

Note. The dropped and added classes do not need to match exactly as long as the total amount of tuition and related fees is equal. For example, a student can drop one four-credit course and replace it with two two-credit courses as long as the total tuition and fee charges do not change.

Transaction Wash Period

Enter a number of days for a transaction wash period. The transaction wash period allows students a period of time in which to complete a wash transaction. That is, the student does not need to drop and add the wash classes at the same time. Rather, as long as the replacement class or classes are added within the transaction wash period, no penalty is incurred. If the drop and add take place outside both the term wash and transaction wash periods, the student is charged the prorated amount of the dropped class and the full amount of the added class.

Auto Calculate Tuition (automatically calculate tuition)

Select to automatically calculate tuition whenever you inquire on a student's account. This feature enables you to see the most up-to-date tuition information without having to run a separate tuition calculation.

Auto Calculate Self Service

Select to automatically calculate tuition for a particular term in self service. If you select the check box, a student using self service can see the most up-to-date tuition information without you having to run a separate tuition calculation.

In self service, the system calculates tuition when a student accesses the Account Inquiry or the Make a Payment component. The system does not automatically calculate tuition when a student accesses the Student Center. In addition, tuition calculation is never invoked from the Student Services Center or Student Services Center (Student).

Note. This option impacts only self service, in contrast to the Auto Calculate Tuition option that impacts only the administrative module. You can choose to enable automatic tuition calculation for self service, administrative module, or both.

The check box is cleared by default.

Note. In addition to selecting this check box, you must also select automatic self service tuition calculation elsewhere in the system, for tuition calculation to be invoked in self service. You must select the check box here for automatic self service tuition calculation to have effect for a particular term.

See Defining Basic Institution Set Parameters.

Auto Calculate Waivers (automatically calculate waivers)

Select to automatically calculate student waivers whenever tuition is calculated. If you select this option, Student Financials calculates a student's tuition first, and then automatically applies all tuition waivers against the student's final tuition amount. If you do not select this option, the system does not calculate or post tuition waivers, so you must calculate and post waivers in background processing.

Tuition Calculation Controls for Sessions


Enter a session if you want your tuition calculation controls to apply to specific sessions within the term. If you leave this field blank, the controls apply to all sessions in the term.

Session Wash Period

If you choose to apply tuition calculation controls by the session, you must enter a session wash period value. The session wash period works the same as a term wash period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Restrictions on Automatic Tuition Calculation

Access the Refund Calculation Controls page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Tuition Calculation Controls, Refund Calculation Controls).


Enter the term for which the refund calculation control applies.

No Calculation on Batch Refund

Select if you do not want the system to automatically calculate tuition when batch refund processing is run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Errors and Warnings

Access the Display Error/Warning Controls page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Tuition Calculation Controls, Display Error/Warning Controls).

The default setting is ON to display warnings and messages. If you do not have a row for the term with these controls cleared, you will continue to receive errors and warnings. Insert a row for every term in which you want to clear warnings and messages.

If an equation contains the equation keyword Message, or the equation produces an error, the message is written to the Tuition Calc log file.

Note. The equation keyword Message may affect performance and should be used primarily in your test environment to verify the results of the equation.


Select the term for the error and warning controls that you are defining.

Include Status of Warning

Select to have warning messages appear in CALC_ERROR. If you do not select this check box, warnings do not appear.

Include Status of Message

Select to have messages appear in CALC_ERROR. If you do not select this check box, messages do not appear.

Display in Log File

Select during your installation process when you want to review log file information. This feature is typically disabled after installation and testing has been completed.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Variables for Criteria and Equations

To set up variables for criteria and equations, use the Equation Variables component (STDNT_EQUTN_VARS).

This section provides an overview of equation variables and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Equation Variables

Equation variables are user-defined variables that you can use to classify students when no standard system values are available. For example, you might need to calculate a fee for students involved in summer internship programs. You could define one or more variables to use to identify the students and calculate the appropriate fees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Variables for Criteria and Equations

Page Name

Definition Name



Char Variables (character variables)


Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Equation Variables, Char Variables

Define character variables.

Num Variables (numeric variables)


Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Equation Variables, Num Variables

Define numeric variables.

Y/N Flags (yes/no flags)


Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Equation Variables, Y/N Flags

Define yes/no variables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Character Variables

Access the Char Variables page (Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Equation Variables, Char Variables).


Select the term for which you want the variables to apply.

Var Char1 (variable characters 1) through Var Char10 (variable characters 10)

You can attach up to 10 character variables to the student, using the Var Char1 through Var Char10 fields. Save the page, and the system links the character variables that you specified to the student. The character variables no longer apply when the term that you selected ends.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Numeric Variables

Access the Num Variables page (Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Equation Variables, Num Variables).


Select the term for which you want the variables to apply.

Var Num1 (variable number 1) through Var Num10 (variable number 10)

Attach up to 10 numeric variables to the student, using these fields. Save the page, and the system links the variables that you specified to the student. The numeric variables no longer apply when the term that you selected ends.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Yes/No Flags

Access the Y/N Flags page (Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Equation Variables, Y/N Flags).


Select the term for which you want the variables to apply.

User Variable Y/N Flag #1 (user variable yes/no flag number 1) through User Variable Y/N Flag #10 (user variable yes/no flag number 10)

You can select up to 10 Y/N flags per student, using the User Variable Y/N Flag #1 through User Variable Y/N Flag #10 check boxes. Save the page, and the system links the variables that you specified to the student.

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Criteria for Tuition Groups and Fee Triggers

To set up criteria for tuition groups and fee triggers, use the Criteria component (SEL_CRITERIA_PANEL).

This section provides an overview of tuition group and fee trigger criteria and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tuition Group and Fee Trigger Criteria

Criteria are essentially questions that can be answered yes or no. In PeopleSoft Enterprise Student Financials, use criteria to compare one or more variable values to a student's academic situation to determine whether an action should be triggered (for example, applying a waiver to fees), or in which tuition group the student should be included.

The Criteria component is a flexible means of identifying and classifying students. Criteria can be as simple as a single variable (for example, is the student a sophomore) or extremely complex involving multiple variables. Whenever you create a criteria definition, test it thoroughly to make sure it produces the exact results that you expect.

Trigger criteria and tuition group criteria cannot be used interchangeably. You can, however, create one of each using the same detail setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Criteria for Tuition Groups and Fee Triggers

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Criteria

Define criteria codes and criteria types.

Criteria Details


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Criteria, Criteria Details

Define criteria details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Criteria Codes and Criteria Types

Access the Criteria page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Criteria).

Criteria Type

Select one of two criteria types. The two types cannot be used interchangeably. Select from:

Trigger Criteria: Select to define a criterion that triggers an event.

Tuition Group Criteria: Select to define a criterion that links a student to a tuition group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Criteria Details

Access the Criteria Details page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Criteria, Criteria Details).


Select a variable related to a student's characteristics for a particular term.

Note. Student Financials provides system variables that cover most needs. In addition, 30 user-defined variables are available to use. Using these user-defined variables is more difficult because you must know the definition of each variable position.

How Specified

Selected Detail Values

Select to match the variable with a specific value.

Selected Tree Nodes

Select to match the variable using any value within a tree node. When you select this option, the fields in the Tree Information group box become available.

TableSet, Tree Name, and Level Name

Select the tableset, tree name, and a level name on the tree if the tree has strictly enforced levels. After specifying this information, enter a node or nodes to assist in specifying the student group.


Define the function that the system performs against the value.

Relational Operators


Less than


Less than or equal to


Greater than


Greater than or equal to


Not equal to

BLK (blank)

The field value is blank

BTW (between)

The field value is between A and B

NBL (not blank)

The field value is not blank



If you select Selected Detail Values in the How Specified group box, enter an explicit variable value. The system edits it against a prompt table if one exists, or the system edits it for valid dates, numbers, and string lengths.

If you chose Selected Tree Nodes in the How Specified group box, specify a tree node in the Node field.

A tree node is a collection of values that is aggregated under a single node. It is a quick way to specify numerous values. A tree must have the same criteria as its detail value.

See Also

Defining Variables for Criteria and Equations

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Equation Engine to Define Tuition Calculation Equations

The Equation Engine is a powerful tool that enables you to develop a variety of formulas. In Student Financials, equations are used to identify a student's enrollment status, calculate and assign fees, and calculate tuition. This section provides an overview of global variables and discusses how to:

See Also

Working with Equation Engine

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Global Variables

The following SF global variables are now available to calculate: adjustments, course fees, course list fees, and class fees. The new global variables use fields from the Tuition Calculation temporary table, which originates from the STDNT_ENRL_ or CLASS_TBL.

The SF global variables are:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Tuition Calculation Equations

Page Name

Definition Name



Equation Editor


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Equation Engine, Equation Editor

View delivered equations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Equations

Access the Equation Editor page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Equation Engine, Equation Editor).

You can view any equation listed on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Equation Information

Access the SFTDTFTRMTRM equation on the Equation Editor page. (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Equation Engine, Equation Editor).

This sample equation calculates the term fee by term, adjust by term. To determine the enrolled classes on a specific date, tuition calculation looks at the temporary table and, for each row, the equation is called and it compares the global variables from the temporary table to the student's enrollment. Refer to Understanding the Adjustment Calendar section for logic for the term fee and adjustment calculation for each student.

See Also

Working with Equation Engine

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Equation Engine in Student Financials Tuition Calculation

Access the SFTDUGRDAMT equation on the Equation Editor page.

This equation uses the Stdnt Fin Tuit Amount Limited application prompt ID. The equation looks at a student's career number, determines whether the student is an undergraduate, and then assigns a monetary amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Student Financials Undergraduate Selection Equation

Access the SFTDUGRDSEL equation on the Equation Editor page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Equation Engine, Equation Editor).

This equation selects students based on their undergraduate status.

See Also

Working with Equation Engine

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Waivers and Waiver Groups

To set up waivers and waiver groups, use the Waivers component (WAIVER_PANEL) and the Waiver Groups component (WAIVER_GROUP_PANEL).

Waivers provide a convenient, consistent, and easily maintainable way of waiving or reducing tuition or fees for students who meet specific criteria. Waiver groups enable you to attach one or more waivers directly to class, course, and course list fees.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Waivers and Waiver Groups

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Waivers

Define waivers.

Waiver Groups


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Course and Class Fees, Waiver Groups

Define waiver groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Waivers

Access the Waivers page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Waivers).


Select the criteria to use to determine the student's eligibility for a waiver.

Adjust Until Date

Define the last day that a waiver can be granted to a student who meets the criteria.

Use Excess Account

Select to move any excess waiver amounts to the account defined for excesses.

Waive Percentage

If only a percentage of a fee is to be waived, enter that percentage in this field.

Item Type Group

Select an item type group if you want the option of attaching the waiver to a tuition group. When a waiver is attached to a tuition group, an item type group is necessary to limit which fees are affected. If the waiver is attached to a term fee, class, course, or course list fee, the program does not consider the item type group because the waiver is attached at a more specific level.

Note. The Item Type Group field is available only if Waiver Percentage or Waiver Offset is selected as the method of calculating the waiver.


If the waiver is based on the amount of units in a student's course load, enter the per unit amount.

Flat Amount

You can waive a flat amount for students who meet the criteria. If you select this option, do not complete the Waive Percentage and Waiver Offset fields.

Waiver Offset

Enter an amount the students potentially pay themselves. For example, you might waive all tuition fees for employees, but want them to pay at least 100 USD. Enter 100 in this field, and the system reduces the calculated waiver by 100 USD.

Note. Waiver Offset cannot be used in conjunction with the Waive Percentage, Amount/Unit, or Flat Amount option. You can use Waiver Offset with the Maximum Amount option to limit the total amount of the waiver. Also, if the waiver is attached to a tuition group, the Item Type Group field must be populated.

Maximum Amount

Enter the maximum amount that can be waived for a student.

Waive Tax

Select to control whether the waiver adjusts taxes that are associated with a charge. Selecting this option does not increase the amount of the waiver, but distributes it proportionately across the charge and tax. When you select this option, the Tax Waiver Account Type and Tax Waiver Item Type fields become available.

Increase Waiver for Tax

Select to add the amount of the tax to the waiver. When selected, this option can cause the total waiver to exceed the maximum amount limits.

Tax Waiver Account Type

Enter an account type for the waived tax. The default value is the same as for the waiver account type, but you can override it.

Tax Waiver Item Type

Enter an item type for the waived tax. The default value is the same as for the waiver item type, but you can override it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Waiver Groups

Access the Waiver Groups page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Course and Class Fees, Waiver Groups).

Waiver Code

Add a waiver to the waiver group.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Course Lists

To set up course lists, use the Course Lists component (CRSE_LIST_PANEL).

Course lists represent a group of linked courses. You can assign a course fee to a course list rather than attaching the fee to specific courses. Course lists can also be used with third-party contracts to control what courses are covered by the sponsor contract.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Course Lists

Page Name

Definition Name



Course Lists


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Course and Class Fees, Course Lists

Define course lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Course Lists

Access the Course Lists page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Course and Class Fees, Course Lists).

Note. The effective date of the course list cannot precede the effective date of the course catalog from which you select courses.

Sequence Number

Enter a sequence number for the class. Sequence numbers are important for writing course information to the table and cannot be duplicated. The sequence number does not affect the payment order.

WildCard Indicator

Select if you are creating a list of courses with like characteristics. When you select this option, the Institution, Acad Group, and Subject fields replace the Course ID field.


Select the appropriate institution. This field is available only if the WildCard Indicator check box is selected.

Academic Group

Select the academic group in which the courses reside. This field is available only if the WildCard Indicator check box is selected.


Select the subject area for the courses. This field is available only if the WildCard Indicator check box is selected.

Course ID

To create a course list using one or more specific courses, enter a course ID.