Consolidating and Reporting Academic Statistics

This chapter provides overviews of consolidating and reporting academic statistics, the consolidated statistics processes, and the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP) calculations, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Consolidating and Reporting Academic Statistics

With the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP), you can capture demographic and statistical information about your students, reporting these students under one primary academic career and program for a statistical period of time. If a student is active in multiple academic careers or programs within one or more terms of an academic statistics period, the process combines the student's academic career, program, level, and load information, based on the student's academic career and program that have the lowest primacy number. Your institution can report each student under one academic career and program for a statistical period of time and have the multiple academic level, load, and other statistics consolidated. You can then use these consolidated academic statistics to meet reporting requirements—such as Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), NSC, and veteran's reporting.

After your institution completes the prerequisite setup for consolidating and reporting academic statistics, you are ready to capture and consolidate academic statistics for students who are active in terms at the academic institution for a given academic statistics period. You can, through the Consolidated Statistics page, run three COBOL/SQL processes:

Important! To gather statistics that reflect different times of the year, you must run the Recurring Term Snapshot process (SRPCCONU) and the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP) on a regular basis because the statistics themselves are based on the run date, not on the snapshot date. The processes use the snapshot date to locate the valid academic career and term combinations to include in the calculations.

After you have run the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP) and are satisfied with the statistical results, you can then create reports based on the calculations found in the consolidated statistics table. The PeopleSoft system provides several reporting features—such as veterans, NSC, and OLAP for Student Records—that use the Consolidate Academic Statistics process results. Or you can create other reports to meet the needs of your institution. This chapter discusses the delivered reporting features.

See Also

Preparing to Consolidate and Report Academic Statistics

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Consolidated Statistics Processes

Before you run any of the consolidated statistics processes, it is important to understand when to use each process and how each process functions. This section summarizes each process, describes the common functionality shared between the processes, and outlines how each application process functions.

Take Term Statistics Snapshot Process

The Take Term Statistics Snapshot process (SRPCCONA) takes a term snapshot of every academic career and term combination listed in the grid in the lower portion of the Consolidated Statistics process page, where the snapshot date is less than or equal to the system date. The process considers as valid only the academic career and term combinations listed on the Academic Statistics Period page for the academic statistics period for which you run the process.

Run the process only when the consolidation trigger for the given academic statistics period is set to Consolidation Date. With such a consolidation trigger, this process is a precursor to running the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP).

The process stores results in a temporary holding table (PS_STDNT_CARTRM_PD) for future use. This table has no corresponding page in which to view the stored data. There may be several rows of information in this table for one student per academic statistics period, depending on the academic career, term, and snapshot date combination. For example, on the Academic Statistics Period page, you might have set the following snapshot dates:

Academic Career


Snapshot Date


0505 (fall semester 2003)



0518 (spring semester 2004)



0507 (fall quarter 2003)



0512 (spring quarter 2004)


Suppose that student A is in both the BUSN and LAW academic careers. In this scenario, after all term snapshots have been run, there will be four rows for student A in the temporary holding table PS_STDNT_CARTRM_PD.

Whenever you select Consolidation Date as your consolidation trigger for the academic statistics period, you must run two processes—the Term Snapshot process and the Consolidate Academic Statistics process. With such a consolidation trigger, the Consolidate Academic Statistics process consolidates all of a student's data that is found in the temporary holding table for a specific academic statistics period, calculating only one row of data for each student within an academic statistics period. The Consolidate Academic Statistics process writes these results to the consolidated statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT). You can view many of the results from the Consolidate Academic Statistics process in the Student Consolidated Statistics component.

Recurring Term Snapshot Process

The Recurring Term Snapshot process (SRPCCONU) functions like the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process (SRPCCONA), except that you set up the process, through PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, to run regularly with a PeopleTools database agent utility. The Recurring Term Snapshot process searches for and takes term snapshots for an academic statistics period. The process takes a snapshot when the system date is equal to the term snapshot date as defined for the academic statistics period on the Academic Statistics Period page.

Consolidate Academic Statistics Process

The Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP) combines all of a student's valid academic statistics into one consolidated record.

You must run the Consolidate Academic Statistics process for every academic statistics period, regardless of the consolidation trigger for the academic statistics period. For academic statistics period where the consolidation trigger is set to Consolidation Date, you must first run either the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process (SRPCCONA) or the Recurring Term Snapshot process (SRPCCONU) for all academic career, term, and snapshot date combinations of an academic statistics period before running the Consolidate Academic Statistics process. For academic statistics periods where the consolidate trigger is set to As of Date or As of Today, you need run only the Consolidate Academic Statistics process. The Consolidate Academic Statistics process uses the SRPCCONS program to calculate results, which the system then stores in the PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT table.

Regardless of the consolidation trigger for your academic statistics period, when a student is active in more than one academic career and academic program during the same academic statistics period, the Consolidate Academic Statistics process locates the student's primary academic career and program in two ways: by the academic careers and programs in which the student is active, and by the primacy number on the academic career and program. Because many federal and state reports require that you count students under one academic career and program even if the student is actively enrolled in more than one, the process combines all of the academic level, load, career, and program information for each student, based upon the primacy number you give to the academic career and program. The process reports the student based upon the student's academic career and program that has the lowest primacy number at the institution.

Important! You should run the Consolidate Academic Statistics process at night, during the weekend, or at any other time with reduced demands on the system.

Common Functionality Shared Between Processes

Before you run any of the consolidated statistics processes, it is important to understand how the processes locate which student data to include in their results. First, the processes locate the valid academic career and term combinations that are in progress as of the snapshot date. After the processes locate the valid academic career and term combinations, they gather all of the career-term records for students active in these academic career and term combinations, excluding any student who has completed their degree, except within the student's degree completion term. After the processes gather the applicable student career-term records, they further gather these students' enrollment records and compare the start and end dates for all classes in which the student is actively enrolled to the snapshot date to determine if a student's class units should count towards her or his academic level and load calculation. For example, the process excludes a student's class units if the student has enrolled in the class for a future session. This structure assists nonterm-based institutions in identifying a student's status at any given point in time, such as a student's primary academic program, primary academic career, term, academic level, academic load, and current and cumulative career-term statistics.

Flow Chart of Consolidated Statistics Processes

The following diagram illustrates when to run the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP) and the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process (SRPCCONA) and, when initiated, how these processes function:

Example flows of consolidated academic statistics processes

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Consolidate Academic Statistics Process Calculations

After you run the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP), the system stores your results in the consolidated statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT). You can use the Student Consolidated Stats and the Mass Consolidated Statistics components to view and edit many of the process calculations stored in the consolidated statistics table.

Use the following table to view the logic behind how the SRPCCONS program, which is part of the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP), calculates each student's consolidated academic statistics. The Consolidate Academic Statistics process stores these vital statistics into one table—the Consolidated Statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT)—which you can access for a specific student through the Student Consolidated Stats component, for a group of students through the Mass Consolidated Statistics component, or through SQL select statements when you query the database. The table contains over a hundred data elements—only the most vital of these are available for inquiry online. The PeopleSoft system has decided which possible statistics the process includes based upon guidelines of federal reports such as NSC, IPEDS, and IRS, and from feedback from our clients.

This table describes each of the fields that you can view through either the Student Consolidated Stats component or the Mass Consolidated Statistics component, and all other fields found in the PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT table. All descriptions in the table are listed in the order in which they appear in the record definition:





Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record for the student's primary academic program.


(Academic Institution)

Originated from input through the Consolidated Statistics process page.


(Academic Statistics Period)

Originated from input through the Consolidated Statistics process page.


(Consolidation Status)

Result of the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS). If successful, then the program logic sets the status to S (success).


(Academic Career)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.

If the academic statistics period has As of Date or As of Today (system date) for its trigger, then that date triggers the cut-off for the admit term.

If the academic statistics period has Consolidation Date for its trigger, then that date triggers the cut off for the admit term (same as the As of Date or As of Today trigger).

If more than one academic career passes these criteria, then the program logic locates the active academic career.

If two academic careers are active on the same date, then the program logic looks at the primacy number. The lowest number takes precedence.

If the academic careers have the same primacy number, then the program logic will compare the effective dates (EFFDT). The later date takes precedence.



Populated with values from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.

If the academic statistics period has As of Date or As of Today for its trigger, then the program logic reports the term from the student's primary academic program.

If the academic statistics period has Consolidation Date for its trigger, then the program logic reports the term from the student's primary academic program in relation to the consolidation as of date. For example, if you take snapshots for terms 0330, 0350, and 0370 but your consolidation as of date falls within term 0350, then the program logic reports term 0350.



Populated with values from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program.


(Withdrawal/Cancel Reason)

Populated with values from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program.


(Withdrawal/Cancel Date)

Populated with values from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program.


(Last Date of Attendance)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program.


(Student Career Number)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program.


(Primary Academic Program)

Calculated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record. If a student has two or more active academic programs, the program logic calculates the primary academic program according to the primacy value of the academic programs. It is the calculated academic program that will be reported.


(Approved Academic Load)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Academic Load)

Computed by the SRPCRULE/SRPCLOAD process based on units in progress and using academic load rules according to the academic statistics period.

See the logic description for the OVRD_ACADEMIC_LOAD field.


(Override Academic Load)

The system sets this field value to N, indicating that the Academic Load field (ACADEMIC_LOAD) contains the value of the calculated academic load (ACADEMIC_LOAD_CL). You can override the calculated academic load (ACADEMIC_LOAD_CL) by selecting the Override Academic Load check box (OVRD_ACADEMIC_LOAD) in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or on the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component, then selecting a new value for the Academic Load field (ACADEMIC_LOAD). Selecting this check box sets the OVRD_ACADEMIC_LOAD field value to Y.


(Academic Load Calculated)

Computed by the SRPCRULE/SRPCLOAD process, based on units in progress and using academic load rules according to the academic statistics period.

See the logic description for the OVRD_ACADEMIC_LOAD field.


(Financial Aid Load)



(NSC Academic Load)

Calculated from units in progress and using NSC academic load rules (PS_ACAD_LOAD2_TBL) according to the academic statistics period. You can override the calculated result by selecting the Override Academic Load check box in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or on the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component, then selecting a new value for this field.


(NSC Academic Load Calculated)

Calculated from units in progress and using NSC academic load rules (PS_ACAD_LOAD2_TBL) according to the academic statistics period.


(Academic Level - Projected)



(Academic Level Proj Calculated)



(Academic Level - Term Start)

Computed by the SRPCRULE/SRPCLVL process based on cumulative units and using the academic level rules according to the Academic Level Table page.


(Academic Level BOT Calculated)

Computed by the SRPCRULE/SRPCLVL process based on cumulative units and using the academic level rules according to the Academic Level Table page.


(Academic Level - Term End)


See the logic description for the OVRD_ACAD_LVL_ALL field.


(Academic Level EOT Calculated)


See the logic description for the OVRD_ACAD_LVL_ALL field.


(IPEDS Academic Level)

Calculated from cumulative units at the end of the term or using academic level and IPEDS academic level mapping according to the Level/Load Rules Table page. You can override the calculated result by selecting the Override All Academic Levels check box in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or on the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component, then selecting a new value for this field.

See the logic description for the OVRD_ACAD_LVL_ALL field.


(IPEDS Academic Level Calculated)

Calculated from cumulative units and using academic level and IPEDS academic level mapping according to the Level/Load Rules Table page.

See the logic description for the OVRD_ACAD_LVL_ALL field.


(NSLDS Loan Year)



(Override Projected Level)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Override All Academic Levels)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.

The system sets this field value to N, indicating that the IPEDS Academic Level field (ACAD_LEVEL_IPEDS) and the Academic Level - Term End field (ACAD_LEVEL_EOT) contain the value of the respective calculated academic levels (ACAD_LEVEL_IPED_CL and ACAD_LEVEL_EOT_CL).

You can override the calculated academic levels (ACAD_LEVEL_IPED_CL) and (ACAD_LEVEL_EOT_CL) by selecting the Override Units For Progress check box (OVRD_ACAD_LVL_ALL) in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or on the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component, then selecting a new value for the IPEDS Academic Level field (ACAD_LEVEL_IPEDS) and Academic Level - Term End field (ACAD_LEVEL_EOT).

Selecting this check box sets the OVRD_ACAD_LVL_ALL field value to Y.


(Eligible to Enroll)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Units Taken for Progress)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).

See the logic description for the OVRD_UNT_TAKEN_PRG field.


(Calculated Progress Units)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).

See the logic description for the OVRD_UNT_TAKEN_PRG field.


(Override Units for Progress)

The system sets this field value to N, indicating that the Units Taken For Progress field (UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS) contains the value of the calculated progress units (UNT_TAKEN_PRGRS_CL). You can override the calculated progress units (UNT_TAKEN_PRGRS_CL) by selecting the Override Units For Progress check box (OVRD_UNT_TAKEN_PRG) in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or on the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component, then selecting a new value for the Units Taken for Progress field (UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS). Selecting this check box sets the OVRD_UNT_TAKEN_PRG field value to Y.


(Units Passed for Progress)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Units Taken Toward GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Units Passed Toward GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Units Taken Not Toward GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Units Passed Not Toward GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Units In Progress - GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Units In Progress - Not for GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Grade Points)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Units Audited)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Units Transferred)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Transfer Taken for GPA)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Transfer Taken Not for GPA)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Transfer Passed for GPA)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Transfer Passed Not for GPA)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Transfer Grade Points)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Units From Test Credit)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Units From Other Credit)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Fin Aid Progress Units Taken)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Fin Aid Progress Units Passed)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(FA Units Taken Toward GPA)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Financial Aid Grade Points)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Term Units)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Reset Cum Stats at Term Start)

Currently not in use.


(Total Taken for Progress)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Passed for Progress)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Taken Toward GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Passed Toward GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Taken Not Toward GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Passed Not Toward GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total In Progress - GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total In Progress - Not for GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Audited)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Transferred)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total From Test Credit)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total From Other Credit)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Cumulative Units)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).

See the logic description for the OVRD_TOT_CUM field.


(Total Cumulative Units Calculated)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).

See the logic description for the OVRD_TOT_CUM field.


(Override Total Cumulative Unit)

The system sets this field value to N, indicating that the Total Cumulative Units field (TOT_CUMULATIVE) contains the value of the calculated total cumulative units (TOT_CUMULATIVE_CL). You can override the calculated total cumulative units (TOT_CUMULATIVE_CL) by selecting the Override Total Cumulative Unit check box (OVRD_TOT_CUM) in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or on the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component, then selecting a new value for the Total Cumulative Units field (TOT_CUMULATIVE). Selecting this check box sets the OVRD_TOT_CUM field value to Y.


(Total Grade Points)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Fin Aid Units Taken)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Fin Aid Units Passed)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Fin Aid Taken Toward GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Total Fin Aid Grade Points)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Form of Study)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program.

See the logic description for the OVRD_FORM_OF_STUDY field.


(Form of Study for Period)

Used in the United States, specifically for IRS reporting in a delivered report in the database. When you have an academic statistics period that consolidates several terms:

If the latest term form of study equals Enrollment and units equals 0, then the program logic populates FORM_OF_STUDY_PD with the prior term's form of study value.

If the latest term form of study equals Enrollment and units are greater than 0, then the program logic populates FORM_OF_STUDY_PD with the latest term's form of study value.


(Form of Study Calculated)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program.

See the logic description for the OVRD_FORM_OF_STUDY field.


(Override Form of Study)

The system sets this field value to N, indicating that the Form of Study field (FORM_OF_STUDY) contains the value of the calculated form of study (FORM_OF_STUDY_CL). You can override the calculated form of study (FORM_OF_STUDY_CL) by selecting the Override Form of Study check box (OVRD_FORM_OF_STUDY ) in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component, then selecting a new value for Form of Study field (FORM_OF_STUDY). Selecting this check box sets the OVRD_FORM_OF_STUDY field value to Y.


(Term Type)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic career.


(Class Rank Nbr)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Class Rank Total)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Tuition Group)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Billing Career)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic career and primary academic program.


(Unit Multiplier)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Academic Year)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic career and primary academic program.


(Current In Residence Terms)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Transfer In Residence Terms)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Cumulative In Residence Terms)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).


(Refund Percentage)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Refund Scheme)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Pro-rata Eligible)

Populated with values from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic career and primary academic program.


(Fully Enrolled Date)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Fully Graded Date)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(External Org ID)

Populated with values from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program. Relates to external study only, as entered through the External Study page in the Term Activation component.



Populated with values from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program. Relates to external study only, as entered through the External Study page in the Term Activation component.


(Study Agreement)

Populated with values from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program. Relates to external study only, as entered through the External Study page in the Term Activation component.


(Start Date)

Populated with values from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program. Relates to external study only, as entered through the External Study page in the Term Activation component.


(End Date)

Populated with values from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic program. Relates to external study only, as entered through the External Study page in the Term Activation component.


(Current GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).

If the academic statistics period has As of Date or As of Today for its trigger, then the program logic uses the current GPA.

If the academic statistics period has Consolidation Date for its trigger, the program logic uses the current term GPA.

If a student is active in multiple programs and careers with different grading bases (for example, a 100-point scale and a 4-point scale), then the program logic reports only the student's primary career and program GPA.

See the logic description for the OVRD_GPA field.


(GPA Calculated)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS).

If the academic statistics period has As of Date or As of Today for its trigger, then the program logic uses the current GPA.

If the academic statistics period has Consolidation Date for its trigger, the program logic uses the current term GPA.

If a student is active in multiple programs and careers with different grading bases (for example, a 100-point scale and a 4-point scale), then the program logic reports only the student's primary career and program GPA.

See the logic description for the OVRD_GPA field.


(Override GPA)

The system sets this field value to N, indicating that the Current GPA field (CUR_GPA) contains the value of the calculated GPA (GPA_CL). You can override the calculated GPA (GPA_CL) by selecting the Override GPA check box (OVRD_GPA) in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or on the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component, then selecting a new value for the Current GPA field (CUR_GPA). Selecting this check box sets the OVRD_GPA field value to Y.


(Cumulative GPA)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS). Total grade points divided by total units. If the student is active in multiple programs and careers with different grading bases (for example, 100-point scale and 4-point scale), then the program logic reports only the student's primary career and program GPA.

See the logic description for the OVRD_CUM_GPA field.


(Cumulative GPA Calculated)

Computed by the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS). Total grade points divided by total units. If the student is active in multiple programs and careers with different grading bases (for example, 100-point scale and 4-point scale), then the program logic reports only the student's primary career and program GPA.

See the logic description for the OVRD_CUM_GPA field.


(Override Cum GPA)

The system sets this field value to N, indicating that the Cumulative GPA field (CUM_GPA) contains the value of the calculated GPA (CUM_GPA_CL). You can override the calculated cumulative GPA (CUM_GPA_CL) by selecting the Override Cum GPA check box (OVRD_CUM_GPA) in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or on the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component, then selecting a new value for the Cumulative GPA field (CUM_GPA). Selecting this check box sets the OVRD_CUM_GPA field value to Y.


(Override Tuition Group)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Override Withdrawal Schedule)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record based on the student's primary academic career and primary academic program.


(Tuition Residency)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(TC Units Adjustment)

Populated from the corresponding field on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Primary Student Cohort)

The Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONS) reports one student attribute only for cohort processing. Define student attributes and their valid values on the Student Attributes Table page. Define the student attribute for cohort reporting at your institution on the Institution 3 page. When you run the process, it calls, for each student, a routine to retrieve the student's most primary student attribute value for the specific student attribute for cohort value that you define on the Institution 3 page. Assign student attributes and values to students on the Student Attributes page of the Student Program/Plan component.


(Ethnic Group)

Populated from joining the ETHNICITY_DTL record which contains the ETHNIC_GRP_CD against the ETHNIC_GRP_TBL which contains ETHNIC_GROUP, which is reported.

Note. The field value is derived according to IPEDS reporting requirements if the academic statistics type is identified as IPEDS.

See Setting Up Statistic Period Types.


(Age Category)

Populated from the corresponding field on the PERSON record. Age categories are defined per IPEDS rules. The program logic calculates age by using a student's birth date from personal data (based on system date) and comparing their birth date to the as of date, as of today date (system date), or consolidation as of date.



Populated from the ACAD_DEGR record if the ACAD_PLAN for the ACAD_PROG being reported matches the ACAD_PLAN in the ACAD_DEGR_PLAN record.


(Expected Graduation Term)

Populated from corresponding field on the ACAD_PROG record based on the student's primary academic program.


(Completion Term)

Populated from the corresponding field on the ACAD_PROG record based on the student's primary academic program.

If the statistics type includes the academic program status Completed, the process selects those students who have a completion term that is greater than or equal to the consolidated statistics term (STRM), and those whose effective date of the student's completion row is greater than or equal to the term start date and less than or equal to the term end date.


(Confer Date)

Populated from the ACAD_DEGR record if the ACAD_PLAN for the ACAD_PROG being reported matches the ACAD_PLAN in the ACAD_DEGR_PLAN record.


(Enrollment Status Change Date)

Populated based on the program action on the ACAD_PROG record. If the program status is CM and the program action is COMP, the DEGR_CONFER_DT is reported. If the program status is CM and the program action is not COMP, the EFFDT of the ACAD_PROG record is reported. If the program status is active or waitlisted, and during the term a program or NSC reporting unit change has occurred, the date of the change is reported. Otherwise, no date is reported. If any other program status is reported, the EFFDT of the ACAD_PROG record is reported.


(Academic Program)

Populated with the student's primary academic program (ACAD_PROG) within the student's primary academic career based on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Student Career Number)

Populated with the student career number (STDNT_CAR_NBR ) based on the student's primary academic career and primary academic program as found on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record.


(Academic Plan)

Calculated from the corresponding field on the ACAD_PLAN record based on the student's calculated primary academic program.


(Academic Subplan)

Populated from the corresponding field on the ACAD_SUBPLAN record based on the student's primary academic program.


(Extracurricular Activity)

Populated from the corresponding field on the EXTRACUR_ACTVTY record. Primacy is taken into consideration by joining PS_EXTR_ACTVTY_TBL on common keys.


(1098 Grad Flag)

Currently not in use, reported as N.


(1098 Half Time Flag)

Currently not in use, reported as N.


(Correction Status)

Currently not in use, reported as 1.


(Correction Date Time)

Currently not in use, reported as NULL.


(Override Grad Flag)

Currently not in use, reported as N.


(Override Half Flag)

Currently not in use, reported as N.


(Original Sent Date)

Currently not in use, reported as NULL.


(Original Print Date)

Currently not in use, reported as NULL.


(Athletic Aid)

Populated from FIN_AID_TYPE field found on the financial aid record ITEM_TYPE_FA. If the FIN_AID_TYPE value equals A (athletic), then the program sets the ATHLETIC_AID flag for consolidated statistics to Y (yes). You can override this value with the Athletic Aid check box in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or on the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component.


(Program Status)

This is the student's status within her or his primary academic program.


(Multiple Academic Career)

The program logic sets this flag to Y (yes) if the program is consolidating multiple careers and programs for a student regardless of a student's enrollment status. You can override this value with the Multiple Academic Career check box in the Mass Consolidated Statistics component or on the Basic Data page in the Student Consolidated Stats component.


(Excluded FA eligible Term Warn)

SRPCCONS currently does not calculate the value for the FA_UNIT_WARNING flag. The program logic sets this field value to N (no).



Populated from the corresponding field on the ACAD_PROG record based on the student's primary academic program.


(Level Load Rule)

The academic level and load rule that the SRPCCONS process uses to calculate the student's academic level and academic load.


(Operator ID)

Populated from the corresponding field on the run control table PS_RUN_CNTL_CONS, based on the user who saved the Consolidated Statistics process page.


(Last name Reported NSLC)

Populated from input through the Consolidated Statistics process page provided that a value was entered into the Prev Stat NSC (pervious statistics NSC) field on the page.

The program will use the EMPLID, INSTITUTION, and ACAD_STATS_PERIOD to pull up the STDNT_CONS_STAT record from the previous NSC run and pull the data from the record. STDNT_CONS_STAT record will have the Last Name field populated when SRNSLCEX.SQR is run (Manage Academic Records, Reports, NSC).


(SSN Reported NSLC)

Populated from input through the Consolidated Statistics process page provided that a value was entered into the Prev Stat NSC field on the page.

The program will use the EMPLID, INSTITUTION, and ACAD_STATS_PERIOD to pull up the STDNT_CONS_STAT record from the previous NSC run and pull the data from the record. STDNT_CONS_STAT record will have the SSN field populated when SRNSLCEX.SQR is run (Manage Academic Records, Reports, NSC).


(Prev Acad Stats Period NSLC)

Originated from data on the Consolidated Statistics process page when the process is run.

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Academic Statistics Consolidation

This section discusses how to consolidate academic statistics.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Consolidated Statistics


Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Process Consolidate Statistics, Consolidated Statistics

Consolidate students' academic statistics for an academic statistics period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsolidating Academic Statistics

Access the Consolidated Statistics page (Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Process Consolidate Statistics, Consolidated Statistics).

If the academic statistics period has Consolidation Date for its consolidation trigger, you must first run either the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process (SRPCCONA) or the Recurring Term Snapshot process (SRPCCONU) for all academic career and term combinations defined within the academic statistics period. Then you must run the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP). If the academic statistics period has As of Date or As of Today as its consolidation trigger, you need run only the Consolidate Academic Statistics process.

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution that contains the academic statistics period for which you want to run the process.

Academic Statistics Period

Select the academic statistics period for which you want to run the process.

Prev Stats NSC (previous statistics National Student Clearinghouse)

Select the academic statistics period used as the source for the previous NSC Extract report that your institution submitted to the NSC within the current reporting period.

The Prev Stats NSC field enables your institution to report enrollment status changes to the NSC throughout a reporting period so that student loan lenders know when a student's enrollment status declines. The field enables the Consolidate Academic Statistics process to perform a comparison of a student's current enrollment status to that which was previously reported to the NSC within the same reporting period. The current report thus includes only the key differences between it and the previous report.

Use the Prev Stats NSC field only if you have previously reported to the NSC for the current reporting period or term. Do not use this field for a first of term submission to the NSC.

Consolidation Mode

Select the consolidation mode to indicate how the process that you are running writes its results to the applicable table. The Take Term Statistics Snapshot and the Recurring Term Snapshot processes write results to a temporary holding table (PS_STDNT_CARTRM_PD). Each student has only one row for an academic career, term, and snapshot date combination. The Consolidate Academic Statistics process writes results to the consolidated statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT). Each student has only one row for each academic institution and academic statistics period combination. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort. Select from the following choices.

Insert: Select this option to have the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process and the Recurring Term Snapshot process insert only new rows into the temporary holding table and leave untouched the rows in the table where students already have data for the academic career, term, and snapshot date combination. Or, select this option to have the Consolidate Academic Statistics process insert only new rows into the consolidated statistics table and leave untouched the rows in the table where students already have data for the academic institution and the academic statistics period combination specified for this run of the process.

Overwrite: Select this option to have the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process and the Recurring Term Snapshot process delete all existing rows from the temporary holding table where students already have data for the academic career, term, and snapshot date combination, then insert new rows into the table for students that have data for the academic career, term, and snapshot date combination. Or, select this option to have the Consolidate Academic Statistics process delete all existing rows from the consolidated statistics table where students already have data for the academic institution and academic statistics period combination specified on this page, then insert new rows into the table for students that have data for the academic institution and academic statistics period combination.

Commit Frequency

The system sets the commit frequency to 1. For other processes this is generally the best option. However, for these processes, you should set the commit frequency higher, such as 300, for faster processing of the job due to the potentially large volume of records.

Academic Career

The system displays a grid on the lower portion of the page only if the academic statistics period that you select has Consolidation Date as its consolidation trigger. To populate the temporary holding table when you run the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process and the Recurring Term Snapshot process, enter the academic career, term, and snapshot date combinations for which you want the process to create student records in the temporary holding table. The combinations must be valid ones that your institution has defined for this academic statistics period on the Academic Statistics Period page.

In this field, select the academic career for which you want the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process or the Recurring Term Snapshot process to create student records in the temporary holding table.


Select the term within the academic career for which you want the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process or the Recurring Term Snapshot process to create student records in the temporary holding table.


Select to have the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process or the Recurring Term Snapshot process delete all existing rows from the temporary holding table (STDNT_CARTRM_PD), where students already have data for the academic career, term, and snapshot date combination, then insert new rows into the table for students that have data for the academic career, term, and snapshot date combination. Selecting this check box enables you to rerun the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process without retaining the values in the temporary holding table that were generated from a previous run of the process.

If you set the Consolidation Mode field for the academic statistics period to Insert, then select the Overwrite check box for an individual row, the process deletes and replaces data records in the temporary holding table that match the academic institution, academic statistics period, academic career, and term for that individual row.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Consolidated Academic Statistics for Individual Students

This section discusses how to use the Student Consolidated Stats component to view the results of the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP) on a student-by-student basis for a specific academic statistics period. For example, perhaps a student has just enrolled in another class and you want to adjust this student's statistics to more accurately report them. The component divides the results into the following four categories:

See Also

Understanding Consolidate Academic Statistics Process Calculations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Consolidated Academic Statistics for Individual Students

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Consolidated Stats - Basic Data (student consolidated statistics - basic data)


Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Student Consolidated Stats, Basic Data

View basic data about a student's consolidated academic statistics for an academic statistics period, such as the student's primary academic career, term, primary academic program, academic level and load determination, and academic program status. Also use this page to view the calculated results of the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP) for the student's academic load, academic level, units, form of study, and GPA. If necessary, override the calculated results.

Student Consolidated Stats - Statistics (student consolidated statistics - statistics)


Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Student Consolidated Stats, Statistics

View a student's consolidated term statistics and cumulative statistics for an academic statistics period.

Withdrawal/External Study


Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Student Consolidated Stats, Withdrawal/External Study

View withdrawals and cancellations on a student-by-student basis for an academic statistics period. Also use this page to view consolidated external study programs that apply towards a student's academic career, such as study abroad.

Demographics/Last Action


Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Student Consolidated Stats, Demographics/Last Action

View a student's age category, ethnic group, primary cohort, and latest consolidation status for the academic statistics period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Basic Data

Access the Student Consolidated Stats - Basic Data page (Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Student Consolidated Stats, Basic Data).

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution that contains the consolidated academic statistics of the student.

Academic Statistics Period

The page displays the student's consolidated academic statistics for each applicable academic statistics period that you have run.

Calculated Values and Overrides

Click the arrow on the left of the Calculated Values and Overrides group box title bar to display the calculated statistical results of the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP) for various types of statistics. Select the Override check box next to each type of statistic to change the calculated results. The corresponding field becomes available. Enter the new value. The calculated results of the process itself always appear, unaltered on this page so that you can compare the original process calculation to your changes.


If the academic statistics period for which you have calculated the student's consolidated academic statistics has As of Date or As of Today for its consolidation trigger, you can recalculate the student's consolidated statistics. Click this button to have the system rerun the Consolidate Academic Statistics process for this student's academic record in the academic institution and academic statistics period that you specify. If the academic statistics period has Consolidate Date for its consolidation trigger, then rerunning the Consolidate Academic Statistics process with the Calculate button has no bearing on the student's calculated results. This is because the process is retrieving statistics from the temporary holding table populated by either the Take Term Statistics Snapshot process (SRPCCONA) or the Recurring Term Snapshot process (SRPCCONU) rather than retrieving data from the student's records. The only way to recalculate a student's academic statistics in such a case is to first retake the term snapshots through the Term Statistics Snapshot process or the Recurring Term Snapshot process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Statistics

Access the Student Consolidated Stats - Statistics page (Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Student Consolidated Stats, Statistics).

Reset Cum Stats at Term Start (reset cumulative statistics at term start)

If this check box is selected, all statistics have been reset to zero at the start of the given term. If this check box is cleared, statistics have been accumulated from previous terms and added to the given term. This check box is set on the Cumulative Statistics page of the Term History component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Withdrawal and External Study Information

Access the Withdrawal/External Study page (Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Student Consolidated Stats, Withdrawal/External Study).

The system displays the student's withdrawal and external study statistics for an academic statistics period based on the student's primary academic career, primary academic program, and last term within the academic statistics period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Demographic Data

Access the Demographics/Last Action page (Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Student Consolidated Stats, Demographics/Last Action).

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Consolidated Academic Statistics for Groups of Students

This section discusses how to view mass consolidated academic statistics.

See Also

Understanding Consolidate Academic Statistics Process Calculations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Consolidated Academic Statistics for Groups of Students

Page Name

Definition Name



Mass Consolidated Statistics


Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Mass Consolidated Statistics, Mass Consolidated Statistics

Search for and view groups of students and update their consolidated academic statistics.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Mass Consolidated Academic Statistics

Access the Mass Consolidated Statistics page (Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Mass Consolidated Statistics, Mass Consolidated Statistics).

By searching for statistics on groups of students within an academic statistics period, you can easily override the results of the Consolidate Academic Statistics process for every student in the group. The system retrieves the consolidated academic statistics for the students that meet your selection criteria and displays these statistics in the grid in the lower portion of the component. For example, perhaps your institution had consolidated academic statistics yesterday for a particular academic statistics period but discovers today that a group of law students need to enroll in a new class. This changes their academic load. To correct the inconsistency in their academic statistics, you can use the Mass Consolidated Statistics component to override the academic load that the Consolidate Academic Statistics process calculated for the law students.

Searching for Statistics on Groups of Students

Select the search criteria to find and display consolidated academic statistics for a student or group of students within an academic statistics period.

Multiple Academic Career

Select to have the system retrieve only those students who have multiple academic careers and also meet your search criteria.

Excluded Eligible Term Warn

Select to have the system retrieve only those students who meet your search criteria and also have been excluded from financial aid eligibility due to an insufficient number of units.


Click to have the system retrieve and display the results meeting your selection criteria. The system pulls the statistics from the consolidated statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT) and displays the results in the grid in the lower portion of the component. Select the tabs to move from one set of statistics to the next.

Viewing Statistics for Groups of Students

The system retrieves the statistics that meet your criteria from the consolidated statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT) and displays the search results in the grid in the lower portion of the component. The system displays each student's consolidated academic statistics on a separate row. Use the horizontal tabs to move from one set of statistics to the next.

To override a student's calculated results, select the Overrides tab, select the check boxes that pertain to the statistics to override, then move to the applicable tab to change the statistics to override. The system always displays the unaltered process results on the various tabs of this component so that you can compare the process calculation to your changes.

After you update the consolidated academic statistics, click the Save button and the system stores your changes. The changes also appear in the Student Consolidated Stats component.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing Veteran Reports

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to run the Veterans Report process (SRVETRPT) to produce veteran reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

As prerequisites to producing veteran reports, you must do the following tasks:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Veterans Report


Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Veterans Report, Veterans Report

Run the Veterans Report process to process veteran information and print a hard-copy report listing all students who receive veterans benefits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Veterans Report Process

Access the Veterans Report page (Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Veterans Report, Veterans Report).

The report draws data from populated tables in PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community and Student Records and includes the student's name, Social Security number, mailing address for the Veterans Administration check, date of birth, name of primary degree program, academic credit (current units in progress), academic load, and tuition. When you create a veterans report, the system uses the academic load in the consolidated statistics table for the report.

First run the SRVETRPT SQR report; then run the SR779--- Crystal report. The SQR report gathers the data and stores it in a list file. Crystal formats this data for output.

As of Date

Enter the date through which the veterans benefits data is valid. This date appears on the Veterans report.

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution for which you are producing the report.

Academic Statistics Period

Select the academic statistics period for which you are producing the report.


(Optional) Select the term that your institution is reporting to the Veterans Administration.


(Optional) Select the session that your institution is reporting to the Veterans Administration. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Academic Program

(Optional) Select an academic program.

Sort Order

The system sets the sort order for the report to Name and sorts the names alphabetically. You can sort by academic program or Social Security number.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing NSC Extracts

This section discusses how to run the NSC Report process (SRNSLCEX.SQR) to produce an NSC extract.

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Page Name

Definition Name



NSC Report National Student Clearinghouse report)


Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, NSC Report, NSC Report

Run the NSC Report process to generate a flat file extract of students enrolled during a specific period of time that you can then send electronically to the NSC.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the NSC Report Process

Access the NSC Report page (Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, NSC Report, NSC Report).

The NSC Extract report lists all students (except international students) who have been enrolled at your academic institution during an academic statistics period, regardless of if they receive loans or if they have withdrawn. The NSC Extract process compiles the students' enrollment statuses based on the statistics that the system saves in the consolidated statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT) when you run the Consolidate Academic Statistics process.

If a student has been withdrawn from an academic career (through the Term History - Withdrawal page), the system sets the WITHDRAWAL_CODE field on the student's career term record (STDNT_CAR_TERM) to WDR. Because the consolidated statistics processes gather students' career term data, the processes are able to include this withdrawal information in the consolidated statistics table. The NSC Extract process is thus able to include the academic career data for these withdrawn students in the extract. The NSC Extract process uses the status date of the withdrawal from the Last Date of Attendance field on the Term History - Withdrawal page.

In addition to the extract, the NSC Extract process sends a report directly to your printer. This report lists all students within a specified academic institution and academic statistics period that must be reported to the NSC. The report includes a header record identifying the institution (Federal Interagency Committee on Education code and branch code), date of file, term of reporting, and whether the report is standard, nonstandard, or graduate only; a detail record with the each student's Social Security number, first and last name, enrollment status (full-time, part-time, half-time, withdrawal, graduated, or deceased), and the corresponding status date, address, date of birth, term, term begin and end dates, and graduate level indicator (either yes or no); plus a trailer record containing counts of students in the extract. The trailer record includes the total number of student records in the extract file, a list of the students not included in the extract file, and messages stating why the process has not included these students (such as missing addresses, blank or invalid Social Security numbers, and invalid enrollment status). You can then fix the errors at the source.

Run the NSC Report process (SRNSLCEX.SQR) on a timeline that your institution determines in agreement with NSC.

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution for which you are producing the report.

Academic Statistics Period

Select the academic statistics period for which you are producing the report.

Use Graduate Level Indicator

If your institution participates in the NSC tax reporting service, select this check box to have the NSC Report process include a graduate level indicator in the NSC extract file. The report process looks in the ACAD_CAR_TBL record for the graduate level indicator for the student's primary academic career. Set the graduate level indicator on the Academic Career Table 2 page. If your institution has flagged the student's primary academic career as graduate level, the report process sets the graduate level indicator flag on the extract file to Y. Otherwise, the report process sets the graduate level indicator flag on the extract file to N. Institutions not participating in the NSC tax reporting service should clear this check box.

Note. If this check box remains cleared on this page, the NSC Report process does not write a graduate level indicator to the extract, regardless of whether your institution has set graduate level indicators on the Academic Career Table 2 page.

SSN Exclusions (social security number exclusions)

Use these fields to exclude school-generated Social Security numbers and identification numbers from the NSC Extract report, as required by the NSC. Enter into each field the first three digits of the series you want to exclude, such as the 000 series and the 999 series. The NSC Extract process excludes all Social Security numbers within the series. You can list anywhere from zero to five series.

Branch Code

Select the branch code for the NSC extract.

Report Type

Select from the following choices the report type for the NSC extract. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Graduates Only: The process includes only graduated students.

Non-Standard Report: The process includes only academic sessions not considered regular academic sessions, such as summer session.

Standard Report: The process includes only regular academic sessions.

Address Usage

Select the address usage that the NSC Extract process should follow. Address usage is how the process locates the address of students included in the extract.

FICE Code (Federal Interagency Committee on Education code)

Enter the FICE code to appear in the NSC extract for this academic institution. This value appears by default from the Academic Institution 3 page.

Output File

In addition to sending report output for this process to a file (through setting preferences in the Process Monitor), you can also send any additional output files created by this process to a file directory. To send the extract output to a file directory, enter a valid directory path that maps to a folder with appropriate read and write permission. If you cannot locate such a folder, consult your system administrator.

Click to jump to parent topicBuilding OLAP Cubes for Records Analysis

This section provides an overview of OLAP cubes for records analysis and discusses how to run the Student Records Build Cube process (SRBLDHC).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding OLAP Cubes for Records Analysis

To fulfill your researching and reporting needs, such as for IPEDS reporting, PeopleSoft Campus Solutions provides the Student Records Build Cube process, which gives you the tools and templates you need to build your own OLAP cubes for Student Records.

OLAP is the multidimensional analysis of application data, performed interactively. With the PeopleSoft system, you can build multidimensional OLAP databases, known as cubes. Although they're called cubes, OLAP databases can have more than three dimensions.

PeopleTools provides the PeopleSoft Cube Manager tool. Student Records, in addition, provides a set of dimensions, cube templates, and analysis models for you to use. Here are quick definitions of the parts that make up a cube:




The metadata, or structure of a OLAP database. For instance, you might have an OLAP database that has dimensions of academic career, gender, and ethnicity. These dimensions would contain all the possible values for these categories. Dimensions can be defined using trees, queries, or a combination of the two.


The mathematical measure in the cube. In Student Records, this is a count of the number of students meeting the selection criteria (usually those that fit within a specific academic statistics period on the Consolidated Statistics table). The PeopleSoft system has provided this counting measure through views in the database, which are used in data source queries.

Data Source Query

The selection for the cube. A data source query contains all the elements that make up the dimension of the cube, plus the measure.

Analysis Model

The basic structure of a cube: the dimensions and measures that make up a cube. This way you can define many dimensions and many measures, then mix and match them in various analysis models.

Cube Template

Specification of which third-party platform the cube shall reside in—Essbase or PowerPlay—along with the parameters necessary for these platforms.

In Student Records, we also provide the following elements:


Delivered with System

Dimensions defined by trees

CAREER (Academic Career)

SRTERM (Term & Years)

Dimensions defined by queries

ACAD_PROG (Program)

AGE_CATEGORY (Age Category)

COHORT (Student Cohorts)

ETHNIC_GROUP (Ethnic Group)

GENDER (Gender)

LEVEL (Academic Level)

LOAD (Academic Load)

PLAN_DGR (Academic Plan and Degree)

SPORT (Athletic Sport)

Data source queries

SRCBDS1 (used in ENROLL_CUBE Analysis Model)

SRCBDS2 (used in PLANCMP Analysis Model)

SRCBDS3 (used in CHRTPRG Analysis Model)

Analysis model templates

ENROLL_CUBE (Sample Enrollment Data Cube)

PLANCMP (Sample Plan Completions Data Cube)

CHRTPRG (Student Cohort-Program Data Cube)

Cube templates

(all in PowerPlay)

SR_ENROLLCUBE (Enrollment Cube Template)

SR_CMPCUBE (Completions Cube Template)

SR_CHRTCUBE (Cohort-Program Cube Template)

The cube templates delivered with Student Records draw data from the consolidated statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT). Use the Build Student Records Cube run control page to build these cubes.

To populate the Student Records cubes with the data, run the Consolidate Academic Statistics process (SRPCCONP), which gathers and consolidates each student's academic statistics for a specific period of time. Then run the Student Records Build Cube process (through the Build Student Records Cube page). This process uses OLAP by means of the PeopleSoft Cube Manager in PeopleTools to extract the data that you desire from the Consolidated Statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT), then stores the data in an OLAP database.

With the Student Records Build Cube process, you have the ability to analyze various statistical data, such as the number of enrolled students by ethnicity and gender; the number of international students; and the number of freshmen, sophomores, graduate students, and so on. The run control record is built upon consolidated statistics. The cube templates are built upon the consolidated statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT).

After you build your cubes and pull the data into them, you can use PowerPlay (a third-party application delivered with your PeopleSoft system) to access the data from the OLAP cube and provide output. PowerPlay is a desktop solution that has an allocation of space for OLAP databases and a restricted ability to manipulate the OLAP databases. If you want to avoid these restrictions, use Essbase. Essbase is shipped separately from PeopleTools. If you choose to use Essbase, your institution will have to create its own templates.

The following diagram is an example of how PowerPlay can analyze the data in your cube:

Example of analyzing cube data through PowerPlay

See Also

Performing Academic Statistics Consolidation

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Reporting and Analysis Tools, "Cube Manager"

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Build Student Records Cube


Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Build SR Cube, Build Student Records Cube

Run the Student Records Build Cube process (SRBLDHC). Based on the cube template, academic institution, and academic statistics period that you select, the process queries the consolidated statistics table (PS_STDNT_CONS_STAT) and pulls data from the table into the OLAP cube. You can then use PowerPlay (delivered with PeopleTools) or Essbase to analyze the cube data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Build Student Records Cube Process

Access the Build Student Records Cube page (Records and Enrollment, Enrollment Reporting, Consolidated Statistics, Build SR Cube, Build Student Records Cube).

Cube Instance ID

Specify the cube instance ID. The cube instance provides a template with the dimensions of your cube.

Academic Institution

Select that academic institution that contains the academic statistics period from which you are building your cube. Define academic institutions in the Academic Institution Table component.

Academic Statistics Period

Select the academic statistics period for which you are pulling data from the consolidated statistics table to build your cube.

Note. You must run the Consolidate Academic Statistic process (SRPCCONP) for the academic statistics period for which you want to create an OLAP cube.

Post-Build Script

The postbuild script refers to an MDL file for PowerPlay or any command line for Windows. This is a powerful feature that enables you to extend the capabilities of the Cube Manager. For example, you could use this feature to specify an Esscmnd script that sets up security. Then, rather than having to configure security manually every time a cube is built, you could write a postbuild script once and execute it for each build.

Note. If the default calculation script has been specified to run in the Essbase cube template, the default calculation script runs first, then the command line here is invoked to run a subsequent script.

Structure Action

Select from the following options the metadata action that should occur during the build.

Create: Create the cube. If the cube already exists, then PeopleSoft Cube Manage re-creates it—overwriting any dimensions and data that previously existed.

Update: This option is linked to the Meta-Data Update Action option on the Essbase Cube Template page. It updates the structure of the cube according to setting for metadata update action. For PowerPlay, this has the same effect as Create.

None: Do not make any changes to the structure of the cube or its individual dimensions (you might want to update the data only).

Data Action

Select from the following options the data action that you want to occur during the build.

Create: Completely reload the data, overwriting any existing data.

Update: Update the existing data in the cube. For Essbase, this option is linked to the Data Load Action on the Essbase Cube Template page.

None: Do not make any changes to the data in the cube (you might want to update the structure only).

Description and Bind Value

Enter query bind values and their descriptions if desired. If you want to use dynamic queries, you have to create a query that joins the run control with the desired record, and joins the user ID and the run control ID. The delivered queries are not dynamic.


Select to view and edit the object definition for the specified cube instance ID.