
#include <DbXml.hpp>

virtual enum XmlEventType XmlEventReader::next()

Move to the next event in the XmlEventReader object, returning the type of the event. If the current event is StartElement and the element is empty ( XmlEventReader::isEmptyElement returns true) the corresponding EndElement event is skipped.

Valid events include:

  • XmlEventReader::StartElement

    The current event is the start of an element.

  • XmlEventReader::EndElement

    The current event is the end of an element.

  • XmlEventReader::Characters

    The current event is text characters.

  • XmlEventReader::CDATA

    The current event is CDATA text.

  • XmlEventReader::Comment

    The current event is comment text.

  • XmlEventReader::Whitespace

    The current event is ignorable whitespace.

  • XmlEventReader::StartDocument

    The current event is the start of the document.

  • XmlEventReader::EndDocument

    The current event is the end of the document.

  • XmlEventReader::StartEntityReference

    The current event marks the start of expanded entity text.

  • XmlEventReader::EndEntityReference

    The current event marks the end of expanded entity text.

  • XmlEventReader::ProcessingInstruction

    The current event is a processing instruction.

  • XmlEventReader::DTD

    The current event is the text of a DTD.


The XmlEventReader::next method may fail and throw XmlException , encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors:


An error occurred during processing of an XmlEventReader object. Most likely the error is requesting state that is not valid in the context of the current event.



See Also

XmlEventReader Methods