
#include <DbXml.hpp>

void XmlManager::reindexContainer(
	const std::string &name, XmlUpdateContext &context)

void XmlManager::reindexContainer(
	XmlTransaction &txn, const std::string &name,
	XmlUpdateContext &context)

void XmlManager::reindexContainer(
	const std::string &name, XmlUpdateContext &context, 
	const XmlContainerConfig &flags)

void XmlManager::reindexContainer(
	XmlTransaction &txn, const std::string &name,
	XmlUpdateContext &context, 
	const XmlContainerConfig &flags)

Reindex an entire container. The container should be backed up prior to using this method, as it destroys existing indices before reindexing. If the operation fails, and your container is not backed up, you may lose information.

Use this call to change the type of indexing used for a container between document-level indices and node-level indices. This method can take a very long time to execute, depending on the size of the container, and should not be used casually.



If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager::createTransaction.


The path to the container to be reindexed.


The update context to use for the reindex operation.


Set XmlContainerConfig::setIndexNodes to On to change the container's index type to node indexes, and set XmlContainerConfig::setIndexNodes to Off to change the index type to document indexes. Set XmlContainerConfig::setStatistics to On to add a structural statistics database to the container during reindexing, and set XmlContainerConfig::setStatistics to Off to remove an existing structural statistics database.



See Also

XmlManager Methods